Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/December 22, 2023

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The Completionist

Jirard Khalil aka The Completionist aka I Am My Own Best Friend is a YouTube "personality" who has been working on a video series where he—get this—completes video games. I've been working on a YouTube series where I—hold your hats—go to bed then wake up refreshed in the morning. Million subscribers, please.

Maybe if he was just a normal YouTuber gamer, we wouldn't be here. But Jirard is no ordinary gamer YouTuber. You see, Jirard's story is in fact really a touching story about a boy and his Mom. A boy who has effectively stuffed his own mother, put her on display, and has been charging two bits (and/or subs) a gander. Oh, sorry, he called it "medical research donation", but it's the same thing, right? PS, did you see her autopsy report?

But before we get to that story, we should tell the story about how we got here.

(( For A Nickel, I'll Show You My Dead Mother And Tell You How She Died ))

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