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Hallå, I are FailSwe a Swedish faggot called Emil Pell that sucks the American Godzilla's dick. I really like sucking his dick, it tastes yummy! My mouth just tingles when I slurp and suck on it. En sådan tumme penis!

The AMERICUN GAWDZEELUH is the shitty, innacurate name I pulled out of my arse as a substitution for "Zilla", the official name for my sexy fish-loving Godzilla. Fuck Gojira, he sucks American Godzilla's ass! Skithög!

Jag har tjänat massor av haters mellan gemenskapen, och jag gillar det eftersom jag är ett troll, som söker efter uppmärksamhet!

Agree with my opinion or go shove your unrealistic, fake japanese "Godzilla" up your ass.

Emil Pell