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'''Faggots''' (aka "My [[lolcow|Comical]] [[buttsecks|Bromance]]" or [[unfunny|"my chemical no chance"]] or even "My [[crap|Craptastical]] [[buttsecks|Buttsex]]) is without a doubt the most overrated band of [[homosexual]] [[emo|emofags]] the music world has ever seen. But never say this within hearing range of any of their [[sixteen year old girl|millions of fans]], [ as they will defend MCR above all other things in life].
For some unknown reason, probably to appease their millions of brainwashed fans, an MCR expansion pack is now available for the Xbox 360 version of ''[[Chris Chan|Gitar Hero II]]''. In truth, just like any biker club it includes at least 2 Toby Keith tracks in its jukebox, the addition of this song serves simply as a means for the rest of us to screen the clueless douches who "rock out" to the dulcet tones of this fag-brigade.
Also to note, the sheer irony that MCR's songs are ''harder'' to play on Guitar Hero than they are on a '''real''' guitar. 

==Band Members==
[[Image:Mcrfuck.jpg|right|thumb|It was that big!]]
[[Image:GERARD_WAY_STILL_LESS_THAN_THREE'S_COCK_SAMMICH.png|right|thumb|Some people will do anything for [[Gay|teh cock]].]]
[[Image:Mychemicalromancebeinggay.gif|thumb|Totally not [[gay]]]]
===[[WHEN I WAS|Gerard Gay]]===
In the words of Mark Adkins (of Guttermouth), Gerard resembles a [[fat]] pink raccoon, a fact that the band often gets hot and bothered about.
In an attempt to [[attention_whore|express himself]] and his [[communism|political views]] Gerard then dyed his hair red. The attempt failed however, as absolutely [[noone]] cares. Even his diehard [[emo|fans]] are LOLing.
Gerard believes he sounds exactly like [[queening|Freddie Mercury]], but he is only like him in that he can't get enough of that delicious [[Bug chasing|buttsex]].
On July 10th 2008, Gerard Gay was the subject of a particularly [[win]] prank that came spiraling out of the halls of [[B|Ebaumsworld]]. It began with the usual post of WHEN I WAS, then OP said to go to the MCR page on Last.FM and post RIP Gerard Gay 1977 - 2008. Soon, the page was full of comments, causing mass confusion among the emos. As the prank escalated, fake news reports and screenshots were created to help spread the news among various news sources like Digg and various emo forums.
Eventually the [[B|culprit]] was found when some [[newfag]] broke [[Rules of the Internet|rules 1 and 2]] on a guitar forum while [[fail|trying to be funny]]. Then, screenshots of the /b/ thread was uploaded to the talk page of Gerard Gay on Wikipedia. The total raid/prank lasted [[at least 100]] hours, and due to the spread of the news to such locations as [[Digg]] Yahoo Answers, and even [[IRL]] [[old media|radio stations]] it was pronounced a [[epic win|win of the epic variety]].
Gerard also claims that [[emo]] [[fact|is a load of fucking shit]] and he doesn't give a [[shit]] about it. Well Gerard, take some time to wipe that makeup off your face.
His denial that he is <female has generated considerable [[lulz]].
He also claims to "Save kids lives," which he doesn't. He just makes them fags.
===[[cum|Milkey]] [[faggot|Gay]]===
This greasy looking [[emo]] nerd is the brother of Gerard Gay. He used to [[incest|bully]] his brother in high school which is the only mitigating factor of his association with this faggy band.
He used to wear glasses, which again adds to his lack of respect. In some South African countries wearing glasses is an arrestable offense so best if ole Mikey boy stays away.
===[[Cocksucker|Frank Iero]]===
This guy is the height of a [[midget]]. Or you could say he's fun-sized. He once kicked Gerard Gay in the vagina on stage. Despite the promising [[lulz]] induced by this [[fact]], he is still a total [[fucktard]]. He enjoys licking his [[cock|guitar]] and being a [[pansy]] in his free time.
Being completely unable to play his instrument and having made out with Gerard Gay on stage [] multiple times would award him the title of the biggest [[faggot]] of the band. Yes, that's right, he is the one-and-only fuckbuddy of Gerard's and one day hopes to become pregnant with Way's baby. The [[fact]] that he sucked off James Muñoz, the lead singer of [[Emo|The Bled]], for 20 dollars doesn't help his reputation as straight. His "marriage" to an ''actual'' woman is his backfiring gimmick to "prove" to the world he is not [[gay]]. However, this only heightens the fact that he is in midget-related-denial about his ''gay-ass'' sexuality and undying love for Gerard Gay.
===[[Spain|Ray Toro]]===
He would have to be one of the ugliest people to ever be squeezed out of a jackal's vagina. I assume he grew his enormous black person to take the emphasis off his face, unfortunately for everyone it didn't work.
Ray Toro is also the cause of many teenage girls and boys becoming [[An_Hero|An Hero]], due to [[Insane|insane]] amounts of Ray/Gerard slash fiction. Many young children have died in the forest of his afro.
===[[fugly|Bob Bryar]]===
From looking at this guy it's hard to see but he is in fact a lisped [[fag]]. He is also a former [[fat|fatass]] and wears a [[clown]] wig. He might be the illegitimate son of [ that one guy from The Turtles]. Not to mention, he's a ranga.
He's also know to be a fucking crybaby, this was revealed to the wider world, when he was [[pwned]] by
[ Jonathan Ross on British Television].
Recent news has announced that he has LEFT! This has caused much [[bawwwww|bawwwwwing]] amongst [[16_year_old_girls|fans]], and also much [[lulz|lulz]]. A [[emo|MCR fan]] had this to say about [[fugly|Bob's]] recent leaving: [[bullshit|"Well all us mcr fans think that he's doing his side project full time"]], when we all know that he's just tired of getting buttraped by [[WHEN I WAS|Gerard Gay]]
==Onstage Behavior==
[[Image:Gerard_Gay.jpg|right|thumb|[[Typical|Typical]] Onstage Behavior with The Used frontman [[Kurt Cobain|Bert McCrackhead]].]]
When MCR performs, the transvestite [[16 year old girls]] [[Dickgirl|have raging erections]] as they watch the members of the band have wild orgies on stage and play music every once in a while. Usually the singer Gerard Gay is [[assrape|making out with]] the midget (Frank) and has many times engaged in [[incest|sexual activities with his brother Mikey Way]] because he likes it when Mikey sticks his nonexistent [[Shitting_dick_nipples|dick]] in his ass like he did when they were kids.
== Fans ==
Pretentious spoiled rich kids coming from various parts of Surrey, Greater London, and the whole of the United States trying to rebel "[[the man|the system]]". Identifiable by the fact that they look like girls and their complete lack of humour they are often seen hanging around local parks looking like [[an_hero|anti depresant]] addicted [[fags]], or for those who really want to seem like a complete pile of shit, crying at music concerts.
==The Black Parade curse==
the black parade was the biggest form of faggotry ever seen on the face of the earth.
Uh....wheres the autobots when we need them?
==The Suicide Parade==
The [[retards|fans]] of my chemical romance [[orgy|marched]] on May 31st in London to [[lulz|protest]] against [[tabloid|The Daily Mail's]] expose on their [[fact|suicide cult]]. Basically, they dressed in clothes only a true [[faggot]] would wear, held up signs and all... All this for some stupid [[loli|13-year-old]] [[an hero]]? Yes, it gets better from here on. Some 13-year-old kid [[lulz|killed herself because of emo music]]. In the protest, the [[emo]] [[fags]] claimed that "ZOMG MCR SVS PPL FRUM SEWISIDING!!!11[[oneoneone]]" When in reality, their music makes everyone want to commit[[an hero| suicide]]. Later on in this [[orgy|protest]] some random [[New Zealand Fail Guy|/b/tards]] started [[WTF|protesting against the protest]].
At the 2006 Reading and Leeds Festival, the event [[hai guy|organizers]] had the brilliant idea of having My Chemical Romance play right after [[Slayer|Buffy]].  The fortunate juxtaposition of alcohol, metal heads and faggotry resulted in massive [[lulz]] as MCR had the shit [[pwned|bottled]] out of them on stage as they performed.  Large sections of the audience threw bacon, tangerines, golf balls, and bottles filled with urine at the group as they played. Gerard Gay then became unbelievably butthurt, and introduced a track saying:
{{quote|This song is called Thanks for All the Bottles, Thanks for All the Piss, Thanks for All the Golf Balls, Thanks for All the Apples and Thanks for All the [[cum|Sticky Shit.]]|[[Wut]]}}
They then proceeded to [[typical|BAAWWWW and slit their wrists]]. Eventually [[headshot|one of the bottles struck Gerard Gay in the head]] and he was knocked out for several hours. This was considered by most onlookers to be the highlight of the entire year, the ferocious attacker himself was later made a knight and has since become Sir Jeffory McHigginns.
Notice how there isn't a single second where people stop throwing shit.
===Bottled, Again!===
Apparently, My Chemical Romance is as stupid as they are shitty. They didn't learn their lesson from their epic pwning at Reading and Leads because they agreed to [[lol wut|headline]] the [[heavy metal|Download Festival 07]] instead of another shit band, [[Korn]] who were forced to play the shittier smaller stage resulting in much butthurt and injuries.  Lulz struck twice as the MCR had the crap bottled out of them again. Despite putting out a pathetic 45 minutes that evening, Kerrang media gave them 5Ks out of 5 and played heavily edited versions (i.e. lack of bottles and avoiding the vacuous empty fields) of their shitty performance.
<center>{{fv|bottlevids|background-color: #000000;|font-weight: bold; <youtube>e_eOT1PmRzQ</youtube>|<youtube>IfZm32tpWY8</youtube>}}</center>
==Soundwave Cancellations 2010==
The Australian Soundwave tour was set to have [[Faggots|My Chemical Romance]] performing.
This created much rejoicing amongst their [[emo|avid fans ]].
A couple of weeks before the big [[orgy|event]], they made note of pulling out of this event!
Much [[bawwwww|bawwwwwing]] happened on the [[failbook|Facebook]] page for Soundwave. Many butthurt emos commented, saying they will not be going after buying a [[bawwwww|$150 ticket to the event since their favorite band had dropped out.]]
The reason behind them dropping out was that [[WHEN I WAS|Gerard]] had come down with a [[liar|medical throat problem]]. We all know the truth though.
==Comments on this article from [[16 year old girl|MCR fans]]==
{{morphquote|MCRfanquotes|background-color: #999999; width:65%; height:300px|font-weight: bold;|"WTF?! You are all homophobic pricks. They make good music. and half the people that say call people homos are probbly suckin their [[tranny|moms own dick]] right now. So Fuck Off Tards."|[[Waaaambulance|BAWWWWWWWWW]]
|"I'm not really bothered if people don't like mcr, but putting in gross and [[Grammar nazi|unnnessceary]] [[link]]s to disturbing and unwated [[picture]]s is not [[needed]]. I also think that asking people to [[troll]] this [[forum]] is [[lol|disgusting]] and shows that [[User:Thedreadedkettle|this person]] has [[truth|no respect]] for [[retard|other people]] and other types and taste of music [[spellcheck|dissimlar]] to their own. [[funny|It's sickening and wrong]]."|[[Waaaambulance|BAWWWWWWWWW]]
|"I really don't mind people who dislike my chem. not everyone has to like the same [[shit|music]] as me, however i do dislike people who go out of their way to be annoying and fucking disgusting to prove that they are perverted and extremly [[homophobic|discriminative]] to those of us that like mcr and mcr themselves."|[[Waaaambulance|BAWWWWWWWWW]]
|"Yeah, i saw that earlier today. Yes, it was [[funny|horrible]] to read, but [[not]] [[Everyone|EVERYONE]] is going to be expected to love [[MCR]]. Anyway, they don't know anything 'cause it seems they only know who Gerard and Mikey ([[in the ass|where's the rest of the band?]]) and they say [[fag]] over and over again like that's the only insult they can think of. [[Irony|These are just loser people who have no life]]. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MENTION THE "[[at least 100|MANY]]" THING?? [[lmao|lmfao]] [[WoW|Wow]]! Now I'M [[iRONAS|scarred for life]] -shudders-"|[[Waaaambulance|BAWWWWWWWWW]]
|"Im the world's biggest fan of mcr,and i just can say that,if you dont like them,that's not a reason to insult them,or their fans,anyway,you listen to another kind of music,you will not like if we insult your favorite artist/singer,so please,be careful with wath u say,it may make that someone gets really angry.I LOVE U GERARD WAY!!!!"|[[????]]
|"I started listening to them when their first album came out.  Since then, I have hated the bands work.. except for the first album and I still don't know why.  Well anyway I am with everyone else, but no one has listened to the first album.  My favorite song is Early Sunsets over Monroeville.  But yeah, Gerard is a douche."|[[Anal Clamp]]
|"funny how all these dick cunts are like defending their personal opinion on these mcr buck toothed mop headed faggots [[Hipocrite|but yet they wont let the person(s) who wrote the articles' point of view be expressed without critisism]]. shame on you you [[pwned|self-contradictive fat pink-racoon-loving pre-teen whores]]"|[[Truth]]
|"MCR: Totally Pwned, fucken pussy cunts. Any dickhead who reckons they are punk is obviously very seriously retarded. Whoever wrote this is a complete legend."|[[Truth]]
|"[[fatties|16-year old Girls]] coming to defend THIS band?? Gentlemen, [[man the harpoons]]."|[[LOL]]
|"That first picture looks more like Gerard's mom to me. Or maybe his fugly stepsister. Anyway, Remembery that I suck my mothers cock :)[[Lie|MCR isn't that bad]], but [[Truth|they need a good pwning]] every once in a while."|MCR's only [[Mexico|Mexican]] fan delivers his [[NPOV|balanced]] judgment}}
===Ladies and Gentlemen, The UltraBAWWW===
On September 19th of 2010, [[User:Kitkatschemical]] blessed ED with a twenty thousand word manifesto of pure butthurt.  [[My Chemical Romance/Rant|It is preserved in its raw form here.]]
Image:Geered2.jpg|Gerard Gay with [[homosexual|avid fan]].
Image:My real chemical romance.gif|The real origin of My Chemical Romance's name.
Image:suicidemarchmindfuck.jpg|LuL'z Ensured
Image:failfagemo.jpg|The average fan of MCR
Image:Goatseraid.JPG|Typical Topics on MCR forums
== See Also ==
*[[My Chemical Romance/Rant]]
*[[Operation Jewtube]]
==External Links==
*[ An MCR Forum. Troll Plz.]
*[ Fighting hard for the #1 spot] in the [[emo]] chart, courtesy [[]]
*[ A bunch of MCR fans team up and have a major [[Bawwwww|bawwww]] at downers4life.]
*[ The biggest MCR fanbitch EVAR.]
[[Category: Music]]
[[Category:Fandom Stuff]]

Revision as of 17:03, 5 July 2011