Encyclopedia Dramatica:Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/38

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Link restoral/backup task force

I would like it if we could get some editors together to go through some of the older articles and restore the dead links using archive.org and archive.today. Articles like Atheist, Amazing atheist, any article that has a ton of dead links basically. Instead of just striking them out, use the Internet archive to find the link when it was alive and then restore it on the page. Newer pages should use archive.today as a link backup, add the link to the live page and then make a backup link right after it. Example:

Not that tough, right? So yeah restore dead links in older articles with archive.org's wayback machine, and when making new articles use archive.today to make a backup of links that could disappear, blog posts, news articles, twitter/facebook shit etc. Thanks. --Mantequilla (talk) 15:57, 4 January 2015 (EST)

I made a template to make it easier {{archive|kADss}} creates (archive). So your "might disappear soon" links should look something like:

--Mantequilla (talk) 01:54, 7 January 2015 (EST)

  • Ok this template is fucking up pages when used in the middle of a sentence. Can someone fix it? I looked at it but can't see anything wrong. --Mantequilla (talk) 02:56, 7 January 2015 (EST)
Template fixed.
  • Is nobody going to volunteer to help restore broken links? --Mantequilla (talk) 12:01, 10 January 2015 (EST)
  • yes, of course. it is part of our duties here. when linking to a Wayback link, i like to give them the traffic, but i will put an archive.today link in the edit summary just in case they get a takedown and it vanishes from their site, we can then replace their link with the archive.today link. :D also, talk page indents and formatting was never my forte' so if this is misplaced, please move it. -hipcrime 16:53, 12 January 2015 (EST)
It might be better to take actual screenshots, upload them to ED and then redirect the link there. Those archive link URLs are, well, unless you want to redo the entire mess all over again every time they change around their goofy shit mess of a URL naming convention it's basically going to be a whole lot of work for nothing. --Onideus 12:16, 10 January 2015 (EST)
@Mantequilla Right, it's disappointing how everyone will converge and volunteer over something as superfluous as changing the size and appearance of templates, but no one will step up to preserve our long-standing classic articles. Vermin   11:48, 11 January 2015 (EST)
Actually I want to volunteer but I don't understand and didn't want to look like stupid Tigercommander 12:00, 11 January 2015 (EST)
There's a short guide to doing screencaps here:
Basically there's plugins that will let you capture an entire browser window, including any scrollable content.
So then you just go to one of the archive sites, like this one:
And plug in the broken URL on the ED page and then run the search and see if you can find anything.
If you can then take a screen capture of the entire thing, saved as a PNG file, then upload it to ED and fix the URL so it'll redirect to the uploaded image.
You should also take at least 10 seconds to crop or slightly edit any screen captures, like this:
Or if all that is too complicated then just use the archive link URL (better than nothing).
--Onideus 20:36, 11 January 2015 (EST)
Forgot something. There's other archives, or there were... um... I'll try and find them and make a list. There used to be a major one for 4Chan but I think it's gone now. There's some other ones though that specialize in trolling sites, like I think CodeHappy has an archive of various sites. There's also Google's cache which is sometimes pretty reliable, but usually only for short term stuff. --Onideus 20:45, 11 January 2015 (EST)

I know how to screepcap, I meant that I dont understand how to use what mante said Tigercommander 07:54, 12 January 2015 (EST)

Find an article that has crossed out links.
Go here:
Copy and paste the URL into the BLUE box, then click "search".
Here's a "live" example...
crusader888.blogspot.com - dead link is dead, baleeted!
Run search!
--Onideus 08:23, 12 January 2015 (EST)

"Crowd cheers" Tigercommander 08:39, 12 January 2015 (EST)

>There used to be a major one for 4Chan but I think it's gone now
@Onideus You're correct. That was Chanarchive, and it's been dead for a while now.
@Tigercommander Thanks for volunteering to help out with this. The other thing Mante was saying was that he created a wikified template to use for it. We'll use the above Chanarchive site as an example.
  1. First, click this link: http://chanarchive.org
  2. Notice it brings up a "suspended domain" page
  3. Now search for it in the archive by typing http://archive.today/http://chanarchive.org
  4. Notice it shows two snapshots. Click the one on the left (the one that isn't of ED)
  5. Now you've got a screenshot of Chanarchive from Dec. 2012, before it went offline. Notice the URL for the snapshot is http://archive.today/NeMY
  6. Go back to the ED article with the dead link and add that URL next to the struckthrough link using the Archive template by typing {{archive|NeMY}}. Remember to never delete broken links, but to strike them out with <s> </s>
  7. It should now look like this:

External Links

hmm seems easy, I'll start doing that tomorrow at morning when my internet isn't acting Jewish. you better give me blowjobs for this Tigercommander 12:12, 12 January 2015 (EST)

ATTN: Attention whores

Your sigs are getting bigger and bigger and they're fucking up the flow of talk pages. New signature policy:

  • Sigs must be no more than 25 pixels tall.
  • Sigs must be on the same line as the text it is signing.

This is an example of a terrible signature. Taking up 20-something lines to say 2 words is not acceptable. --Mantequilla (talk) 16:35, 4 January 2015 (EST)

Yeah, fuck that guy and his unruly signature! Vermin   13:24, 5 January 2015 (EST)

Too little notoriety for ED?

Austria is an obscure country, but the Austrian Pirate Party is a lollercoaster of faggotry, so I maded an article at my user page.


If you like it and promote it to a real article, I'll add a few more sources and polish the spelling and wording somewhat. Some passages are incomplete, but I know how to fix that, too. A problem is that most of the sources are in German, but the images do all the work, and there are some supporting articles in English in wikipedia. Another problem is that some pirate WILL find the article, and some of those people have a record of vandalism, so we might have to retract a lot. I will keep an eye on the page. Since some snafus are still in progress, I'll add updates while the stories are developing. Libel should not be an issue, because I did my best to capture the essence of matters quite accurately.

Sir Nicholas Serota is stuck stuck stuck 16:55, 5 January 2015 (EST)

The only things that have too little notoriety for ED are articles about personal feuds between 2 people that nobody else cares about. Everything else is fair game. --Mantequilla (talk) 12:05, 6 January 2015 (EST)

I took that as "okay green light" and moved it here: Pirate Party of Austria. I find the party very ED, by the way. Sir Nicholas Serota is stuck stuck stuck 01:34, 7 January 2015 (EST)

Templates Template?

  • I have been seeing a recurring problem in many of the articles which is: Too many fucking series templates. Some people just have a lot wrong with them or have connections to a lot of things or sometimes people just think it's funny to add {{autism}} and {{dyingalone}} at the ends of every fucking article. But you end up with either having to cut down on the number of templates and leave some out, or let the article end with a tower of colorful boxes. My suggestion:
Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/38
is a part of the following series:

Previous  |  Next

A templates template. We (as in: someone other than me because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing) can convert one of the templates like "Videoframe" or "Textframe" to work like I did here. Just stick "{{PAGENAME}} is a part of the following series:" at the top of it (but proper like, not by sticking it in the first/every frame like I did here), replace the "Next"/"Previous" with these maybe: ◀▶, remove people's ability to pick a boarder and a background color and bob's you're uncle. No more of this problem. So, for example, if we were to use this on Chris Chan's page, which is probably the most series-heavy page on the wiki and people are constantly adding and removing templates on it because chris is an Autistic, christian, MLP loving, sonic-fag who makes webcomics and will die alone, the bottom of his page will have something like this:

Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/38
is a part of the following series:
Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/38
is a part of the following series:
Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/38
is a part of the following series:
Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/38
is a part of the following series:
Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/38
is a part of the following series:
Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/38
is a part of the following series:
{{Dying Alone}}

Previous  |  Next

What do you guys think? oddguy 07:04, 10 January 2015 (EST)

While Allah commands us to never agree with Jews. You are right. Its actually funnier that way

one thing I don't agree with is

remove people's ability to pick a boarder and a background color


—oddguy being Jewish

Tigercommander 07:14, 10 January 2015 (EST)
Oddguy, between this and your template redundancy outrage, you truly are the template nazi. And while I appreciate and understand the meaning behind your suggestion, I for one will not be using it. If you'd like to do it with the stuffs you're working on, go for it, but in no way should this become a policy of any sort. New users writing new articles will especially struggle with understanding this change from the long-standing tradition, and I don't have the time to try explaining it to all of them.
If users (particularly new ones) are adding unnecessary templates to articles to make them seem more edgy and relevant, than simply remove the ones that don't belong. Ie if a people article has Pedoseries and at the end of it without the person being an actual pedo, then remove that temlate. That's all you have to do.
And there's nothing wrong with having colors at the end of an article, lol. This is 2015, we live in a world of HD and color. Are you epileptic or somethin? Vermin   10:24, 10 January 2015 (EST)
  • Hold up. I didn't say anything about a policy. I'm just saying we could make this template and whoever wants to can use it or not. I'm not gonna try to make anyone use it. Just like we don't make anyone put videos in a videoframe. It'll just be a tool people can use. I just think that its ugly when an articles ends with this:

It's not that any of those templates don't belong there, it's just that it looks bad. I didn't say we should force anyone to use this. Just that it would be nice if people could to make some articles less messy. oddguy 10:48, 10 January 2015 (EST)
I myself have thought the same thing about the clusterfuck of templates a lot of articles have.But I don't think having to cycle through them is the best to take care of it. Perhaps a few of them could be resized.-- 10:58, 10 January 2015 (EST)
In addition to what the whore above me says, I think that we should resize them all to be the same size then. And that might be a problem. CobaltCat 11:01, 10 January 2015 (EST)
  • That's also an option although this own presents it's own problems. It would be a lot of work to resize most of the templates without making them ugly. Plus, if we make a standard size/shape for templates it would take away a lot of the comedy in them. They're all stylized to be funny. oddguy 11:04, 10 January 2015 (EST)

I don't believe that people will bother clicking the "next" link. --JuniusThaddeus 10:41, 10 January 2015 (EST)

I agree with JT. Remember how people were complaining that there wasn't a navigation template for the GamerGate articles cus they couldn't bother to click the "Write an op ed" button? Simple and easier to access is always good.
And now that you explained it, I understand it's more of a style thing along the lines of putting colored backgrounds behind videos, or putting frames around quotes. And the templates are all sized differently for a reason like oddguy said. I personally suggest arranging the templates in order from smallest to largest to make it look more orderly, but nothing further than that. Vermin   11:12, 10 January 2015 (EST)

When I say resize, I don't mean completely re-formatting them or having a standard size, but I think a few could be a little less bulky or tall.So I think make a few of the bigger ones a little thinner, so when you have an article with a few different templates, they don't stack up quite as much. Also, a lot of the articles seem to have more templates than is strictly necessary, that might be something to look into.-- 11:28, 10 January 2015 (EST)

  • It a shame to remove a bunch of templates from some pages since they actually are relevant. As far as there being too many series templates... yeah. Some are redundant, talking about the virtually same thing twice. Others are joke/insult templates like "autism" that just get shoved in every single article. We definitely don't need more of those. What's-his-name just made a new one today for "Internet Tough Guys". This kindda stuff made sense when there weren't so many but now they became useless and annoying. I don't think we should never make new templates, but I also don't think there are many things left that need or will need a new template anytime soon. oddguy 12:23, 10 January 2015 (EST)


  • No no non o no non ono no n ono no n on o no. This is a terrible idea and anyone who thinks otherwise will be crucified, then gassed and then burned in an oven. What we should do is enforce a template limit of 3 per article. Try to descend them from smallest to largest, with the largest at the bottom. --Mantequilla (talk) 12:06, 10 January 2015 (EST)
I'd simply remove the ones that don't match and clarify on the template page up in the notes section what that specific template is used on. For example, Asspie only goes on people who actually have assburgers, not on just any moron who is spurging out this week. Sometimes things really do fit in multiple places, but those that really do need multiple templates had better be crosslinked in ALL listed templates! Crosslinking makes the world go round... or at least the visitors. --3tails 03:01, 11 January 2015 (EST)
  • Alright, I guess no one likes this idea. I tried. oddguy 12:08, 10 January 2015 (EST)
  • You are a failure. Nah jk it was a good idea I just think our users are too stupid to figure it out. Also
I will start with some of the gaming articles. I will let's players into their own category, not gaming. So gaming is more for games and devices than people. Sound good? CobaltCat 13:51, 10 January 2015 (EST)
And on that note.. Could/should we make a template that links to the portal we remove? I mean just a simple one line template? For instance we keep the let's play template, but underneath have something like "often associated with gaming and YouTube? CobaltCat 14:07, 10 January 2015 (EST)
  • Why are we removing portals? If there's enough people in it to make it valid (I'd say at least 5-10) then removing it only clutters up other portals.


We don't need more templates, if you can't make due with what we have you have problems. --Mantequilla (talk) 12:14, 10 January 2015 (EST)



It's tigercommander and Yes my template was shit sorry for that Tigercommander 12:30, 10 January 2015 (EST)

I'm a stupid camel jockey


, What's-his-name

It looked nice. oddguy 12:51, 10 January 2015 (EST)

It took me 20 years to make and Mantequilla flushed it QQ Tigercommander 12:55, 10 January 2015 (EST)

I'd like to add that part of the template problem is because People don't know how to use akuma. Don't know about Akuma? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Perhaps a secondary Akuma needs to be made that isn't a moonrune so lazy editors can use it? Can you type out Akuma off the top of your head? I can't either. --3tails 03:01, 11 January 2015 (EST)

An Idea

You could reduce the width of the templates to more of a box shape. The reason they jump out so much is almost all of them use a shitload of unnecessary space. If they were a more uniform size they could be stacked horizontally and the amount of templates per page wouldn't really matter as much. Templates used to be a one per page deal and then some faggot had the bright idea that it would be funny to use a million of them per page. At some point this began to translate into being a shitty way to include more content per page since most writers half ass their articles and can't finish strong. To create the illusion that their piece is completed some retards started stacking templates because of how much space they take up. I don't think it would be easy to break the bad habit but it could be mitigated by having them take up less space without creating a template for templates. - Phobos 05:08, 13 January 2015 (EST)

Like this: Template Example - Phobos 05:30, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Which would be used like this: Multi Template Example
Aka This:

Obviously the markup will have to be cleaned up but this is basically my idea for what to do. This wont work for every template but it would go a long way toward reducing the clutter especially with less important templates that dont need to be fucking huge. - Phobos 05:53, 13 January 2015 (EST)

So basically you want to make DevianTartlet "stamps" out of them so you can cram sixty bajillion different templates onto one page for no real good reason at all. An idea that would require dozens of hours invested into it in order to reformat every last single template on the site and you're proposing that... who is gonna do this? You? Because the examples you've provided so far look like absolute garbage. I mean if you can't even manage to make even one semi-decent example of what you're proposing, well why on earth would you expect anyone else to fork over all the time, effort, energy and creativity to do it for you?
And again, what for? Just pick the one (or two) templates that "best fit" the article. If you have such a pussy itching desire to go beyond that then just include a "see also" link back to the article on the "main article" of the other templates. That would be better anyway since that way there would be less redundant material in "see also" sections. --Onideus 08:29, 13 January 2015 (EST)
I wasn't the one who created the wall of text in the TJC labeled Templates Template nor did I say you had to use it. It's for the people who have an interest in improving the current system. I also said it's an idea I didn't say "here's the completed piece of code completely perfected and ready for integration immediately" either. I personally despise using templates but nice attempt to save face after how badly I humiliated you the last time. - Phobos 09:36, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Woo, don't post angry now! :D
You don't need to take everything so personal... uh... Phobos! LOL I never actually even looked at the name to be honest. And sorry, but I'm not into BDSM games so you'll have to find someone else to imagine humiliating. Mmmm, I actually thought it was Boudica I was originally replying to, it seemed like something she'd come up with. Coming from you though it's actually, well, weird. You're probably one of the last people on the site I'd expect to make such a transparently contrived suggestion. --Onideus 09:55, 13 January 2015 (EST)

I won't say its the best idea we have, but its a good idea, just because your lazy that doesn't make it a bad idea Onideus, I liked the example provided. but I still think that the policy of 3 templates per article is better Tigercommander 08:36, 13 January 2015 (EST)

I think that it's an awful idea. I'm not sure why Phobos is obsessed with columns, but it's poor web design. Phobos wants us to use wide monitors with the web browser window(s) maximized. --JuniusThaddeus 09:43, 13 January 2015 (EST)
I'm not obsessed with columns I'm just sick of ED being completely made up of the same elements on every single page. I'd use other shit if every other CSS option wasn't completely disabled or if ED actually had some decent wiki add-ons. Also get a bigger screen you poor ass negro next thing you'll be complaining about is webkit options not working on Internet explorer or Firefox 2.0 - Phobos 09:50, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Oh and in the numerous mentions of the Randi Harper article on Twitter not a single mention has been made about anyone having a problem with the layout of the page. So eat a fucking dick - Phobos 09:53, 13 January 2015 (EST)
I could care less about what Web 2.0 morons have to say. --JuniusThaddeus 10:02, 13 January 2015 (EST)
So then you're volunteering to remake every series template on the site into Tartlet style "stamps", eh? Cause otherwise it's not a "good idea" it's "wishful thinking". If wishes were horses and all like that.
--Onideus 09:55, 13 January 2015 (EST)
I'm not volunteering to do anything since Im busy doing actually useful work around here while useless plebes as yourself spend all their time trying to mitigate how much of a fucking failure they are at producing content anyone cares to read. - Phobos 09:58, 13 January 2015 (EST)
I'm not here to please a bunch of Web 2.0 Twitter morons. --JuniusThaddeus 10:02, 13 January 2015 (EST)
That's great & all except all the traffic for that article is coming from Twitter and after being fired from her job her only source of income is from Twitter. Maybe if you did anything other than automated bot commands you would understand what the fuck is going on, ever. - Phobos 10:13, 13 January 2015 (EST)

"If a teenager were to walk into a psychologist's office claiming that they were Napoleon, and absolutely insisted upon getting reconstructive surgery to make them shorter, and reshape their face into that of an 18th century French dictator... what would you do? Would you actually entertain such fantastic delusions and allow the teenager to start mutilating their body to match their already mutilated mind? Of course not! Transgender is not a gender, it's a mental illness and ultimately a work of Satan to try and steal souls away from God. Ultimately we must blame an enabling society that allowed this young man to feel as if his mental illness was a justifiable means to lop off parts of his body. The inmates have taken over the proverbial asylum so to speak and are now running rampant, causing young men and women to resort to suicide when they should be seeking Jesus and Christian love and belonging. How much longer must we allow this insanity to plague our society? How many more young men and women need to kill themselves before we STOP enabling this devil's lie we call "transgender"? All true Christians know that God does not make mistakes, God does not put women into the bodies of men and men into the bodies of women. If you are born with male parts then you are a male, that is the way that God made you. Why would a loving,caring, Christian God purposefully mix up people's genders? There is no question and the only plausible explanation is that it's the work of demons that have infiltrated the minds of our sons and daughters, polluting them with them feelings of doubt, self-hatred and self-loathing for the way that God made them. To hate your body is to hate God's work and ultimately to hate God himself."

The joke to word ratio here is 0 to 1736 btw. You're a terrible writer that can't make a single funny statement in the span of three paragraphs. - Phobos 10:03, 13 January 2015 (EST)

Oh its plainly obvious what it is you're doing on the site, Phobos, there's a hilariously funny example/screencap of it right on this very page in fact! Other than getting angry and trying to rewrite Internet history you're not really doing much of anything at the moment. Well, you made an idiotic suggestion on the TJC I guess. Congratulations! You win the prize! :D
--Onideus 10:05, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Just because you want to indulge in your disgusting sexual fetishes and need to post 6 year old jokes using ED's image system doesn't make me or anyone else emotionally compromised for shutting down your attempt at a circle jerk with yourself. Rewrite Internet history? I torment Randi Harper all the time. Lol Im one of the people supposedly "ruining GamerGate" [1]. I'm not rewriting Internet history faghat I'm making it. - Phobos 10:13, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Phobos's USI is off the scales! :D
Phobos's USI is off the scales! :D

PS - I've done more on the subject of GamerGate in the past 24 hours than you've done in the past month. --Onideus 10:17, 13 January 2015 (EST)

That's amazing work you've done considering it was pretty much dead back in November. So you've done nothing lol. Linking articles is USI now? Keep flailing cockface. - Phobos 10:19, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Oh, your a SJW are you? LOL No I meant on the opposite end. I meant I'm screwing things up for the anti-gamergate side. It figures you would be trying to troll the one side that doesn't even make any sense at all to even try trolling. Phobos is all, 'how do I lulz?'
--Onideus 10:23, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Guys fuck this was supposed to be about templates being spammed at the end of pages and it turned up to be a talk about who is the niggiest, PLZ GET BACK TO SUBJECT Tigercommander 10:25, 13 January 2015 (EST)

That's nice

I'm anti-carebear bitch nigga so unfortunately you're shit out of luck manchild. What's even more unfortunate is your entire repertoire is to post furry images in your pitiful attempt at fighting back. - Phobos 10:29, 13 January 2015 (EST)
  • To get back to the topic - I sort of like this idea. But I like it if we can decide on a standard size. I know it's stupid, but the only reason I even brought ot up was to improve esthetics. Up until now the standard shape for series templates has been bars and bars look nice stacks up. If we go with squares I wonder how it would look. I'm worried it would be just as bad as things are now if every template is a different size.
Another thing we could do is just make all the templates that aren't collapsible into collapsible ones and make them all more bar shaped. Just leave a little room for a picture or something. Look:

{{Biology}} {{Abnormal Psych}}

These two templates are almost identical. Look how nice they look next to one another. You could shove ten of those on a page and it would look fine. What is most templates looked along the lines of that? Only with a little picture on the side to keep it funny. Standard length, standard width and standard picture size and bam, everything looks good no matter how many you shove into a page. oddguy 10:46, 13 January 2015 (EST)
I like the design of the new gg template and I think it'd save a fuckton of space to do it like that.But I'd suggest just going through articles where there's like 4 or more templates and rming those before anything else.-- 15:59, 13 January 2015 (EST)


What do you guys think of Template:Portals? --JuniusThaddeus 18:48, 13 January 2015 (EST)

  • Not to be rude but, it looks kindda ugly. oddguy 18:54, 13 January 2015 (EST)
    • Speak frankly, even if that means offending others. I based it on Template:Portal. I'm not sure how to make the series templates prettier without getting rid of the rectangular, white-and-gray design that they all share. --JuniusThaddeus 19:00, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Also I would counter that something being ugly should be overlooked atm at least we need to set down core concepts before we start figuring out how we want stuff to look. A system that works can be improved aesthetically NOT ESTHETICALLY. - Phobos 20:10, 13 January 2015 (EST)
The templates are fine the way they are, there is no need to overhaul them, just keep it down to 3 per article. Add as many categories as you'd like, just keep the amount of templates per article down to a reasonable number. That being said, the portal template looks good cuz it is just a rewrite/simplification of the current template and sticks with the same look. --Mantequilla (talk) 20:38, 13 January 2015 (EST)
While you're around zaiger I was wondering if you could answer a few short questions. Do you still have that tech guy running/in charge of everything? (I'm assuming yes) I only ask because it would be great if the wiki could get some updates/upgrades specifically shit for responsive design and I know you're usually pretty busy promoting new content. Essentially I'm hoping that maybe I could just talk to your tech guy since RWD is already a bitch on wikis in the first place but with the current software ED runs there is a fuckload of necessary features for scaling content based on screen size missing. I tried working around that but it was a pain in the fucking ass attempting to get anything to work on the Randi Harper page on multiple resolutions. - Phobos 20:43, 13 January 2015 (EST)
E is MIA, but we have a new sysadmin. We are migrating to new hardware this week and will be upgrading mediawiki. Things should be a lot better then, although a LOT of shit is gonna break, but once thats all worked out we can talk about whatever upgrades you have in mind. --Mantequilla (talk) 21:29, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Sounds A++ fucking awesome imo - Phobos 21:35, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Sweet. Thanks. --JuniusThaddeus 08:35, 14 January 2015 (EST)
We might not be able to upgrade during the migration, but we have a humongous new dedi that we will create a dev container on so we can work on upgrading MW in the very near future. There is just a lot of custom shit so we have to make sure it doesn't break everything first. --Mantequilla (talk) 14:10, 14 January 2015 (EST)
Solution: Beyond 3 templates or whatever arbitrary distinction, place templates in a collapsible element. If people are too ignorant to click once to expand, they are clearly too ill informed to be reading anything at all and should stick with the pretty pictures. —  VX  13:25, 14 January 2015 (EST)
VX This was already proposed above and the answer was:

No no non o no non ono no n ono no n on o no. This is a terrible idea and anyone who thinks otherwise will be crucified, then gassed and then burned in an oven. What we should do is enforce a template limit of 3 per article. Try to descend them from smallest to largest, with the largest at the bottom



Tigercommander 13:42, 14 January 2015 (EST)

Paycoin: Drama Money

Have you guys seen the sheer madnes going on over Paycoin? I mean... wow. I'm not sure whether this is the ultimate troll or an inept moron. Reddit is screaming "SCAM! SCAAAAAMMM!!" and the exchange trollboxes are pretty divided between "profit while you can" and "dear god this guy is a retard." It even has censorship madness and other BS.

In a nutshell, it's overdue for an article so there's an article for it now. Any currencyfags want in? Be sure to back up claims with proof links as much as possible for extra lulz.

On a side note, could someone with higher rank then me please add Paycoin to the Business template? Thank you very much!--3tails 19:46, 12 January 2015 (EST)

Uh... the article seems pretty up to date to me. Everything you just said is already in it. --Onideus 05:30, 13 January 2015 (EST)
I really liked the article you made 3tails :) --LmaoZedong 13th January 2015

For Posterity

As for why all the VOTN is ANIME:

<phobos> zaiger is gonna hate us but what the fuck ever
<Meepsheep> ohohohoh
<Meepsheep> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lWofyDzw1c
<phobos> hahahaha that pic

GNAA Anime Music Video Month - Phobos 12:54, 13 January 2015 (EST)

  • This is a happy coincidence. I was hoping to do another "Worst Anime Ever" marathon sometime this month on movie night. Everyone invited of course (it's gonna be shit). oddguy 13:24, 13 January 2015 (EST)
Oh my, you sure showed him who's boss! At least the VOTNs will be set for a while now.
Also, @Meepsheep, I tried taking Yung Lean's advice and playing as Wario in Mario Kart 8, but he royally sucks. Luigi and Shy Guy are who I ride with. Vermin   10:29, 14 January 2015 (EST)
You mean there's "good anime?" Nice try. —  VX  15:37, 19 January 2015 (EST)

Hey Zaiger, How Come We Can't Upload Pictures Of Spergs And Gingers?

Your girl Phoebe/Phobos (whatever) keeps flushing this...

Never gave a reason either... although given how angry he always acts I'm thinking they might actually be the same person. He already has part of an article but as soon as I went to start making him a seperate/proper article Phobos immediately started acting all crazed/angry, flushing random uploads, accusing me of being random people, etc, etc. He also completely shit up the wiki with his favorite animu shit (see above) which also fits the MO of Jason McCarthy. Seems to me they might be the same person or he might be a friend of his who is using his moderator position to troll shield. --U Mad Bro 07:24, 14 January 2015 (EST)

Lol - Phobos 08:35, 14 January 2015 (EST)

Lolx2 Tigercommander 08:51, 14 January 2015 (EST)

  • Cut the shit. Stop failtrolling each other and work on fucking content of ur both gonna be gone. --Mantequilla (talk) 13:59, 14 January 2015 (EST)
Call the cops zaiger idgaf. Weev, myself, kasper, and others have been spending significant amounts of time working to help ED in any way we can (you're welcome for today's AOTN btw). You can't even be bothered to stick around in #ed for more than 40 seconds to talk about the site. If you want to act like I owe you anything go right ahead I give 0 fucks about your threats. - Phobos 14:17, 14 January 2015 (EST)
Wow, did I rly just read that? It sounds like you think he owes *you* something, even though he's the one keeping your online home up and running. The rules and policies apply to everyone. And just because he can't be bothered to entertain you in IRC, it doesn't mean he isn't working hard to improve ED behind the scenes, so don't start any of that Onideus-styled "you're unfit to run ED" shit. That's pretty disrespectful, bro. Vermin   14:31, 14 January 2015 (EST)
It's fine calm down, phobos and I have been working on ED together for like 8 years. We talked in IRC everything is fine. --Mantequilla (talk) 14:45, 14 January 2015 (EST)
Good, let's all keep working together and stuff. I love you all! :> Vermin   15:06, 14 January 2015 (EST)