Doopie DoOver

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Doopie DoOver is a Sailor Moon wannabee, furfag of a Thai ladyboy that still maintains his male identity because he desires respect but has adopted a female alternate gender because like all young gays, he needs constant attention.
Males, by definition need to have talent to gain respect and attention, lacking it, his art - no surprise here. He's another basement dwelling, mamas boy with no skills at communication or much of anything else that believes that Animu is the end all style when it comes to art.
One can sum up his art with a simple metaphor of a used diaper. It's not something you want to keep around for a long period of time. People can easily identify you psychologicaly if you have too many laying around and its not something you buy without needing it to fullfil a purpose, I don't know. Maybe you really do think Doopie will suck your dick if you buy that shitty drawing she did of him/her fucking a dog for $400. Worse yet, is his voice as he/she fancies themselves a voice over artist, volunteering for Planet Dolan on Youtube because, seriously, who is going to pay you when your voice is best described as a pre-pubescent male screech with hints of the aftereffect of a firecracker going off in a cat's ass.
Given a choice between this one and Tara Strong, I'd recomend Tara Strong because you won't have the Sheriff's Department showing up outside your house and accusing you of being Michael Vick and demand to see your badement.

Doopie wants you to think that he's a girl.
Doopie wants you to think that he's a girl.