User talk:ItsRaidDay

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Lol no, i see you found my video, how on earth did you find that? Chickendoodlesauce 11:55, 26 May 2011 (UTC)

Some of the other admins are quiet the lurkers. You are one easily trolled person, I really gotta say. I have never made someone so butthurt. ItsRaidDay 23:02, 26 May 2011 (UTC)


Here's the first few episodes of that anime discussed in IRC.

Picture related.
--Kashiwaba Tomoe 02:54, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

Ban request

I need Hater123 banned for Mod Sass.

PræsidentMudkip 01:08, 31 May 2011 (UTC)

Done. ItsRaidDay 01:13, 31 May 2011 (UTC)

Was it funny mod sass, or 'imma be an idiot and lot listen to helpful advice' mod sass ? --Kashiwaba Tomoe 22:37, 3 June 2011 (UTC)

Motorcycle 18:23, 25 August 2011 (UTC)How do I connect a link to a Encyclopedia dramatica page that has not the title as the thing a wrote example if I wont to link something nobody cares about to the article ,,Shit that nobody care about,,?


Thats fine, maybe the gallery then.


It r now national ban armucat week. You can help by banning armucat at every opportunity. k thx n bai Armucat 23:03, 2 June 2011 (UTC)

Dont worry everyone, I banned this faggot promptly ItsRaidDay 23:09, 2 June 2011 (UTC)

Hello ED Sysop

Thanks you for your service to the great Encyclopedia Dramatica. If you would like to continue being an ED administrator please check your ED email and reply to the mailing list thread within 24 hours. Let me know if you have trouble accessing your ED email account. --zaiger (talk) 03:40, 23 March 2012 (EDT)