User:Snaisybelle/fat shaming

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Why would you judge this morbidly obese diabetic for eating sugary sweets?

Fat-Shaming, is the term given to the unforgivable yet socially acceptable act of noticing, or commenting on the fact that a fat person is fat. It is well known in the cookie-loving community that all fat women are wonderful and exquisite creatures who should be seen for their inner beauty, voluptuous curves, bubbly personalities and zest for life rather than their inability to climb stairs without sweating and propensity for losing a foot to diabetes at the age of thirty five. Showing concern for, or even looking at an overweight person can be considered fat-shaming and collectives such as the Fat Acceptance Movement seek to destroy those have the gall to cast their eyes on the aforementioned fatties. The bottom line of fat-shaming is effectively "fuck skinny bitches, we are wonderful".

Fuck you guys, you wouldn't laugh if she was a size 2.

Examples of Fat-Shaming

  • A doctor, informing an overweight patient that they are putting their long term health at risk by making poor diet and lifestyle decisions, would be considered to be fat-shaming that patient. This has become accepted in the mainstream to the extent that doctors in San Diego are now required by law not to suggest that certain ailments should be managed initially with weight loss and healthier eating.
  • A mildly overweight person who chose to lose a few pounds, is actually fat-shaming those who choose to remain fat, by effectively rejecting their own fatness.
  • Expressing concern for the health of an overweight friend or relative is classed as fat-shaming, because you should be respecting their decision right up to footing the bill for the purchase of a supersized casket.
  • Clothes stores are known for fat shaming, by only stocking items up to a certain size. The fact that it doesn't make good business sense to use nine square feet of fabric to make a pair of shorts when you could be using four is completely irrelevant, it is purely to force fat people into special stores so that they feel bad.
Heyy, why don't we go out for a run together?


—Oh right, you feel the need to force me into activity, cos fat equals lazy right? You fucking skinny whore.

How dare you shame these beautiful children just because they can't play any sport or walk to class

Those Against Fat-Shaming

With not an average sized person to be seen, those who blog about their experiences of being fat shamed are some of the worst specimens of modern decadence. They tell their readership tales of woe, in which complete strangers look at them whilst they eat their butter fried butter sticks, friends and family members suggest that they skip dessert, and people whisper when they walk the streets in bralets and hotpants.

You don't encourage people to take care of their body by telling them to hate it


—Some filthy fatass on YouTube

Fat is a prejudice issue


—Even the IRL media believe in this shit.

I personally have a zero tolerance of fat hate/shaming from anyone in my life, no matter who they are.


—Pity your cake tolerance wasn't lower.

The film WALL-E is also an excellent example of liberal fat-shaming


—What the actual fuck?

No one tries to shame people who smoke, or do drugs. Why are fat people so easy to pick on


—Yeah, those little pictures on the packets are not designed to question smoking wisdom.

Not Just a River in Egypt

Despite their constant defences of "Yeah, I know i'm fat, but...", the fat shaming defenders are all in complete denial about their condition. They swear blind that they live healthy lives, that they definitely average less than 2000 calories a day, that they exercise regularly and that they are fit as a fiddle, however this is demonstrably untrue because the majority of them are obese, and common sense tells us that fit people do not tend to weight the same as a small car.

See Also

External Links

Snaisybelle/fat shaming
is part of a series on
Food and Drink

[BleurghOm Nom Nom]