User:The Desert Fox/Alberta

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Alberta (Also known as IRL Conservapedia, Canada's Middle East, or AlDirtA) is a province of Canada located in Canada and is full of people from Canada. East of Alberta is Canada, west of Alberta is Canada, north of Alberta is Canada, and south of Alberta is Canada America. Gotcha there, faggot.


Need I repeat, is a province of Canada located in Canada and is full of people from Canada. East of Alberta is Canada, west of Alberta is Canada, north of Alberta is Canada, and south of Alberta is America

To be more specific, Alberta is a frozen wasteland inside a frozen wasteland full of Ice Niggers, bigfoots, and Snowmen. Alberta is completely currounded by more frozen wastelands besides America which is a retard wasteland. Like most places with Niggers, Alberta has tons of oil to make its Conservative fucktards rich. This is lucky for them as they will not get a job without it.

In the Western parts of Alberta, there is not only ice, but MOAR ICE!!!! There also happens to be more mountains than people in China, and the mountain range takes up more land than Switzerland. I wonder why the Swiss get all the skiers.


The first people in Alberta were Paleo-Indians who arrived in Alberta at least 100 years ago. They lived in peace untill the French (French could never pwn anyone)British came and pwned them. Southern Alberta became part of Ruperts Land and was held by the Britfags until the Americans rebelled and still they kept the land. The rest of its history is more boring than OnTerrible, so lets just skip it.


Alberta's economy is based on faggots who are desperate to ruin the environment building oil rigs all over the place. Unlike every other fucking province in Canada, Alberta has no debt making it the Best Korea best province in Canada.

Other forms of getting money in Alberta are: