MundaneMatt: Difference between revisions

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1,873 bytes added ,  2 August 2023
→‎Cool Shit: Surprised has this video archived
(→‎Cool Shit: Surprised has this video archived)
(13 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
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{{lolcow}} <br />
{{lolcow}} {{Template:Ewhore}}
[[File:MundaneMatt Subscribers.PNG|600px|center]]
{{天|1=<div style="text-align:left;padding:10px;">
<big><b><font color="#0000FF">WARNING:</font></b></big>
<b>This person is fucking boring.</b></div>|2=Bored_bw.jpg‎|3=100px|4=#FFCC00|5=275px|6=0px|7=2px solid Black|8=0px}}<br />
[[File:MundaneMattReallyRealFace.png|thumb|The fat fuck we all have been waiting for.]]
[[File:Mundanematt in toy story 2.png|thumb|[[Pixar]] perfectly replicating Matt irl when he's not making clickbait videos.]]
[[File:Mundanematt in toy story 2.png|thumb|[[Pixar]] perfectly replicating Matt irl when he's not making clickbait videos.]]

'''[ Matt Jarbo]'''{{atheist}} - avid rock collector by day, hyperactive false flagger by night. Matt has tried every shtick on the internet for some e-fame until he finally hit it big when whore slut [[Zoe Quinn]] DMCA'ed one of his videos, sparking off the autistic [[GamerGate]] movement, resulting in him receiving many new fans, that would watch a boring clown talking about shit, so like [[TheYoungTurks]] only without any of the eye candy. Matt is the evidence that you should not buy stones if you live in a glass house.
'''[ Matt Jarbo] ([[Powerword]]: Matthew David Jarbo)'''{{atheist}} - avid rock collector by day, hyperactive [[Flaggot|false flagger]] by night. Matt has tried every shtick on the internet for some e-fame until he finally hit it big when whore slut [[Zoe Quinn]] DMCA'ed one of his videos, sparking off the autistic [[GamerGate]] movement thus resulting in him receiving many new fans that would watch a boring clown talking about inane shit. So like [[TheYoungTurks]] only without any of the [[Ana Kasparian|eye candy]]. His main [[JewTube]] channel is some [[fake news]] channel where where he mumbles about a pesky thing called [[adblock]], rambles about [[Dashcon]] being a success without showing evidence, makes the same points about SJWs that every other lolcow in the skeptic community's already made, using clickbait thumbnails and generally being utterly devoid of talent or charisma.
Matt is the evidence that you should not buy stones if you live in a glass house.

==Before Hitting It Big==
==Before Hitting It Big==
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==Hitting It Big==
{{cg|Oden|Oden|center|<gallery perrow="4">
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File:MundaneMatt Oden Photobucket Dump 1240720769129.jpg
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="4">
File:MundaneMatt Oden Photobucket Dump beggarDM0204 468x479.jpg
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File:MundaneMatt Oden Photobucket Dump fatpeople.jpg
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File:MundaneMatt Oden Photobucket Dump snap.jpg
File:MundaneMatt Oden Photobucket Dump sparkle.jpg
File:MundaneMatt Oden Photobucket Dump win.jpg
[ sauce for the cringe]
==Hitting it big==
Covering everything under the fucking sun, it was only inevitable that Jarbo would hit on something, so covering everyone's favourite games journalist cumdumpster, she decided to DMCA Matt over him using a single image of Depression Quest. Of course this enforced the Streissand Effect, and Matt got his much wanted attention.
Covering everything under the fucking sun, it was only inevitable that Jarbo would hit on something, so covering everyone's favourite games journalist cumdumpster, she decided to DMCA Matt over him using a single image of Depression Quest. Of course this enforced the Streissand Effect, and Matt got his much wanted attention.

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==Turn Off That Pesky Adblock==
==Turn Off That Pesky Adblock==
[[File:TurnOffThatPeskyAdblock.png|thumb|right|Turn [[Adblock|that pesky thing]] off.]]
[[File:TurnOffThatPeskyAdblock.png|thumb|right|Turn [[Adblock|that pesky thing]] off.]]
Because Matt is a money hungry Jew with no talent and weak-ass noodle arms he can't make money any other way than e-begging his subscribers for money. Of those few who actually stuck around to watch him comment the news, none of them wanted to bombarded with shitty ads. So Mattie made a weak video literally begging his pathetic audience to turn off their adblock, so he could stay at home and not do any actual work.  
Because Matt is a money-hungry [[Jew]] with no talent and weak-ass noodle arms, he can't make money any other way than e-begging his subscribers. Of those few who actually stuck around to watch him comment the news, none of them wanted to bombarded with shitty ads. So Mattie made a weak video literally begging his pathetic audience to turn off their adblock, so he could stay at home and not do any actual work. This of course was mocked endlessly because it really exposed Matt as the weak-ass money-grubbing Jew he was.   
This of course was mocked endlessly because it really exposed Matt as the weak-ass money-grubbing jew he was.   

==Candid Shill==
==Candid Shill==
Matt also endorsed [[BeCandid|Candid]], an app made to silence people like him in the future, but as he was getting paid, he didn't give a shit.  
Matt also endorsed [[BeCandid|Candid]], an app made to silence people like him in the future, but as he was getting paid, he didn't give a shit.  
<center><youtube>lkUaJyBh8zE</youtube><br />
<center><youtube>nU8z8fqRvFw</youtube><br />
<big>long ass video by [[Mister Metokur]] also containing Matt's sketchy past</big></center>
<big>long ass video by [[Mister Metokur]] also containing Matt's sketchy past</big></center>

==Exposing Matt - The Flagger==
==Exposing Matt - The Flagger==
A few years went by after [[GamerGate]] and various channels popped up to take the piss out of Matt, most notably DamePesos, a Spic with the voice of a chipmunk getting spitroasted by two dobermans.  
A few years went by after [[GamerGate]] and various channels popped up to take the piss out of Matt, most notably DamePesos, who managed to [[truth|accidentally do a much better job at covering news stories than Matt ever could]] with a show purely meant [[for the lulz|to piss off Matt]], despite being a Spic with the voice of a chipmunk getting spitroasted by two dobermans.
In August 2018, an old video of Matt's was found, were he had a racist polar bear saying nigger, a word he has avoided like paying his taxes.
In August 2018, an old video of Matt's was found, were he had a racist polar bear saying nigger, a word he has avoided like paying his taxes.

And this is where everything went to shit, because somehow everyone who mirrored that video were flagged. Quite strange, that. <br />
And this is where everything went to shit, because somehow everyone who mirrored that video were flagged. Quite strange, that. <br />
A real Scooby-Doo mystery, that could only be solved by a live-stream, where one knew the URL to see what videos you have flagged. After just 20 minutes, Matt managed to actually click the link, whereas most suspect he spend that time trying to hide elements in [[Google Chrome]].  
A real Scooby-Doo mystery that could only be solved by a live-stream, where one knew the URL to see what videos you have flagged. After 20 minutes Matt managed to actually click the link and prove his guiltiness, whereas most suspect he spend that time trying to hide elements in [[Google Chrome]].  
<center><youtube>z_mp7P87WFQ</youtube><br /></center>
<center><youtube>z_mp7P87WFQ</youtube><br /></center>
{{quote|Now wait a minute! What the fuck? Now wait a minute! Matt! MATT! Matt.. Noo|[[TheRalphRetort]]|After seeing Matt's flagging history}}
{{quote|Now wait a minute! What the fuck? Now wait a minute! Matt! MATT! Matt.. NOOOOOOO!|[[TheRalphRetort]]|After seeing Matt's flagging history}}
{{Quote|I've been in a bad head space|Matt's utterly pathetic excuse for being a soy cucked diaper-filled flagging bitch}}

[[File:MundaneMatt Flagging DamePesos.png|center|600px]]
{{Quote|I've been in a bad head space|Matt's utterly pathetic excuse for being a soy filled bitch}}

Single Video in support:
Single Video in support:
<center><youtube>7NMqmyVY_Aw</youtube><br /></center>
<center><youtube>7NMqmyVY_Aw</youtube><br /></center>

===Rex Scopuli===
Matt's excuse for not flagging is that he was too busy [[Minecraft|collecting boulders in the desert]], because he's too much of a lying Jew to [[brony|pony]] up to 50 bucks.
Because he's too much of a lying Jew to pony up to 50 bucks Matt claimed on the Killstream that he couldn't possibly have flagged anybody since he was far too busy [[Minecraft|collecting boulders]] with [[cuck| his wife's kid]]. Let us remind you that Matt's wife's kid was a few months old when this happened and couldn't even crawl.  

===Matt Exposed As He Was Buying Subs===
===Matt Exposed As He Was Buying Subs===
[[File:MundaneMatt gains 2000 subs in 10 minutes.png|600px|center]]<br />
[[File:MundaneMatt gains 2000 subs in 10 minutes.JPG|600px|center]]<br />
<center><big>Matt didn't like being below 150k subs</big></center><br />
<center><big>Matt didn't like being below 150k subs</big></center><br />
[[File:Mundane Matt Buys Subs 2286.PNG|center]]

==Subscribers Falling==
==Subscribers Falling==
[[File:MundaneMatt Subscribers Under 150k.png|center|600px]]
On December 23rd 2018, Matt appeared on [ a stream] where he once again exposed himself as a liar, hypocrite and all around pathetic waste of space. Despite making multiple bullshit apologies, constantly going on and on about how [[Lies| he's changed and you should stop being so mean to him]] and literally showing his report history to the guys on the Killstream so they'd know for a fact that he false flagged videos...Mat backpedaled on all of that and said he never flagged anybody. Matt claimed on the stream that Mister Metokur and Ethan Ralph were just spreading lies about him and that even though he totally didn't flag anybody it wouldn't have mattered anyway because none of the videos he's flagged have been taken down (even though some of them were and even if they weren't that just means Matt's really shit at flagging). So to recap: According to Matt [[lolwhut| he didn't flag anybody but it wouldn't matter if he did but he's really sorry about doing it and you should forgive him]].
<center><youtube>YrrsP2fLK5A</youtube></center> MundaneMoron appears at 51:30.

==Current State of Affairs==
[[File:MundaneMatt Current Socialblade.png|center|600px]]
As of 2021, Matt has lost all relevancy. All for one video on his channel have been [[BALEETED]] and he has shed the moniker of Mundane Matt entirely. With no other marketable skills however, he hasn't given up on his internet career. Matt started a new channel under the name of 3 Buck Theater and is now the sole host of a shitty [[podcast]] called Hollywood After Dark.

==Examples of the [[bullshit|real]] [[lies|news]]==
[[File:matt jarbo headspace 2021.png|thumb|HE IS SELF AWARE THAT HIS CONTENT SUCKS!!!]]
So one of the main channels his [[nu male|soy]] news on [[JewTube]] where he mumbles about a pesky thing called [[adblock]], how he keeps sucking [[Disney]]'s cuckold boner by [[Star Wars|defending both Soy Wars's ''The Last Jedi'' and ''Solo'' and claiming that]] [[bullshit|they are not failures]]--[[truth|which yes, they exactly are, and SJW's and beta-males can't accept the sad, factual reality one way or another]]--rambles how [[Dashcon]] was a success without showing evidence, using clickbait thumbnails (along with other YouTubers), et al.

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File:MundaneMatt Pebbles Boulders.jpg
File:MundaneMatt Pebbles Boulders.jpg
File:Mundane Matt Wanking With Poley.jpg
Jarbo Apology.png
Jarbo I Apologize.png

==See also==
==See also==
[[File:MundaneMattReallyRealFace.png|thumb|The fat fuck we all have been waiting for.]]
*[[And nothing of value was lost]]
*[[And nothing of value was lost]]
*[[Quinton Reviews]] -- Another pathetic fat [[soyboy]] (or Mundane Matt 2.0)
*[[DarksydePhil]] -- [[Wut?|Could Matt be his long lost brother?]]
*[[DarksydePhil]] -- [[Wut?|Could Matt be his long lost brother?]]
*[[DJKeemstar|Keemstar]] and [[Jim81Jim|MisterMetokur]] -- two of the many guys that exposed Matt.
*[[DJKeemstar|Keemstar]] and [[Jim81Jim|MisterMetokur]] -- two of the many guys that exposed Matt.
*[[Kurt Eichenbald]] -- pretty much exactly the same.
*[[Kurt Eichenbald]] -- pretty much exactly the same.
*[[Brett Keane]] -- MundaneMatt's predecessor and spitting image.
*[[Jenny McDermott]] -- Horse-faced cunt.

==External links==
==External links==
*[ His racism]
*{{yt|u|MattJarbotalks/|OG JewTube}}
*[ His racism]
*{{yt|u|3BuckTheater/|New JewTube}}
*[ KiwiFarms thread]
*{{yt|u|UCdP_ZIQWvTV4E3HMAae99Cw/|Podcast JewTube}}
*[ Hollywood After Dark]
==Cool Shit==
*[ Mundanematt is a [[fat]] [[faggot]]]
*[ His racism (Part 1; via]
*[ His racism (Part 2; dead for now)]
*[ An archive showing a weird tweet by Matt Jarbo]
*[ Another archive showing a weird tweet by Matt Jarbo]
*[ Another archive showing a weird tweet by Matt Jarbo]
*[ Another archive showing a weird tweet by Matt Jarbo]
*[ Another archive showing a weird tweet by Matt Jarbo]
*[ Oden cringe sauce]
* {{kf|18394|Kiwi Farms thread}}

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