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[[ Failure Screen.gif|700px|center|thumb|<center>The last thing you will ever see on</center>]]
[[File:Healthcaregov8.png|thumb|250px|right|It's a joke, get it?]]
'''''' is the clusterfuck website set up by [[Black Jesus]] to graciously allow his subjects to obtain medical services, [[Dead or Alive|or else]]. It was enormously successful, [[Fucking|serving]] [[99%25|almost 1%]] of the people who attempted to use it. This is a record most government services could only ever [[Aspierations|aspire]] to, but for some reason, detractors seem to feel it's utter unusability detracts from it's overall utility.  
'''''' and the second coming of [[Black Jesus]] has been prophesied by loyal followers. Upon his arrival, he spoke unto the masses, telling his subjects to obtain medical services, and their sins would be forgiven.
It was enormously successful, [[Fucking|serving]] [[99%25|almost 1%]] of the people who attempted to use it. This is a record most government services could only ever [[Aspierations|aspire]] to, but for some reason, detractors seem to feel it's utter unusability detracts from it's overall utility.
[[ Floppy Disks.jpg|thumb|200px|right|, in convenient floppy disk form.]]
[[ Floppy Disks.jpg|thumb|200px|right|, in convenient floppy disk form.]]
In 2011, a half-breed [[Martin Luther King, Jr.|had a dream]]. He had a dream that he could buy his minority buddies all the [[Drugs|purple drank]] and bullet wound treatment they wanted. To make his dream come true, he needed to create an online marketplace so that [[Niggers|people]] too stupid to go shopping on their own could get ripped off from the comfort of their own crack den. The first site, which distributed information about the [[Everyone dies|impending apocalypse]], was made to mimic internet startups, [[1337|fluid, scalable, and open source]]. In fact, several major problems with this early site were found and corrected by open source contributors. This was no way to [[ruin|run]] a government website, so Obama [[Moving_to_Canada|handed over control]] to a bunch of Canadians, along with half a billion dollars for their troubles. The maple niggers scrapped the [[GNU|open source]] version, and proceeded to blow through about [[SixBillionSecrets|half a billion]] dollars of hookers and blow, before turning in a collage of [[Apple|stolen code and buggy shit]].<br>
In 2011, a half-breed [[Martin Luther King, Jr.|had a dream]]. He had a dream that he could buy his minority buddies all the [[Drugs|purple drank]] and bullet wound treatment they wanted. To make his dream come true, he needed to create an online marketplace so that [[Niggers|people]] too stupid to go shopping on their own could get ripped off from the comfort of their own crack den. The first site, which distributed information about the [[Everyone dies|impending apocalypse]], was made to mimic internet startups, [[1337|fluid, scalable, and open source]]. In fact, several major problems with this early site were found and corrected by open source contributors. This was no way to [[ruin|run]] a government website, so Obama [[Moving_to_Canada|handed over control]] to a bunch of Canadians, along with half a billion dollars for their troubles. The maple niggers scrapped the [[GNU|open source]] version, and proceeded to blow through about [[SixBillionSecrets|half a billion]] dollars of hookers and blow, before turning in a collage of [[Apple|stolen code and buggy shit]].<br>
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[[ Truthful Front Page.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Front page fix'd.]] The marketplace opened its doors on October 1st, 2013. It was perhaps the [[OhInternet|single worst website ever created]]. The contractors also failed to realize that forcing people to do something makes them do that something, so they made the website ''which was intended to serve the entire nation'' able to serve [[Nobody|only 50,000]] people at a time.  On the 1st, the [[Web traffic|traffic]] load was five times the expected amount, [[Forever|temporarily]] rendering the site a smoldering crater full of AIDS. But even the lucky few who could actually access the site were caught in a [[The Maze Runner|labyrinthine]] system of forms that could not be edited once information was added, [[Sup Dawg|endless loops]], and dead ends. Several people died of cancer while attempting to find their way through an avalanche of [[Bug Chasers|buggy]] bullshit. The problems were so severe, even [[Geek Squad|unplugging the marketplace and then plugging it back in]] couldn't fix it.<br>
The marketplace opened its doors on October 1st, 2013. It was perhaps the [[OhInternet|single worst website ever created]]. The contractors also failed to realize that forcing people to do something makes them do that something, so they made the website ''which was intended to serve the entire nation'' able to serve [[Nobody|only 50,000]] people at a time.  On the 1st, the [[Web traffic|traffic]] load was five times the expected amount, [[Forever|temporarily]] rendering the site a smoldering crater full of AIDS. But even the lucky few who could actually access the site were caught in a [[The Maze Runner|labyrinthine]] system of forms that could not be edited once information was added, [[Sup Dawg|endless loops]], and dead ends. Several people died of cancer while attempting to find their way through an avalanche of [[Bug Chasers|buggy]] bullshit. The problems were so severe, even [[Geek Squad|unplugging the marketplace and then plugging it back in]] couldn't fix it.<br>
When people [[BAWWW|complained]] about what a waste of time the website was, [[Jews|Obama's minions]] directed Americans to call a [[Old Media|1-800 number]], where a call center would register and [[LOOK WHAT I BROUGHT HOME|shop for you]]. If by some miracle a caller got through, these call centers were Stalinist [[North Korea|work camps]], staffed by functional retards making [[I go chop your dollar|minimum wage]] to read a script. Even the script was fucked beyond repair, because when people [[Raid|called in]] with problems, they were prompted to reset their password. Expert opinion is [[Nope|mixed]] as to how effective password reset is in fixing terrible design, development, and implementation. When one of these call center [[drone]]s simply answered a call from [[Fox News|a regime critic]], she was fired, in true totalitarian fashion.  
When people [[BAWWW|complained]] about what a waste of time the website was, [[Jews|Obama's minions]] directed Americans to call a [[Old Media|1-800 number]], where a call center would register and [[LOOK WHAT I BROUGHT HOME|shop for you]]. If by some miracle a caller got through, these call centers were Stalinist [[North Korea|work camps]], staffed by functional retards making [[I go chop your dollar|minimum wage]] to read a script. Even the script was fucked beyond repair, because when people [[Raid|called in]] with problems, they were prompted to reset their password. Expert opinion is [[Nope|mixed]] as to how effective password reset is in fixing terrible design, development, and implementation. When one of these call center [[drone]]s simply answered a call from [[Fox News|a regime critic]], she was fired, in true totalitarian fashion.  

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The administration also responded to [[Rage|criticism]] by adding a feature that would [["Just Google It"|tell you]] exactly what the new insurance would [[Over 9000|cost you]], without completing any of the uncompletable forms previously [[Tits or GTFO|required]]. The only problem with this feature is it [[Lies|deliberately understates]] the cost by nearly half in an attempt to get you to register. Obama seems to have forgotten that there are already [[Wikipedia|sites]] to spread his lies without the trouble of creating an entirely new one.  As an [[A winner is you|added bonus]], millions of employees have already been [[Lesbian Break-Up|dumped]] from their current insurance policies in anticipation of the [[China|Great Leap Forward]] represents. Those people may never receive treatment for the [[HNNNNNNGGGGG|hypertension]] and [[Falcon Punch|screen punching]] related injuries caused by navigating
The administration also responded to [[Rage|criticism]] by adding a feature that would [["Just Google It"|tell you]] exactly what the new insurance would [[Over 9000|cost you]], without completing any of the uncompletable forms previously [[Tits or GTFO|required]]. The only problem with this feature is it [[Lies|deliberately understates]] the cost by nearly half in an attempt to get you to register. Obama seems to have forgotten that there are already [[Wikipedia|sites]] to spread his lies without the trouble of creating an entirely new one.  As an [[A winner is you|added bonus]], millions of employees have already been [[Lesbian Break-Up|dumped]] from their current insurance policies in anticipation of the [[China|Great Leap Forward]] represents. Those people may never receive treatment for the [[HNNNNNNGGGGG|hypertension]] and [[Falcon Punch|screen punching]] related injuries caused by navigating

== YouTube ==
;iOS7 Bug = Unusable website</center>
{{Videoframe|vf|margin:0 auto;|font-weight:bold;
;The Daily Show 10/21/13
;I hate mindless black people that vote for Obama because he's black!
;No One Said Apple Should Shut Down
;Chat with
== Gallery ==
<center><gallery> Truthful Front Page.jpg|Front page fix'd.
File:Healthcaregov2.png|Typical user Failure Screen.gif|The last thing you will ever see on

==See Also==
==See Also==
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*[[Health Care Rage]]
*[[Health Care Rage]]
*[[How To Wash Your Hands]]

[[Category:2013]][[Category:America]][[Category:IRL Shit]][[Category:Internet Humanitarianism]][[Category:Sites]]
[[Category:IRL Shit]]
Anonymous user

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