Must Be Pop

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Must Be Pop is a LiveJournal-based roleplaying game filled with massive trolling potential. In the game, hordes of 16-year-old girl dullards converge and pretend to be interesting celebrities whom they then make gay. This is so that these hideous beasts can provide a great reason for why Pete Wentz was totally not interested in sleeping with them after the Fall Out Boy concert.

Playing Must Be Pop

A typical MBP user

Playing is easy. Log onto their website and create a “character” by using a celebrity’s name. Make a bunch of icons of your celebrity with the forehead cropped to the eyebrows, and then spend every waking minute on LiveJournal pretending that you’re Ron Howard trapped in a perpetual electronic junior high school, and that this makes you important.

Some MBP players become IRL famous!

Winning Must Be Pop

  • Contact a player and pretend to be “their” celebrity or a legal representative.
  • Create a character with obvious connections to other players in the game, e.g. bandmates, co-stars, etc. Refuse to have any contact with these people.
  • Create a role and then do absolutely nothing so no one else can enjoy it.
  • Stir up as much shit as possible. Post publicly stating that you are “erasing that storyline” and that the last three weeks never happened.
  • Many players put their fake celebrity AIM SN’s up on their LiveJournal profile. Use this to your advantage.
  • Make up a bunch of shit about other players and post it without clearing it with them first. If you write a long entry about how “you” and “Parker Posey” shot up and gang-banged the members of N Sync, it automatically becomes canon. And there’s not a damn thing they can do about it.
  • Have outlandish things happen to your character with no regard for reality or continuity. Nobody will think twice if you have your character breaks his rib during a sexual act and then appear that night in concert, unscathed. If they're an internationally-known top supermodel, write a post about having your lover shave your legs, or how you dye your hair from the Clairol box and why you don’t believe in diets...since in reality, you weigh 400 pounds and live in your parents' basement.
  • Take a virtually unknown celebrity and use them to work on your own crippling psychoses. A cartoonist that nobody has ever heard of can, conceivably, rape his A-list actress fiancee and everyone else will just have to go with that.

Leaving The Game

After “Tom Waits” and “Dan Rather” get into their lovers spat, one of them will go into the public forum and announce that “he” is leaving forever. Goodbye, cruel fake world. Nobody will be sure whether the post is intended to be in-character or out-of-character, including the author, because at this point, each roleplayer has assumed that they have a psychic link with whomever they play. Note that it is technically impossible to ever leave MBP.


Choke on my fuck.


—Pretend Dennis Leary

I’ll be on the roof. You can try and catch me on the way down.


— Pretend Asia Argento

Why do all these jive-ass muthafuckas gots to be askin' me all these ignant jive-ass muthafucka questions all the time?


— Pretend Gary Coleman

Moonlight is the sweetest lie of all. Once upon a time, I told a girl how deceptive it was. Feeling particularly wise in that moment, I told her my seemingly remarkable observation about the moon being a lie. All at once she stopped talking, and her sadness hung in the air as tangibly as the smell rolling off the water, neither of which is easily ignored.


—Pretend Dan Kessler, Being A Pretentious, Untalented Douchebag

When did this place become filled with such degrading assholes? Oh that's right, it always has been.


—Pretend Mike Way

External Links

Must Be Pop is part of a series on


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