User talk:Internetpolice

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Article Title: Alexander Boyd Campbell

Alexander Boyd Campbell

The Second life groomer in the flesh.

Alexander Boyd Campbell also known as (Boyd Doghouse, Edgar Button, Master Button, Dog God) is a 62 year old pedophile on Second life he can be normally found lurking around Violet and Korea and other safe hubs on the on Second Life.

When young girl's reject Alexanders advances he get's butthurt so he threatens and blackmails them into doing what he wants or bullying them until they leave Secondlife

Alexander was Banned by Linden Labs for his online activties which include (Stalking, blackmailing, child grooming) and lost all his precious virtual lands and Second Life jewgolds.

After his ban Alexander went to his Tumblr and cried about his ban, even going as far as to make his own Q&A.

Alexander bawwing on his Q&A

Alexander likes to cry on his Tumblr about people who are mean to him on Second Life, any time Alexander posts about someone you know they have hurt his feelings

Caught in the act

Alexander creeping on a young girl because she didn't friend him.
Alexander Threatening a woman's children who rejected him.

is part of a series on
Second Life


Anshe ChungBoyd DoghouseBritbongReturnsChristoph NaumovaFelinoidHardstylennoHarrison DigfootIntLibJaSonicKalel VenkmanKopyboatKrispupLemonade CoyoteMircea KitsuneMrDisambiguationProkofy NevaRalph PootawnSkueeTamias the ChipmunkUrizenus SklarVolandYiffy YaffleYoko Beaumont


Justice League UnlimitedLost FurestPatriotic NigrasFurNationW-HatThe Wrong Hands


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