Donut Girl

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Donut Girl waiting to be fed

The Donut Girl is a fat lunatic encountered by brave EDiot Zaphraud in an eating disorder channel. Zaphraud, displaying true dramacrat instincts and a willful disregard for his own safety from eat attacks, went above and beyond the call of duty to bring us this article.

Zaphraud's story

Someone with a psycho screen name comes into AOL's eating disorder chat and claims to be able to eat two dozen donuts all at once. Turns out this person is somewhat local, and I decided to see if they'd be willing to put my money where their mouth is, or something like that. I got an address, headed out that same night, bought a box camera and two dozen donuts, and decided to see if she really could do it.

A feeding frenzy ensued

She failed, stopping after consuming a mere 16 to 20, but decided to do some cutting just for shits and grins. This is not something I encourage, as its completely useless, doesn't burn calories or get the donuts back out, or anything. After the first cut, I actually told her to stop.

She decided to take a stab at purging instead, but claimed she had no gag reflex. She was, however, eager to try out the perfume on a toothbrush trick that she had learned about earlier in the evening in the AOL ED chat. She only had very limited success with even that. Some people just aren't built to spill.

with a chop-chop-here, and a chop-chop-there. It's hard to be a cutter when you've got to chop on a log this big.
There's a toilet somewhere under this person with fauxlimia.

Web Appearances

  • Attack of the Donut Girl (2000)
    • This was a set of twelve photographs chosen from almost an entire roll of film that depicted the story above. Some of those photos are featured here.
  • How To Binge and Purge.aviUncut version with no text overlays dumped here: Round Trip Meal Ticket, starring Ronders
    • This was filmed at Donut Girl's apartment. Ronders wanted to show all those people with anorexia on AOL that she really did have an eating disorder even though she'd gained weight in treatment. Donut Girl hosted the event so that she could try to pick up on that whole "purge" thing.