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  • I'm saving shit here for later to work on the article. If anyone can fins any more of the screencaps of Ptreon emailing people who complained about SJWs saying that they agree that their account is in violation of ToS from one of the 8chan threads about that... add them here. oddguy 08:31, 30 April 2015 (EDT)
  • There's a metric fuckton of furry popufur artists uploading porn onto Patreon (because jewing people out of 500+ euro for a smutty shit scribble isn't enough dosh apparently). If they enforce their stance on pornography the shitstorm that would ensue on FA will be a hilarious sight to see. The INSUFFERABLE Tim 09:47, 30 April 2015 (EDT)
  • Actually, the guys on the forum made a thread about sticking the patreon logo one porn made by artists who use it and spread it around. That's where this picture is from. However, they didn't really get around to doing anything. oddguy 15:25, 30 April 2015 (EDT)