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Better not let him find your IP address!
Seizing a rare moment of inattention, one of vipor's little girls escapes from the basement and tries to make a break for it.

An internet tough guy who fancies himself a Soprano. Became a heavy abuser of Lipitor to compensate for the massive fat streaks creeping into his heart. While some women may find him attactive, his arteries are reserved for massive cholesterol clots. Bantown has put out an e-warrant for the personal information of this man, and his brother therealagerbon.

The Videos


this is gettin' personal



I've done it to a couple of people, and you know what? They're Not around anymore. *opens mouth in shock* Yeah, it was Yahoo Chat.



things are gonna get ultranasty



External Failure Links

See Also

Vipor231 is part of a series on YouTube.

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