Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/March 24, 2012

Sweden, or The Land of Homosexuality Viking Metal Jihadists, is a country that never became famous in the Viking age because of their lack of pillaging other countries. They were mostly stationary pussyfaggots who traded and spread peace and harmony and butt love. They were the Hippie-vikings of the north, and saw it as their call to spread falukorv and surströmming across the world. The swedes are known to be the single because of the Black Plague as they invoked the wrath of Allah with their faggotry. The Swedes are responsible for ruining global culture with ABBA, Basshunter, Caramelldansen, Ace of Base and similar faggotry.

What have I missed?
Gay Nigger Association of America
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