Squishy Squashy

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Squish Qui, originally known as Squishy Squashy W.O_PTR is a redneck, hillbilly Youtuber who is very racist, manipulative, selfish, nasty, repulsive, and very much like a Rip in time Space, she will also end up being a future school shooter. She is obsessed for that fucked up monkey hybrid guy from the shitty game, Ape Escape, and a bunch of other shitty ass outdated as fuck games. She treats her opinions like they are facts, and has no remorse for those that she hurts. Squishy's real name is Trinity Lynn. Trinity Lynn will also attack you if you say A THING about her favorite games, films ,or shows, and will not give a fuck about your hurt feelings. She also thinks that people of the internet that watch her videos like her, but this is a lie. They only pretend to be her friends, so she can hide behind them when she gets into trouble, and likes to play as the victim, even though she is the predator in the situation. Better hide your nigger friends, because she will roast the sheeeeiiittt out of them. She also obsesses for Parappa the Homosexual Dog.