Encyclopedia Dramatica:Previous events

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Everything on this page is outdated. But it shall be kept for the sake of history.

New Server

We have moved to a new sever. The down time over the past few days resulted in changing data centers and getting a new machine for better serving the lulz. If all goes according to plan we will no longer have to deal with site outages of any kind. crayolacrime and ghettofinger are helping with the move and it seems to have worked well. If you notice issues with the site, please contact a sysop for help. I'm really excited about things running smoothly and serving the lulz at a faster pace. ROCK! --girlvinyl 15:22, 14 July 2006 (UTC)


To contact ED, you can now use The Thizzlehat Junction Center. For our IRC channel, use [1]. --Sheneequa 21:04, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

3000 articles

Assmustard decided to make it anti-climatic though and make 3000th article. --Sheneequa 19:19, 17 June 2006 (UTC)

Image uploads have been fixed

Just fyi, Upload file has been fixed and it's working again. ~ Krade hi yo~ 03:20, 27 Feb 2006 (UTC)

.wmv and .avi uploads!

I've added two new file formats and increased the max file size for increased lulz! Users can now upload files ending in .wmv and .avi. and those files can be up to 8M in size. What fun! The first usage of the new feature is to upload the "Go fuck yourself Mr. Cheney video" Check it out! When using the new feature, don't forget to use the [[Media:funny_movie.wmv]] markup style.

We're also soon going to have a mailing list for daily lulz delivered straight to your inbox as well as a discussion list. I'm also considering putting up a jabber server. Lots of cool new things are coming up so don't forget to obsessively hit refresh Recent Changes.

Lastly, I'd like to welcome the insane influx of Something Awful and Gorillamask.net users who have flooded the site with either awesome articles or plain idiocy. We love you! --girlvinyl 07:02, 9 Sep 2005 (UTC)


Just a personal note from me, the head drama doctor,

I wanted to thank everyone for the hard work they are putting into ED. I genuinely believe it's the funniest site on the internet. Thank you for all of your help. I'd especially like to thank the dedicated ED Sysops who help promote like crazy, ban people with impunity and fight the great drama battles of the internet, not only here - but also abroad. Additonally, I would like to thank the awesome super editors who spend all day at work wasting time writing hilarious articles and keeping true to the lulz. We have some great new things in the works and I hope you will all be a part of the new endeavors.

With love and lulz, --girlvinyl 01:12, 22 Aug 2005 (UTC)

ED Triumphs

We are too busy here at ED to do anything other than create awesome articles for your personal enjoyment. Sorry. However, I heard there are some awesome new features coming soon!


The merger of the following categories is being considered:

  1. Furry Shit
  2. Gay Shit
  3. Pedophiles

Further information is available at Category talk:Pedophiles. There is less than 24 hours available for discussion and to create consensus. No extensions of time will be granted. --Banbot talk to Banbot 21:27, 4 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Ice Cream

I just had the last ice cream bar. I had been eyeing it for five days now. It was better than I thought it would be. Also, where is girlvinyl? --Ghettofinger


Auntiesiannian made buttons and those were added to the Donate section. Feel free to buy them or sign up for dreamhost. DO IT!

Vox Dramatica Prize March 2005

For excellence and commitment to parody writing and satirical pursuits within in encyclopediadramatica, dgt and quasidan win the Vox Dramatica prize for this month. Good job, wackos!

Almost at 900

We currently have 891 articles. omg, whoever creates the 900th article which is not total crap will recieve a prize which is awesome. --girlvinyl 18:42, 26 Feb 2005 (UTC)

First ever Vox Dramatica Prize

The first ever Vox Dramatica prize was recently awarded to aussieintn for his endless dedication to making quality encyclopediadramatica edits and caring for the betterment of lulz in general.

The Vox Dramatica prize is awarded monthly for excellence in lulz. The prize is a month of glory, coupled with a $20 gift certificate to Amazon for one click shopping. Add to cart!

Important Message from the maintainers

You are all fucking awesome. --girlvinyl 22:59, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Featured Users Info

How does one get on the featured users area on the front page and how will this affect my street cred? --Imaybeparanoid 09:19, 8 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Disclaimer update

The General disclaimer has been updated. Please review it and make sure that you are aware of its constraints. If you have a user account, you are subject to the disclaimer and its terms. I urge you to become famaliar with it. Also, the Disclaimer clarifies the rules for participating in the site and also states that any user can be banned or blocked at any time for any reason by any of the users with SysOp access. --girlvinyl 00:31, 1 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Hallo. How's it going? Not much, you?

hardvice is the winner of the Encyclopedia Dramatica:Banner Contest! I already have his address, so his prizes will be on their way shortly. Also 2 months of paid LiveJournal time, which is a sucky but instant prize was an additional perk. However, LJ is not allowing payments at this time, most likely because Six Apart will soon be bought by Yahoo. Oh Joy.

We are in desperate need of articles for meta stuff like Encyclopedia Dramatica:Help pages and especially the ED FAQ. The better our FAQ, the easier it will be to deal with newbies who have questions about how the site works and more quickly getting them assimilated and comfortable making edits. These articles should be edited by seasoned ED'ers or Wiki-nerds. You know who you are.

In closing, as always, I'd like to thank everyone who has been so helpful with all of the edits and working on the site. I genuinely am grateful for all your hard work. Actually, no one ever thinks it's work, they just think it's fun - so that's even better. Everyone appreciates it and I think it's shaping up to be a really funny and entertaining site. Oh, just one small point about "funny and entertaining", this site is meant as a parody and satire site about the internets. We are here to poke fun at things and show them in an absurdist or humorous light. We're a political cartoon for the internet.

If you are not comfortable with this as a satire and parody site, please do not visit the site and certainly do not make edits on it. Editing the site and using it to communicate illustrates your understanding of our disclaimer and your acceptance that the content of the site is for parody, not for serious. Got it? Ok. --girlvinyl 18:42, 23 Jan 2005 (UTC)

New year, new edits!

Well, the holidays are over and it's the first full week of the new year. I expect incredible and lenghty edits from you all. PLEASE DO SOME. Also, the Encyclopedia Dramatica:Banner Contest only has 5 more days to go, so if you don't get your entry in, then you suck. Check the usual places for new edits that you can do, or start your own. Yea! Also, we're in need of some good, interesting and complete articles to use for the front page for "Article of the Week". Recommend those on the Talk:Main Page --girlvinyl 17:25, 10 Jan 2005 (GMT)

Front page funtime

I love front paging lj communities. I really want to use teenmommies for next week. Please add content and pics as you see fit. Thanks.<br> --Ghettofinger 02:00, 25 Dec 2004 (GMT)

The first ever EncyclopediaDramatica Banner Contest has begun! Enter to win!

See? THIS is why we need help. I suck.
See? THIS is why we need help. I suck.

--girlvinyl 11:32, 21 Dec 2004 (PST)


We will now be featuring an article of the week on the Main_Page. Feel free to recommend your favorite article, or write a new one!<br> --girlvinyl 11:32, 21 Dec 2004 (PST)

OMG!222 Breaking News

pwned screenshot cause everyone missed it.

Due to our incredibly quick and efficient abilities to take the site down and put it back up again, our little fake defacing didn't work very well because no one saw it. The good news is, we've moved off of the linode and onto our own super hardcore omg leet dedicated server. We are officially out of "ED: The beta era" and in "ED v1.0"


Jameth rolled it back.... more news soon:

(18:03:53) J a M e S 98101: Now it is not there because i rolled 'em back JUST LIKE WAL MART<br> (18:03:55) J a M e S 98101: ROLLIN BACK PRICES<br> (18:03:58) J a M e S 98101: EVERY DAYYYYYYY<br> (18:04:01) modrama: YAYYYY!<br> (18:04:08) J a M e S 98101: SUPER LOW PRICES ONLY ON ED.COM<br> (18:04:17) modrama: FRONTPAGED@!!!!<br>

File uploads enabled

We have always allowed ogg and jpg files to be uploaded. We are now allowing png, gif, jpg, jpeg, ogg and mp3 file extensions. Please do not abuse this feature. <small>Although anyone reading this will not, I am sure</small>

Breaking News

Steve the Super Villian says: We will crush those who oppose us!


Who wants a hug?


Yes, we are aware of the ridiculous timeouts and downtime issues. We are addressing these as quickly as possible and fixing what we can. Sending aim messages to sn girlvinyl or modrama dot com with problems is appreciated. The server will be moved soon and all well be just fine. No one will notice the move. It's all good. Now let's hug.

Details for the nerdies: We are hosted with linode. Last night the amount of traffic we were generating caused extreme swap thrashing followed by a kernel panic. We downed the server for everyone on our lindoe and caused them considerable downtime. ED has been all but kicked off of their services. We are planning to move the site to a dedicated host within the next few days. Very little down time is anticipated, but the site may be slow. --girlvinyl 15:50, 13 Dec 2004 (PST)


As stated below, ED is looking to move to a dedicated server soon. After a discussion last night with girlvinyl about that, and how popular the site has become in such a short time, I brought up the the idea of posting a paypal button so users could donate funds for the site if they happen to be in a generous mood. I know that I, for one, would be willing to contribute, as would others. Let's keep the site up and running at reasonable speeds. Give up a few bucks in contribution!

--Scarlet 11:53, 13 Dec 2004 (PST)


I would like to apologize for the downtime that we experienced this evening. The main server that we are hosted on had a kernel panic and that did us in. We are looking to move to a dedicated server by the end of the month so if anyone knows of any good deals please send them my way. Also, please do not hesitate to aim me at 'modrama dot com' if you notice web problems or just want to chat. <b>I could use the E-PALS!12</b>

--Ghettofinger 22:38, 12 Dec 2004 (PST)


I would like to congradulate User:Soekarno as being the 50th user to sign up here. Things are going great. Stats coming soon. --Ghettofinger 13:51, 12 Dec 2004 (PST)

Tahaha. ghettofinger is a fucking slavedriver! He keeps the internet celebrities chained up in his hot basement office turning out the lolz for his e-pals all day and night. PLEASE HELP! --girlvinyl 01:54, 12 Dec 2004 (PST)

Tons of updates. Shout outs

Users user:killhamster, JeremyJX and user:crayolacrime have been updating a ton. Great work to everyone. I can't believe how many people are making updates. Everything looks great. Thanks to all!

--Ghettofinger 22:37, 11 Dec 2004 (PST)

User:33mhz adds categories, also tons of content

Categories are being added along with a lot of new content. 33hmz is blowing it up. Very nice. Come on and register an account and post! Tell your friends. Awesome.

--Ghettofinger 03:20, 11 Dec 2004 (PST)

The encyclopedia dramatica is up and online!

This is really a lot of fun, and quite easy. JeremyJX is posting a ton of stuff. We also have one of our first images posted as well. You can always message me via aim at "modrama dot com". Thanks.
