Blaire White

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Blaire White = infected with GOTIS
You can help by not giving her any attention.

Anyone up for a round of the crying game?

Blaire White is actually a tranny.

     Enjoy your cock!   8====D (_(__)

Traps are gay

Blaire White (real name: Robert Ryan White) is a republican tranny dickgirl on youtube who makes anti-SJW videos that neckbeards violently masturbate to. Despite being a trap, he does seems to despise other traps because he thinks they are less attractive than him. Blaire White is also proof that anyone named Blaire or Blair are inherently retarded.

Blaire is a tranny, and he will never be a woman. He is fully aware of this, and to avoid being jumped by the retarded anti-woke Ben Shapiro cocksuckers, Blaire spends his whole day making 12 minute videos about how he hates trannies, despite being one himself. He has literally called himself "one of the good ones", even though ALL trannies are rapists and pedophiles (no exceptions). His biologically male body is filled with $100,000 of plastic surgery. This easily fools the retarded faggot simps who watch his channel.

Birth of a Dickgirl (2013 - 2017)

Blaire White began transitioning at the age of 20. While in college, Blaire began pretending to be a woman while simultaneously making anti-feminist videos on YouTube. This makes him a hilarious troll. Since the beginning of his dramatic career, he had already started pissing people off. Not only did he insult women on his YouTube channel, but he also pretended to be one at the exact same time.

Attention Whoring (2017 - present day)

As every YouTuber and attention whore does, Blaire enjoys getting attention by making a hit-piece style rant about any tranny who has a Jewtube channel. By 2017, he was already banned from Facebook.

Blaire is also very interested in lying to gain views. If you think this is a biased statement, the tranny literally made a video titled "Why I've Changed (The Truth)". He is well known for omitting the truth or telling lies, like the greedy narcissistic faggot he is. FACT: if you look up "blaire white response", you're probably gonna see 500 videos of tranny jewtubers complaining about Blaire White, and rightfully so.

In 2018, he thought it would be a funny idea to wear a The Donald hat during a Lost Angeles walk. To the surprise of nobody, Blaire was milkshaked and beaten. Blaire, who went to urban L.A. with the sole intent of getting beaten, cried and played the victim card after he was beaten by a bunch of annoyed residents who really couldn't give two fucks about MAGA cultists.

Fag Fight

in 2023, another tranny named Eli Erlick decided to seek fame by suing Blaire. Eli Erlick, who LITERALLY GAVE HORMONE/PUBERTY BLOCKERS TO LITTLE KIDS, sued Blaire because Blaire falsely accused Eli (male name) of forcing a tranny named Danie to an hero himself (which would be extremely funny if true). Eli's ego was hurt so bad and the only thing that could make him feel better was jewgold and moolah. Eli bitched and whined about economic harm, despite apparently having enough money to start a lawsuit for the lulz. See more

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