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#REDIRECT[[Boston Marathon Explosion]]
{{an hero}}
{{quote|DID YOU KNOW... killing 3 people is all it takes to be a [[terrorist]] nowadays?}}
{{Achtung|Boston just got  [ BLOWN THE FUCK UP]<br>ITS THE BOSTON TNT PARTY!!!}}
[[Image:Jewsdidboston.png|thumb|right|250px|Everything is done by [[kikes]].]]
[[Image:Boston necro.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Someone [[Necrophilia|having sex with a victim's corpse]].]]
[[Image:Boston corpse.jpg|thumb|right|250px|[[DO IT FAGGOT|Please fuck the corpse]], just to be safe from getting [[AIDS]].]]
[[Image:Martin boston.jpg|thumb|right|250px|[[Obviously|Pedophiles respect this victim the most]].]]
[[Image:Boston marathon bombs.gif|thumb|right|250px|GET TEH POPKORN!!!]]
[[File:Kimjongundidit.png|thumb|We all know [[Evildoer Korea|who]] was responsible for this.]]
[[File:Boston Bombings.jpg|thumb|I'm a sailor peg and I lost my leg.]]
[[Last Thursday|On April 15th 2013]], a load of lycra-clad [[BAWWW|BAWWWWWWWstonians]] got [[pwned]] by [[terrorists]] at some gay marathon. [[Cripples|Loads of people got their legs blown off and shit]]. [[Some argue]] however, that it shouldn't have spoiled the day - first it was a marathon, now it's a three-legged race. It's a huge chance the [[Muslim|Muzzies]] were at the [[Burn it with fire!|Mosques]] doing their typical prayer screaming "[[Allah Akbar|ALLAH U FUCKBAR]]" while it was coincidentally happening and fucked [[at least 100|at least 183 people]] who got almost murdered [[Deathcore|br00t4lly]].
Unfortunately nobody knows the fuckin' shit the culprit is, so therefore we will list one of the suspects and who has to be responsible.
===1st Suspect===
[[Image:Sand nigger boston.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Show him your picture of Prophet Muhammad, just [[for the lulz|to protect yourself]].]]
The first suspect was some [[sand nigger]] from [[Saudi Arabia]] who for some reason for arrested but was found '''not''' guilty and was found as a [[victim]], although for some reason, although it's like all [[sand nigger]]s, he was some guy in white and a robe and he had a golden "[[piss]]tol" in his hand. With a look like that, it was easy to know he would suspected like all [[sand nigger]]s who get [[butthurt]] when you draw [[Prophet Muhammad]] [[for the lulz|for da lulz]].
===Possible culprit===
* Another [[sand nigger]]/[[Muslim|Muzzie]]
* [[File:Westboro love terrorism.jpg|God]]
* Some Korean [[gook]] who decided that [[Americunt]] had it coming.
* [[Black Jesus]] (our president) doing another conspiracy
* [[Osama Bin Laden|Our hide-and-seek champion from 2001-2011 rising from the dead]]
* Just a new leader from [[Al Qaeda]]
* Some [[kike]]
* [[Christfag|Westboro Baptist Church]]
* [[You]] (Please try [[Prove me wrong|proving me wrong]], I bet [[False|you will]]!)
==Rank and Situation==
[[Image:My leg boston.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Even characters from [[Spongebob]] were involved.]]
After [[Colorado Theatre Shooting|James Holmes killed those couch potatoes at that movie theater]], some glamfags made a fire happen with over 200 people killed, [[Sandy hook|Adam Lanza]], an [[aspie]], [[pwnt]] several [[fugly|key-you-tea]]-looking children and beated off the living fuck out of teh country, and other successful hardships made by [[an hero]], this explosion's rank killed 3 people, including some 8 year old boy, and some adults but severely hurt at least 183 people who are [[bleed]]ing their asses off. The culprit deserves a B-. The [[party van]]s came with the FBI cumming out and called it a [[terrorist]] attack because they were secretly [[fact|busy beating off to the video of 9/11 which got this in their fuckin' mind]].
Once some gay marathon mostly consisting of [[retard]]s in green and some [[ginger]]s, once they all were up to the [[Finnish|finish]] line, two twin bombs exploded recently after the [[gook]]s from North Korea threatened to bomb [[Americunt]] and become the new [[sand nigger]]s. It seems now possibly several [[ginger]]s (who all infest Boston) are either injured or hiding (in the [[closet]]) which is why the person who did this was brave to sacrifice his life by reducing the spread of [[ginger]] vitus in Boston. Now we can keep our souls!!! Unfortunately there was still more [[ginger]]s haunting the world with their soulless magic! We will now do another thing to team up and protect the world from them as well as the [[beaner]]s who caused the swine flu.
*A crowd fills with [[ginger]]s, [[retard]]s, [[Britfag]]s, [[victim]]s and others.
*The marchers cum in (wit their [[cum]]).
*A long time of watching a boring ass show of a bunch of [[aspie|asspiez]] marching until they cross the finish line.
*<s>[[Allah Akbar|ALLAH U FUCKBAR!!!!]] BOOOM!!!!!<s> KOREA U AKBAR!!!!!! BOOOMMM!!!!! Coming from twin bombs (or they are considered Palestinian alarm clocks)
*Newsflash with [[butthurt]] reactions.
*[[Osama Bin Laden]] watches the news and gets pissed with those Korean [[gook]]s for copying him and his [[sand nigger]] prison punx.
*Koreans could be the new [[sand nigger]]s.
===Westboro Baptist Church===
The [[christfag]]s/[[christian|christdykes]] from the [[God hates fags|Westboro Baptist Church]] came to a [[lol wut|GEENIE-YISS]] conclusion that [[God]] set those <s>Palestinian alarm clocks</s> bombs there to punish Boston for allowing [[gay marriage|homo marriage]] in the city. So then they held signs expressing how much they are happy about what happened and even [[Twatter|tweeted]] it online which apparently made many people extremely [[butthurt|asshurt]] over the tweet even though we all know [[fact|Christfags must die!!!!!]] However, they now say that Boston shall <s>suffer</s> [ SOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA]!!!!!
{{frame|{{fv|VIDEOS|background-color: grey;|font-weight: bold;
|<youtube>qBC5ezy7uX8_Y</youtube> <br> <center>'''[[Black Jesus]] makes his hate speech''' </center>
|<youtube>GgUUm8mcqzs</youtube> <br> <center>'''See the lulzy explosion for [[free]]'''</center>
|<youtube>sjFxjXOPVZQ</youtube> <br> <center>'''A [[cracker]] talks about this'''</center>
}}|border=blue|background=blue; margin: .5em auto;}}
==Trolling people who were shocked by the scene==
*Tell them it was a funny situation
*Say that it was a conspiracy by Obama
*Blame it on the [[Muslim]]s [[for the lulz|cause they're Muslims]]
*Start a forum making jokes of the event
*Say the victims had it coming
*If you found the culprit, impersonate the culprit online like [[Successful troll is successful|Jacob Douglas]] did with [[Sandy Hook|Adam Lanza]] on [[Twatter]] which successfully made many angst-ridden teens, dumbfucked adults and more [[butthurt]]
*Say that you did it
*[[Hitler|Blame it on the kikes]]
*Show them this article
Image:Jewsdidboston.png|Kikes did everything
Image:God hates boston.jpg|Christfags speak
Image:Westboro loves terrorism.jpg|Maybe they caused it.
Image:My leg boston.jpg|Spongebob is involved.
Image:Boston necro.jpg|Someone [[Necrophilia|having sex with a victim's corpse]].
Image:Boston corpse.jpg|[[DO IT FAGGOT|Please fuck the corpse]], just to be safe from getting [[AIDS]].
Image:Martin boston.jpg|[[Obviously|Pedophiles respect this victim the most]].
Image:Boston marathon bombs.gif|GET TEH POPKORN!!!]]
Image:Kimjongundidit.png|We all know [[Evildoer Korea|who]] was responsible for this.
Image:Boston Bombings.jpg|I'm a sailor peg and I lost my leg.
Image:Sand nigger boston.jpg|Show him your picture of Prophet Muhammad, just [[for the lulz|to protect yourself]].
==See Also==
*[[Sandy Hook]]
*[[Colorado Theatre Shooting]]

Revision as of 02:57, 17 April 2013