User talk:NintenEthan

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I can do LBC nao?

Hey NintenEthan;

ODB's shoes will be hard to fill, but if you're willing to commit to a project like LBC I'd love to get involved. What you need first is a concrete format for LBC. Will you do YouTube video broadcasts or any sort of stream/radio/etc.? Or will this be a strictly "print" endeavor consisting of articles and such feature on ED? It would be near impossible to create daily content; but maybe a weekly "Current Events" announcement would work? I figure if LBC had a small feature on the Main Page it would include a graphic and a "news brief" -- just 3-5 graphs summing up the story -- with a link to the rest of the article. For flexibility these briefs could link to either existing content, content created for the main part of ED, or content created by LBC (as in, news style articles). Anything to do with an event or newsworthy happening could be linked and featured by LBC.

For this to work, you'll need an actual reporter (a newsgatherer to get the gist of the story), writer(s), an actual broadcaster to create videos (Idk if you want to do that sort of thing though), etc.

I can write broadcast copy, news briefs, (and, if we got there), lend my voice for e-radio announcements, but idk where you want to go with this. Message me on my talk page or at [email protected] if you wanna talk more about it. Cheers! Hanna 20:33, 23 April 2011 (UTC)

just a suggestion but Kevin Provance recently started corresponding with ED in which he sent a very lulzy email to the wrong person. He seems to dislike our attention perhaps you can help? Just a suggestion for a first broadcast. DoNotWant 20:43, 23 April 2011 (UTC)
That's a good idea. Maybe that could be a "LBC Lulz News Special Report"...or it could just be a section of the first newscast.This is the LBC. My User Page 19:41, 28 April 2011 (UTC)
  • My thoughts: If jewtube, start with biweekly or monthly recaps, then increase the turnaround time between jewtubes as the people doing it get better at it, increasing to a regular weekly schedule (realisticly, I doubt more than 1/week would be needed other than 'special reports' to troll a specefic topic, and breaking lulz coverage). --Kashiwaba Tomoe 19:28, 28 April 2011 (UTC)
  • Yeah, the video newscasts should probably start as a biweekly thing. Once we get LBC off the ground, we can move it to a weekly thing. So far I've been thinking that a weekly newscast, along with a biweekly ED Video Article, would be a good schedule (because having a weekly ED Video Article would probably be a little hard to keep up with).This is the LBC. My User Page 19:41, 28 April 2011 (UTC)

Textual LBC

I was thinking, prehaps we do a text version of LBC, make twitter/FB etc accounts for it, and just generaly write up shit, be it internet related, or just mocking shit in the IRL news.--Kashiwaba Tomoe 18:29, 9 June 2011 (UTC)

Well, we already do have a text LBC on ED (although it isn't updated as much as it should be, which is my fault), but I would like to see a twitter feed for LBC that would announce new articles and stuff. First however, I want to focus in building up LBC here on ED and YouTube, specifically by getting reporters to find and write articles. --This is the LBC. My User Page 22:25, 9 June 2011 (UTC)


its pretty cool that you're putting time into that, since we've basically lost "this month in lulz". i'd suggest having the main lbc article change with the news while copying the old version to a subpage/archive, if that isnt how you already do it, idk. H64 22:51, 28 June 2011 (UTC)

this may actually warrant its own portal. are you on irc? H64 22:53, 28 June 2011 (UTC)
I can get on IRC right now.This is the LBC. My User Page 23:00, 28 June 2011 (UTC)

You need LBC reporters?

I'm here over the LBC, I'm a Britfag. You want some writers, I can give you some half-arsed shit. I got a slightly alright mic, not the best of mics but I can do the voices since I am a brit, Is there anything you want me to do specifically?

Many Regards, A fucking newfag cunt who hasn't done anything of value AKA, LulzKiller 17:44, 26 July 2011 (CEST)

Great to hear from you. It would be great to have someone else write articles. All you got to make sure to do is find a current lulzy happening to report on. It can be OTI or IRL; as long as its lulzy. The articles themselves don't have to be masterpieces, just make sure to make something decent. As for the voices, you come at an opportune time. I'm working on a video report about Amy Winehouse and I need someone to voice for it. I'll send you the script as soon as it's done. (If you want I can just post it on your user talk, or I could email it. Your choice.)
This is the LBC. My User Page 19:45, 26 July 2011 (CEST)

Great, I procrastinate a lot so my work will be a bit irregular possibly, Email would be great, [email protected]. LulzKiller 21:47, 26 July 2011 (CEST)

Have you got it done yet? Nothing has been emailed to me. Cheers, LulzKiller 01:08, 30 July 2011 (CEST)