Template talk:GradedScore

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Math automation?

Apparently MediaWiki has a template for automatically adding numbers, Thought that might be useful specifically for this template considering it involves addition. --Coelacanth (talk) 01:25, 22 March 2024 (EDT)

I made a demo that uses #expr instead of the Sum template. It also bolds numbers over 20. Already bolded numbers and numbers with thousands separators like 1,000 break the template because #expr can't handle the '''s and ,'s, and I don't know if there's a way around it. There are also other edge cases like the Adolf Hitler page, where the total score is ∞, and the Nghtmrchld26 page, where one of the numbers is a link. If this change is to be made, then pages with these issues would have to be edited first. I can check all 157 pages using the template if you want. - RkNAME (talk | contribs) 20:52, 9 April 2024 (EDT)