Template talk:FallenGov

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zaeg should be removed from the template since he has in fact returned :) --Molkemon 00:09, 1 May 2011 (UTC)

weev is doing interviews for sherrod, should he be left in the loyal to the lulz bit or could as a sellout ?--Kashiwaba Tomoe 06:54, 5 May 2011 (UTC)
weev did an interview with tamara, he is more than cool. --User talk:Zaiger 07:08, 5 May 2011 (UTC)


I know this is a superfluous request but I think it would look better to change "Corporate Sellouts" to "Traitors", "Loyal to the lulz" to "Loyalists", and "RIP" to "Martyrs", to fit with the political theme of the template. --One With The Lulz 22:33, 25 May 2011 (UTC)

How about Tories and Patriots? --JuniusThaddeus 23:51, 25 May 2011 (UTC)
I don't know. Using "Tory" kind of implies that we will be allies in the future, like America and Canada. But you're the sysop. --One With The Lulz 00:26, 26 May 2011 (UTC)
I took another look at the names, and "Patriots" wouldn't be a good description either. Most of the users in the "Loyal" section are simply MIA, and it's doubtful that any of them will end up here until the nostalgia kicks in hard. --JuniusThaddeus 01:03, 26 May 2011 (UTC)
How about "KIA/MIA" instead of "Martyrs?" --One With The Lulz 00:41, 27 May 2011 (UTC)


Could you add me to the list? I was a sysop for 6+ years. I quit right before the whole change over because I could see the writing on the wall. Also: Yiri was just in prison, he's out now and still blogging constantly. So, ghost might not be the right designation for that aussie cunt <3.--Drunkenlazybastard 05:02, 7 April 2013 (EDT)

  • More like barely 4 years, DLB, and you were absent for one of them (you only got ops in '07). I have no idea if this is the real DLB but i'll talk like you are: All I remember was you were some edgy partyvan import who barely even wrote or patrolled due to some entitlement due to grandfathering. You were always maymayspouting like some autistic Pokchu, you should have just stayed on /b/. Also no that's incorrect Yiri got trolled off when he tried to get weev banned from listadmin. He can squeeze whatever story he wants out of his bipolar twink brain or cry about it on LJ all he wants, won't change that he tried to fly too high and ended up bitching out Euphoric 23:21, 14 October 2013 (EDT)


Was pretty shill branch. I assume this is probably just oversight/mistake.

FYI from the moment he stumbled onto ED IRC - before he even edited - he had designs on making it a personal mission to make ED his watered-down blogspot self-publication. None of the sysops really liked him after he ended up morphing from some random 40-something sycophant who wanted to relive highschool again impressing kids on the wiki, to a completely entitled twat in record time. he was part of ed's own personal eternal september since it really died at the end of 2008 or fall of 2010 depending on who you ask. both were big periods of gayification. the rest was history Euphoric 23:13, 14 October 2013 (EDT)

agree completely, except it was dead from late 2007-mid 2009 and then again after late 2010 23:50, 14 October 2013 (EDT)

proving requested feedback

[[User:Schnookums|Schnookums]] likes this. 08:05, 22 January 2014 (EST)

an alternative point of view

gay. Uberfukken 09:08, 22 January 2014 (EST)

  • If you think this is a bad idea then change it back. I'm not sure. I need a second opinion. I just thought there should be something to differentiate the template of the old staff from that of the new one. It's been bothering me for a while. oddguy 10:58, 22 January 2014 (EST)