Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/September 11, 2023

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September 11, 2001

9/11 was a series of attacks conducted by Jews Mossad, with the full cooperation of the Vice President of the United States, (Dick Cheney), and his good friends in the American-Israeli political lobby. These attacks were intentionally blamed on Muslim terrorists to serve as pretext for a war with Afghanistan; which Dick Cheney had been planning since July 2001. Then-Pakistani Foreign Secretary, Niaz Naik, was told about the pending war that summer, in order that the Pakistani government would be aware of the need to use its airspace.

Four planes were hijacked by men who were radicalised by Israeli intelligence and led to believe they were working for al Qaeda, and then subsequently flown into several American landmarks.

That same afternoon, despite apparently having no intelligence on the hijackers before they hijacked the planes, the Bush Crime Family suddenly had a list of 19 “suspects” it claimed had been responsible for the attacks. Then, despite claiming to know nothing about these men, decided they worked for Al Qaeda. Several weeks after the attacks, it became clear that at least several of the hijackers were not using their real identities during the flights, yet traditional media sources have never changed the original list of names.

After the attacks, the WTC buildings fell down completely symmetrically, at free fall speed. Despite this, the NIST investigation officially sanctioned by the Bush Crime Family failed to test for the presence of any type of explosive. Danish chemistry expert Professor Niels Harrit however proved in 2009 that military grade thermte charges were used to cut the buildings' resistance to their own weight, so that gravity dragged them to the ground. However, in spite of Harrit's findings, millions of Americans continue to deny the existence of basic laws of physics which prevent the symmetrical, free fall collapse of buildings which have been struck horizontally five sixths of the way up (north tower). These laws include: f equals ma, the law of mechanical equilibrium, conservation of energy and Newton's third law. Additionally, the principles of falling to the path of least resistance and Occam's Razor are also violated by the official explanation.

(( HAPPY 9/11 DAY ))

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