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[[image:Dramatic Stare Dog.gif|180px|right]]
[[File:Dog greetings.gif|thumb|right|300px|The calmest dog you'll see.]]
How many of you love '''Dogs'''?  Your [[bestiality|best friend]], [[buy a dog|your protector]], etc.  [[GodJesus]] said in Mathew 7:15-16 to beware of a wolves in sheeps' clothing, do you know what he referred to?  That's right, dogs!  Dogs are wolves that were selectively bred since 100,000 BC by Satan ([[creationism|since people didn't exist till 6000BC]]) and then bred by humans since 6000BC to appear like little sheep. But inwardly dogs are ravenous wolves. Dogs love to:
[[File:Yorkshire terriers.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Four vicious, pack-cunting quadrupeds.]]
* Scare [[you|people]]
'''Dogs''' are a [[incest|inbred]] mammalian quadruped, somehow descendants of [[wolves]], and the sole [[Haters|arch nemesis]] of the [[cat]] – their successor. The most distinguishing characteristics are their distinct rotting garbage and/or piss stench, [[Coprophagia|shit-eating]], and ability to bark at 150 decibels nonstop every moment of peace.
* Attack [[you|people]]
Like wolves, they derive from the ''Canis'' genus but, unlike wolves, are illegal to poison, [[Sparkledogs|pet-dress]], or [[Dracoguard|have sex with]]. Despite being able to eat cats, young children, and pretty much anything smaller than them, dogs are considered the [[niggers]]/[[retards]] of the animal world, which is why they're often referred to as "man's best friend".
* Smell like rotting [[crap|garbage]]
* Eat young children
* [[vore|Eat whatever is smaller than it]]
* Bark at 150 decibels like a broken record 24/7 nonstop
* [[Coprophagia|Eat feces]]
* Eat their own vomit
And all the while because of their sheep disguise it's illegal to shoot them, poison them, do pet dressing, or even have sex with them.__NOTOC__
==Working With Dogs==
==Working With Dogs==
[[image:Dramatic Stare Dog.gif|250px|right]]
[[Image:Pandaclipdog.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Ask your groomer for the panda clip]]
[[Image:Pandaclipdog.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Ask your groomer for the panda clip]]
[[You]] can make some dough off this much [[raeped|beloved]] family [[furry|pet]].  
[[You]] can make some dough off this much [[raped|beloved]] family [[furry|pet]].  
*'''Veterinarian''': A wonderful profession where you will have the chance to [[bestiality|stick thermometers up dog's asses]] and be exposed to [[Aids|multiple diseases that can be passed from animals to humans]]. On the plus side, you get to charge [[at least 100|a buttload]] of [[money]] by prescribing [[drugs]] meant for humans at twice the price to fucktard owners as well as be legally allowed to [[pwn|put dogs down]].  
*'''Veterinarian''': A highly rewarding profession where you will have the chance to [[bestiality|stick thermometers and q-tips up dogs' asses]] and be exposed to [[Aids|multiple diseases that can be passed from animals to humans]]. On the plus side, you get to charge [[at least 100|a buttload]] of [[money]] by prescribing [[drugs]] meant for humans at twice the price to fucktard owners as well as be legally allowed to [[pwn|put dogs down]].  
*'''Groomer''': A [[shit|great]] alternative if you're too stupid to pass Med school for animals. You'll have a fun-filled day of being [[guro|slashed]] bloody by newly cut nails, cleaning around Fido's ass and listening to the yapping of small purse dogs owned by [[whores|prominent female celebrities]]. You won't get paid fuck all, but the fun part is making dogs looking even more fucking [[retarded]] than they already are.  
*'''Groomer''': A [[shit|great]] alternative if you're too stupid to pass Med school for animals. You'll have a fun-filled day of being [[guro|slashed]] bloody by newly cut nails, draining Fido's shit-clogged anal glands, and listening to the yapping of small purse dogs owned by [[whores|prominent female celebrities]]. You won't get paid fuck all, but the fun part is making dogs looking even more fucking [[retarded]] than they already are.  
*'''Trainer''': Make shitloads of cash on people too fucking lazy to teach their own pet basic commands.  
*'''Trainer''': Make shitloads of cash on people too fucking lazy to teach their own pet basic commands.  
*'''Police''': Train big fucking dogs to maul [[niggers|criminals]].
*'''Police''': Train big fucking dogs to maul [[niggers|criminals]] and to tell you who's carrying the best drugs.
*'''Breeder''': Dogs need human help doing such natural things as [[fucking]]. Make [[Profit]] from purebreds and make even [[moar]] by mating two different types of dogs together to create a fun new hybrid with the worst traits of both parents. Because we all know there's not enough of these bastards on the streets.
*'''Breeder''': Dogs need human help doing such natural things as [[fucking]]. Make [[profit]] from purebreds and make even [[moar]] by mating two different types of dogs together to create a fun new hybrid with the worst traits of both parents. Because we all know there's not enough of these bastards on the streets.
*'''Nazism''': Train your dog to salute [[Hitler]] and become [[Nazi pug|internet famous.]]
*'''[[Azn]]''': Make a deal with your county pound by helping them get rid of strays while using them in your bulgogi.
==Dog myths==
[[File:Found-dog.jpg|thumb|What to do if you find a dog]]
Unfortunately there are many [[lies| myths]] surrounding dogs, some of them are listed here:
'''''Myth #1 dogs are the most intelligent creatures on earth second only to humans!'''''
Fact: Contrary to popular belief, dogs are [| not very intelligent]. There are many other animals with far superior intelligence, such as dolphins, Germans, crows and octopuses. This myth, that dog-fucking, pro-bestiality furfags pulled out of their asses, refuses to die because it serves as a lazy and convenient plot device in family-friendly movies.
'''''Myth #2 dogs (especially females) are strong and independent'''''
Fact: Domestic dogs can't live without an owner in the streets, in fact they can barely take care of themselves at all! Unlike [[cat|cats]] they can't adapt to the wild and sooner or later they die; so unless you [[attention whore|take care of them 24/7]], they will either get [| depressed] and harm themselves or they'll become hostile and destroy the whole goddamn house.
'''''Myth #3 they are friendly and loving'''''
Fact: Dogs only care about one thing: FOOD. As long as [[you|the owner]] provides them with food, care and shelter they don't give a shit about love, nor about how much money you have to spend for all these. In other words it's like having a autistic child, only louder (but somewhat lulzier if you can train it to maul or piss on guests on command). As for the "friendly" part, it's complete horseshit. Dogs are extremely territorial and they will [[rape| attack]] anyone who approaches their territory, even their owner. No wonder why dog owners never have guests in their homes. "''But isn't that a good thing?''" you may ask "''I mean they keep burglars away, right...?''"
<font color="red">WRONG FAGGOT!</font> continue reading below
'''''Myth #4 dogs are excellent guards'''''
Fact: Excellent guards my ass, these neurotic bulimic fucks will eat [[shit|ANYTHING]]! So all you have to do is to throw them a tasty treat laced with poison and it's over. Besides we are not in 1880 any more, there are other more effective ways to protect your home from burglars such as cameras, Sig Sauer, and alarm systems.
'''''Myth #5 All Dogs Go To Heaven'''''
Fact: As many writers like James Joyce have pointed out, ''"Man was cleaver when he first started breeding the dog because it is the only creature that actually, actively, displays the divine attributes and were it not for their advocating, man would never enter Heaven's gates."''<br>
Basically, when you buy property in Heaven, you don't have to worry about someone like [[Nigger|Michael Vick]] moving in and destroying your resale value.<br>

==Famous Dogs==
==Famous Dogs==
[[File:DOGRAPE.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Cartoon dogs]][[Image:Scoobydoorule34.jpg|thumb|200px|Rooby Rooby Roo!]]
[[File:DOGRAPE.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Cartoon dogs]][[Image:Scoobydoorule34.jpg|thumb|200px|Rooby Rooby Roo!]]
*'''Cujo''': What most dogs aspire to be
*'''Cujo''': What most dogs aspire to be.
*'''[[Disney]]''': Likes to start fads with different dog breeds like the Cocker Spaniel in '''Lady And The Tramp''' or the Dalmation that becomes the popular dog breed to be destroyed for that year.
*'''[[Doge]]:''' Beloved [[Tumblr]] mascot.
*'''Goofy''': Retarded [[Disney]] character and [[Goofy Time|advocate of child abuse]]
*'''Goofy''': Retarded [[Disney]] character and [[Goofy Time|advocate of child abuse]]
*'''Snoopy'': Has [[herpes]] of the mouth, which sucks because he likes to [[Pedophilia|lick little girls]]
*'''[[Japan|Hachiko]]:''' Favorite dog of the [[Weeaboo]] breed.  Was an Akita that is known and celebrated in Japan for it's loyalty because it had nothing better to do and waited for over 9 years, for its masters return, after he died.
*'''[[Family Guy|Brian]]''': Snoopy copypaste
*'''Snoopy''': Has [[herpes]] of the mouth, which sucks because he likes to [[Pedophilia|lick little girls]].  Also a communist.
*'''[[Family Guy|Brian]]''': Alcoholic Snoopy copypaste,<s> now dead.</s> Resurrected.
*'''Balto''': Sled dog who proved dogs can do fucking anything, also a favorite movie of [[furries]] and [[wolfaboo]]s
*'''Balto''': Sled dog who proved dogs can do fucking anything, also a favorite movie of [[furries]] and [[wolfaboo]]s
*'''Scooby-Doo''': A retarded talking cartoon dog
*'''Scooby-Doo''': A retarded talking cartoon dog with a stonerfag sidekick.
*'''Lassie''': Collie dog from from an old TV show
*'''Marmaduke''':  Scooby-Doo's asspie littermate
*'''Toto''': Dorothy's companion in ''The Wizard of Oz''
*'''[[Nazi pug]]''': Official mascot of [[pol/|/pol/]].
*'''Ren''': Psychotic rat-dog
*'''Lassie''': Collie dog from an old TV show that got sick of Timmy falling into a well and was put down after she mauled his faggy ass.
*'''Rin Tin Tin''': Lassie, but with a [[dick]].
*'''Greyfriar's Bobby''': Some little [ faggot] dog from Scotland that went all [[emo]] when his owner drank himself to death.
*'''Toto''': Dorothy's companion in ''The Wizard of Oz'' that some [[Theresa_May|Wicked Witch]] wanted to rightfully and legally put down because he bit her.  Best know for the first big pre-internet meme of, '''"Toto. I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."''' Also a band from the 70s and [[1980s]] that gave Patric Swayze his start in their Roseanna video and did the [[Dune]] soundtrack.
*'''Ren''': Psychotic [[rat]]-dog
*'''Pudsey''':  the constantly-drooling [[Britain%27s_Got_No_Fucking_Talent|Britain's-Got-Talent]] winner and star of his own self-titled [| worst dog movie ever]
*'''[[Nigger (Dog)|Nigger]]''': Black-Lab Mascot of the #617 Squadron of the RAF.  Dog who is most famous for inflicting [[butthurt]] upon SJWs.

<center><gallery perrow="5">
{{collapsegallery|Gifs|Gallery1|center|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Getouttaheredog.gif|Never has a fiercer battle been witnessed
File:Getouttaheredog.gif|Never has a fiercer battle been witnessed
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File:Tipsy puppy.gif
File:Puppy yawn.gif
File:Eating dog.gif
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Dog drag.gif
File:Dog tail.gif
File:Dog and stairs.gif
File:Doom dog.gif
File:Mimic dog.gif
File:Burrito Dog.gif
File:Mirror pug.gif
File:Puppy kiss.gif
File:Rollingdog.gif|The guy that did that is fucking begging to have his eyeballs picked out and his teeth gouged out with a fucking screwdriver.
File:Lettuce dog.gif|Show that lettuce who's boss!
File:Dog tickling.gif
File:Baby pitbull.gif
File:Dancing Husky.gif|That's pretty disturbing when you first see it.
File:Dog catches ball.gif
File:Don't hug me bitch.gif
File:Duck and dog.gif
File:Lifeguard dog.gif
File:Poodle backflips.gif
File:Pug lick.gif
File:Pug tongue.gif
File:Sleeping puppies.gif
File:Dog gets hit by a shovel 5 times.gif
File:Super Chihuahua.gif
File:Tank Chihuahua.gif
File:Wanna go for a walk.gif
File:Your mom was a bitch.gif
File:Fresh dog.gif
File:These two are having more fun than you ever will.gif
File:Holy shit, a lemon.gif
File:Blower dog.gif
File:Dog in the snow.gif
File:Hall doggies.gif
File:Stairs dog.gif
File:Cattle Grate Crossing.gif
File:Chariot Chihuahua.gif
File:Skateboard Pitbull.gif
File:Fridge dog.gif
File:Six puppies.gif
File:Scared pug.gif
File:In Your Bag dog.gif
File:Jump dog.gif
File:Air walking dog.gif
File:Dog high five.gif
File:Dog nursing.gif
File:Dog and ball.gif
File:Unicorn dog.gif
File:Running Puppies.gif
File:Door thingy dog.gif
File:Dog tail wacking cat.gif
File:Dog bites a guy's penis.gif|ha ha severe pain
File:Dog attack.gif
File:Spin dog.gif
File:Rotweiler Bridge.gif
File:Puppies Swarm Kitty.gif
File:Blanket dog.gif
File:Dog and piglet.gif
File:Dog toy.gif
File:Happy dog.gif
File:Dog poo.gif
File:Dog food.gif
File:Dogs spin.gif
File:Dog vacuum.gif
File:Coca Cola puppy.gif
File:Mirror ball.gif
File:Sleeping baby pitbull.gif
File:Snow dog.gif
File:Dog tongue.gif
File:Kart race with dogs.gif
File:Dog hedge jump.gif
File:Dog-foot backflip.gif
File:Dog USB.gif
File:Balloon dog.gif
File:Dog Running Wheel.gif
File:Rodeo dog.gif
File:Bowl dog.gif
File:Box dog.gif
File:Bunny and dog.gif
File:Hairdryer pug.gif
File:Air hump dog.gif
File:Crab and dog.gif
File:Fuck you I'm a dog.gif
File:Dog balance.gif
File:Shovel dog.gif
File:Dog crossing road.gif
File:Dog statue fetch.gif
File:Snow backflip dog.gif
File:OMFG Dog.gif
File:Puppy leg bite.gif
File:Pikachu Dog.gif
File:Cat massaging dog.gif
File:Handstand dog.gif
File:Handstand dog peeing.gif
File:Old lady and dog.gif
File:Pizza dog.gif
File:Dog ball.gif
File:Pug in a box.gif
File:Water dog.gif
File:Leash dog.gif
File:Dog catch.gif
File:Treadmill dogs.gif
File:Bath dog.gif
File:Size disproportion dog hump.gif
File:Tennis ball dog.gif
File:Weenie dog.gif
File:Light pug.gif
{{collapsegallery|General|Gallery2|center|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Boiled alive dogs asians.jpg|[[Azn|Asians]] are known for their special love of dogs
File:You spoil that dog rotten.jpg
File:Dog Breeds.jpg
File:Attack dog.jpeg
File:Lazy dog.jpg
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Best friends always stick together.jpg
File:Stray bar.jpg
File:Beware of the dog.jpg
File:I forgot how to dog.PNG
File:Adult Dog Store.jpg
File:Dog nightmare.jpg
File:Dog arrest.jpg
File:Dog dildo.jpg
File:Dog glasses.jpg
File:Math dog.jpg
File:How a dog's brain works.jpg
File:Dog portrait.jpg
File:Nanny dogs.png
File:Embarrassed Dog.jpg|A good way of abusing your dog is to dress him up like a [[steampunk|faggot]].
File:Corgies can't be ballerinas.png
File:I meant Woof.PNG
File:Cone of happiness.jpg
File:Assistant Branch Manager.jpg
File:Where the fuck did you put my cupcake.jpg
File:Poop factory.jpg
File:Sexual Predator.jpg
File:Dog plushies.jpg
File:Look at all the places I could pee.jpg
File:Lion King dogs.jpg
File:Fresh kooled canine semen.jpg
File:Violent sex offender captured.jpg
File:I bottle-fed my children - but I breasteed my pug dog!.jpg
File:DO WANT.jpg
File:DO WANT.jpg
File:DONOTWANT doggy2.jpg
File:Here, haz a Pez.PNG
File:Chill out, I got this.jpg
File:Fryscream.jpg|The best way to defeat the dogs trying to stop Anonymous..
File:Fryscream.jpg|The best way to defeat the dogs trying to stop Anonymous..
File:1276050082559.gif|Right after this one of course
File:1276050082559.gif|Right after this one of course
Image:SparkledogDA.jpg|General [[DevianTart]] consensus of what a dog looks like
File:Chicken-joke.gif|Dogs love [[lulz]].
File:King Jowls II.jpg|Some dogs are stern and autocratic rulers.
File:SparkledogDA.jpg|General [[DevianTart]] consensus of what a dog looks like
File:ladytramp.gif|[[delicious cake|It is delicious dog, you must eat it.]]
File:ladytramp.gif|[[delicious cake|It is delicious dog, you must eat it.]]
Image:Chicken-joke.gif|Dogs love [[lulz]].
File:FurryShepherd34.jpg|Furries [[raep|love]] dogs.
File:FurryShepherd34.jpg|Furries [[raep|love]] dogs.
File:King Jowls II.jpg|Some dogs are stern and autocratic rulers.
File:dogai.jpg|The wholesome career of dog breeding.
File:dogai.jpg|The wholesome career of dog breeding.
File:Pedobear_and_boo.png|[[Boo]] and a [[Plushie|Pedobear Plush]].
File:Pedobear_and_boo.png|[[Boo]] and a [[Plushie|Pedobear Plush]].
File:Mimic dog.gif
File:Giant george 04.jpg|Some dogs are huge. Like [[Giant George]]!
File:Giant george 04.jpg|Some dogs are huge. Like [[Giant George]]!
File:I must barf and then eat that barf.jpg
File:Puppies for dummies.png
File:Dog camo.jpg
File:Dog fear.jpg
File:Dog purse.jpg
File:Hide yo kids dog.jpg
File:Fanta Dog.jpg
File:21 in dog years.jpg
File:I made dis dog.jpg
File:She was a bitch anyway.jpg
File:Dog sign.jpg
File:Dogs_-_Found.jpg|Don't make it weird, bro.
File:Dogs_-_Steal_My_Poo.jpg|What's up with that?
File:Doggy Glasses.jpg
File:Combover Dog.jpg
File:Shepherdlolz anonib.jpg
File:Dog fort.jpg
File:Mad poodle.png
{{collapsegallery|Memes|Gallery3|center|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Advice steal candy.jpg.JPG|[[Advice Dog]]
File:Broccolioriginal.jpg|[[Broccoli Dog]]
File:Creepy dog.gif|[[Cupcake Dog]]
File:Stoner-Dog-dude-wat.jpg|[[Stoner Dog]]
File:Apathydog282.jpg|[[Apathy Dog]]
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Big Dog.jpg|[[Big Dog]]
File:Ddkill.jpg|[[Depression Dog]]
File:Fapdoghandpregnant.jpg|[[Fap Dog]]
File:Goodadvicedog5.jpg|[[Good Advice Dog]]
File:OldAdvice1.png|[[Old Advice Dog]]
File:Racist chain.jpg|[[Racist Dog]]

<center>{{fv|Videos|background-color: white;|font-weight: bold;
== See Also ==
[[File:Dogs of gaming.gif|right]]

==See Also==
*[[Buy A Dog]]
*[[Buy A Dog]]
*[[Buzzkilling|Those Are My Shoes]]
*[[California Pet Laws 1/1/19]]
<big>Examples of Dog Abuse:</big><br />
*[[Isle Of Dogs]]
*[[On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog]]
*[[Adult Swim|Mr. Pickles]]
*[[Broccoli Dog]]
*[[Cupcake Dog]]
*[[Pumba Jeffery Larocque]]
*[[Pirate Dog]]
*[[Puppy Pitcher]]
*[[Phillip Savelli]]
*[[Chevy the Therapy Dog]]
*[[Sombra The Drug Sniffing Dog]]
[[Category:Dogs| ]]

Latest revision as of 14:19, 7 May 2023

The calmest dog you'll see.
Four vicious, pack-cunting quadrupeds.

Dogs are a inbred mammalian quadruped, somehow descendants of wolves, and the sole arch nemesis of the cat – their successor. The most distinguishing characteristics are their distinct rotting garbage and/or piss stench, shit-eating, and ability to bark at 150 decibels nonstop every moment of peace. Like wolves, they derive from the Canis genus but, unlike wolves, are illegal to poison, pet-dress, or have sex with. Despite being able to eat cats, young children, and pretty much anything smaller than them, dogs are considered the niggers/retards of the animal world, which is why they're often referred to as "man's best friend".

Working With Dogs

Ask your groomer for the panda clip

You can make some dough off this much beloved family pet.

  • Veterinarian: A highly rewarding profession where you will have the chance to stick thermometers and q-tips up dogs' asses and be exposed to multiple diseases that can be passed from animals to humans. On the plus side, you get to charge a buttload of money by prescribing drugs meant for humans at twice the price to fucktard owners as well as be legally allowed to put dogs down.
  • Groomer: A great alternative if you're too stupid to pass Med school for animals. You'll have a fun-filled day of being slashed bloody by newly cut nails, draining Fido's shit-clogged anal glands, and listening to the yapping of small purse dogs owned by prominent female celebrities. You won't get paid fuck all, but the fun part is making dogs looking even more fucking retarded than they already are.
  • Trainer: Make shitloads of cash on people too fucking lazy to teach their own pet basic commands.
  • Police: Train big fucking dogs to maul criminals and to tell you who's carrying the best drugs.
  • Breeder: Dogs need human help doing such natural things as fucking. Make profit from purebreds and make even moar by mating two different types of dogs together to create a fun new hybrid with the worst traits of both parents. Because we all know there's not enough of these bastards on the streets.
  • Nazism: Train your dog to salute Hitler and become internet famous.
  • Azn: Make a deal with your county pound by helping them get rid of strays while using them in your bulgogi.

Dog myths

What to do if you find a dog

Unfortunately there are many myths surrounding dogs, some of them are listed here:

Myth #1 dogs are the most intelligent creatures on earth second only to humans!

Fact: Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not very intelligent. There are many other animals with far superior intelligence, such as dolphins, Germans, crows and octopuses. This myth, that dog-fucking, pro-bestiality furfags pulled out of their asses, refuses to die because it serves as a lazy and convenient plot device in family-friendly movies.

Myth #2 dogs (especially females) are strong and independent

Fact: Domestic dogs can't live without an owner in the streets, in fact they can barely take care of themselves at all! Unlike cats they can't adapt to the wild and sooner or later they die; so unless you take care of them 24/7, they will either get depressed and harm themselves or they'll become hostile and destroy the whole goddamn house.

Myth #3 they are friendly and loving

Fact: Dogs only care about one thing: FOOD. As long as the owner provides them with food, care and shelter they don't give a shit about love, nor about how much money you have to spend for all these. In other words it's like having a autistic child, only louder (but somewhat lulzier if you can train it to maul or piss on guests on command). As for the "friendly" part, it's complete horseshit. Dogs are extremely territorial and they will attack anyone who approaches their territory, even their owner. No wonder why dog owners never have guests in their homes. "But isn't that a good thing?" you may ask "I mean they keep burglars away, right...?"

WRONG FAGGOT! continue reading below

Myth #4 dogs are excellent guards

Fact: Excellent guards my ass, these neurotic bulimic fucks will eat ANYTHING! So all you have to do is to throw them a tasty treat laced with poison and it's over. Besides we are not in 1880 any more, there are other more effective ways to protect your home from burglars such as cameras, Sig Sauer, and alarm systems.

Myth #5 All Dogs Go To Heaven

Fact: As many writers like James Joyce have pointed out, "Man was cleaver when he first started breeding the dog because it is the only creature that actually, actively, displays the divine attributes and were it not for their advocating, man would never enter Heaven's gates."
Basically, when you buy property in Heaven, you don't have to worry about someone like Michael Vick moving in and destroying your resale value.

Famous Dogs

Cartoon dogs
Rooby Rooby Roo!
  • Cujo: What most dogs aspire to be.
  • Disney: Likes to start fads with different dog breeds like the Cocker Spaniel in Lady And The Tramp or the Dalmation that becomes the popular dog breed to be destroyed for that year.
  • Doge: Beloved Tumblr mascot.
  • Goofy: Retarded Disney character and advocate of child abuse
  • Hachiko: Favorite dog of the Weeaboo breed. Was an Akita that is known and celebrated in Japan for it's loyalty because it had nothing better to do and waited for over 9 years, for its masters return, after he died.
  • Snoopy: Has herpes of the mouth, which sucks because he likes to lick little girls. Also a communist.
  • Brian: Alcoholic Snoopy copypaste, now dead. Resurrected.
  • Balto: Sled dog who proved dogs can do fucking anything, also a favorite movie of furries and wolfaboos
  • Scooby-Doo: A retarded talking cartoon dog with a stonerfag sidekick.
  • Marmaduke: Scooby-Doo's asspie littermate
  • Nazi pug: Official mascot of /pol/.
  • Lassie: Collie dog from an old TV show that got sick of Timmy falling into a well and was put down after she mauled his faggy ass.
  • Rin Tin Tin: Lassie, but with a dick.
  • Greyfriar's Bobby: Some little faggot dog from Scotland that went all emo when his owner drank himself to death.
  • Toto: Dorothy's companion in The Wizard of Oz that some Wicked Witch wanted to rightfully and legally put down because he bit her. Best know for the first big pre-internet meme of, "Toto. I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Also a band from the 70s and 1980s that gave Patric Swayze his start in their Roseanna video and did the Dune soundtrack.
  • Ren: Psychotic rat-dog
  • Pudsey: the constantly-drooling Britain's-Got-Talent winner and star of his own self-titled worst dog movie ever
  • Nigger: Black-Lab Mascot of the #617 Squadron of the RAF. Dog who is most famous for inflicting butthurt upon SJWs.


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See Also

is part of a series on
Bad things that happen to animals
Basic Concepts [-+]

Animal AbuseBestialityFurryHuntingTaxidermy

Meet the Menagerie:

BadgersBatsBearsBeesBirdsBunniesCalifornia Pet Laws 1/1/19CatsChickensChihuahuasCowsCrabsCrowsDinosaursDogsDucksEaglesFishFoxesFrogsGiant IsopodsOctopusesPandasParakeetsParrotsPenguinsPigsRatsSharksSheepSnakesSpidersTurtlesWalruseWolves