Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/April 27, 2011

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Your heart starts beating faster. The room starts feeling colder. The sweat bursts out like a million fountains in your skin. It's worse than bad... Someone just made fun of you on the internet.

There are two choices from here on out. You could say "lol internet", or you could do something much funnier. This article covers that second choice.

Taking down ED, as you might expect, is something that is quite easy to do. By the time you're done reading this article, hopefully you'll have a better feel for the many ways to do this. It would appear that the majority of these attempts originate on YouTube. This is likely because vloggers are scum. Their fans keep telling them how great everything they do is, and as a result they have a bad case of runaway self-esteem.

We'll start with a rundown of past success stories.

Do it faggot