User:Tigercommander/Neva Forget

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This is an archive of shit i find funny but was sadly deleted

Phobos vs Onideus

Hey Schnookums, Would You Please Stop Trying To Grope Me?

Srsly man, I'm not into furry rats or weasels or whatever the fuck you think you are. Please stop trying to touch my "no-nos"! ಠ_ಠ

--U Mad Bro 11:04, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

Come on dude, stop taking this so personal. I've made no attempt to stop you from coming back. Can't you extend that courtesy to others? reply 11:09, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
No, srsly, quit stalking me, Furtard, it's creepy and I'm not into that shit. Why don't you go edit some articles or something? --U Mad Bro 11:12, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Instead of taking the hint, Fatter decided he'd get back at those mean ol' furries by starting a furry art dump site of his own. Must be difficult for you Onideus seeing as all the prime internet insults happen to be the names of groups that have thoroughly humiliated your dumpster fire of a life or you yourself have been a member of. sperg, manchild, try hard, carebear, pant shitting crybaby, basement dweller. Ehl oh ehl - Phobos 11:29, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
You know that others only speak up when they get sick of you harassing others. If you weren't doing that I would go away. Can you just leave others alone? Just do that and this bullshit drama is done. reply 11:17, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

Thank you U Mad Bro

I see you're getting back to work. Thanks! I'll try to do the same. Welcome back! reply 11:18, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

I see you're... still not doing any fucking thing at all... like... ever.
Seriously, why are you even here? At least go suck Phobos's balls and ease his angry-tard frustrations before he starts randomly banning everything that moves. --U Mad Bro 11:35, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

"1) the doctor said I wasn't likely going to survive, was very likely going to die, probably not even make it through child birth and, even if I did, I'd probably be retarded, or deformed or some other horrible thing would be wrong with me. 2) This is your last warning. If you remove the page again, I'll unleash the Reaver upon Wikipedia.- Onideus", angry-tard, lol nope cant use that one either, kiddie fucker - Phobos 13:06, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

You can always tell when it's "that time of the month" for Phobos, because he randomly pops in on ED and starts randomly lashing out at people and abusing the ban button... never actually editing anything, never actually contributing anything, he just pops in and pops off like an angry toddler in a therapy session. :3
--U Mad Bro 13:37, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

1. Toddler Therapy: From: Mad Hatter© <h1mdgukjvhg3m7g9d20qsmmo46olhqdr7v@farfoos> "On the subject of child sex, in most of the articles it was about the children VOLUNTEERING for the act to make a lil money. The way you had it worded you made it sound like the pedophiles were out there kidnapping and raping the children against their will."
2. Abuse: From: Mad Hatter© Message-ID: <iphrgust10itur4e8gh2i0i1p1ae6mvsm0@farfoos> I'd be willing to bet that just about all of the pictures don't have anything to do with abuse at all." "...Just to be fair though I might see if I can sum up enough effort/bother to go and check out a couple of the pictures."
3. Opposite Sex: "Having a little variety in your sex life means switching hands." - Baby Matthew
4. Lack of Hygiene: I have been incontinent all my life and would like to talk to others who have to wear diapers and share experiences. I would also like any suggestions on which diapers have worked the best for you if you have ever worn them. Matt Moulton ([email protected]) AKA The Mad Hatter Waitsburg, WA USA - Friday, May 03, 1996 at 03:43:13 (EDT)
Actually if you want a REALLY powerful diuretic drink Mt. Dew. Drink 3 or 4 cans and you'll be peeing like a race horse every 10 minutes. Do that and wear diapers 24/7 and pee imediatly upon feeling the urge. Eventually you'll train yourself to do this and every time you need to pee you'll feel the urge but it'll start flowing before you really know whats going on. - Onideus
5. Useless: Hell at this point I really *WOULD* work for Wal*Mart or Dairy Queen or even fuckin McDonalds if they were hiring. - Onideus
6. Not Contributing: I'm sort of a novice when it comes to programming, I just know the very basics... If it's really simple I'd be very grateful if someone could just write the code for me - Onideus

Cmon Matthew Moulton, I bet if you just try a little harder you'll be able to convince everyone you're a feared ED troll in no time. You're totally winning right now! You're definitely not an unemployed 30+ year old man who lives with his mother and wants to fuck children.. - Phobos 14:30, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

I am currently writing a couple of book series, one of which is a saga about dragons ruling the world and another which is a graphic novel involving cartoon animals going through college. It's not as bad as it might sound. Its intention other than being a really good book is to troll furries by subtly mocking them and depriving them of what furries love best. It has no porn, no sexy talk, no fanservice, it is clean and conservative. ಠ_ಠ 14:26, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
To-Do List: Suck every dong dangled in front of my face and to not give into the temptation to start drama - ಠ_ಠ 14:37, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
I concur with U Mad Bro. I believe something must be done about this, especially since I've experienced such an occurrence firsthand, and I can conclude that it is a serious issue and might in the future drive away potential editors if it gets out of hand and is reported on outside of this very site. Obviously, though, I don't have the power to do so, so please consider mine and U Mad Bro's words for some form of action against Phobos if possible. It might be beneficial in the long run. ಠ_ಠ 14:26, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
It won't happen, it's like some form of nepotism from what I've gathered. Basically Zaiger knows Phobos in some capacity, like it's his estranged, hobo, degenerate of a half-brother or cousin or something and so he just puts up with his antics, even though he ~literally~ does absolutely NOTHING on the site... other than cause trouble I mean, mostly in the form of randomly banning new users, post-editing (like he just tried doing) and other forms of vandalizing shit, leaving the other mods to have to clean up his mess. He's one of the major reasons why I'm glad I'm not one of ED's janitors anymore, because cleaning up his shit is practically a full time job... it's like babysitting... but not getting paid. And then whenever his shit is cleaned up he runs off in a big huff, usually crying to the ED forums and then tries to start shit over there. Zaiger usually attempts to "explain" his retardation as some form of in-house, playful trolling... but you can only shove a flower into an asshole and try calling it a bouquet so many times. --U Mad Bro 14:41, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
"It won't happen, it's like some form of not listening to adult baby wannabe cuckolds who cant hold down a wendys job from what I've gathered. Basically Zaiger knows Phobos is well liked by most of the community and in some capacity a functioning productive member of society, like it's his estranged, currently not living with his mother, non-pedophile of a half-brother or cousin or something and so he just puts up with his complete lack of shitting in diapers, even though he ~literally~ has been editing encyclopedia dramatica since 2007 and has won Vox Dramatica... other than cause trouble for manchildren who cry about the Internet I mean. Mostly in the form of randomly banning people who whiteknight me, post-editing (because this is wikipedia) and other forms of vandalizing my shitty articles that no one bothers to read, leaving the other mods to have to laugh at his hilarious quips. He's one of the major reasons why I'm glad I was banned and exiled from this site, because after I had my privileges revoked by zaiger I couldnt get a practically full time job so I came back... it's like babyfuring... but not getting laid. And then whenever I cry and send zaiger long autistic emails begging him to protect me from cyber bullies, I fear that ED forums too will brutally sodomize me. Zaiger, aware of my severe mental delusions, allows me to remain as some form of in-house, playful trolling, because I any employment or responsibilities of any kind and respond by throwing an autistic temper tantrum creating endless sockpuppets because I have nothing left to live for - Onideus"

Fixed that for you Matthew - Phobos 15:05, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

  • randomly banning new users
  • post-editing (like he just tried doing)
  • and other forms of vandalizing shit
So all the crap you used to do until zaiger told you to fuck off. Got it. Why so afraid of the forums? reply 14:53, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Seriously U Mad Bro, what's up with crying about shit you used to do all the time? reply 14:59, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
Except I never did any of that, Sunshine. I generally policed the Onideus article, primarily to keep it from getting fucked up by ass flustered weens like yourself and because, well, that's the only way it actually held direct relevance to ED (as far as creating or documenting drama). The article means nothing to me in any direct capacity, so simply continuing to pile on layer of shit after layer of shit is pretty fucking pointless... but, on the flip side, preventing spergs like yourself from adding more layers of shit made you spaz out and act like epic lolcows, which actually held some measure of relevance to the site's purpose.
And the only reason Zaiger demodded me is because I specifically antagonized him into doing so in several e-mails. Wasn't that hard for me to do, emotional instability infliction is my forte afer all. His skin is thicker than most... but I'm the God of humanity's demons... and the ones that make you mad are arguably the easiest for me to manipulate. --U Mad Bro 15:04, 2 April 2015 (EDT)

And the only reason Zaiger demodded me is because I specifically antagonized him into doing so in several e-mails. Wasn't that hard for me to do, emotional instability infliction is my forte afer all. His skin is thicker than most... but I'm the God of humanity's demons


—The biggest faggot on ED

Hahahahahahaha - Phobos 15:08, 2 April 2015 (EDT)
(cur | prev)   19:13, 2 April 2015 Phobos (Talk | contribs | ræp) m (42,327 bytes) (Reverted edits by U Mad Bro (talk) to last revision by Phobos) (undo)
(cur | prev)   19:12, 2 April 2015 U Mad Bro (Talk | contribs | ræp) m (41,901 bytes) (Reverted edits by Phobos (talk) to last revision by Tigercommander) (undo)
(show/hide) 19:13, 2 April 2015 Phobos (Talk | contribs | ræp) ræped U Mad Bro (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked, cannot edit own talk page) ‎ (Hahahahahaha) (unblock | change block)

TheDOSFag Arbchat

ArbChat in Progress

<weev> TheDOSFag: are you willing to do something
<weev> to be unbanned?
<TheDOSFag> yes!
<weev> are you willing to accept this court's judgement?
<weev> okay
<Violenta> Because I seriously have to pee and cannot represent my Jew due to  dabgerous lols.
<weev> i think you need to perform penance
<weev> for being a jew
<TheDOSFag> ok
<phobos> with jews you lose
<weev> so, grab some sort of cellular device with a camera
<weev> install the livestream app
<weev> and go outside of a synagogue
<weev> during shabbas services
<weev> with a sign that says #HitlerDidNothingWrong
<TheDOSFag> I don't have a smartphone
<weev> and tell the Jews coming in and out
<weev> that the holocaust didn't happen but it should happen again
<weev> well
<weev> borrow one from somebody
<Violenta> My client claims no smartphone technology, Your Honor.
<nigamajiga> how about a dumb camera?
<Violenta> Another photo option please
<nigamajiga> comon
<ImperialGuard> it would be funny if a unch of jews kicked his ass
<nigamajiga> work with me here
<TheDOSFag> i don't have a camera!
<ImperialGuard> *bunch
<nigamajiga> wat
<nigamajiga> rubbish
<TheDOSFag> im serious!
<Tigercommander> if he doesn't have a camer and a smartphone your honor
<Tigercommander> doesn't that mean he is a Jew?
<phobos> you think with all the money his parents have hoarded using that falsified holocaust sob story of theirs they could afford a camera
<TheDOSFag> ...
* zaiqer has quit (client exited: Closing)
<Violenta> I can't help you if you have no camera, for needed evidence a penance
<Violenta> And*
<Broken_pipe> if u have a phone
<Broken_pipe> u have a camera
<Broken_pipe> bro
<nigamajiga> yea really 
<TheDOSFag> i don't have a phone
<Broken_pipe> yea u do
<nigamajiga> wtf is your phone from 1997
<TheDOSFag> i hate cell phones
<Tigercommander> he doesn't have a phone?
<phobos> lol
<gert7> :o
<Nemnem> what is wrong with you
<Nemnem> jesus fuck
<ImperialGuard> No phone, No camera. I knew he was still a jew hoarding his gold
<Violenta> Weren't you on androirc last night?
<weev> dude
<weev> that's the rule
<phobos> "I hate modern devices that allow me to communicate with others and access vital information"
<weev> this court's judgement has been made
<weev> ban and page lock will be upheld
<weev> until the defendant meets the criteria of the court order
<weev> when he does
<weev> he will be unbanned
<weev> and he can edit his userpage as he see fits
< TheDOSFag> All I wanted was to be unbanned! not to be banned again and then tried as a jew!


TheDOSFag> maybe I'm just not cut out for ED material. All I wanted was to prove my innocence.


< TheDOSFag> all I wanted was to find some place where I could be accepted, but

12:53 < TheDOSFag> I guess that'll never happen.


Tru Talk

Hello fur-iend

Hope I'm not distracting you if you're busy. I just wanted to suck your cock a bit so that i can have someone who is my ally for once.

it's difficult for me to shut the fuck up when i'm this autistic, but when I do shut up i stalk people online, I plan on sucking your cock out with pretending to be nice and such. It's been a while since i last sucked a dick. I'm not interested in just rage quitting this time or or crying up to zaiger about it, I promise. I haven't sucked dick in long and i really want a cock in my mouth to keep me alive , and plus the time i spent without cocks in my mouth allowed me to write this message

It may be difficult to trust me given my past history, but I assure you I'm only here to suck dick. Sorry about anything retarded from before. I checked my autism back when i was getting my ass verbally handed to me. Vermin    14:21, 5 April 2015 (EDT)