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My Response:

Warning: Epic Faggotry Ahead. Seriously.


IRC Logs of Personal Satisfaction

[04:18:42] savetheinternet [[email protected]] has joined #ed
[04:19:12] <%zenkiller> sup
[04:19:44] <%zenkiller> late eve party
[04:19:50] <Cinox> NIGGER
[04:19:51] <Cinox> :U
[04:19:52] <savetheinternet> hi zenkiller 
[04:20:02] <Cinox> savetheinternet. Shush.
[04:20:07] <savetheinternet> ?
[04:20:08] <savetheinternet> why?
[04:20:37] <Cinox> Because is for faggots.
[04:20:52] <savetheinternet> i'm not here to represent or talk about though
[04:21:26] <THUNDERPUSSY> we're actually trying to tell you that you're a faggot and you should go to instead of pestering us
[04:21:27] <savetheinternet> what you're doing is purely discriminatory
[04:21:34] <Cinox> I know
[04:21:39] <Cinox> Thus I tell you
[04:21:41] <Cinox> Shush.
[04:21:45] <savetheinternet> just because of my outside association with some irrelevant group,
[04:21:47] <savetheinternet> you're telling me to shush
[04:21:49] <THUNDERPUSSY> we're actually trying to tell you that you're a faggot and you should go to instead of pestering us
[04:21:50] <THUNDERPUSSY> we're actually trying to tell you that you're a faggot and you should go to instead of pestering us
[04:21:55] <savetheinternet> i am deeply offended
[04:22:13] <Cinox> Yes, well you should be deeply shush
[04:22:29] <savetheinternet> why?
[04:22:54] <Cinox> Because is for faggots.
[04:23:01] <savetheinternet> again, irrelevant
[04:23:11] <Cinox> Not really
[04:23:13] <savetheinternet> can someone please ban this clown?
[04:23:43] <Cinox> Don't you own
[04:23:49] <savetheinternet> Yes.
[04:23:55] <Cinox> Then it's completely relavent.
[04:23:58] <Cinox> So shush.
[04:24:02] <savetheinternet> but i'm not here to represent or talk about
[04:24:14] <savetheinternet> you're excluding me from your chats because i'm part of some group
[04:24:18] <Cinox> No, you should be here to represent shush.
[04:24:42] <savetheinternet> that's like kicking somebody out because of their political affiliation, sex, race or sexual preference
[04:24:53] <%zenkiller> pardon my response.  Breaking Bad was mmmmmmmmmmmmm
[04:25:12] <savetheinternet> when is season 5?
[04:25:33] <savetheinternet> Breaking Bad was renewed for a final sixteen-episode season, which will conclude the series. Production of the fifth season is set to begin in early 2012; episode premiere dates have not yet been determined by the network.
[04:25:43] <Cinox> Goddammit savetheinternet I said shush.
[04:25:54] <THUNDERPUSSY> srsly shut uo sti
[04:25:56] <savetheinternet> you failed to provide a single valid arugment though, Cinox 
[04:25:58] <THUNDERPUSSY> *up
[04:26:08] <Cinox> hey
[04:26:19] <Cinox> THUNDERPUSSY: Are my arguments valid?
[04:26:26] <THUNDERPUSSY> i'd say so
[04:26:32] <savetheinternet> i humbly disagree
[04:26:35] <THUNDERPUSSY> too bad
[04:26:38] <THUNDERPUSSY> now shut up please
[04:26:39] <THUNDERPUSSY> thanks
[04:26:42] <Cinox> I think you should humbly shush.
[04:26:59] zz_Beefcake [[email protected]] is now known as Beefcake
[04:27:01] <savetheinternet> why?
[04:27:10] <savetheinternet> good, Beefcake is here
[04:27:14] <savetheinternet> Beefcake: please ban this clown
[04:27:16] <%zenkiller> cake
[04:27:27] <Cinox> Because is for faggots.
[04:27:38] <savetheinternet> you know what
[04:27:39] <savetheinternet> fuck you
[04:27:45] <%zenkiller> can i play?
[04:27:45] <savetheinternet> you're all gay liberal nerds
[04:27:47] savetheinternet [[email protected]] has quit IRC: client exited: Leaving
[23:29:12] <Cinox> Anyway, mib_nhjc9p, can you do me a favor?
[23:29:16] <~e> nm garrett
[23:29:22] Wizard [[email protected]] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[23:29:25] <Cinox> Let's start from scratch and play a game?
[23:29:28] <Cinox> See, there's a bit.
[23:29:29] <Cinox> bot*
[23:29:36] <Cinox> That allows you to play Roulette
[23:29:39] <mib_nhjc9p> mib_nhjc9p is a faggot. -"I'm so epic."
[23:29:47] <%CreativeUsername> try harder
[23:29:50] <Cinox> mib_nhjc9p: if you wanna play it, just type !roulette
[23:29:55] <%CreativeUsername> I don't think you're giving it your all
[23:30:01] <cryptopsy> learn a new technique before trying harder
[23:30:08] <mib_nhjc9p> I would, but then I'd be trying too hard
[23:30:10] <cryptopsy> no point dong the same thing twice
[23:30:14] <mib_nhjc9p> cyptopsy, got it
[23:30:18] <Cinox> mib_nhjc9p: Type !roulette for fun.
[23:30:21] <Cinox> See, watch
[23:30:22] <Cinox> !roulette
[23:30:23] <Zalgo> *click*, there are 3 untouched slots. You have a 33.33% chance to die.
[23:30:24] <Cinox> :3
[23:30:24] <PerpA> MEEPSHEEP
[23:30:26] <cryptopsy> !roulette
[23:30:26] <Zalgo> *click*, there are 2 untouched slots. You have a 50.00% chance to die.
[23:30:28] <&Meepsheep> PERPA
[23:30:31] <Cinox> !roulette
[23:30:31] <Zalgo> *click*, there are 1 untouched slots. You have a 100.00% chance to die.
[23:30:33] <Cinox> Lol
[23:30:35] <Cinox> Ok
[23:30:36] <~e> o damn
[23:30:38] PerpA tacklehugs Meepsheep
[23:30:39] <~e> o damn o damn o damn
[23:30:40] <Cinox> Now your turn mib_nhjc9p.
[23:30:42] <&Meepsheep> :3
[23:30:46] <Cinox> type !roulette
[23:31:02] <mib_nhjc9p> !roulette
[23:31:02] mib_nhjc9p [[email protected]] has quit IRC: Killed (Zalgo (BANG! You died after 6 shots.))
[23:31:02] <Zalgo> *reloads the chambers*, there are 6 untouched slots. You have a 16.67% chance to die.
[23:31:05] <PerpA> Meepsheep: I found you guilty of a criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime, of meeeping at a time, when you should have bene wide a SHEEEEEEEEEP
[23:31:06] <Cinox> LOL
[23:31:10] <%CreativeUsername> lol
[23:31:11] <%CreativeUsername> wow
[23:31:12] <Cinox> LOL
[23:31:12] <Eternal_Blizzard> rofl
[23:31:16] <&Meepsheep> lol
[23:31:22] <cryptopsy> !rouIette
[23:31:23] <cryptopsy> *click*, there are 2 untouched slots. You have a 50.00% chance to die.
[23:31:26] <Cinox> THIS WAS JUST AWESOME.
[23:31:42] <Eternal_Blizzard> he fucking did it.


### Log session started at Wed Dec 7 01:05:44 2011 ###
[01:05:44] No common channels for emoban [[email protected]]
[01:05:44] <emoban> u beter not come flud #grove
[01:05:46] <emoban> or ul be sory
[01:06:06] <emoban> im warning u cocksucker
[01:06:17] <emoban> u mess w da best u die like the rest
[01:06:19] <emoban> ill fukin end ur life
[01:06:25] <emoban> ur existent on irc will be ovr
[01:06:31] <Cinox> You mean a network that has 5 people in it?
[01:06:40] <Cinox> Why would I do that for?
[01:06:49] <emoban> 5 ppl?
[01:06:55] <emoban> there is 20
[01:07:00] <emoban> and all hardcore hackers 
[01:07:03] <emoban> we will killu
[01:07:04] <emoban> u pusy
[01:07:08] <Cinox> Totally
[01:07:09] emoban: No such nick/channel
### Log session terminated at Wed Dec 7 01:07:11 2011 ###
### Log session started at Wed Dec 7 01:07:18 2011 ###
[01:07:18] No common channels for emoban [[email protected]]
[01:07:19] Starting last log
[01:07:19] End of log
[01:07:19] <emoban> ! *** Notice -- Client connecting on port 6667: Cinox ([email protected]) [clients] 
[01:07:26] <Cinox> K
[01:07:31] <emoban> u will die
[01:07:34] <emoban> hahaha
[01:07:35] <emoban> u r doxed
[01:07:36] <Cinox> Come at me bro.
[01:07:37] <emoban> and u are dossed
[01:07:39] <Cinox> :3
[01:07:39] <emoban> and u are life ruined
[01:07:43] <emoban> u will not recover
[01:07:43] <emoban> noob
[01:07:56] <Cinox> So uh
[01:08:02] <Cinox> What's my IP?
[01:08:09] <Cinox> Mr. Hacker
[01:08:24] <emoban> ([email protected])
[01:08:25] <emoban> u r hacked
[01:08:30] <emoban> Hhahah ur are butthurt
[01:08:36] <Cinox> Ok
[01:08:43] <emoban> u rae mad u r life is over
[01:08:44] <Cinox> So with this IP address
[01:08:51] <Cinox> Can you find out where I live?
[01:08:55] <emoban> ya
[01:09:00] <Cinox> Then where do I live?
[01:09:36] <emoban> 1 sec
[01:10:02] <emoban> new york
[01:10:05] <emoban> saranac lake
[01:10:10] <emoban> 12983
[01:10:18] <Cinox> Cool
[01:10:23] <emoban> hahhahahah
[01:10:23] <emoban> owned
[01:10:26] <Cinox> So, curious.
[01:10:31] <Cinox> Am I getting pizza?
[01:10:36] <emoban> hahahah u r rage
[01:10:37] <emoban> dd
[01:10:39] <emoban> u uraged raged 
[01:10:58] <Cinox> So no pizza then?
[01:12:42] <Cinox> Well fine, keep your pizza.
[01:12:43] <Cinox> >:C
### Log session terminated at Wed Dec 7 01:12:43 2011 ###
### Log session started at Wed Dec 7 01:12:59 2011 ###
[01:12:59] No common channels for emoban [[email protected]]
[01:12:59] Starting last log
[01:12:59] [01:07:43] <emoban> u will not recover
[01:12:59] [01:07:43] <emoban> noob
[01:12:59] [01:07:56] <Cinox> So uh
[01:12:59] [01:08:02] <Cinox> What's my IP?
[01:12:59] [01:08:09] <Cinox> Mr. Hacker
[01:12:59] [01:08:24] <emoban> ([email protected])
[01:12:59] [01:08:25] <emoban> u r hacked
[01:12:59] [01:08:30] <emoban> Hhahah ur are butthurt
[01:12:59] [01:08:36] <Cinox> Ok
[01:12:59] [01:08:43] <emoban> u rae mad u r life is over
[01:12:59] [01:08:44] <Cinox> So with this IP address
[01:12:59] [01:08:51] <Cinox> Can you find out where I live?
[01:12:59] [01:08:55] <emoban> ya
[01:12:59] [01:09:00] <Cinox> Then where do I live?
[01:12:59] [01:09:36] <emoban> 1 sec
[01:12:59] [01:10:02] <emoban> new york
[01:12:59] [01:10:05] <emoban> saranac lake
[01:12:59] [01:10:10] <emoban> 12983
[01:12:59] [01:10:18] <Cinox> Cool
[01:12:59] [01:10:23] <emoban> hahhahahah
[01:12:59] [01:10:23] <emoban> owned
[01:12:59] [01:10:26] <Cinox> So, curious.
[01:12:59] [01:10:31] <Cinox> Am I getting pizza?
[01:12:59] [01:10:36] <emoban> hahahah u r rage
[01:12:59] [01:10:37] <emoban> dd
[01:12:59] [01:10:39] <emoban> u uraged raged 
[01:12:59] [01:10:58] <Cinox> So no pizza then?
[01:12:59] [01:12:42] <Cinox> Well fine, keep your pizza.
[01:12:59] [01:12:43] <Cinox> >:C
[01:12:59] ### Log session terminated at Wed Dec 7 01:12:43 2011 ###
[01:12:59] End of log
[01:12:59] <emoban> lol
[01:13:00] <emoban> more like
[01:13:00] <emoban> swat team
[01:13:03] <emoban> and fire department
[01:13:04] <emoban> at 3 am
[01:13:06] <emoban> for a week str8
[01:13:07] <emoban> lol
[01:13:12] <emoban> u think u can fuk w me
[01:13:14] <emoban> and just get pizza
[01:13:14] <Cinox> Actually
[01:13:14] <emoban> lol
[01:13:18] <Cinox> Saranac Lake is a town
[01:13:24] <Cinox> But you'd need the address.
[01:13:29] <Cinox> Specific street and number.
[01:13:35] <emoban> wont be hard
[01:13:38] <emoban> lol
[01:14:02] <Cinox> Ok, then pop it out then.
[01:14:22] <emoban> lol ur so scared now
[01:14:25] <emoban> lol pusy
[01:14:30] <emoban> ur lfie is over
[01:15:08] <Cinox> Just curious, but are you doing all this because I flooded two public channels that had 1 and 2 people in it?
[01:15:18] <emoban> ya
[01:15:30] <Cinox> So you're upset that I did this right?
[01:15:51] <emoban> ya im fuckin raged bro
[01:15:55] <emoban> u dont play w fire or u get burnd
[01:15:59] <Cinox> So
[01:16:03] <Cinox> By what you just said
[01:16:08] <Cinox> You are
[01:16:10] <Cinox> Butthurt
[01:16:13] <Cinox> :3c
[01:19:05] <Cinox> Oh dear I believe I hit a nerve.
[01:19:13] <emoban> look bitch
[01:19:14] <emoban> u fuck w me
[01:19:16] <emoban> u dont just fuk w me
[01:19:29] <Cinox> I fuck with you and I get an angry PM about how you're gonna destroy me.
[01:19:34] <Cinox> I know, so horrible.
[01:19:40] <emoban> u fuck me 
[01:19:41] <Cinox> I regret everything I have done.
[01:19:48] <Cinox> I shall shoot myself.
[01:19:52] <emoban> u fuk w bzb dolphin abrn UTOPOS UNCLE_JIM_BOB 
[01:19:59] <Cinox> Lol
[01:20:00] <Cinox> Uh
[01:20:00] <emoban> ur whole life is over
[01:20:06] <Cinox> I can't even read that line.
[01:20:09] <emoban> grove street families will fuckin ruin u
[01:20:10] <Cinox> something about dolphins.
[01:20:33] <Cinox> So curious.
[01:20:38] <Cinox> Did you get my street adress yet?
[01:22:02] <emoban> oh nah im busy doin some homework
[01:22:09] <emoban> i have Cinox.txt saved ill get 2 it sometime
[01:22:13] <emoban> dont get so anxious bro
[01:22:14] <Cinox> How old are you :v
[01:22:17] <emoban> ill ruin u soon enuff
[01:22:20] <emoban> im 20
[01:22:28] <Cinox> Ooooooooook then
[01:22:33] <Cinox> Anyways, have fun.
[01:22:37] <emoban> ur raged
[01:22:38] <emoban> lol
[01:22:40] <emoban> u r so mad u mad
[01:22:41] <emoban> lol
[01:22:42] <emoban> u mad
[01:22:50] <emoban> lol butthurt asspained mad
[01:23:14] <Cinox> I'm not the one threatening things at a guy who spammed his network.
[01:23:17] <Cinox> :3c
[01:23:25] <emoban> plz dont u dare come spam grovenet
[01:23:50] <emoban> spam is off-topic on grovenet
[01:23:53] <Cinox> You mean only 3 visible channels, with one with +k and two others are shit?
[01:24:07] <emoban> o its +k
[01:24:09] <emoban> i forgot about that
[01:24:10] <emoban> lol
[01:24:55] <emoban> lol u mad
[01:52:44] You have changed your nickname to bzb
[01:53:20] You have changed your nickname to Cinox
### Log session terminated at Wed Dec 7 03:06:40 2011 ###

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