Boston Marathon Bombing

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DID YOU KNOW... killing 3 people is all it takes to be a terrorist nowadays?


Kids die and the country flips its shit. It's Sandy Hook all over again, only stupider.

On April 15th 2013, a load of lycra-clad Bostonians got pwned by terrorists at some gay marathon. Loads of people got their legs blown off and shit. Some argue however, that it shouldn't have spoiled the day - first it was a marathon, now it's a three-legged race. It's a huge chance the Muzzies were at the Mosques doing their typical prayer screaming "ALLAH U FUCKBAR" while it was coincidentally happening and fucked at least 183 people who got almost murdered br00t4lly.


According the CNN and White sources from the Whitehouse, a lone nigglet is responsible for this bombing. More on this soon...

We all know who the real culprit is.

1st Suspect

Show him your picture of Prophet Muhammad, just to protect yourself.

The first suspect was some sand nigger from Saudi Arabia who for some reason for arrested but was found not guilty and was found as a victim, although for some reason, although it's like all sand niggers, he was some guy in white and a robe and he had a golden "pisstol" in his hand. With a look like that, it was easy to know he would suspected like all sand niggers who get butthurt when you draw Prophet Muhammad for the lulz.

Possible culprit

Rank and Situation


After James Holmes killed those couch potatoes at that movie theater, some glamfags made a fire happen with over 200 people killed, Adam Lanza, an aspie, pwnt several key-you-tea-looking children and beated off the living fuck out of teh country, and other successful hardships made by an hero, this explosion's rank killed 3 people, including some 8 year old boy, and some adults but severely hurt at least 183 people who are bleeding their asses off. The culprit deserves a B-. The party vans came with the FBI cumming out and called it a terrorist attack because they were secretly busy beating off to the video of 9/11 which got this in their fuckin' mind.


Once some gay marathon mostly consisting of retards in green and some gingers, once they all were up to the finish line, two twin bombs exploded recently after the gooks from North Korea threatened to bomb Americunt and become the new sand niggers. It seems now possibly several gingers (who all infest Boston) are either injured or hiding (in the closet) which is why the person who did this was brave to sacrifice his life by reducing the spread of ginger vitus in Boston. Now we can keep our souls!!! Unfortunately there was still more gingers haunting the world with their soulless magic! We will now do another thing to team up and protect the world from them as well as the beaners who caused the swine flu.


  • A crowd fills with gingers, retards, Britfags, victims and others.
  • The marchers cum in (wit their cum).
  • A long time of watching a boring ass show of a bunch of asspies marching until they cross the finish line.
  • Some one fucked shit up. We don't know who but we do know that they did a terrible job at it as only 3 people died.
  • Newsflash with butthurt reactions.
  • Osama Bin Laden watches the news and gets pissed with those Korean gooks for copying him and his sand nigger prison punks.
  • Koreans could be the new sand niggers.


Westboro Baptist Church

The christfags from the Westboro Baptist Church came to a GEENIE-YISS conclusion that God set those Palestinian alarm clocks there to punish Boston for allowing homo marriage in the city. So then they held signs expressing how much they are happy about what happened and even tweeted it online which apparently made many people extremely asshurt over the tweet even though we all know Christfags must die!!!!! However, they now say that Boston shall suffer.


Rep taking on Westboro Baptist Church

Rep delivering his touching speech

Anonymous expressing their condolence

undertakerfreak1127 lulzy thoughts on the current event

Another random YouTuber reporting in on the current event

Black Jesus makes his hate speech

See the lulzy explosion for free

A cracker talks about this

Trolling people who were shocked by the scene


See Also
