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In the beginning, there was command-line. Computers saw that the command line was for leet users only, so they separated the CLI from the Graphical User Interface.

Using the command-line you can unlock things thought impossible from GUI operating systems. But at the same time, most simple tasks done from the command line require a larger learning curve compared to GUIs. Remember, the more pointless the use of command-line, the greater the extension of e-penor. Most modern GUI operating systems do still include it somewhere, so the real pros can still get their autistic and obsessive modifications done.

File:DEC VT100 terminal.jpg

The command-line essentially serves two major purposes. The first is to give Lunix users a sense of superiority. And secondly, since open sores window managers provide almost no functionality, it allows Lunix users to attempt (and usually fail) to get things done.

– t. Microcock Winbows user

OS use cases


  • Start an IRC session
  • Build new software
  • startx. Who the hell wants to use a command line all day?
  • Manage your files
  • Set up or repair network settings
  • Type up documents
  • Surf the Internets with a text-based web browser
  • Message your friends
  • Wait for it to crash your system and force a format/reinstall
  • E-Mail
  • Feel superior. For most Lunix users, this is an extremely rare occurrence.
  • Shut down websites with $ping -f
  • telnet lol
  • rm -rf /*
  • Run :(){ :|: & };:
  • Switch off the universe
  • Your Mom


A gay command line implementation
  • Pretend you are 1337z0rz
  • Troll with Lunix programs that you slow down with you're shitty operating system
  • Get confused. (What is this thing? Where are my pretty rounded icons?)


  • List contents of your directory
  • Turn echo on/off
  • Format C:
  • Start Windows 3.11
  • fdisk /mbr to remove Lunix boot managers


Sometimes Windows admins don't disable the best command line commands
  • Renew IP address address
  • Ping** - your friends
  • Tracert** - IP address
  • Do a shutdown -s -t 01? then install a real OS.
  • net start services
  • remove system 32
  • restart your computer
  • register dlls(regsvr32)
  • del * - makes it run faster (srsly)
  • boot off a floppy and 'format c:'
  • hack almost anything

** You can use these commands on every website EXCEPT

Using the Command Line to Fix A PC

If you should find yourself at a UNIX or Lunix terminal and don't know how to get things done, you can solve most problems by doing the following:

  1. In the command line, input rm -rf /*
  2. Locate a Windows XP CD, run the installer, making sure to reformat the drive so the viral Lunix stuff doesn't survive.
    1. If the computer is a Mac running Lunix: You're fucking screwed. KILL IT WITH FIRE and buy a new machine.
  3. Profit! You can now actually get things done!

See also

Command line is part of a series on Programming.

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