Fancy Macelli

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Somebody should do something about it.

Fancy Macelli
Name April Johns
Born January 12, 1975
Gender Female
Occupation #Girlboss
Nationality Americunts

Fancy Macelli, Franchesca Macelli, or really April Johns is a feminist icon who broke into the male-dominated field of criminal fraud. Her resume includes an impressive history of failure across a range of bizarre industries where she'll start numerous projects concurrently - often with down payments from her clients - but then have to bow out for completely relatable reasons like being expected to do work. As a woman in a man's field, she was subjected to extremely offensive remarks like "if you won't work, please refund us." Some misogynists even went to the extreme of posting factual accounts of her scams online, showing how unfair our society still is to women who steal.

Taking "if you don't know, teach" to heart, she's the creator of "The Good Wives' Network", a failed venture that self-promotes itself as "a brand new streaming channel for women by women". As of 2024, she bills herself as "the leading expert" on the Gypsy Rose Blanchard Case. She also claims she's in production of "By Proxy", a series on the case supposedly created with Gypsy's family and loved ones. She's so dedicated to this case that, to better understand the justice system, she got herself arrested multiple times and even served a stint in prison. She's the subject of the subreddit /r/fancythegoodwifesnark and gained numerous new onlookers in 2024, due to her ill-advised presence on TikTok.

Early Life

Fancy Macelli was born January 12, 1975 in Dayton Beach, Florida. Her fantastical and traumatic upbringing is the source of most her content. At a very young age she expressed her interest in the entertainment industry when at five she walked up to the television, pointed at the screen and said to her mom, "I can do that. No No No! I want to do that." Fancy began acting in local community theater and school productions. In third grade she was cast in the starring rule of Lulu Bear in The Teddy Bears' Christmas. One year later Fancy and her family moved to Riverside, CA.[1] On a Soundkick page created in 2008, Fancy describes her upbringing "I grew up as an only child to a single parent. My mother was a juvenile diabetic and struggled with it all her life. She always wanted me to pursue my dreams but her health never let me." [2]

Military Service

  • Fancy has stated that she was in the Army, however, we have not seen much to substantiate this. Also, she has never referenced using the VA for healthcare, further giving thought to that her service may be fraudulent. She also continues to ask for money to attend school, and makes no mention of the GI bill.

Brushes With Fame

Newlywed Game

  • Fancy and her husband Craig appeared in an episode of The Newlywed Game in 1997.


  • April Johns: Damsel in Distress

Described as "Country mixed with a little rock and a little rhythm and blues... Each day I try and honor her memory with my singing. I have three beautiful girls who we try and raise to have the song in the heart and the music at their fingertips. My sound is country mixed with a little rhythm and blues." She has a full album. [3]

  • Her OurStage Account [4]
  • Her Twitter[5]
Music Videos
  • Family Photo [6]
  • Standin' in the Rain [7]

Background Actress

1995 - 1996: Boy Meets World

  • On a self created IMDB page,[8] Fancy lists an impressive resume, beginning when she was given a position as a "background regular" on the TV series for 10 episodes. There are no photos of her from this production. [9]

2002: Movie Debut

  • Also from a self created profile on Stage32, Fancy states she appears in two films:
National Lampoon's Van Wilder
  • No credit is listed for her except there she has added herself in IMDB as party girl, uncredited.
Orange County
  • Another walk on role as where she credits herself as student, uncredited.

2004: Minor Breakthrough

  • Fancy adds her role as reporter, uncredited to the blockbuster Spiderman 2. After this, she exited the industry, married, and had children.

Fan Fiction

  • In 2009, April started a Sookie Stackhouse fan fiction site "All Things Sookie Stackhouse", but it appears not to have any content. [10]

2011: Return to the Stage

  • She appeared the stage production of A Dark and Stormy Night, playing Mary Shaw as the Kentucky Public Theatre. [11]

  • She started a blog in 2012 to document how she was "following her Hollywood dreams".[12]

Theatre Student

  • She created a website for herself at that time, stating "She is pursuing a B.A. at Western Kentucky University in Theatre with a Minor in Film. She has had success in getting supporting and lead roles at school and in the local community theater." [13]

Taylor Swift

  • She creates a resume at this time, stating that she has appeared in the Taylor Swift video for Ours, however there is no mention of her on the IMDB for the production, which was shot in December 2011. [14]

Mrs. Grinch

  • In 2017, she played Mrs. Grinch in a production of Maggie the Pirate, also at the Public Theatre of Kentucky. [15] More photos are located on her website.[16]

Failed Productions

Film Industry Disappointment

  • From 2010-2012, Fancy made posts about attending numerous auditions for productions and pilots, obtaining none of them.


  • In 2015, Fancy realizes that no one wants to work with her, so she starts to get into the idea of self producing a web series.
  • In November 2015, Fancy joined the networking site Stage 32, stating "I am an actress and filmmaker. I have been on stage since I was a very young child. I did some time while a young adult in Hollywood but left to raise my family for 20 years. I am currently writing & starring in my own web series, Coping. The series is based on my own life story as a single mother with bipolar disorder who deals with the loss of her own mom." [17]

  • On September 28, 2015 Fancy makes a post offering t shirts for sale with a design from Coping.
  • In 2016, a screen play for the series Coping was posted, and an IMDB entry was created. She is listed as the star. [18]

  • She began a IndieGoGo campaign to fund the series. $50 out of the requested $10k was funded. [19]

Unfiltered Dreams Productions

  • In 2017 she expands on her claim, now stating that she has a production company, working on a series. [20]

  • A LinkedIn account was created for "Unfiltered Dreams Productions".[21]
  • A Dummy Legal Form was used to establish the production company LLC.

  • In February 2016, Amy Harper Stout updates her LinkedIn giving her title as Production Assistant, Assistant to Creator and Exec. Producer [22]
  • On February 28, 2016 - Unfiltered Dreams Productions states they were having an Oscars viewing party, and offered invitations for sale on Eventbright.


  • On March 2, 2016 - They actually do have a party.[24]
  • On June 16, 2016, an article is published in the Portsmouth Daily Times giving a profile for the co-owner of Unfiltered Dreams Productions, Mark Justice.[25]
  • On July 19, 2019 - SAG publishes an Atlanta Local Update includes the following listing:[26]

Sins – New Media
Unfiltered Dreams Productions LLC
Location: Savannah, GA
Start Date: August 15, 2016
End Date: November 14, 2016

Sins Pre Production

  • In 2016, an IMDB entry was created for SINs. She is listed as the star.[27]
  • On January 19, 2016 - a twitter account was created for the series SINS. [28]
  • An Account on Slated is created for Franchesca Macelli. "A Slated Score is an analysis of each member's credited work history used to estimate project team strength. Scores are out of 100, adjusted for inflation, depreciate over time, and factor in the following criteria". She is given a ranking of 3/100.[29]

  • On February 6, 2016 an appearance is made on WAVE3 in Louisville to discuss upcoming casting calls.
  • On January 31 - February 7, 2016, there are a casting calls.
  • On February 16, 2016, a store selling merchandise for the SINS series is launched on TeeSpring.
  • On June 16, 2016 a teaser image is posted to twitter.
  • On June 28, Becca Tobin is confirmed as taking a role.[30]

  • On August 5, 2016 - an official poster is created.

  • On August 6, 2016 A Facebook post is added. It shows a now deleted YouTube video.[31]
  • On August 9, 2016, Rick Hurst[32] and Nathan Parsons [33]are reported to have signed onto the project. [34]
  • On August 11, 2016 Fancy makes a Facebook post saying she will be on the set of SINS.
  • On September 4 2016, Fancy posts that they "had a delay".
  • On September 9, 2016 - SINS is shut down for having a SAG/AFTRA violation.[35]
  • A Do Not Work notice was published by SAG. [36]

  • From September 9 to 19, Fancy continues to say they are still working, but there is a delay.

  • From December 28th, 2016 to January 28, 2017, she continued to lie, as she could not admit the series was dead.

  • In 2018, the screenplay for SINS was posted to Stage32. It appears Fancy may have been trying to find someone to produce it again.[37]
  • On August 8, 2023 - a cryptic post on the SINS Facebook stating "Nice try bitches. Funny when you OWN it all and the fakers want to try and come at you" was posted.

By Proxy


  • Fancy first started talking to Krisy Blanchard, Gypsy's step mother, over Facebook in a group that was created to discuss the case. She sent Kristy a message, stating that she was an independent filmmaker looking to cover the story from the family's perspective, and began a friendship. In order to begin the project, Fancy and her daughter took a trip to Louisiana, and met both the Blanchard and Pitre families. She shared a hand drawn picture that she claims was made for her at Claudia, DeeDee's sister's house. Despite her claims of being a documentary film maker, she managed to forget to bring any recording equipment to use for any of the interviews, and only has a chicken scratch drawing of stick people as her notes.
  • In order to continue the lie, Fancy makes a trip to California, claiming to have meetings with studios on getting funding for the production. In actuality, it was just her taking photos with buildings to try and continue the lie.


  • On September 21, 2017, Fancy announces her project on Facebook.
  • On September 26, 2017, She updated Facebook to say that she had all the text messages between Nick and Gypsy, and medical records.
  • On February 27, 2018, an article in the Springfield News Leader is linked.[38]
  • On March 13, 2018, an article on Radar Online is linked.
  • On April 4, 2019 Vulture publishes "The Act" Gypsy Blachard's Stepmom Wants 'The Whole Truth'[39]
  • On May 19, 2019 Fancy states that she feels she is in the might making a documentary about Gypsy as she is not dangerous.

  • On May 20, 2019, In Touch Weekly covers By Proxy.[40]

Fall Out

  • On June 7, 2019 emails showing that writer M.J. Pack was being lied to by Fancy and her staff are leaked.[41]
  • On June 22, 2019 a twitter account @JusticeForNickG began to leak correspondence between the staff. It was alleged at this time that Amanda Utesch, and her husband were harassing people.[42]
  • More posts showing Micheal Ray Utesch's arrest emerge.[43]
  • On the same day, Fancy makes a stupid "Positivity! Yah!" message to try and deflect the controversy around the staff's behavior.[44]
  • On July 12, 2019 Writer M.J. Pack ends her association with the production.[45]
  • On the same day, A twitter account is created called @cajun_cunning
  • On July 15, 2019 Some tweets where people start to question if By Proxy is a fake production start to surface.
  • On August 7, 2019 Twitter user @cajun_cunning posts Fancy's mug shots.[46]
  • On August 14, 2019 Gypsy ends all her contact with Fancy and the production.
  • On August 29, 2019, an article in the Springfield News Leader states that Gypsy has ended all contact with the production.[47]
  • Screenshots of a private post made by Fancy attempting to say that the production is real, and it's going to be SO great that it wins an Emmy surface on twitter. This is the first time we hear her start her now infamous claims of being victimized by the Blanchards.[48]
  • On October 28, 2019, a cryptic post about a death is made.
  • On December 8, 2019, a post on Facebook by Fancy states that they have no beef with the family, and Kristy responds.

Later Claims

  • In 2024, when Fancy began billing herself as the leading expert on Gypsy Rose Blanchard, she changed the back story of why By Proxy was never completed to say that it was a choice the team made having never seen the interrogation footage. She states that after seeing the entire footage, she could no longer in good faith make a documentary on this subject, as she did not support what she saw. This was never true, and it was merely made up to attempt to paint the fall out she created with her dishonesty to be hidden under a veil of righteousness.
  • On January 8, 2024 we see her making this claim on YouTube.

Framing Nick Godejohn

  • After all contact with the Blanchard Family was ended, Fancy was still attempting to find a way to make herself part of the case. During this time, she came up with a plan to hire a women to reach out to Nick Godejohn, to receive exclusive content, and create a documentary based on this.
  • On April 10, 2019 Dawn is contracted to begin the project. An NDA is signed, and she is to be paid as a contributing producer.
  • On June 29, 2019, the twitter account @DAWNDISALVI79 is created[49]
  • She makes posts asking to network with true crime podcasts and news outlets, claiming she has a major story.
  • On September 18, 2019 Fancy and Dawn appear on the High Crimes podcast, not admitting this is a lie.[50]
  • Emails between Nick and Dawn are leaked that day. They are used to tease that there is more on the paid Patreon that Fancy is offering.
  • On September 19, 2019 a live was recorded with Dawn, and the production still would not admit all of this was a ruse.[51]
  • On July 7, 2019, the @JusticeForNickG account on Twitter stated that Nick was being manipulated.[52]
  • On July 8, 2019, the same account made a post featuring Fancy, Amanda and Dawn's Mug Shots.[53]
  • On the same day, another post is made showing how the ByProxy production now are in touch with Nick's "ex"[54]
  • On July 20, 2019, links to a 2013 article showing Dawn's arrest history are found.[55]
  • On August 14, 2019 The contract that Dawn signed is leaked on twitter.
  • On August 18, 2019 A post on twitter stating that Dawn also tried to scam Nick is leaked.[56]

File:Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 8.10.50 AM.png

  • On August 19, 2019, a leaked email received by Nick's father from Dawn is leaked.[57]
  • On the same day, Fancy tries to double down and alleges that Dawn was scamming her, also.[58]
  • On September 18, 2019 Fancy screams and threatens the rest of the staff, and leaked audio emerged on Twitter.[59]

The Good Wives' Network

  • After the fall out and bad association with the name ByProxy, and news of how Fancy had directly attempted to manipulate Nick, an autistic man, for the sake of content, a new YouTube name and channel were created. Brande and Fancy were the only remaining partners.
  • On July 28 2019, an instagram post announced the new name.[60]
  • On September 13 2019, the corresponding Patreon is launched. The staged emails between Nick and Dawn are the first new content posted.


  • Fancy moved to producing her own podcast with friends.
  • On September 29, 2019 two trailers were posted to Patreon.
  • On October 31, 2019 episodes of the podcast were launched. However - the sound editing was so bad they were not audibly legible.
  • On November 19, 2019 episodes were remastered and reposted.

Falling Out With The Blanchard Family

Allegation of tabloid leaks

  • On April 12, 2019 Fancy gave an unauthorized interview to People called "Gypsy Rose Blanchard Engaged to Prison PenPal"[61]
  • On May 6, 2019 Gypsy sends as email to Natasha, hoping to dispel the claims Fancy has made.
  • On July 13, 2019 Screen Shots are leaked showing that Fancy says awful shit behind Gypsy's back, all while planning to make a movie about her for profit.
  • On July 16, 2019 Fancy gave an unauthorized interview to InTouch called "Gypsy Rose Blachard's Family is Concerned About Her Wedding Plans".[62]

  • On July 17, 2019 Gypsy sends an email to an undisclosed person instructing them to post it online, to show her disgust at Fancy.
  • On the same day, Emails sent by Fancy to Gypsy are leaked on the 25th on twitter.[63]
  • On July 18, 2019 Gypsy sends an email to an undisclosed person stating her complaints with Fancy.
  • On July 25, 2019 Gypsy's Fiancé at the time, Ken, addressed Fancy in a Facebook post.

Termination by Gypsy Rose Blanchard

  • On August 14, 2019 Gypsy sent Fancy the following emails, terminating their relationship.

  • On September 5, 2019 Without a Crystal Ball broke the news that Gypsy had cut ties with the By Proxy Production.[64]

Continued Unwanted Contact

  • Fancy has stated that after the falling out with Gypsy, she sent letters to the correctional facility to have Gypsy reprimanded for having contact with her friend Rachel Garlik, who made posts on her behalf on TikTok at this time.
  • Fancy also stated that she wrote letters to the parole board to suggest that Gypsy was not fit for release.

Partnership Breakdown

  • At this time, Fancy's business partners all skipped out, as they didn't see any way this project was ever going to be complete.

Continued Harassment Through Media

  • On August 16, 2021 Fancy gave a paid interview to InTouch called "Gypsy Rose Dated MultipleMen in Prison After Ken Split".[65]
  • Another article she leaked to in the same publication was called "Gypsy Rose Blanchard Doesn't Want Counseling or Help in Prison"[66]
  • On learning that Gypsy Rose was approaching parole, and realizing that her financial windfall from producing any series with her likeness was not happening, Fancy set to make as much money off her connection to the case as she could. She continues to peddle her offerings as an inside source to the media, despite having little new information or any actual gossip.
  • On April 22, 2023 Mia Blanchard, Gypsy's younger sister took to TikTok to begin to dispel the misinformation and lies that Fancy was already spreading.[67]

Media Appearances

  • Fancy is a speaker in Killer Cases Season 1 Episode 6 [68]. It aired on January 21, 2021.

Sketchy Businesses

E-Unite Events: Fancy Invents Live Streaming

  • In 2011, Fancy created a website for her fledgling business, a gift basket webstore. [69] From the site "Hello and welcome. This is the home of a very new and unique idea, the E-Vent. Click on the E-Shower page for detailed information. In addition to this we offer event planning services, custom made gift baskets, specialty home, nursery, and garden decor; and other various fun crafty gifts. We specialize in creating a just for you experience. We carry several name brand luxury products." The site was an early e-com webstore, featuring a PayPal check out. However, there was no evidence that products were ever listed for sale. A second screenshot of the site taken in 10/2011 also shows that it is an incomplete project. [70]

  • Eventective, a directory site for party planners, lists her offerings as "We are a team of coordinators, designers, consultants, and assistants committed to creating your day with elegance and style, where you too are a guest, able to enjoy every detail without stress. We bring organization, creativity, integrity, elegance, passion, and innovation to the wedding or special event of your dreams."[71]

  • Eventective has a listing.[72]
  • 'The Knot' also has a listing. [73]

  • In 2012, she got her first awful review on Yelp. [74]

Fancy Events

  • In 2014, Fancy was forced to rebrand, as she had already been accused of theft and deception by clients. She created a new website. [75]

  • She joined LinkedIn, billing herself as a "master coordinator and CEO". [76]

  • It was noted on Yelp [77] that she had taken to using the wedding parties open bar.

  • Foursquare also was aware of her scams.[78]

  • Also of note: She was accused of swindling a free $800 event rental fee for her daughter's birthday party from a venue in exchange for photos. The review was damning, and this would be the first in a long line of business dealings that she did not hold up her end of the agreement.[79]

  • In addition to wedding planning, she wanted to expand into children's parties, and she created a side concept of Fancy Bash [80]

  • However, in May, she received two equally suspicious reviews.[81].

  • In 2015, a Yelp profile for the business gives a different account. [82] Most notably, this was the first internet mention of greatly overstating what her business actually was, as at this time she was still billing herself as being a creative team, when in actuality, it was just her meeting with people in the mall food court. This would be an early sign of a pattern of behavior that would be a reoccurring theme in her life.

  • 2016 proved to escalate the disasters in this business. [83]

Confirmed Theft

  • On Feb 15, 2024, a reddit user saw our subreddit /fancythegoodwifesnark and stopped by to provide context on the theft[84]

Multi Level Marketing


  • On November 21, 2018, Fancy joined YouTube as a "Mompreneur, Online Marketing Strategist, PCOS Warrior Depression Survivor", offering "Content Marketing Schedule to Increase Productivity and Save Time!" [85]
  • Fancy tried to start a website "", but could not manage. The wayback machine shows no updates. [86]
  • She started a linked in, just to focus on Multi level marketing. [87]
  • On November 28, She started the IamButterFlyBound Podcast [88] but quit shortly after.
  • She joined Pinterest at this time, offering motivational content. [89]

I Am Butterfly Bound Badass Boss Babe Group

  • Yes, a fucking MLM! Fancy was affiliated with Modere [90]

Mad Ginger Entertainment

  • On August 8, 2018 - Fancy starts the website "Mad Ginger Entertainment". It was removed after April 23, 2023. 16 shots are available in the Wayback Machine. [91]
  • A Facebook account is created. [92]
  • A Tee Republic store is opened, selling merch. [93]
  • Membership to the "True Crime Wives Member Club" is offered, at $50 per year. [94]

  • Surviving Bundy"Kathy Rubin is only 1 of 3 survivors of Ted Bundy but her life does not end there. In this auto-biographical dramatic feature we tell her harrowing story of not allowing herself to be Bundys victim but rather a victor over what he tried to take from her." - There are no mentions of this project anywhere ever again. [95]

  • Todd Matthews- A new podcast called "Gone Cold with the Good Wives and Todd Matthews" is listed, but there are no mentions of this project anywhere ever again.[96]

Oliphant Institute

  • Fancy claims to have attended this program, and bills herself as a serial killer profiler.

Streaming Channel

  • On October 31, 2022, a Youtube video stating that a "new network for women" was launching.[97]
  • In 2023, Fancy takes to Stage32 to announced she has purchased a streaming platform. [98]

  • On June 5, 2023 - A post stating that June 10th is the official launch date is posted.[99]
  • On June 7, 2023 - A launch party is promoted. Tickets are offered for sale.[100]
  • On June 28, 2023 - A series called "Fascinating People" starring Amy Lyndon was posted as launching on "Mondays". This never happened.[101]
  • On July 18, 2023 - A series called "The Crimeliens" was posted as launching July 17, 2023. This never happened.[102]
  • On October 13, 2023 - A series called "Serial Killers Around the World" was posted as launching in November 2023. This never happened.[103]
  • An Amazon Affiliate Store appears to be the only content that Fancy has actually produced. She bills herself as Mother, Nanny to 1 beautiful grandson, Devouted Wife, True Crime Investigator, TV Network Owner of The Good Wives' Network

College Fundraiser

  • On November 22, 2022 Fancy makes a post linking to a fundraiser to go back to school. She takes in $1000. It is believe that Colleen is her only donor.[104]
  • Her post states "I am a 47-year-old mother, who raised 3 beautiful ladies and am now helping to raise my amazing grandson. When my girls were young, I tried returning to college many times, but it just never seemed to work out well. Now, they have all flown the coup and it’s time for me to do things for me. Education was always important to my family, and I felt like it was disappointing to them that I didn’t finish any degree. But I’m not doing this for them, I’m doing this for me. I hope my momma and nana are looking down from heaven and are proud of their girl."

As a little girl I always wanted to be an actress and I achieved a fair amount of success before leaving the industry to raise my children. I had always thought I’d return at some point, but life just kept somehow standing in the way and to give my girls the best life we moved away from California to my husband’s home state of Kentucky. There aren’t a whole lot of opportunities here for a middle-aged actress unless you want to be a scream queen’s mom. My acting coach, Amy Lyndon stopped me in the middle of a session and said some harsh words to me but in the end, she basically told me if opportunities weren’t here for me then I had to make my own. I took that talk to heart.

I created my own production company and began producing my own content. I hadn’t expected to enter the true-crime field when I started Mad Ginger Entertainment, but a door opened, and I walked right through. Over the last six years I have researched a case out of Missouri, the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case, that has been presented to the world untruthfully. My team and I set out to tell the good, the bad and the ugly and the ugly really prevailed. We produced our own podcast, The Good Wives’ Guide to True Crime, with no budget and little knowledge in the podcasting world. Now, the podcast and a successful YouTube channel is in its third year, and we plan to launch a streaming network early next year.

I have appeared as an expert on A&E’s, Killer Cases, and Reelz Channel’s, Copycat Killers. I have also been featured in several magazines regularly over the last five years. I have given speeches at several genre specific conventions, and we have two books set to hit the shelves in 2023, as well as a documentary. It is my work on this case that inspired me to go into the field of forensic psychology. I have always been obsessed with true crime and more so into the working of the criminal mind. I feel that a degree in forensic psychology will not only help my company goals but will give me personal satisfaction as well. I want to show my girls it’s never too late to go to school or follow your dreams.

As I stated I’ve tried to go to school many times over the last 30 years, but it never quite worked out. I think that’s because I hadn’t found the right path. In these times I used up all my loan money and most of the pell grant when Obama passed the 5 year pell grant cap. So at this time I have 12 classes I need to take to finish my degree in Forensic Psychology and then I plan to continue on to law school. Unfortunately, I am going to have to pay for those 12 classes partially out of pocket. I need to complete six 8 week terms, 2 classes at a time which adds up to a total of three trimsters. I need about $1000 a trimster to finish. That doesn't cover books or expenses but I believe I can cover that myself. I simply want to ensure I get to complete this degree. Total transparency of use of funds will provided as well as updates along my journey.

I am currently applying for grants and scholarships but they aren't coming in fast enough for me to start by Jan 2, 2023. I know if I don't get that start I will once again get wrapped up in my life and won't get back to school. Due to complications from Covid & my already known health issues I'm not able to work like I used to so I can't go pick up part time work or extra work like I normally would have, to fill this gap. So, I'm asking family, friends, and collegues to help me achieve this goal.

I’ve never been more solid in my choice to return to school. It’s funny to be almost 50 and thinking about finishing my degree and even considering attending law school after I finish my BA but it’s my time now and this is what I’ve decided I want to do. Maybe, I’ll end up as a federal prosecutor or a criminal profiler, but probably will just use it to provide accurate information and analysis or our cases covered on our Network. The sky’s really the limit and I’ve been told 50 is the new 30 so I’m right on track.

Thank you for your help in seeing me achieve my dreams.

Stop The Cycle Of Abuse Program

  • In 2023, two of the four members of the program removed themselves. Only Fancy and Colleen remain at this time.
  • On May 13, 2023, a text in to donate fundraiser was live.
  • On May 29, 2023, a promotional post was made on Instagram, listing a Kentucky Derby theme trivia with tickets for sale. Derby Day was May 6.[105]

  • There are a large number of events listed, all with 0 attendees, yet the link is still there for donations. [106]

  • Despite being inactive, there is still a link to purchase Rada cookware to benefit this cause. [107]

  • Monetized Links are created attached to Fancy's Instagram account.

  • In Fancy's Linktree, a link to a ShopRaise account is present.[108]

  • In an attempt to deflect criticism, Fancy posted a letter showing her tax id. It was random and no one could figure out what she was trying to accompllish.


Original Content

  • On September 13, 2019 a Patreon account was created under GoodWivesNet. The first post states "Welcome to By Proxy & The Good Wives Guide To True Crime. We are so glad you are here. Your support means the world to our team. This team is dedicated to changing the face of true crime. We want to bring humanistic, truthful and not overly sensationalized stories to the world of true crime.We will provide inside information on each case we work on. Including court documents, private interviews with members of the case and witnesses etc, expert testimonies, crime scene photos and exclusive content. All in a no drama environment. We will have live discussions, forum type discussions and help educate you on various elements of each case as well as specific community platforms we will be working to highlight. Also if you join at a high level because you like the merchandise perks you can always lower your contribution in your next month. There are two levels that get early access to our exclusive content but beyond that we just want to create a safe space for all our followers to support us and interact."

  • On September 19, 2019 the Patreon was used to publish emails between Dawn DiSilvia and Nick Godejohn. It was later learned that Fancy had hired Dawn to contact Nick, and create a story by engaging in questionable emails with him in prison.

Return to Updating

  • The Patreon was largely ignored for a long time, and on January 18, 2024 Fancy made a new post stating "We have just returned to Patreon, as we weren't producing new content for a bit". Her claim is that she has exclusive content related to the Gypsy Rose Blanchard Case, however, this is disputed by others in the True Crime community.
  • On January 18, 2024 texts between Nick and Gypsy were published, along with crime scene photos. On January 19, 2024, the Greene County records were published. These are not exclusive and can be obtained in the Freedom of Information act. Fancy also posted these to a Google drive in 2019, and forgot.[109]
  • On February 15, 2024, she published a letter she claims was written to her from Krisy Blanchard, the step mother of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, along with other letters from friends and family addressed to the prosecutor in Gypsy's trial. Only the personal letter from Krisy is exclusive.
  • Currently, none of the fabled medical records have ever been posted on this account.


  • Prior to her move to dedicate her platform to content singularly focused on Gypsy Rose, Fancy had attempted to gain mommy blogger / influencer status by posting lifestyle content. However, this did not catch on. She made a questionable post on November 20, 2023 offering a claim of joining the Temu "Influencer" team.[110]
  • On December 13, 2023 she posted an ad for the Veda app to block unwanted calls, posting a monetized link in her bio.[111] On December 20th, 2023, she offered a monetized link in her bio and sought out those to bring in to "affiliate links" for a Christian clothing brand.[112]
  • Fancy later added a Linktree for links to her monetized content and affiliate links.
  • On December 28, 2023 Fancy makes a post claiming that she is now speaking with a former friend of Gypsy's and makes the following post: [[113]]

"Gypsy has always claimed that she was carrying on a secret relationship with Nick behind Dee Dee's back. But..... Recently I found a debunking of The Act that Gypsy's friend Rachell did here of TikTok. In it Rachell asks Gypsy differnt questions about what did our didn't happen as portrayed in The Act. Rachell speaking as Gypsy answers the question of did Nick call your mom and tell her that he was going to take you away? She states that Gypsy said it didn't happen but she was on the phone with him and her mom told him off. So, what exactly did Dee Dee know? Well nobody knows for certain but if a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll give you two. The top pic is a crime scene picture in the living room of the house in Springfield. But wait is that Gypsy in her secret, sexy outfit (btw the one where she's licking the knife is in the same spot), sending it to Nick in her living room, in broad daylight? HMMMM that strange. Mom never left her side. She was non-stop texting Nick all hours of day and night. When I say constant I mean there is not a lapse in texts for more than a few minutes. So how did she procure a secret laptop, secret phone, secret lingerie, sexting with her man nonstop and over protective, and overbearing momma not notice? To hear more on what our team has to say about this case check out our podcast link in the bio, The Good Wives' Guide to True Crime. 13 episodes all about Gypsy Rose from medical records to exclusive interviews you don't want to miss it. And be on the look out for our doc series coming in 2024."

Affiliate Links

  • Currently, Fancy offers links to a variety of monetized affiliate offerings, including Amazon, Temu, Girl Power Alliance, Vida, and the Playtime Couch.


  • As of February 2024, Social Blade Ranks GoodWivesNet's Youtube at 8.2 thousand subscribers, 418,642 total views



  • On July 8, she posts a snippet she claims is part of the documentary, stating it will come out soon. So far this hasn't happened.
  • On July 9, she offers up a Gypsy Rose and Nick t shirt for sale.
  • On September 23, Eager to get in on the Gypsy Rose popularity, Fancy makes a post claiming that the Good Wives Network will be dropping a documentary around the time of her release. This never happened.

2024: Gypsy Rose is released from prison on parole

  • During this time, Fancy began a tirade across the internet to show her rage at Gypsy.
  • On January 2, 2024 Fancy was set to appear on the Ashley Banfield program on NewsNation, however, they cancelled her appearance. The only mention left is on twitter.[114]
  • Later on, emails are leaked showing that the family had to reach out to NewsNation in order to prevent Fancy from continuing to involve herself.

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  • On January 12, 2024 Fancy creates a press release attempting to bill herself as an expert and book interviews. No one notices, and no media appearances are obtained other than a Youtube Channel called "Excited Utterance" with 445 views.[115]

Without a Crystal Ball

*On December 29, 2023 - Without a Crystal Ball makes a post representing the Blanchard Family.[116] The text is as follows: "While Gypsy Blanchard was incarcerated, many people in the media and bloggers attempted to exploit the family by manipulating their naïveté with the media. One of these women, Fancy Macelli, sold herself to outlets and even the family as a film producer and writer. For years, Fancy sold stories to Intouch as “exclusives” and claimed she was a personal friend of both Gypsy and Kristy. Fancy tried to get Kristy and Gypsy to work with her on a documentary. She made a lot of promises but provided no product. Despite months of empty promises by Fancy to Kristy, Kristy decided she had been deceived by Fancy. Kristy made the decision to move on from Fancy to work with other outlets to help Gypsy finally tell her story. Gypsy was eager to have a platform of her own to share her story in her own words. Hulu’s “The Act” was not produced with the family and was not an accurate portrayal of Gypsy’s life, her relationships or the abuse she faced. Due to increased visibility to this false story, Kristy wanted to make sure her daughter had a way to share the story in a thoughtful way. Kristy cut ties with Fancy. This enraged Fancy who ran a blog called “by Proxy” where Fancy claimed to be an expert on Munchausen’s by Proxy and an expert on Gypsy. Despite the split with Kristy, Fancy refused to drop the story. Instead, she decided to turn her anger into venom and sold stories to multiple media outlets. Fancy told the press that she was a family friend when she was not a friend. She falsely claimed to have insider information about Gypsy in prison. Stories were published claiming Gypsy was not doing programs, not working on rehabilitation, was not working on her GED and that she would not be ready for release. Fancy sold stories consistently painting Gypsy as manipulative, lazy and incapable of being reformed. All of these stories were false. The family spent years trying to put out fires related to these false stories but many of these narratives still permeate the masses. Fancy also falsely believes Gypsy willingly participated in Dee Dee’s abuse of her & has no sympathy for Gypsy as a victim. Yet she still sells stories as a family friend to outlets."

  • On January 1, 2024 Katie Joy made a post addressing Fancy:[117]

"Gypsy Blanchard has been harassed and bullied, in my opinion, by a woman that attempted to con her family into making a film about Gypsy’s case. Francesca Macelli runs two pages one called “By Proxy” and another called “The Good Wives Network”. She has built her entire social media presence around Gypsy’s case and at one time was completely supportive of Gypsy and her family. She strung the family along and made massive promises about a film being made. Despite all of these promises, the film was NEVER made and a television network Francesca claimed to launch never launched. Gypsy and her family needed to move on to find a production company to help them tell her story. So they cut ties with Francesca in 2019. Since then, Francesca has completely changed her tune and has now turned to making Gypsy a criminal mastermind that she claims helped her mom by enabling the abuse she went through as a child. Francesca refuses to let go of the story and now her social media is dedicated to smearing Gypsy and the Blanchard family. I had the every unpleasant experience of speaking to her years ago. During this time, she attempted to turn me against the family. She went as far as accusing Kristy Blanchard as being as bad and as abusive as Dee Dee Blanchard. Kristy has never been accused of abuse by anyone other than Francesca. Kristy is a loving mother and wife that was thrust into the spotlight when Gypsy was arrested. Francesca claims that Kristy “loves the attention”. All of this is false. Since Gypsy has been released Francesca has taken the wild leap to compare Gypsy to Charles Manson & to accuse Gypsy of marrying a man that she believes looks like Dee Dee Blanchard. But don’t forget that Francesca actually is the one that told Intouch about Gypsy’s marriage before Gypsy ever said a word publicly. Francesca also falsely reported to Intouch at that time that she was still friends with the family. The next time you see an article citing this woman know it’s a lie. She has no contact with the family. They want nothing to do with her. Her rejection by the family has spurred her onto an ugly side that is trying to fuel hate towards Gypsy and her family."

  • On January 1, 2024 Katie Joy gave an update:[118]

"Gypsy Blanchard left this comment on my post a few days ago about Fancy Macelli’s slander of her and her family. Today I was provided screenshots of DMs Fancy sent other creators promising to expose “new information” about Gypsy and Kristy Blanchard that will “ruin them”. Fancy along with another creator named Natasha Cooper have a delusional belief that Gypsy was an active participant in Dee Dee’s abuse of her. Just today Natasha went live and gave details about the crime that simply did not happen. Both Natasha & Fancy claim to be experts, and both had been briefly connected to the family. Both turned on the family when the family cut ties with them over their behavior and lies. At the end of the day, @gypsyrose_a_blanchard is a person that is healing and recovering from severe child abuse. She is navigating an entire new world. Thankfully she has incredible parents & siblings that love her & friends that support her. Gypsy is married and has the full support of her husband. Fancy and Natasha are losing their minds because they never anticipated Gypsy would be released and thought they could control the narrative. Their narrative is vastly different from reality, the facts of the case or the truth. I have been friends with Kristy for over 4.5 years. I have been there for her when it wasn’t popular and while Gypsy was incarcerated. I don’t report the vast majority of what I know because not everything needs to be told & most importantly it is not my story to tell. I mostly respond to false stories and provide the truth of the Situation which I will continue to do for as long as I have a platform. End rant"

  • On January 2, 2024 Katie Joy made the first of several posts about Fancy:[119]

"April Johns aka Franchesca Macelli or Fancy Macelli - is a con artist that poses as a blogger, writer, film producer and true crime expert. She inserted herself into Gypsy Blanchard’s life and promised her family that she would help them make a documentary about Gypsy’s case. What the family did not know about April at the time of her promises is that:

  1. She has arrests spanning three states for misdemeanor theft and fraud charges
  2. She has filed for bankruptcy 2 times
  3. She was most recently arrested in 2017 in Kentucky and released on $2k bond
  4. She has been evicted numerous times
  5. She is actively being sued by a financial company in Kentucky
  6. She has at least 3 separate arrests for theft/fraud in Kentucky alone. She was arrested for theft in Riverside County, California in 1998 and misdemeanor theft in 2000 and was convicted & violated probation resulting in more charges
  7. She has a history of scamming and posing as producers, directors and writers despite no professional credits

April has continued to run her scam against the Blanchard family. When Gypsy went up for Parole, April wrote a letter to the parole board requesting Gypsy remain incarcerated for the full ten years. She has falsely claimed to be a friend of the Blanchard family and a family spokesperson since 2018. April sells stories to outlets under her fake name Fancy Macelli. April has more criminal arrests and a longer criminal rap sheet than Gypsy Blanchard. She is obsessed with destroying and ruining Gypsy & Kristy Blanchard’s life. She has harassed and slandered the family for years. They have begged her to leave them alone. April refuses. Sharing these mugshots so the Media gets it clear that she is not associated with the family. Gypsy is barred from contact with anyone with a criminal history like April. April would love to see Gypsy back in prison and will do whatever she can to make it happen. Don’t sue them or me for an opinion"

  • On January 2, 2024, Katie Joy posted mug shots of Fancy and went over why she was not given and interview with NewsNation:[120]

"I have been friends with Kristy Blanchard for 4.5 years. She is the most loving woman in the world. She is very protective of her kids & she is also not confrontational. April Johns has exploited Kristy’s calm demeanor to get away with so much vile behavior. We have had all of this information about April for 4.5 years and have never released it. But April got cocky and convinced @newsnationnow to interview her at 9 pm CST tonight. She misrepresented herself to the network as an expert on Gypsy’s case and a family friend. April did not anticipate that this interview slot would get leaked to the Blanchard family. But the family found out. This woman has threatened to bury Gypsy and wants to hurt her. She was about to get a massive shout out on a major cable news outlet. Gypsy shouldn’t have to address this publicly. She has to focus on herself and her healing. Kristy doesn’t have a large platform & I helped my friend out.If you poke a momma bear long enough, she will fight back. Kristy knows that media outlets follow me. She just wants all media outlets to stop giving this woman the time of day. Until you have walked a day in their shoes, don’t judge what you don’t understand. I’ve learned that Gypsy is far more complex the sum of her case. She has a ton she wants to do to help victims or Munchausen’s by proxy. She hopes to educate and advocate for others so what happened to her and her mom doesn’t happen to anyone else. She paid her price and served her time. Now she wants to use the platform this case gave her for good."

  • On January 2, 2024, Katie Joy reposted one of Fancy's TikToks with the following text:

"Here is the woman that claims to be the expert on Gypsy Blanchard’s life and case. I’ve added captions for all the lies April Johns’ tells including that she was asked to be a part of the docuseries that is airing on lifetime"

  • On January 3, 2024, Katie Joy posted about April's continued harassment of Gypsy:[121]

"April Johns continues to run her mouth about the Blanchards trying to blacklist her and destroy her career. Which is not true. Imagine creating the problem and then playing victim… April aka Fancy aka Franchesca Macelli has stalked and harassed Gypsy Blanchard for years.Kristy Blanchard left this comment on a recent post that she is done being silent about what April has done to her family. April effectively stalked Gypsy while inside prison & got information from other prisoners, contacted prison officials and wrote a letter to the parole board trying to keep Gypsy incarcerated. Gypsy is well aware that she is a public figure due to Hulu’s “the act,” which is based upon her life. However, she is not famous or a celebrity. She is aware that she committed a crime and has extreme remorse for her actions. April wants everyone to believe the opposite of Gypsy. Kristy & Gypsy both deserve the opportunity to tell their own stories without fear of someone like April trying to ruin them. FYI April falsely accuses me of having NewsNation cancel her interview with them. I had no contact with the network and my reporting was after the network confirmed they cancelled her interview to my source. Karma is coming, April. Better buckle up"

  • On January 5, 2024, Katie Joy made another post to go over an NDA that was sent from Fancy:[122]

"Apparently I’m not allowed to even talk to the Blanchard family nor can I share their statements to me 😂 Nor can I report on the Blanchards because they have a NDA with this network - which is very, very likely untrue. Also, this same person has posted statements about me, my business and my son. She has also gone on public rants about me. Today she went live to go on a rant about Rod & Kristy Blanchard. She can rant about them - they cannot share their experience about her 😂 I cannot with this nonsense. imagine sending this email with typos, run-on sentences and word salad. She told another creator this week that she cannot sue and has no money to sue. Is she going to sue Gypsy Rose Blanchard and lifetime? Anyway, enjoy."

  • On January 29, 2024, She made another post representing Gypsy:[123]

"Gypsy Rose Blanchard is facing a barrage of horrific attacks by TikTok and YouTube creators that are creating content that is not only false but completely defamatory. Many creators are referencing “The Good Wives Network” which is run by April Johns. April uses the alias Fancy Macelli, and she claims to be a film producer and self proclaimed expert on Gypsy. April contacted the family years ago and promised to help them produce a series to tell Gypsy’s story. April represented herself as a film producer, but she had no film credits nor any backing from any networks. April was fully supportive of the family and Gypsy until they made the decision to sever ties with April over her empty promises and false representations. Since then, April has completely changed her story and now views Gypsy as a willing participant in the abuse Dee Dee inflicted upon Gypsy. Gypsy is a victim of medical abuse by her mother. She was never a willing participant. April also falsely promotes that Gypsy manipulated her co-defendant despite mountains of evidence from Nicholas Godejohn’s trial that proved otherwise. Creators are now running with these lies among other outlandish claims including that Gypsy and her husband are siblings. Gypsy has no siblings from her mother and is not related at all to her husband Ryan. As the onslaught of hate mounts, I’m standing up for Gypsy. I know her personally. I’m friends with her family. None of this hate helps anyone. Gypsy served her time. She has paid her debt to society & she is motivated to use her experience to help others. Gypsy is a victim of Munchausen’s By Proxy and was a captive in her home. Gypsy is deeply remorseful for her role in the death of her mother. Please leave a comment for Gypsy to show her your support as I know she could use some encouragement and love today ❤️ Gypsy, you know you got this & I will always have your back"


  • On June 3, 2023 Fancy made the first of an endless amount of Tiktoks from her couch. No one cared.[124]
  • On June 22, 2023 Fancy posted a motivational message to TikTok. It was completely ignored.[125]
  • On December 27, 2023 Fancy returned to the account "GoodWivesNet" on Tiktok, creating content focusing on the release of Gypsy Rose.
  • On January 15th, 2023 there was supposed to be a "one night only" event with Fancy and Colleen giving their commentary on Gypsy. This was later expanded to two nights. From there, this then an became all day, every day livestream.
  • During this time, Fancy often promoted her Patreon account, which she began returning to updates on January 18, 2024. She frequently makes claims that copies of Gypsy Rose's medical records will be available there, however, as of February 15, 2024 they do not appear.


  • On January 7, 2024 the r/GRBsceptic subreddit was created.[126]
  • On February 5, 2024 the r/fancythegoodwifesnark subreddit was created.[127] She had been mentioned frequently on r/GRBsceptics and they were known to delete any post giving negative commentary about Fancy and her campaign to expose Gypsy Rose. It was noted that Fancy's presence was growing at this time, as she was gaining traction for her continual claims that only she was holding copies of Gypsy Rose's medical records.

Published Writing

  • On April 12, 2024, Fancy posted a video on YouTube stating that she was releasing a book titled "The Companion II" that would be released on April 30. [128]

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  • A presale link Amazon is included, and as of May 2, 2024, this Amazon link no longer works.
  • As of May 2, 2024, the presale is available on The Good Wives Network's website. The product listing states the book would be available on April 30, however, there have been no updates stating if it is available to shipping.[129]

LolCow Moments

  • On January 25, 2024 Fancy and a friend try to recreate the crime on Tiktok, but forgetting what the testimony in the case that was plead to in court even said.[130]
  • On February 15, 2024 Fancy posted to instagram and TikTok that there was no way a wheelchair could fit in the 2 door car owned by DeeDee Blanchard. She was then mocked, deservingly. She turned off comments on Tiktok.[131]

Serious Business


  • Franchesca Macelli
  • April Lee Johns
  • April Matson-Johns
  • April Lee-Anna Jones

Fancy Macelli is part of the following series:

Article of the Now February 21 & 22, 2024
Preceded by
Ted Bundy
Fancy Macelli Succeeded by
Kanye West