Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/February 8, 2024

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Niggers (scientific name: Simia africanus, the Black Monkey; politically correct: Americanus Basketballensis) are a species of apes devolved from gorillas and orangutans (not bonobos/chimpanzees, higher life forms), and proof of the "Missing Link" theory in Evolutionary Biology as the more retarded simian cousins to the Neanderthal ancestors of our higher species Homo Sapiens. Due to a lack of evolutionary pressure and incentives from their native environment, the Niggers were unable to develop the IQ required for civilization due to mental retardation. Premature exposure to human civilization in fact overloads their cerebral cortexes, resulting in instinctive violence. This is known as a chimp out or a "Nigger Moment". This is why, when subjected to the stress of a human-dominated environment, a Great Ape specimen degenerates into the highly dangerous form known as the Nigger (example: what happened to Harambe). Niggers are poor, retarded, so ugly that even animal lovers don't want to fuck them, and worse, they smell like a mixture of wild animal fur and a decayed old mop full of shit even after taking a shower. Having spent the last million years in the African jungle throwing spears at each other and swinging on vines, niggers are predisposed to crime and antisocial behavior due to their biology and (de)evolution.

All niggers, especially wild niggers, are dangerous in groups, regardless of gender, and travel in packs. This is because they wish to buy a large bucket of KFC chicken and some white hoes to share amongst their tribe. No respectable white people should ever come into contact with a gang of niggers. If you are a white person who has had contact with a nigger-wait, who are we kidding? Niggers don't know how to read anyway. If you come into contact with a nigger, it is advisable to immediately shower for at least four hours, lest the black taint assimilate you and transform you into one of them. Luckily, the nigger taint, not unlike those it infects, cannot stand the touch of hot water or soap. This is the reason niggers stink.

(( Where The White Women At ))

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