Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/June 5, 2023

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A brony is a self-titled obsessive fanboy of the television program My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, usually adult men who channel their latent homosexuality, pedophilia and/or daddy issues by wearing their Pinkie Pie underwear and watching a show which has an audience bracket that consists of little girls. These basement-dwelling sacks of neckbeard flesh latched their grubby hands onto everything pony as soon as they heard the whimsical theme-tune drift through their hairy ears. Bronies smothered themselves with all things related to the show, and spread their sick fetishism throughout The Internet, declaring themselves the new collective of asperger ridden no-lifes on the block. The female version of these tards are called Pegasisters, who surprisingly aren't as bad.

Essentially, bronies are a rehash of the 2007-era furry community. This is true not only in the sense that their fandom revolves around anthropomorphic cartoons, they also have conventions for "mascoting" (see: fursuit) and are notorious for exchanging sexually themed images of children's shows, but also have the same persecution complex that furries are so well known for. Thus, bronies quickly rose to prominence as some of the favorite victims of the trolling community, right up next to Freenode ops and anime bloggers.

(( Smelly Freaks That Are Known To Loiter In Toy Store Aisles That Little Girls Inhabit ))

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