Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/January 3, 2022

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Cultural Marxism

Cultural marxism is a pseudo-religious cult that plagues the mind, body, and soul. It has steadily corrupted civilization over a 100 year period before experiencing unprecedented growth following Obama’s ascension to power. Cultural Marxists are known by many aliases like Libtard, Demon-crat, Prog, Woketard, SJW, NPC, Useful Idiot, Hippie, the Blue Wave, Leftard, Regressive Leftist, Soy-cialist, ‘Libertarian-Leftist’, 'Anarcho-Communist', ‘Anti-Facist’, Globalist, Globohomo, Marxoid, Western Marxist, Neo-Marxist, and Pedophile. Becoming one requires sufficient brainwashing and grooming. They are defined by 2 central goals. The first is causing the greatest harm to Western Civilization, its people, and culture. The second goal is implementing gay automated multicultural luxury space communism IRL. What this really means is total destruction of all racial, ethnic, national, and sexual identities while the now docile and downtrodden masses are wagecucking at the behest of unimaginably wealthy and authoritarian cabals.


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