Patrick John Coleman

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Shh.. Don't tell your parents I'm saving you.
The police after getting the call.

Patrick John Coleman (formerly known as Eric Durchholz) is a writer of gay fiction, a YouTube personality, a Shaman, and totally not a drug addict. He also helped to establish the now defunct gay comedy club called "The Funny Spot" in Chicago, which shut down because gays are more interested in shacking up at bathhouses on the weekends than watching comedy. He hasn't been relevant in the gay (or any) community for years, but gained attention recently when his much, much younger "lover" named Vetaliy, was found dead in a Vancouver field from a self-inflicted gun-shot wound.


Vetaliy's Death

On June, 1 2016, Patrick uploaded a video to his YouTube channel titled "Vetaliy Is Missing" in which he explains that he received a call from a private investigator that his ex-lover Vetaliy had gone missing. He goes on to say that Vetaliy had told him in their last conversation that he was going to kill himself and Patrick had responded by saying he wanted nothing to do with him because Vetaliy had made plans to leave him "behind his back" (as a Shaman, shouldn't he have predicted that?). Patrick then cries and pleads for Vetaliy to reach out and tell him where he's gone, because apparently his Shaman powers did not reach all the way to Vancouver.

Following this display of tears, Patrick uploads 11 more unrelated videos where he's upbeat and animated, giving "advice" to the handful of viewers who come across his channel. He also includes information on how to donate or pay for his services in every video description.

About a week later, a Vancouver news site reported on Vetaliy's death and stated that his remains were found in an east Vancouver field by a berry picker. His body had actually been found days before the private investigator called Patrick. Immediately, Patrick takes to his YouTube channel to announce the death of his ex-lover. In the video description, he is sure to include an advertisement for his Shaman services.

In the video, Patrick wants us all to know that he did not brainwash young Vetaliy into killing himself - in fact he had showered him with plenty of "love, wigs and makeup".

Since Patrick is a Shaman, he remembered that he could channel dead people and decided to put a call into Vetaliy himself. Luckily, Vetaliy wasn't too busy in the afterlife and was immediately available for the YouTube recording. During this channeling, "Vetaliy" tells us that he is now one of Patrick's spirit guides who died specifically for him and that he had to die in order to help him. Vetaliy had also been reading Patrick's incoming emails (dead people have better access to our digital communications than the NSA) and wanted everyone blaming Patrick to know that he wasn't the cause of his suicide. Now that we have that cleared up, the police no longer need to do an investigation because he is obviously innocent based on a ghost's testimony.

In his next video titled "To Vetaliy's Parents", Patrick blames the young man's grieving parents for the suicide because they had once put their son in a mental hospital. After explaining how evil it was to try to get their suicidal son professional mental help, he goes on to explain that Vetaliy had run away from them and gone to him instead, so that he could save him.

Hello Police? I think I've been trolled

On June 11, 2016 an intoxicated looking Patrick called the Chicago Police Department on cam to report trolls for death threats. He spends most of the time telling his sob story by talking over the police officer who awkwardly tries to understand the situation but basically tells him there's nothing they can do about it. Patty then ends the call with a satisfied look at the camera: proving that he has no understanding of what just happened.

...Wha Do Why Doo Wha Do Why Doo...


—Patrick, after being told exactly what to do

Exposing Patrick John Coleman

Another YouTuber who goes by mrmentalinertia has been working to expose Patrick for a little while:

Related Links


Patrick John Coleman is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Patrick John Coleman is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Featured article June 21 & 22 2016
Preceded by
Patrick John Coleman Succeeded by
Greville Janner