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* [[Whitey|'''White Diamond''']] - Best girl and the big bad mama of Homeworld of the four diamonds. Took five fucking seasons to finally showed White Diamond who has a bright as hell head that you can only see her lips and eyes and can barely see her gem(also has a cheap looking diamond gem as Pink Diamond. Note how detail her shoes are as [[Dumb|Rebecca wasted FIVE HOURS working on it]]). Also has a busted up pearl who was pink's original pearl or some shit like that. Both are standing in a T-pose to show how big and bad they are. Can make gems(even the other diamonds) her bitch by making them gray and into her puppets to fuck with folks. Also thinks Steven really is "Pink Diamond". [[Lame|White Diamond also had little to no build up throughout the whole damn show until "Legs to Homeworld"]]. A true boss as [[Win|she called out Pink Diamond's(and Steven's) shitty actions and FUCKING RIPS OUT STEVEN'S GEM]]. However, like in the show's true fashion, [[Lame|she is "defeated" by Steven and his pink Jesus soul with a shitty one liner that hes' a kid(LOL what?) and that made her blush(no really, thats what takes her down) and is forced to help uncorrupt the earth gems]].[[LOLWUT|Somehow, White Diamond was inspired by a old as fuck Disney short about female menstruation...yeah again showing what a fucked up creep Rebecca is]].
* [[Whitey|'''White Diamond''']] - True Gem-Hitler. Best girl and the big leader of Homeworld and of the four diamonds. Took five fucking seasons to finally showed White Diamond who has a bright as hell head that you can only see her lips and eyes and can barely see her gem(also has the same diamond cut as Pink Diamond (Note how detail her shoes are as [[Dumb|Rebecca wasted FIVE HOURS working on it]]). Pink was her "close favorite" and call her "Starlight" Her busted up pearl was really Pink's original pearl who she treated like shit and got her taken by White. Both are standing in a T-pose to show how big and bad they are. Can make gems and even the other diamonds (well except Pink because of fucking course) her bitch by making them gray and into her puppets to fuck with folks. [[Lame|White Diamond also had little to no build up throughout the whole damn show until "Legs to Homeworld"]]. Like a true boss,[[Win|she called out Pink Diamond's(and Steven's) shitty actions and FUCKING RIPS OUT STEVEN'S GEM]]. However, like in the show's true fashion, she is "defeated" by Steven and his pink Jesus soul with a shitty one liner that hes' a kid(LOL what?) and that made her blush (no really, thats what takes her down) and is forced to help uncorrupt the earth gems in a fucking pool party. [[Lame|All the Diamonds have been reduce to Steven's "wacky" aunts who kiss his ass forever as he's their new Pink Diamond in the movie and final season]]. [[LOLWUT|Somehow, White Diamond was inspired by a old as fuck Disney short about female menstruation...yeah again showing what a fucked up creep Rebecca is]].

* [[Hitler|'''Yellow Diamond''']] - Gem-Hitler. She first appeared in the extended opening theme song for the show when she turned her head for a bit. She wants to [[DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING|destroy the earth]] because "Rose" killed her baby sister. Is the closest of acting like a villain in the show for now(<s>before Rebecca makes all the diamonds just "misunderstood" pussies</s> Nvm, she's doing just that). She is such a boss that even the crewniverse fangirls over her VA(who is a well known Broadway singer and actress aka wasted money for the crew barely using her). Can [[OP|shoot lightning like beam that can 1HIT KO poof gems]] and use to have a long neck. Like most characters in this show, barely shows up and does anything. Was tried with putting up with Pink's shit and barely cared about her. Now is working with Steven and the gang only because he's "Pink Diamond". Also she and Blue are only bad because "White made they do it"(no really, the crew went with this shit).
* [[Hitler|'''Yellow Diamond''']] - Gem-Hitler and was in charge of the gems armies. She first appeared in the extended opening theme song for the show when she turned her head for a bit. She wants to [[DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING|destroy the earth]] because "Rose" killed her baby sister. Turns out she, like Blue and White, was tired of putting up with Pink's shit and would punish her when she acted out of place; also that White liked Pink more than her. Yellow(along side White) was the closest of acting like a villain in the show before Rebecca makes all the diamonds just "misunderstood" pussies. She is such a boss that even the crewniverse fangirls over her VA(who is a well known Broadway singer and actress aka wasted money as the crew barely used her). Used to [[OP|shoot lightning like beam that can 1HIT KO poof gems]] but now [[Lame|uses her power to fix shattered gems and their physical appearances]]. Like most characters in this show, she barely showed up to do anything. Oh and the reason she and Blue are only bad is because "White made they do it"(no really, the crew went with this shit).

* [[Cry moar|'''Blue Diamond''']] - A Sith Lord who refuses to accept the fact the Pink is dead, also a massive emo. Was supposed to be some metaphor for the big, bad "homophobic" for wanting to shatter Ruby for [[sex|fusing]] with her Sapphire before Rebecca rewritten her to be a lame crybaby bitch; as well as, redesign her by (poorly) ripping off Leiji Matsumoto's artstyle with a ugly hair hoop and droopy eyes. Her power is just make other gems and people cry with her emo bawww blue aura. Speaks so softly it's almost impossible to understand anything she says and somehow now has a Irish voice out of nowhere. Turns out that she barely cared about Pink as Pink was not doing her job and making excuses like the lazy bitch she is. Only started crying hard because Pink fucked off and "killed herself"(Greg did kill her years later thou) like a true [[an hero|hero]]. Like with Yellow Diamond, is only working with Steven all because he's "Pink Diamond" and is bawwing happily seeing "her" again.  
* [[Cry moar|'''Blue Diamond''']] - A Sith Lord who refuses to accept the fact the Pink is dead, also a massive emo. Was supposed to be some metaphor for the big, bad "homophobic" for wanting to shatter Ruby for [[sex|fusing]] with her Sapphire before Rebecca rewritten her to be a lame crybaby bitch; as well as, redesign her by (poorly) ripping off Leiji Matsumoto's artstyle with a ugly hair hoop and droopy eyes. Her power is just make other gems and people cry with her emo bawww blue aura. Speaks so softly it's almost impossible to understand anything she says and somehow now has a Irish voice out of nowhere. Turns out that she barely cared about Pink as Pink was not doing her job and making excuses like the lazy bitch she is. Only started crying hard because Pink fucked off and "killed herself"(Greg did kill her years later thou) like a true [[an hero|hero]]. Like with Yellow Diamond, is only working with Steven all because he's "Pink Diamond" and is bawwing happily seeing "her" again.  

* [[Bitch|'''Pink Diamond''']] - Worst Diamond and Steven's truly dead mother. Only had one planet to her name before she faked her death. <s>Now is the center of a shitty and forgotten "plot" of who really killed her</s>. She was an bratty, midget womanchild with a upside down, detail looking diamond gem; a ugly clown like design with big puffing anime hair, [[creepy|act like a child(remember this "child" had sex and a kid with Greg; an adult)]] and has OP powers because she's a mary sue. Turns out she pretended to be Rose Quartz(while SOMEHOW able to shapeshift hold her Rose form for 1000+ years with zero problems and flip her fucking gem around to the top view), force Pearl to faked her death then started the rebellion that started the worthless war over her OWN death([[bitch|also made all her gems fight each other and got her Rose Quartzes poofed and bubbled up]]). All this just so she can [[sex|play]] with humans and live on her Earth playground without the diamonds bossing her around to do her job right. Rebecca intended to make Pink be seen as the "hero" but instead made Pink [[Fail|a selfish piece of shit who passed all her own shit she caused to her bastard son, Steven and her "friends", mostly pearl; who she put a gag order on Pearl to not tell anyone about her thirst for Earth men]]. Is Rebecca's second self inserted character after Pearl. She is the true villain and troll of the show.
* [[Bitch|'''Pink Diamond''']] - Rebecca's second self insert. Worst Diamond and Steven dead mother. Only had one planet to her name before she faked her death. <s>Now is the center of a shitty and forgotten "plot" of who really killed her</s>. She was an bratty, midget womanchild with a upside down, detail looking diamond gem; a ugly clown like design with big puffing anime hair, [[creepy|act like a child(remember this "child" had sex and a kid with Greg; an adult)]] and has OP powers because she's a mary sue. Turns out she pretended to be Rose Quartz(while SOMEHOW able to shapeshift hold her Rose form for 1000+ years with zero problems and flip her fucking gem around to the top view), force Pearl to faked her death then started the rebellion that started the worthless war over her OWN death([[bitch|also made all her gems fight each other and got her Rose Quartzes poofed and bubbled up]]). All this just so she can [[sex|play]] with humans and live on her Earth playground without the diamonds bossing her around to do her job right. Rebecca intended to make Pink be seen as the "hero" but instead made Pink [[Fail|a selfish piece of shit who passed all her own shit she caused to her bastard son, Steven and her "friends", mostly pearl; who she put a gag order on Pearl to not tell anyone about her thirst for Earth men]]. Is Rebecca's second self inserted character after Pearl. She is the true villain and troll of the show.


Revision as of 19:09, 13 September 2021

In 2013, Rebecca Sugar abandoned Adventure Time to pander to the immense cesspit of basement-dwelling feminazis plaguing Tumblr with the anime ripoff that is Steven Universe.

Steven Universe is a very anime-inspired cartoon, which shouldn't be acceptable for a Western kids show since all anime is invariably pornographic. Like Adventure Time, Steven Universe has no actual over-arcing storyline, only the illusion of one.

Cartoon Network realized that since they were airing Johnny Test and never-ending Teen Titans Go! reruns two-thirds of the day (The other one-third going to Adult Swim), they REALLY needed something new, ANYTHING new. Rebecca Sugar caught onto the fact that CN now had two brain cells to rub together and suggested a fantasy 2DEEP4U show that attempted to trick otakus into thinking that Western cartoons are any match for anime.

The only reason anyone should watch this dog shit of a cartoon is to see how NOT to write a "deep" kids show and fully cater to a retard fanbase.


Actual footage from the cartoon.

"Gems" are an alien race of sentient gemstones ruled by "The Diamond Authority" (White Diamond being the leader and "Mother" of the Diamonds) with gems are to salute the diamonds by making a retarded diamond sign with their arms follow by saying "My Diamond" or some shit like that. Their civilization is as technologically advanced as the average sci-fi federation but as morally advanced as the Nazis. Here are some useful factoids:

  • Gems are made in human shape holes in cliff walls named the "Kindergarten".
    • Gems are made using the Diamond's "sweat" bath water that is then collected and put in gem planting machines to put in the rocks.
  • Quartz and Quartz varieties come from Earth and are supposed to be badass, but Amethyst was in the ground too long.
  • Pearls are slaves to serve their diamond(s).
  • There are three eras of gems
    • Era 1 are barely shown but are said to be the alphas(aka the best)
    • Era 2 are the most shown in the show and are like this generation, mostly physical retard betas(except Jasper) due to Pink Diamond killed off a good chunk of the Era 1 gems in her "horny for Earth human men" war
    • Era 3 are whatever. Rebeeca didn't think of what to really do with them other than they're, along side the Era 1 and 2, not allow to use weapons anymore because Steven Pink Jr said so(yeah that rule won't bit him in the ass later in life)
  • Gems generate an external body to interact with the world.
    • When this body is damaged enough it "poofs" out of existence and has to regenerate from within the Gem.
    • This body can physically change at will (with limits of course unless you're a diamond because diamonds are op guyz.)
    • Gems can shapeshift into other gems/people/objects etc but not for too long(unless again you're a diamond because diamonds are op)
    • Every gems(even the Diamonds and the male looking butch gems) are female.
    • Like in true feminist fashion, there are no "male" gems. Rebeeca said Steven is the "first male gem"(even though he's half)
  • Gems can fuse by doing a fusion dance(totally not stolen from some anime or anything).
    • Fusions used to just be use for battles when needed, now fusions are just there to show off different types of relationships(despite gems not knowing what the fuck love/family is in the first place).
    • Rebecca said that fusions are their own person; however, she not very good writing that out like other things.
    • You can fuse the literal Gems together against their will to create a sin against life itself and become the literal worst person ever.
    • Homeworld gems can only fuse within their own diamond circle and gem type. Cross fusion is a big no no and will be smashed if you do so.
  • Gems are seemingly immortal; they will never fucking die. However, if a Gem smashed into shards those shards lose sapience and can only form body parts.
  • Homeworld have such a rigid caste system that would make India blush and wet itself.
    • There are living, breathing walls, combs, statues, bridges, etc that are gems
    • Homeworld planet is all cracked in half not due to over making gems on the planet and diamonds ruling other planets to grow more gems, but due an asteroid(yes as said in some artbook but not in the damn cartoon itself)smashed right through it some years ago.
  • Despite having an intergalactic society thousands of years old, the Gems cannot grasp the concept of sustainable development and thus breed like rabbits, spread around the universe as a plague, and deplete natural resources so that subsequent Gems "born" on older worlds are handicapped and have to use prosthetic or is shattered.

The story

Gem mating ritual.

Long ago, Pink Diamond bitch and cried for wanted to colonize a planet of her own, so her Diamond "family" gave her Earth to test her and to shut her ass up. Pink Diamond then got bored and not wanting to run her colony job anymore; shapeshifted herself as a "Rose Quartz" and got a taste of human men(aka fucking redskins). With her new human fetish and wanting to play on her Earth men toys, Pink whine to the Diamonds if she can stop colonizing the Earth and they told her ass to gtfo and go colonize. With this, Pink would force Pearl to disguised herself as Rose and then "shattered" Pink so she can stay shapeshifted as "Rose Quartz" and forms a band of lesbian SJW ecoterrorists called the "Crystal Gems" to rebel against her diamond family "for the name of Earth". Pink Diamond in her stolen, fake Rose skin "saved" the planet from the Diamonds, but dumbass bitch didn't realize that the Diamonds put a giant philosopher's stone in the Earth's core and then also played Lavender Town fired a power beam into the planet, corrupting all exposed Gems into monsters, so she and the Crystal Gems spend all their time capturing them and doing nothing with them as Pink would rather sleep around and fuck her human men toys than try to fix the corrupted gem SHE caused with the war.

In the recent past a solo musician named "Greg Universe" decided to perform songs at a venue in Beach City only to learn that no one listens to his music anymore, except for the aforementioned Pink Diamond. After some shit happens, Steven Universe was born.

Even though she is immoral and is OP as fuck diamond, Pink Diamond died giving birth to him, and she knew ahead of time that this would happen but continued the pregnancy anyway - probably because Steven's half-human half-alien properties were part of her master plan to leave all the problems she had cause for him to fix for her because Pink Diamond is a selfish dumbass.


Pink Diamond fucked with everyone for her own selfish ass and now her half diamond, half human son, Steven and her "friends" has to fix all her messes she left behind. Its just one big shitty fanfic straight outta

Current Year

*cough* *cough* Cringe *cough*
He went full macintosh. You never go full macintosh.
When you're gonna get your own pearl.
The Triple-K ranger.
  • The "Monster of the Week" Arc + Lapis. (Season 1A)
    • The CGs and Steven fight a series of Corrupted Gems while occasionally having fee-fees with each other or with the people of Beach City.
    • Fusion is introduce for the first time with Opal, the fusion of Pearl and Amethyst.(Note most fans will tell you to start with this episode when starting out with the cartoon)
    • Garnet and Amethyst fuse into Sugilite and break a communication hub for hurting television. This becomes relevant later.
    • Steven releases a Lapis Lazuli from a mirror and she takes the ocean, then gives it back and flies off to Homeworld while leaving absolutely no catastrophic damage to the ecosystem.
  • The "World-building" (Season 1B, 1 - 43)
    • Filler
    • The fee-fees get more frequent.
    • Steven and Connie fuse into a 18+ Herm-Aphrodite bait like body with everyone (even Garnet because she gets a hard on for love type fusions) getting wet for her and some pedo named Kevin hits on them until they unfuse.
    • Garnet reveals that she can see the future.
    • Ronaldo tries to murder Lars onscreen and everyone's okay with it because they're both douchebags.
  • The Peridot Arc (Season 1, 44 - 52)
    • An Era-2 Peridot is assigned to check on the cluster buried within the Earth's core before it hatches, but the CGs keep interfering. First she tries to fix the Galaxy warp and go there directly but gets paranoid because of a fucking sticker and leaves, then she tries to use the Prime Kindergarten but the CGs destroy its power source. She then brings the Lapis from earlier and a literally perfect Jasper with her on a space-ship to get the job done but guess what.
    • The CGs fuck it all up.
    • Garnet reveals that she is a fusion of two "lesbian" gems named Ruby and Sapphire and sings how she's made of "love" while kicking Jasper's ass. (This would also send fans to defend this trainwreak of a cartoon because of this).
    • Peridot takes an escape pod to a field conveniently close to Beach City.
    • Jasper fuses with Lapis into a Malachite but Lapis betrays Jasper and drags their fusion into the sea and not seen again until season 3(yes that long).
  • More "World-building" (Season 2, 1 - 10)
    • Filler up until episode 6 where the plot develops.
    • Less fee-fees than in the first worldbuilding arc.
    • Connie starts taking sword-fighting lessons from Pearl.
    • Gem Shard Amaglamates are found. Garnet has a panic attack and almost defuse seeing the "dead" forced fuse gems. Garnet then talks to herself about this is how Homeworld sees fusion(this line along with the "Fusion is just a cheap tactic" became a meme somehow).
    • The gems "try" to find Malachite and Peridot(more so Peridot).
    • Steven in his dream is "teleported" inside Malachite's mind where Lapis and Jasper are fighting each other for controller of Malachite.
  • The "Week of Sardonyx aka Pearl rapes Garnet" (Season 2, 11 - 15)
    • Peridot fixes the communication hub Sugilite broke earlier and tries to send for rescue with it. Garnet and Pearl fuse into Sardonyx to break it again.
    • Pearl gets thirsty and repeatedly fixes the hub in secret so she can fuse with Garnet again and again.
    • Garnet eventually finds out and disowns Pearl with also defusing into Ruby and Sapphire while on a short vacation and nagging to each other wither they should forgive Pearl or not.
    • The CGs start their hunt for Peridot but Garnet's salt and Pearl's thirst for forgiveness keeps getting in the way.
    • Garnet and Pearl quickly make up at the end and take Peridot's tech foot.
  • Peridot's Redemption/ Rushed The Cluster Arc with no good pay off (Season 2, 18 - Season 3, 5)
    • Peridot is caught and is really a midget.
    • Peridot discloses to the CGs that the cluster in the Earth.
    • Peridot and the CGs make a truce to build a drill so they can get to the cluster and destroy it.
    • Peridot starts being racist to Pearl, as well as, getting on Garnet's and Amethyst's nerves.
    • Garnet reveals how Ruby and Sapphire felt in "love" at first sight and first fuse into "Cotton Candy" Garnet.
    • The CGs go to the moon to find out exactly where the Cluster is. (Russia is literally gone.) Peridot also called out Pink Diamond's actions that doomed the earth with her war
    • Peridot steals a connection to the Diamond Communication Line to try to get Yellow Diamond to spare the Earth, she refuses and Peridot calls her a clod, creating a meme face.
    • Malachite resurfaces(out of the blue because poor plotting) so the CGs go and fuck her up. Malachite defuses.
    • Steven and Peridot take the drill and disable the cluster by having Steven talk to it to bubble itself.
  • Bazzzillionare Greg (Season 3, 10 - 18)
    • Greg's old Jewager, Marty, sells his song for $10,000,000, making Greg rich.
    • Greg, Steven and Pearl go to a luxury hotel in Empire City so Greg and Pearl can finally sort their shit out.
    • Greg buys a car.
    • Kevin shows up to be a dick so Steven and Connie fuse into Stevonnie and use Greg's car to race him despite neither of them knowing how to drive.
    • Greg rents a boat and takes Steven and Lapis out to sea. Jasper comes back, gets cucked, and Lapis punches a hole in the boat to launch Jasper into next week.
  • The Jasper Arc (Season 3, 18 - 25)
    • Jasper comes back and proposes to Lapis but gets cucked, and clocked into next week. Literally.
    • Jasper decides "fuck trying to get back to homeworld, imma build my own army" and captures corrupted Quartz soldiers to get back at "Rose".
    • Jasper destroys Amethyst's form and self-worth like a boss.
    • Jasper uses the kindergarten she was made in as a make-shift jail for her "troops".
    • Steven and Amethyst fuse into a grape boy and have Jasper free all but one her prisoners by accident. Jasper rapes a dog and gets AIDS.
    • Jasper becomes corrupted and bubbled, with no hope of ever being redeemed.
    • Bismuth intrudes the arc, but is also poofed and bubbled with no hope of ever being redeemed, because she's too violent for a kid's show. She comes back in Season 5
  • Filler (Season 4, 1 - 10)
    • Filler.
    • More filler.
    • More filler.
    • More filler.
    • Except for that episode with the demon butterflies and that annoying song. FACT: they got a AZN animator to animate this episode which is why it looks good compare to the other shit they done.
    • Oh and Pearl somehow manages to get even gayer with a "Rose" lookalike who A. doesn't come back at all and B. was the crew bad joke that Pearl loves any woman that looks like Pink's Rose form.
    • Greg's cousin shows up and more filler happens.
  • The Human Zoo (Season 4, 11 - 15)
    • Steven starts accidentally ESPing with Blue Diamond. His dreams are of Pink Diamond's Palanquin and he cries involuntarily.
    • Steven tries asking the Gems questions for once but they dodge the answers in the most retarded ways possible.
    • Greg and Steven go to Korea to find the Palanquin and Blue Diamond.
    • BD kidnaps Greg and puts him in a "human zoo".
    • Steven and the gems use the Rubies'ship to find and get Greg back.
    • They find and land on Pink Diamond's space station, where YD and BD are also there, and try to blend in but failed hard at it. Steven is taken to the zoo.
    • The zoo people are inbred.
    • BD being a emo crybaby as she misses Pink Diamond and YD gets tried of BD shit.
    • Amethyst meets the other Earth made Amethysts who are call themselves "The Famethysts" and are treated like shit by Holly Blue Agate due to being made on Earth.
    • Steven and Greg escape the zoo with the Crystal gems and the gems "defeat" Holly Blue with a empty threat.
  • Filler Again (Season 4, 16 - 21)
    • Holy SHIT this season has so much filler!
    • Nobody on Reddit likes any of these episodes. Plus the amount of clickbait titles like "Bloodstone" made people BAWWW.
  • Kidnapping used to move the plot along for the third time (Season 4, 22 - 25)
    • Lars is gay.
    • Steven meets a cute loli gem named Aquamarine who's looking for my daddy and then promptly flies away.
    • Steven and Connie find Aquamarine, only to discover that she and her slave fusion Topaz have kidnapped all of the missing people and put them inside Topaz.
    • Aquamarine is revealed to be a psycho bitch and kidnaps Connie.
    • The CG are wrecked by Aquamarine and Topaz(due to doing nothing 98% of the time instead of training) while Steven gets kidnapped.
    • All the humans are put on a ship to homeworld piloted by Aquamarine, but Steven splits up Topaz and frees his friends.
    • Everyone jumps off the ship, and Steven convinces Aquamarine to let his friends go because he is his mom, but Lars is gay and is still on the ship to homeworld.
  • Homeworld for only 2 episodes (Season 5, 1 - 4)
    • Aquamarine gloats for an unnecessary amount of time.
    • Steven and Lars argue for like 5 minutes and promptly make up. Topaz has a gigantic emotional breakdown over how sweet Steven and Lars are and tries to get them to an escape pod but is caught by a flying blue dwarf.
    • Topaz beats the shit out of Aquamarine until she remembers that Aquamarine is basically gym nobility.
    • Steven and Lars are separated.
    • Steven goes to court and is defended by a Zircon who is voiced by Princess Carolyn. Blue Diamond cries a lot.
    • Half of this episode is basically Amy Sedaris talking to herself, resulting in it being better than pretty much every other episode.
    • Zircon goes bananas and comes up with the most sensible theory about Pink Diamond's death on the show yet. She is promptly poofed by Yellow Diamond for actually being the first person to make sense of the case in 5,000 years.
    • Blue and Yellow Diamond argue, and Steven escapes with Lars. Yellow makes a empty threat about finding "Rose" and is never seen following up on that for the rest of this special. ONE JOB, Dumbiverse crew!
    • They end up being sheltered by "off-colors", basically gems with disabilities. None of them have any personality and that important. Filler dialogue ensues.
    • Lars dies and is brought back to life just for the shook value.
    • Lars becomes Steven's familiar; Steven can use Lars's hair portal to travel to Lion's mane back on Earth.
    • Steven does so and abandons Lars on Homeworld, who will most likely be sacrificed by the off colors in their bimonthly ritual.
    • We have no idea what happened to Zircon.(A crew cast said that they're "ok" for now. aka never going to be seen again until season 6)
  • Even more filler (Season 5, 5-10)
    • Steven tries to help Mayor Dewey with his re-electon against the pizza family grandma. At the end, Dewey ragequits and gives grandma the free win.
    • Connie gets mad at Steven for not "fighting together" aka fusing with her; Steven, being a dick and forgetting about Lars on homeworld, says that everything is fine. Connie then leaves, taking Lion with her.
    • Greg and the gems take Steven on vacation and try to tell him gem plot stuff. Steven however, only whines about why Connie won't answer back to him.
    • Lapis, fearing that the diamonds will catch her ass again, pussies out and leaves.
    • She gets mad at Peridot for not wanting to come with her and takes the barn with Peridot's stuff with her.
    • Peridot moves back in the bathroom at the gems' house, acting emo that Lapis left. Steven and Amethyst try to cheer her up by taking her to the Kindergarten to plant flowers.
    • Sadie, missing Lars, quits her job at the donuts shop and, with Steven, forms a band (complete with a terrible written song as Sadie voice actress can't sing for shit).
    • Kevin invites Steven and Connie to his party just so they can fuse for him to show off. Connie starts talking to Steven again just so he can stfu about her.
  • Stranded with shit writing (season 5, 11-12)
    • Steven and Connie happens to get to Lars and the off-colors, who Lars(off-screen) happened to become a leader and weeb anime captain of the off losers and they stole a spaceship(again, off-screen) from Emerald (voiced by a "Non-Binary" trap who won on Rupaul's drag race and is a fan of the show).
    • Lars sees a video of the band Sadie is in and gets mad at her for having a good time without him while under attack.
    • Steven and Connie fuse into Baitvonnie for no reason and tries to shoot down Emerald but gets shoot down and crashed onto a unknown planet.
    • Baitvonnie(who has "beard hairs" to please the Tumblr crowd) tries to survive on the unknown planet
    • Out of nowhere, she dreams of being Pink Diamond, who's revealed to be a midget, annoying brat with a under-side down diamond gem, whining to a Connie's mom/Yellow Diamond mix, wanting stuff. YD then tells her to grow the fuck up then PD gets mad and punches a mirror wall.
    • Baitvonnie then wakes up and just so happens to be camping in front of YD's old communication hub and call Lars to come get her.
  • Diamond lore clickbait with mostly fillers. Arc 1 (season 5, 13-16)
    • Lars and the offs are still in space.
    • Steven brings Garnet(rather than to bring someone more helpful like Peridot) with him to meet the off-losers. Garnet gets wet at seeing them which made them uncomfortable as fuck.
    • Garnet tells them about the "Real Rose Quartz" and its the same shit that the show already touched on for the million time.
    • The corrupted "song" is not really a song but nothing but a power beam that the diamonds fire from their hands.
    • The show hinted that Pink Diamond may be alive(because of fucking course and would throw the whole "murder mystery plot" out the fucking window Protip: it did).
    • The rest of this "arc" is nothing but boring beach city filler like always.
  • A terrible, poorly planned twist. Arc 2 (season 5, 17-18)
    • Lapis really left to the moon and there, she was stalking Peridot, Steven and the CGs from the moon orb in the moon temple then sings a shitty song.
    • Steven again, randomly out of nowhere, dreams about Blue Diamond being tried of Pink Diamond's shit excuses to not running her own colony she wanted right then Pearl comes up to Pink Diamond with a sword and "shatter" her
    • Lapis rage quits again for good and leaves
    • Pearl for some reason, has other pearls inside her gem and Steven goes in her gem and her other past life pearls' gems, just to get her fucking cellphone.
    • Steven learns that his mom, Rose Quartz, was really FUCKING PINK DIAMOND ALL ALONG! The reason? PD was bored of running her colony she wanted and was given. So she shape-shifted a Rose Quartz sona and started a rebellion against her own diamond "family" just so she was play around with her humans toys on her Earth playground without the diamonds telling her what to do. She tricked and forced Pearl(and pretty much everyone else) to go along with the plan so they can be "free together" and put a programmed gagged order on Pearl to not tell a soul about the truth. Pearl then disguise herself to be Rose to "shattered" Pink Diamond and Pink Diamond lived the rest of her life as "Rose Quartz" until she fucked off and died giving birth to Steven.

This "twist" threw Rebecca's own show message out the window and half of the fandom quit the show for good. GG Crewiverse. The Crew "planned" this crap since 2013 with them showing a document; even though, they themselves said they didn't have anything planned after 'Ocean Gem' and they open up a fuck ton of plot holes.

TL;DR version: This is what happens when you don't have writers and a editor; and make the storyboarders the writers instead. You get a poorly written show and this has in a way, bit them in the ass.

  • Downplaying Pink Diamond actions and White Diamond finally shows up. Arc 3 (season 5, 19-23)
    • Garnet defuse for the third time and Sapphire runs off (rightfully) fucking pissed at what Pink Diamond did.
    • Pearl tells Sapphire everything aka more like trying to retcon Pink Diamond actions
    • It was Pearl's idea to have Pink make a Rose Quartz sona for her. Pink Diamond is also shown to be a complete womanchild.
    • Pink Diamond saw some humans and somehow wants to now "save" Earth and made piss poor excuses to YD and BD to why she wants to stop harming Earth. BD and YD didn't care about Pink midget ass all that much and BD and YD made the human zoo for her.
    • PD didn't really give a shit about freeing the gems, only wanted to scare the Diamonds off her Earth until she saw hot and cold cross fuse into Garnet for the first time then she "cared" about freeing gems to use them for her own personal gain.
    • Sapphire is forced to forgives Pink (because nobody in this show is allowed to be mad at someone's shitty actions for long) and Ruby left to be a cowgirl for the day. They make back up and Steven told them they should marry each other.
    • Bismuth comes back(again force to forgive Pink). Making the su crits cream their pants in joy.
    • The midget lesbians get marriage for no reason other then to make the cancer, faggot fanbase happy(and for the crew to brag and stroke their egos about how """WOKE""" they are).
    • However, YD and BD come to attack earth(aka Beach City, like always) to only to stop fighting by Steven using he's Pink Diamond.
    • The gang+ the Diamonds find Pink diamond's ass ship(really Rebecca?) and goes to homeworld to get White Diamond to help undo the corrupted gems on Earth. Homeworld planet is busted up.
    • After 5 fucking seasons, we finally see bright ass White Diamond and her cracked up pearl.
    • She, like the other Diamonds, mistaken Steven as really being Pink Diamond and Steven is then taken to Pink's room and thats it.


  • Steven "Pink Diamond Jr" DeMayo - The main character and a gary stu. Is based off of Rebecca's brother. As the bastard son of Pink Diamond, he has inherited all of her powers (which he can just magically be "pro" at using without really learning how to use them); such as healing literally anything ever, creating life, possessing people, bringing people back from the fucking dead, and others. If you pose a threat to the planet's existence, Steven will still see you as capable of changing; but if you hit on him, you're worse than Hitler. Has PTSD and an inferiority complex caused by the fact that he thinks everyone is expecting him to be just like his dead mom. With him really being a half diamond royal, he now acts like a moralfag, liberal, selfish piece of shit like his mom, Pink Diamond. You can take out his gem and he can still live because you got to be reminded how "special" SteveJesus is.
  • Greg DeMayo - Steven's dad. He's an ex-solo-musician with cat hair and the poster child for how to fail at life but still get the best girl. Seriously though he met Pink Diamond in her Rose disguise because she's the only person who liked his music. With Pink leaving his ass a kid he didn't have money or a place for, now Greg runs a Car Wash and lives in a van, so Steven lives with the Gems. Is now a millionaire and spends half of the money to fix shit the gems cause. Out of all the characters, Greg is pretty much the semi best character out of the whole show as everyone else, even Steven, act like complete assholes. Turns out, he really fucked the "child-liked" midget tyrant, Pink Diamond and killed her with with his dick and her birthing Steven.
  • Connie - Steven's obligatory love interest. Connie's mom is a doctor and her dad is a cop who works for multiple beaches in multiple cities so she isn't in the same place for long, meaning she can't make friends. Because she has no friends she spend most of her time reading books and looking at boats. This probably means she knows about Onion's status as Satan. [Insert Un-funny Lolicon joke here.] One time she lied to her parents about Steven having a mom despite Steven's mom clearly being dead, then she has the audacity to yell at Steven for feeling upset that she lied about his DEAD MOTHER, so maybe that's why she has no no friends. Now is a edgy sword fighter thanks to Pearl's brainwashing to act and serve like a slave and "protect and died for Rose Pink Diamond at all times" sword training and only really there to fuse with Steven. Nowadays she just gets mad at Steven for shit he can't control.
  • Pearl - One of Rebecca's self-insert. She is a smart-ass who thinks she's was superior but then inferior to anything surrounding her. Was Pink Diamond's second slave Pearl and so because of that, would do anything in the name of Pink Diamond and had an unquenchable thirst for her. Got played hard by Pink; from helping her fake her death then gagged ordered by her as well to not tell anyone about it even after Pink bitch real death to Pink fake loving Pearl while she went to go fuck nothing but human men. As you can see, Rebecca made "Rose" x Pearl really be a fucking master x slave ship; in a kids show no less. She would watches Steven in his sleep and even brainwashed Connie in her sword fighting training to died for Steven in battle like she would died for Pink Diamond. Since she can't sex it up with Pink Diamond anymore, she'll settle for the next best thing: anything Rebecca feels like pairing her with. Gets the most attention in the show as fans "can relate" to her" like with Lapis. Her weapon is a Spiral-tipped spear. FACT: Pearls are not even gems; show how little the crew did research into gems.
  • Amethyst - A Gem that was grown on Earth by the evil Diamonds. Was found by Pink Diamond(who made her and owns her), Pearl, and Garnet after the war; then joined them. FAs on Tumblr can NEVER get enough of her because, like a disturbingly high number of characters in this show, she's FA-worthy. Constantly stuffing her fat face (even though apparently Gems don't need food, or drink, or sleep, or air). Use to shapeshift into her fursona, "The Purple Puma" and wreck people behind Pearl and Garnet's backs only for the show to drop her fursona because "she doesn't need it" out of the blue. You learn later in the series that she is Jasper's bitch and has shown to be worthless as hell(as keeps getting her ass kicked in battles then throw bitch fits about it, repeat). Her weapon is a spiked balls whip. She also has an inferiority complex because she's a "defective" Gem: While Quartz soldiers are supposed to look like ripped bulldykes (see Jasper), Amethyst is only half the size, fat, and came out of the ground too long and missed the war because of it. Pink Diamond only said she was "perfect" because Amethyst was also a defective, little shit just like her. Is the only one who rightfully cussed out Pink Diamond.
  • Garnet - The Leader of the Crystal Gems since Pink Diamond died. She is secretly a fusion of two lesbians (lesbians exist in kids' shows now). Her powers include seeing into the future(which she barely uses when its comes for the more important things), swimming in lava, and a diva voice(who no one ever heard of and can't voice act for shit). The Gem Homeworld is full of Dixie Confederate Republican Gems that didn't like Garnet being Garnet, so she was found by Pink and later, joined her army to fight for Earth so she could be free to be a black hole of faggotry. She was the reason for Pink Diamond to go "free" the gems so she can fuck them over in the war. The french dub of the show censored Garnet's gayness spawning a sewer flood of hate. Now just a cardboard cutout of her old self and just centers around nothing but being the "love type fusions guru" with her going on and on about being made of "love". She later "marrys herself". Her weapon is a pair of gauntlets. Fans only like her(along with Ruby and Sapphire) because she the "black", lesbian eye candy.
  • Ruby and Sapphire - One dimensional Dwarf lesbians that make up Garnet and the show's most obnoxious characters. A hot-headed red one with fire powers and a cool-headed blue one with ice powers. Completely Original. Very co-dependent as they can't last five seconds apart from each other mainly due to Ruby taking fusion so fucking seriously and are annoying as hell because of it (but the fandom see this as a "healthy love relationship" somehow). They have zero motivation other than to break up over something stupid then fuck each other back together into Garnet. Because of these two and Garnet, lesbian carpet-munchers and gay soyboys started to heavily praising the show to death and Rebecca likes to milk them whenever she can(like the Jew she is). She made a fucking book off that "The Answers" episode and then, she "fought tooth and nail" for CN to have them get marriage just to cater to their lgbtwxyz+ fanbase (and for her ego). Fact: they'll still annoying, one dimensional characters by the way
  • Lapis Lazuli - A waterbender. The Crystal Gems trapped her in a mirror for 5750 years until Steven broke her free. She flew to her homeworld in space to find that if you give a civilization 5750 years they tend to advance. She fused with Jasper so she could use her water-powers to trap herself and Jasper at the bottom of the ocean forever. Fans want to fuck her because tumblr fags think they relate to her 'abused' past. Thus, making her the most overrated and second to boot meme'd SU character and all that cringy shit. Now has little to no personality(the little she had in the first place) other than act emo and cracks unfunny PTSD jokes, and used to sits with Peridot in the barn, doing nothing. Last Thursday she sperged out at the idea of being caught by the Diamonds again and took the barn to the moon base and used the moon orb to stalker watch Steven and the gang back on Earth. She then came back out of nowhere to aid in the fight with Yellow and Blue Diamond back on earth, only to get poofed by Yellow Diamond. She later reforms in new clothing and is still useless in the battle at Homeworld (as well as useless as fuck in the movie and the final season). NOTE: Turns out that her whole design was stolen from some old ass subpar anime no one remembers. Shows what a bunch of weebs and thieves the crewiverse are.
  • Peridot - A racist who uses prosthetics and jerks off to The Diamond Authority. She used to be a baddie but now she's a goodie because of Steven's selective character redemption powers. As an "Era-2" peridot, she's a shitty millennial whose only power as a Gem is to be magneto. She likes aliens(even though, she is one) and haves a tablet to the point the crew went as far as open a real Peridot twitter account as if she was really using it. Used to sit around the barn with Lapis doing nothing and is only shown when the crew feel like having her and Lapis for something pointless. Currently living in Steven's bathroom being emo after Lapis left with the barn. Is somewhat the Zim from "Invader Zim" copy in the show. The crew pretty much turn and only use Peridot now as they're "lol so random!" character and for shipping bait with either Amethyst or Lapis or[[sick fuck|even paired with Steven. Yes thats a thing. The crew then made her "asexual" meaning she doesn't to fuse (making all her shippers and fan fusions BAWWWW). Stupidly got poofed by Yellow Diamond. She, like Lapis, too later reforms and is still useless in the battle at Homeworld and the rest of the show and the movie.
  • Jasper - A roid-rager who Peridot dragged her with to Earth, is Lapis' abusive "girlfriend" and thinks Steven is Rose Quartz (who was really "her diamond", Pink Diamond and Steven is her diamond's son). She fused with Lapis after being jelly that Garnet is infinitely better than her in every way (even though she thinks fusion is for pussies) but Lapis dragged their fused body into the ocean. After separating from Lapis, Jasper became obsessed with fusing with her again, but was thrown back into the ocean. She later created an army of corrupted Gems, but fuse-raped one of them and got AIDS. Got rekt and poofed by Peridot and was bubbled until she comes back for 5 seconds in the season 5 finale as she is now uncorrupted and was ready to beat Steven down until she saw the Diamonds chilling in the pool with the other gems. Final season she get fucking shattered by Steven in a fight, only to be bought back by him(yeah shattered gems can now be bought back to life. More on that shit later). Got screw over by the show the hardest in the end.
  • Bismuth - The blacksmith that made all the Crystal Gems' weapons and made Pink Diamond her sword that can only poof gems. She treated the war like an actual war and got bubbled for it. Upon her chimp out in her debut, the fans started demonizing Fructose for having a "black-coded" character be loud and aggressive, and also for stating that murder is wrong. Steven, being the soyboy that he is, refused to shatter other Gems, and this made Bismuth turn apeshit against Steven, attempting to shatter him. She got screwed over and bubbled by Pink Diamond as Bismuth wanted to kill her diamond "family"(the same family who didn't give two shits about her ass) and PD wanted to cover her own ass. Comes back just for the pander wedding and she's force to forgive Pink. FACT: Like Pearls, Bismuths are not fucking gems either.

The Great Diamond Authority

  • Yellow Diamond - Gem-Hitler and was in charge of the gems armies. She first appeared in the extended opening theme song for the show when she turned her head for a bit. She wants to destroy the earth because "Rose" killed her baby sister. Turns out she, like Blue and White, was tired of putting up with Pink's shit and would punish her when she acted out of place; also that White liked Pink more than her. Yellow(along side White) was the closest of acting like a villain in the show before Rebecca makes all the diamonds just "misunderstood" pussies. She is such a boss that even the crewniverse fangirls over her VA(who is a well known Broadway singer and actress aka wasted money as the crew barely used her). Used to shoot lightning like beam that can 1HIT KO poof gems but now uses her power to fix shattered gems and their physical appearances. Like most characters in this show, she barely showed up to do anything. Oh and the reason she and Blue are only bad is because "White made they do it"(no really, the crew went with this shit).
  • Blue Diamond - A Sith Lord who refuses to accept the fact the Pink is dead, also a massive emo. Was supposed to be some metaphor for the big, bad "homophobic" for wanting to shatter Ruby for fusing with her Sapphire before Rebecca rewritten her to be a lame crybaby bitch; as well as, redesign her by (poorly) ripping off Leiji Matsumoto's artstyle with a ugly hair hoop and droopy eyes. Her power is just make other gems and people cry with her emo bawww blue aura. Speaks so softly it's almost impossible to understand anything she says and somehow now has a Irish voice out of nowhere. Turns out that she barely cared about Pink as Pink was not doing her job and making excuses like the lazy bitch she is. Only started crying hard because Pink fucked off and "killed herself"(Greg did kill her years later thou) like a true hero. Like with Yellow Diamond, is only working with Steven all because he's "Pink Diamond" and is bawwing happily seeing "her" again.


  • Opal - Whenever Pearl and Amethyst aren't arguing for no reason, they can perform fusion to "form Opal": a four-armed giant woman; the Gems claim that they only fuse when they have no choice but hardly ever do it when they need to and when they do it, it's hardly ever when they need to. Barely had any lines of dialogue other then singing "Giant Women" and is somehow stable despite how much Pearl and Amethyst throw bitch fits at each other all the time. Barely seen in the show.

Fun Fact: Originally they were going to pose her arms to form a swastika as a Hindu reference but were forced to scrap it because culturally ignorant Jews and Social Justice Warriors would have been offended and that can't ever happen. Her weapon is a bow.

Obviously the SJ-Wankers were appalled by how obviously racist her character is, which surprised us all since SJWs typically jerk off to and worship the Steven Universe characters. Sugilite's weapon is a flail.

  • Alexandrite - A fusion of all three of the CGs. Is unstable as it has all three separate personalities of each of the gems. Rather than to show it off for the first time in a battle, it is first shown (get this) for a fucking dinner meet with Connie and her parents because Steven is a fucking moron thinking it can impress her parents with his giant "mom". Has a hidden second mouth. Has no weapon of its own as not only can it use the CG's weapons, but weapons used by their other fusions and can also breathe fire. Is the main fusion used now and defused as quickly as they form it.
  • Sardonyx - A fusion of Garnet and Pearl. A gap-toothed cricket who acts like a magician and talk show host, also likes to boast about how perfect and elegant she is. Pearl lies to Garnet so they keep having to fuse into her, because she enjoys how it feels, causing Garnet to get butthurt and ignore her for several episodes until Pearl basically admits to being a worthless cunt who can't do shit on her own. Her weapon is a giant hammer. Barely seen in the show.
  • Malachite - The Lapis-Jasper fusion that dragged its horrid form to the bottom of the sea to save Steven, getting kinky with each other with whatever shit they find down there to pass the time. Was only there for a poor written metaphor for abusive relationship and was barely a threat as the show made them out to be. It ultimately got its shit wrecked by Alexandrite and now defused.

It "weapon" is just Jasper's helmet and Lapis' water (with some ice) powers.

  • Stevonnie - The creepy, accidental shota/loli fusion of Steven and Connie. Is a shitty metaphor for "puberty" and frequently suffers from hallucinations brought on by Steven's own mental instability, initially thought to be Connie's fighting 'skills' being overwhelmed by her edgy 12-year-old mind, being the downward spiral moment of the series if it had any upping points. Have zero personality of her own and has "beard hairs" now to pander to Tumblr even more. The Crewiverse likes to make people of Beach City (even Garnet) wet for her whenever she appears, even though she's a fusion of 2 kids. To make her even more fap bait material for sick fucks, Rebecca and her pedo fetish loving boyfriend in a podcast confirmed that baitvonnie is 26 when again, forgetting that she is 2 kids in a young teen like body. Proves that Rebecca can't remember her own shitty writing.(Then again, Rebecca drew Ed, Edd, and Eddy child porn. Look it up). With Pink Diamond really being his mom, she a half diamond, half human fusion(as if this fusion couldn't get anymore creepy).

Her weapon is just Pink Diamond's sword and shield.

  • Rainbow Quartz - The 80's workout fusion of Rose Pink Diamond and Pearl. Was only form due to how butthurt Pearl was to Greg taking "Rose" away from her and wanted to show him up. Only shows up for a minute to dance for Greg then death drop, Rupaul's drag race style, defused. Some whine that RQ is too skinny and not fat enough for their "taste". Irony, RQ was made a few days before the news that gay faggots are allowed to get married in the US. RQ formed for the first time after seeing Garnet first fused together. Won't be seen again as Pink Diamond's ass is dead unless Pearl creepily fuses with Steven(she does).
  • Rainbow 2.0 -(yes thats his name) a water down version of Rainbow Quartz(even though Rose really a diamond) of Pearl and Steven. His weapon is just a fucking umbrella and have a out of nowhere British accent.
  • SunStone - A lame, poorly design fusion of Steven and Garnet. Talks like a surfer dude and breaks the four wall about anti-bullying(the shitty Dove partnership). Almost no one likes this fusion next to Smoky Quartz.
  • Smoky Quartz - A ugly as fuck half diamond fusion of Steven and Amethyst. Looks like it came straight from Tumblr itself. This fruit is such a shit waifu that 4chan straight up gave up on fapping to every Gem in this show. Immediately, Tumblrites started drawing the most disgustingly obese incarnations of him that could exist, doubling the demand in Clorox bleach. He also has self-esteem issues(because of course in this show, the crew loves to overuse self-esteem issues and anxiety as traits for most of their characters) because he is not as good as the other fusions.

His weapon's a yo-yo. No jokes, he flings a giant yo-yo at his enemies to attack.

  • Obsidian A fusion of the CGs + Steven. Its just their fucking temple house and its weapon is just a giant fire sword, which the sword looks like a copy of the fire sword from Zelda: Breath of the Wild (again the crew can't even come up with anything original on their own).


If you can't tell he is an antagonist.

  • Lars Barriga - An edgy as fuck kid who shops at Hot Topic and works at the local donut store. Eventually sets aside his differences with Steven and becomes his friend. Gets killed in an explosion and is brought back to life to Steven's tears, and now has a magic pocket dimension inside his head. Now is a try hard weeaboo "space" captain and leader of the off-losers(Rebecca planned for Lars to die and be pink and space captain from the very start of the show. Really shows why this show writing is trash).
  • Sadie Miller - A short little fat girl who is Lars' coworker at Big Donut. Constantly tries to rape Lars despite the fact that he's clearly not interested in her, and then gets butthurt because of it. Once deliberately trapped herself, Lars, and Steven on a desert island for the sole purpose of trying to make him love her. She quit her job at the Big Donut and now is a lead "singer" of a band that she can't sing for shit.
  • Onion - Annoying character who shows up whenever something randem needs to happen. Onion is a small albino kid who never talks and acts like a fucking sociopath for no reason.

TL;DR version: 99% of these characters are badly written, unlikable and a bunch of soft, crying faggots(even the Diamonds).


See: Steven Universe/Episode Guide

The fandom

The show's fandom frequently proves itself to be the worst fandom ever conceived. That's right. Worse than the fandoms of My Little Pony, The Powerpuff Girls, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Star Wars, Star Trek, Five Nights at Freddy's & DC's combined. The main reason this fandom is such a shit-heap is because of the creators themselves (being made up of hipster LGBT SJWs), as they were the ones who decided to saturate the show with SJW toxins. Because of those toxins, the show attracted enough Social Justice Wankers for them to comprise the majority of the entire fandom. These degenerates praise the show for shit nobody cares about such as the Gems having no gender (Rebecca later breaks this concept by making all the gems female anyways. lol), Stevonnie and Smokey Q. using they/them pronouns, lesbian pairings, over 9000 anime references that only old weeaboo fags will remember, crew wasting money on celebrity voices on characters (like fusions and some gems like Bismuth and YD) that they then can't afford to bring back because they cost too much, fucked up "morals and lessons" (that characters don't learn later on), making villains evil then making them soft as hell so they can be redeemed with "love and friendship", shitty writing/foreshadowing, and minorities (lots and lots of minorities). The list goes on and on.

The fanbase also cannot for the life of them take any meanie negative critiques of their "safe space" show well. They take any shit that the crew throws at them and they run with that as hard truth (even though, Rebecca and her crew don't know their own fucking lore writing and are easily butthurt by anything). The moment you say that the show has shitty writing, lazy art, etc; they're ready to jump you for attacking their "perfect" cartoon and say that the show is for kids but a bunch of the fanbase and watchers (as no kid unless forced wants to watch this boring shit) are made up of teens and adults. They're the type that think the slow shitty "plot" will get "better" down the road and love the boring nothing-is-happening town fillers.

The first thing you'll notice is the plethora of "Fat acceptance activists" who act as fanart police. If you draw any of the fatass characters skinny, you'll be shat on and permanently labelled as a fat-shaming scumbag. If you draw any of the black characters or Garnet with lighter skin, you'll be relentlessly titled a racist. If you draw a Jewish character with a small nose instead of a stereotypical giant sniffer, you're STILL somehow called a Nazi. They also think that certain ships are at a level of cancer that's higher than that of regular ships, and will label you anything from a homophobe to a pedophile depending on what ship you're offending them with. These shitheads are so bad that they even ran a storyboard artist of the show, Lauren Zuke (who later turns out that she a bit nuts and used the show to "cope" by bring her shitty fanfic shipping(lapidot) mess into the show and is now going by guy name"Jeese" and is begging for money for rent) off of Twitter and later ragequit her Tumblr for it. They also drove one of the show's many artfags, zamii070, to attempt suicide. I shit you fucking not.[1]

Not even the Crewniverse is safe from their bullshit. When Sugilite debuted, these cancerous fanatics somehow got it in their heads that, even though not a single Gem is black, Sugilite's roid-rage in contrast with Pearl's façade of sanity was a metaphor for white supremacy and chased one of the staff off of tumblr. They even chased a writer off Tumblr just because (get this) a line that Pearl said about "she likes pie".

These two events only constitute an incredibly small fraction of this fandom's ever-expanding history of making absolute fuckwits out of themselves. In the show, there's a place called the "Keystone Motel". It just so happens that this place exists IRL also; fans wrote fake reviews recalling Ruby and Sapphire's antics without it once crossing their minds that most people who are going to read these aren't autistic manchildren who'd get the joke or that the reviews could fuck up such a small business.

When Steven Universe's 100-episode special came out, they started crying again, saying that the Crystal Gem "Bismuth" is a racist stereotype and promoting actual MURDER.

When a Make a Wish Foundation kid got to watch the "Wanted" special early and spoiled the special and a few other things (that The Crew gave the ok to do), some known SU clickbait (who lives for SU leaks and stolen theories from Tumblr for easy views) youtuber named AwestruckVox, sperged out on Twitter, making fun of the kid's cancer for "spoiling" the special before he can make views and bank on it when again, The Crew GAVE the kid the ok to spoil it. Due of his whining and threats, the poor kid, who was a fan of his, apologize to him. After that, he later attempted damage control by removing the tweets and gave a half-assed, excuse filled "apology" to the kid saying in a way that he's not really sorry like the shithead he is.

Tumblr SU criticals

Tired that they're favorite "progressive" show is not doing enough and turned to shit, they started a tag (due to how butthurt the fandom are when pointing out how shit the show really is) and pointed out everything wrong with the show. While 0.1% make good points about the important stuff like: bad writing, lazy/terrible character design and development, art, etc.

The other 99% however, are SJWs who BAWWWWWW about shit no one cares about or that is not a big deal. For examples: the whole lapidot vs amedot shipping (both pairings sucks anyways), poorly done gay couples (but see Ruby and Sapphire's heavily co-dependent "relationship" is fine in their books), BISMUTH DID NOTHING WRONG, having a hate boner for "white-coded" Pearl and Lapis, minorities culture(s) not shown, "POC" gems treated "unfairly", racist Uncle Andy (talk about totally missing the point of his character),"Ableism"(the big one being Connie's eyes being healed that she doesn't need glasses anymore and the off-colors), wanting Connie to be a lesbian to make her character "better" because making everyone gay makes everything "better", etc.

They often make shitty rewrites and shitty redesigns of gems where they add too much detail(forgetting the keep things simple for animation rule), bright eye bleeding or boring color palettes and take already bad canon gem(s) designs and give them the good old SJW art treatment because "MUH PROGRESSIVE AND REPRESENTATION"(like making skinny gems(like Lapis and Rainbow Q.) fat or chubby, redesigning Sugilite to not be a monster "angry black woman", taking "white-coded" gems and making them "POC",etc.

Tumblr SU criticals are quick to call the crew racist for the littlest things. Such as: When the Human Zoo episode dropped, they went nuts and claimed that the crew are racist for adding such a thing (even though it was done (poorly) for shock value and not like shows have done human zoo themes before). They LOVE to defend Bismuth and her actions to no end (is bought up like 80% of their posts) and will chimp out if you say other wise. Again called the crew racist for rebubbling her at the end for wanting to do the "right thing" because murder is A-OK against dictator diamonds. When concept art of Amethyst, a really muscle bulldyker gem, and a unused black looking "gem" named Concrete showed in a art book, SU crits sperged how really racist and "transphobic" the crew are for adding those to the art book; To the point that the crew removed the arts from future printing of the books. Lars turning pink and erasing his Filipino race and bowing down to Steven for saving him. The list goes on.

When you call them out on their whining bullshit, reaching facts or that the "topic" is not that deep; in typical tumblr fashion, they'll call you everything phobia under the sun or derail the post with stupid shit saying how wrong you are and or post pictures of animals.

Abuse victims of the fandom

  • zamii070.tumblr (Failed an hero)
  • The Undertale fandom (Latched onto it like cancer)
  • The Overwatch fandom (Latched onto it like cancer)
  • tyrant-rex.tumblr (failed an hero)
  • floredoodler.tumblr (JK, flore just wanted to exploit the bandwagon for attention)

The only fandom that managed to victimize this one was the Undertale fandom, as it was cancerous enough to claim that "Stronger than You" was a plagiarism of their shitty Undertale parody.

TL;DR: The fanbase, criticals(+ anti criticals), and the crew working on the show are all pussy SJW faggots and should stay away from like the plague at all cost.

Miscellaneous information

Asking for it


  • Steven could kill you in a fight because he's an op diamond.
  • Despite all his training and the exercise that comes with it Steven, for some reason, is still a fat assed bag of shit.
  • It's been confirmed that Crystal Gems have no sex despite being obviously female, most of them being such obvious lesbians and having sexual desires (Like how Pink Diamond somehow "fucked" Greg and made a "womb" to "birth" Steven).
    • Tumblr snowflakes condemn people who don't know this and think that the Gems are all chicks as dirty cis male Nazi hetero homophobes that need to be lynched for not caring enough about the show's trivia.
    • Don't you EVER ask for "male" gems as the crew and fanbase will tell you to fuck off and go watch those "male shows" and or that Steven is the only male "gem" you'll get(despite Steven is half gem).
    • Rebecca ended up making all the gems (even the buff looking gems that could pass as male) female anyways. So much for "gender-less" gems.
  • Healing a corrupted Gem is impossible.
  • Greg still lives in a van.
  • Jasper won't be redeemed. If you honestly think she will, you're a fucking idiot. DISREGARD THAT, SUCROSE SAID IT WILL PROBABLY HAPPEN.
  • The Gems arrived somewhere in ~4000.BC and proceeded to massively fuck with history, with some of the shenanigans including:
    • Earth's continents being all fucked up and distorted due to "The Cluster". (the important ones are fine tho).
    • Christianity and Islam apparently not existing (but Judaism exists and it can be safely assumed that the Jews, being greedy wealth-loving fucks, worship gems as gods). only if there were small, round gems made of gold that could fit in a pouch around their neck because gems only have value to the buyer where gold is a universal tender.
    • WW2 didn't happen, no lolocaust either (at least that was unchanged).
    • Canada's flag being green and white.
  • Rebecca said that no one is "truly evil" in her show despite the fact that she wrote the diamonds doing fucked up things to their own(the cluster, force fusion experiments on dead gems, etc). Funny enough, Pink diamond is the true villain for all she did and caused.
  • In this show, if you done fucked up things over and over, all you have to do is cry your eyes out and people will forgiven you easily. Great message there, crew.
    • Same with nobody is allowed to be rightfully mad at someone's (like Pearl and Pink Diamond aka Rebecca's main favorites) shitty actions and have to forgiven them.
  • The "plot" will only get shittier down the road with even more pointless filler.
  • The crew love to misuse gray morality for most of their villain characters(mostly with Pink Diamond)when they didn't really know how it works.
  • Rebecca's dumbass nigger of a husband, Ian said in a podcast, get this shit, that Pink Diamond was "inspired" by immigrants(mostly his family from Africa). Just one of the crew's many times they make up shit just to get people to stop hating on Cunt Diamond's ass.
  • Rose Quartz Pink Diamond did it for the lulz.
  • This show does not in fact have le DEEPEST LORE.
  • Like the soft faggots Rebecca and her crew are, all the diamonds are redeemed and now are "cool" with Steven and the gang.


No comment.
  • Steven is a gigantic furfag, and according to shippers he will have sex with his lion at some point.
  • If you gave Steven the choice of an ice-cream sandwich or eating Connie's pussy he, like You, would take the ice-cream sandwich
  • X is Yellow Diamond.
  • Connie dies.
  • Fire Salts will eventually become a black market cooking ingredient.
  • Bleedman will eventually incorporate this show into his shitty comics. He's already made fanart. He may even make Rose Quartz Pink Diamond responsible for the American Civil War.
  • Rose was Pink Diamond or vice versa.DISREGARD THAT, IT BECAME FUCKING CANON
  • Pink Diamond faked her death and is alive AGAIN BECAME CANON

Trolling the fandom

The crewniverse promoting pedophilia.
  • Draw Pearl with tits; the bigger the better.
  • Draw Garnet not as the niggiest nigger.
  • Draw Amethyst, Sadie, or Rose as skinny bitches.
    • If you get called out for drawing Rose Quartzes too thin, tell them that since Quartzes are supposed to be bulky, "skinny Rose" is actually a defective Gem and that they are being ableist. Watch them as their heads explode.
    • With Rose really being Pink Diamond, Rose really was skinny.
  • Draw Steven (or his dad) skinny, for even more lulz.
  • State that Connie will never be a lesbian.
  • Suggest that Lars is not a tranny.
  • Claim that the Gems only care about Steven because Rose Pink Diamond is dead.
  • Declare that Pearl didn't have a crush on RosePink Diamond.
    • Bonus points for saying that they're in a parent/child relationship(also make sure to really push hard that it is a master x slave pairing).
    • Or the opposite of Pink Diamond never loved Pearl(which is canon).
  • Mistake the Gems for chicks.
    • Declare that Ruby's a dude.
  • Point out that Steven Universe is just a ripoff of Adventure Time.
  • Say that the show is for SJWs and tumblrtards.
  • Say that Rebecca and her crew are a bunch of creepy, lazy fucks that can't write and draw for shit.
    • Also that they are nothing but a bunch of tumblr, hispter weebs and liberal assholes(mostly Ian and Matt)
  • Say Stevonnie and Smokey Quartz doesn't go by they/them terms
    • Make sure to use either he/him or she/her terms
  • Say that Pink Diamond is still a selfish bitch and is not innocent no matter what the crew say and retcon in the show.
  • That this cartoon is nothing special and never will be when it ends for good.
  • That ruby and sapphire's wedding is not the first lesbian wedding as we bare bears did it first.
  • Tell them that the gem anime(which came out first by a second before SU) houseki no kuni is a better show and have a better fanbase than SU.

Or you could just bait-and-switch the poor fuckers to this page, they'll pussy-out At least 100 percent of the time.

Attack the Light


In April 2015, a group of childish manlets working for "Grumpyface Studios" thought it was a good idea to develop a Steven Universe RPG for iOS and Android mobiles to add to their collection of other brilliant games based on Cartoon Network shows. "Attack the Light" was conceived as a result of Tumblrfags whining and sobbing because their favorite fat autistic 14-year-old hero didn't have his own video game. The fags wasting their lives at Grumpyface Studios saw this and immediately took the chance to spoil every fantard with a trailer of their game at FAGfest 2014.

The game costs $3.00 on the App Store, and plays like the most generic RPG in history, utilizing the touch screen to literally do everything in-game allowing all of the pathetic losers who play it to swipe their filthy, salty fingers over the touch screen repeatedly until the screen looks like vomit. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl play the offensive positions, while Steven supports them by forcing Diabeetus down their throats such as Cookie Cats, Bagel Sandwiches, and Rose's Tears. Player's HP is referred to as "harmony" in this game, and if a Gem loses all of their "harmony" then they are forced to emoquit in their gemstone until the battle is over. Battle sequences are tedious, boring, and repetitive, and consist of a ridiculously small variety of enemies, known as "Light Monsters". The attack methods during boss battles are blatantly obvious as well, and sometimes Steven will literally force the Crystal Gems to fuse into Alexandrite when the boss won't fuck off. Oh, and there's now a "Diamond Mode" for all the MLG Swagfags out there who want a "challenge".

In summary, this game fucking sucks. Look at how boring the gameplay is...

Save the Light

Last Thursday, rather than to work on her failing show and seeing the "success" of "Attack the Light", Rebecca with Grumpyface Studios made a sequel game that no one asked for, this time for the PS4 and Xbone one. Again its a boring RPG with more (only 3 more)characters to play as now; being Connie, Peridot, and Greg. You can now play with more of the main fusions except for Alexandrite as its not in this game(something about being too OP); which made some people baww. It has the same boring as fuck RPG fight system as the last game with a few changes like you can build character(s)stats up(which will only be half done), and Steven somewhats "fight" but is still mainly the bard of the group and only somewhat useful when he fuse with Connie into Baitvonnie(just like in the show).

This story is you save the light in the last game now you have to rescue the light from two new gem villains named; Squaridot(yes really, she just what old main Peridot use to act like but with a square head and a gem eyepatch) and her boss, Hessonite, a garnet(minus being a fusion) looking recolor, who brags about being the perfect gem(hmm sounds like someone *cough Jasper cough*). FACT: both are just the main show's copy of Jasper and Peridot; so original. So your team just fight them with other monsters and in the end, Squaridot gets poofed and bubbled(like main Peridot did minus getting redeemed) and surprise surprise, Hessonite upon defeat is deeply insecure about herself and start to question if she's really the perfect gem as homeworld makes her to be.

TL;DR They just recycle some things from "the Return", Jasper and pre-redeemed Peridot episodes but with the light monsters. Plus none of this shit is canon like the first game.

The game didn't score well as some felt that the game was both rushed and dragged out, like backtracking a fuck ton and areas you travel through were simply too big and empty to run thorough, which made the game feel longer then it should've. While the game surprisingly hard in a cheap kind of way as enemies had way too much health and cheap kill attacks, which made each encounter drag on and on after awhile due to some characters are underpowered to use than other characters.

In summary,this game fucking sucks like the first game.

Steven Universe/Dove Self-Esteem Project

Needing to find a way to spend their Jew Gold and claim that they are doing a public service, the Jew Heads at Dove decided that they'd pick a show like Steven Universe with a lot of fat assed, geeky and loser fans to claim that they are sending a positive message to kids that it is perfectly all right for them to have another piece of cake and be happy with their horizontally growing body rather than push the tired and failed message of telling them to get up off their asses and exercise.

Each 2 minute, or so, video has characters from Steven Universe telling children how happy they are huffing and puffing climbing the stairs because the models in magazine pictures are fakes or have them educate a spiteful character on how their meanness and calling them names like fat hurts their feelings.

As someone with more than 3 brain cells can tell, it's aimed at the fat and lazy that want someone to tell them that their lifestyle choices are their's alone and won't question why Steven Universe does all this training and exercise but never loses a single pound.

These videos are meant to feed the mentality of, "Tv says my round body type is perfectly fine so cheerleaders are bitchy Whores if they wont go out with me." while their true purpose is to convince Americunts to let themselves get so fat and out of shape that all China will have to do is just say America is their's to take it over because everyone is having a stroke trying to wipe their ass.

Videos about why this show is shit


A man on the cusp of manhood can't spend the whole day whackering.


Steven Universe

Will you help me into my birthday suit?


—Steven Universe

I learned to stay true to myself by watching myself die!


Steven Universe, urging children everywhere to commit seppuku

Oh Steven. You don't have healing tears; you'll never have any real magic powers, and we don't want anything more to do with you.



Eeh. You need to put some more "ball" in your cannon.


—Amethyst talking to Steven.

Hey it's cool man. I've seen your junk before.





Buck Dewey

Dearest Jamie, No. The end. Forever. And even after that.


—Yours truly, Garnet.

I think crying is really fun.


—Rebecca Sugar

I like the way humans being play. I like playing along.


—Rose Quartz

Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak Gems stronger.


—Jasper, who fused with Lapis because she lost a fight.




You clods don't know what you're doing!



You crystal clods!



I guess I'm just too smart for the likes of you lumpy clumpy clods!



You insufferable half-formed traitor mega-clods!!



I'm running out of ways to say "Clod".



It has no functional purpose. It just makes me feel bad.



UT fans honestly thought this was the original.
Behold the highest art attainable from Adobe After Effects.
Steven you sick fuck!
An SU staff member actually shared this on his twitter
Another staff member actually acknowledged this on zer twitter


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Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.

Steven Universe
is part of animated shows, a series on

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Featured article August 14th & 15th, 2014
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Featured article October 21st & 22nd, 2018
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School Shooting
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Featured article November 12th & 13th, 2018
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Poppy Fascism
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