University of Western Ontario

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The "Best Student Experience in the World"

The University of Western Ontario also known as Western University is a university in London, ON. Like all Canadian universities, it is filled with social justice warriors and anti-fa. Western used to claim it has “the best student experience in the world”, but when people started calling them on their bullshit they changed that to “an academic experience second to none”. Despite these claims Western consistently comes in 10th place in rankings in Canadian universities (there’s only about 20 universities in Canada as smart people realize they should go somewhere warm for school) and somewhere like 198 in global rankings. Pretty much they do the same shit as all other large Canadian universities but its…. the best. Just trust us.

The university of western ontario might as well also be called London, Ontario’s Chinatown, as a massive percentage of the student population is mainland Chinese who pay 10,000 more dollars Canadian to come to Western, but unlike Canadian students who get little to no value out of their western degree, in mainland China anyone who has gone to a western(white country) university is given a leg up in their career. Most are decent nice hard-working people, but they have terrible english and expect you to edit their papers for them into somewhat legible english. These students get extra attention from the sophs(upper year students who are supposed to help first years fit in) and start their orientation a week earlier.

Like all Politically correct out the ass Canadian universities, all white students no matter how poor, disabled and ugly are taught that they have white privilege and white guilt. A retarded white 19-year-old man who dosent have legs and is trapped in a wheelchair has more privilege then a black millionaire according to these people. Oh, and all white people alive in Canada today are responsible for what white people did in this country 200 years ago. As well as Social Justice Womyn must always be believed, especially if their brown accusing a white man, but if a white girl accuses a basket-ball american of sexual misconduct, then we should all question her claims.

Despite claiming to have a comprehensive history program , the only genocide in history that a full credit course offered at Western is the Holocaust, with the Holocoasters and gas and blah blah. The Rwandan genocide, the Nigerian civil war, the Japanese invasion of Korea and China (which killed over 10 million Chinese civilians), The Khmer Rouge Regime in Cambodia, The partition of india after the end of british rule(which killed a million people) is barely mentioned and glossed over. But a whole course dedicated to the suffering of the Jews, including the claim that German soldiers regularly raped and/or war dated Jewish jews women, even though that was an offence you could be court martialed for in nazi Germany.  Forget about labelling Genghis khan and Tamerlane who wiped out about 10% of the world population of the time through their wars as genocide, that was just medieval warfare. 

Party School

Western University also claims to be a party school. This is untrue but many sleazy and dirty night clubs around downtown london make money off of gullible students by charging them 350$ Canadian for a bottle of champagne in a night club(that’s like 5$ american ) .These nightclubs get so crowded with horny western male students thinking that their going to get laid that people piss in the bathroom sinks cuz theirs just that many people. You can’t walk around or dance in these night clubs cuz there are so many people you literally spend all your time just pushing your way through people to get to someone you want to talk too. The times the school does legitimately party is homecoming, which to be fair, is some fucking serious fun shit if you have a high alcohol tolerance. Homecoming is legit a good party as crazy shit happen like mass riots , dozens of ambulances being called due to alcohol poisoning and fights with the God Computer Controlled London Police Service. Homecoming is your once in a life time chance to get shot in the chest with a tear gas canister by a steroid addled cop at 2 am in the morning. You into something besides weed and alcohol? You want some coke son? Want some LSD and Shrooms to connect to God? You can’t have those at western, but you can get beat up by a bouncer at some stupid fucking bar and sent to the ICU.

The Most Terrible Bar of them All

Cowboys, also known as Ram Ranch London ontario. Is a country music bar filled with autistic, retarded people, with the men mainly all being repressed homosexuals. But they have some kind of metal bull machine that goes up and down there so people want to go to it for some reason. When these inbred cowboys and cowgirls dance they just all throw their hands up and down and basically have a seizure standing up. Mainly attracts Urbanite white people from Toronto who think this is authentic rural culture, even though it’s the most pop washed country music you’ll ever fucking hear. Fuck cowboys (the bar).

Trolling Cowboys -Order bottle service, then walk out and never pay. -Tell them they need to listen to johnny cash more and the washed out pop country music they play isnt real country . Can be done from the internets, is not important to go to actual gay nightclub to do so. -Tell them all gay cowboys will at some point get the Aids and die . -Find a way to disable their mechanical bull machine !!!! This will cause much butthurt.

Heroic President of Western Saves A Million Dollars of the school’s money in his own bank account. Amit Von Pajeet Chakma, a Bangladeshi who is high up in the administration at western got overpaid a million dollars by the University (he got 2 million dollars for one contract). Saying he just going to help the school save some money by personally holding on to it for them Chakma sat on this hoard of Colorful Canadian Money for quite some time, until mass outcry from the students forced him to give some of it back.

The Hack of 2012 In 2012 some not so l33t haxxor hacked into the student election system and royally messed things up. Proving even a justin Bieber obsessed hacker who was quickly caught by the police can penetrate a university that is apparently working on an "aids vaccince"'s security. Aids

The Great St.Patricks day Riot of 2012 On the night of St.Patricks day 2012 a group of western and Fanshawe students partying hard in east london(just on booze not good shit) began to attack police officers and lit a massive bonfire. Foolish left-wing , Corporation controlled media like CTV rushed to the scene hoping to get a good story. These drunken students ended up getting ahold of CTV new’s van and lit if on fire , causing it to explode. The London Police Service, which aren’t use to people talking back to them, much less masses of students throwing pieces of fencing at them, were much butthurt over these riots. Even though there was a much larger riots done exclusively by western students in the 1980s. Ever since then the London Police service have had a much harsher policy towards large student parties and homecomings and have sent many jackbooted Computer God controlled Police Thugs to homecoming events and other gatherings. Many lulz were to be had due to the riot as the police and CTV news lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage, overtime pay for extra Computer God Controlled thugs and increased insurance coverage. [1]

If you ever find yourself in the misfortune of being in London , Ontario , Canada you can piss off the police by simply saying that police brutality and over enforcement of minor bylaws led to the 2012 St.Patrick's day riots.




in 2010 rumors that Celebrity pop musician justin bieber was going to go to western. This would make some sense as Justin Beiber’s hometown of Stratford is only like a half hour drive away from Western. At this time Bieber balls hadn’t dropped and he was still very young. Now in 2018 after years dealing with scum paparazzi journalists Bieber has been a bit more hardened and has gotten away from the people who made him into an effeminate teenage pop sensation for the Machine Computer God controlled propaganda radio. Lets hope Bieber uses his vast wealth and celebrity status to buy steroids and beat up journalists as that would be more entertaining then his music. As well he is rich so the courts will most likely give him a light sentence. Bieber didn’t end up going to western, as he realized he is rich enough to not need a university degree and stayed in America where it is much warmer during the winter than a university that has dozens of feet of snow fall on it every year.

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Reasons to Go here -The government of Canada says this place has value.

Reasons not to go here -Lots of Highly Aggressive Muslims -You’ll be the only white person in the room -No Good Drugs -Incel factory, No women for you! -The professors are either social justice warriors or depressed alcoholics wondering why they cant get tenure. -The Teaching Assistants are shit and have a bad attitude. -Its Boring. -Anti-fa on campus. Notable Alumni

Francis E. Dec, Esq.

Shelia Copps