User:Onideus/Marked For Baleetion

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Material Up For Burning

The general criteria for this page are as follows:

1. Image is not a person.

There are many seemingly crap looking images that may in fact belong to articles about specific off the wall people, which may be restored at some point, so any such material shouldn't be removed.

2. Image is overly generic.

Most of the images fitting this criteria are random, crappy screen captures of television shows, movies, video games and the like.

3. Image is incoherent/damaged.

Images falling into this category will often be very random in nature, such as a black outline of a stop sign (with nothing in it), or an image that's nothing but a solid block of color, or an image that's corrupted.

4. Image is generic/unimportant plain text.

5. Image is blatant spam.

6. Image is old/outdated/abandoned personal or site related junk.

Such as unimportant, site specific images pertaining to old ED. For example old "donate" buttons or old, useless, crap quality promotion images/logos and the like. Old, unused, junk template material falls into this category as well.

7. Image is blatant shitty attack material.

For example taking a picture of a random penis and sticking it directly on top of a person's picture with no actual editing at all.

8. Overly generic, random clipart/photos that aren't of any real viable use anywhere.

9. Crap memes, especially meme material where HUNDREDS of others already exist. For example Shoop-da-whoop, the article has literally HUNDREDS of images already on it (many not all that great) and it really doesn't ~need~ any more, especially low grade, crap-ass quality ones. If a particular meme is *LOW* on material then you can't be as picky, but if there's a literal FLOOD of available images then we can be a bit more discerning/selective.

The material posted here will *NOT* be removed right away. It will likely be done in THREE MONTH intervals. Meaning what's presently on here won't actually be removed until September. The reason for that is to give people an opportunity to request that something on here *NOT* be removed. There is an EMPTY GALLERY at the bottom. If there's something you think should be kept MOVE IT to that gallery and state the general reason for why you think it should be kept.

Petition To Keep Gallery

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