User:FranticDancer/Spax and The Law

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WARNING: This is the face you'll Fuck with dare you spread drama and harassment upon the internets smearing Spack's innocent name.

Moar info: Spax3.

Spax3 has become legendary, with his wacky antics concerning copyrights. Thanks to the lazy ass report systems of such places as Youtube and DeviantART, Spax has been able to juggle around the law like a fucking clown - Sure, his shit is funny from a distance, but when he chooses you as his his volunteer, shits gonna get real. Let us go over his doings, concerning the law, some people he's screwed over and why everything he's done with copyrights, has been complete bullshit.

Internets Lawsuits


The earliest known, and possibly the most infamous, moment when Spax pulled his bullshit, was when he was fired from the Sonic movie project, where he was going to voice Sonic. After he got his ass fired, he went on a rampage - making several lawsuit threats against the director of the project if he didn't shut it down, which he did. After this, a girl, who was also working in the project, made a video about WHY Spax was banned - he sat around, playing his Barney video game and watching anime, instead of actually doing the shit he's supposed to. When seeing the video, and the truth presented by it, Spax asserted his status as a man-child BY HAVING HIS MOTHER TALK TO THE MOTHER OF THE LITTLE GIRL ABOUT A YOUTUBE VIDEO. Take into note that Spax was around 20 at the time. It got to the point where Spax's mom said that what the girl did (making a video, explaining the situation of someone getting banned, for not doing their job) was sueable. And the rest is history. Oh, but don't take our word for it. Spax does a good job of it himself:

<video type="dailymotion" id="xbj1gl_lost-spax-vid-i-didnt-sue-anyone-st_people" width="450" height="450" desc="I DIDN'T SUE ANYONE! STOP SAYING I DID!" position="center"/>
PROTIP: Spax talks about the subject at hand at 0:51
If I'm gonna sue someone, I'll sue an adult...



As you can see, Spax has no idea how the law works, throwing around lawsuits left and right. Hell, you and I are probably going to e-jail just for being here. But it doesn't end there...

Spax3 vs. Encyclopedia Dramatica


Very soon, after discovering the existence of this article, Spax began waging an un-holy war against us, shouting out the call to arms, to his fanboys, via Internet Petition. Because, as we all know, internet petitions are 100% effective.

He backed his war, with this little number:


Individuals who post comments as part of harassment generated from Enyclopedia Dramatica will be added to the litigation now being formulated under the Communications Act of 1934, as recently amended by Congress, as part of the conspiracy. Every post made constitutes further evidence of the destructive and harassing nature of the Encyclopedia Dramatica website.

If settlement cannot be achieved, suit will be filed in Federal Court under the Communications Act of 1934, common defamation laws, state conspiracy laws, and any other tort, civil, criminal and equitable remedies available. Posts that are numerous, such that it interferes with the deviant's ability to enjoy the benefits of Deviant Art, similarly provide additional evidence of harassment, invasion of privacy, infliction of emotional distress, and similar violations of the deviant's rights.

NOTE FROM ME: And no, these are not what parodies are, it's pure harassment, and to those saying the Communications Act does not exist anymore, it does. If you want to keep using ED, use it for what it says it's for, parodies, and NOT harassment and slander. All the comments made here get stored as evidence, this is not a joke.



—Spax3, [1]

Awesome! His e-lawyering skills are so high (in fact, the scouter says they're over 9000) that he's threatening us with the now-defunct Communication Act of 1934! And uh-oh, he's pulled out the harassment card!!!1 He's sure got our number, he's having his lawyer/mom look into this! And look out, because in the very same comment, he's threatened the people who wrote these terrible articles "I will find the people who wrote it and attack them head on, and even other stuff." Frightening stuff! [2]

The Spacktacular Spectacle of Spax's Copyrights

Don't ever Quote me on Copyright. I know all this stuff, and no they [Time Warner] couldn't [File a lawsuit against Mighty Noid Entertainment]. It's a fan project. I'm not selling products on it or anything. I know the legal system.



Spax showing off his 1337 Copyright knowledge.

So, here's the main Question that you might ask: Does Spax actually own copyrights on any of his materials? The short answer is: "No". The longer answer: "kinda, but not really". You see, it is true, that once you create something, and can prove that to be your own creation, you have SOME legal hold over it, like, if someone says that HE created it, you can legally prove him wrong. HOWEVER, you can't take any real legal action against him, if he uses your work, under "Fair Use" which is what most Spax parodies etc. have been using his work under. Also, if this person were to decide to BUY actual copyrights on the names "Spax3", "CNASN Game Reviews" and "Mighty Noid Entertainment" he could then, take legal action against Spax, because that person now owns REAL, LEGIT copyrights on those titles.

Another problem with Spax's legal bullshit, is that most of his work contains Trademarks and Copyrights of OTHER companies, like Time Warner and Domino's Pizza. Meaning, he CAN'T hold any copyrights on his material, because his material contains copyrights that belong to OTHER companies. In fact, these companies, if they wanted to, could take legal action against Spax RIGHT NOW. Because Spax is actually making a PROFIT off of these materials, via Website Donations and revenue. Thus, Spax holds NO copyrights on his work, he NEVER WILL and he legally can't do shit about you, if you were to make your own, privately hosted website, where you put parodies, commentaries, etc. on Spax.

Exhibit A
Exhibit B

However, Spax is simply TOO stubborn to admit to any of this. He will ALWAYS fall back to one of two excuses :

  • He lives with his mom, who is a lawyer. THUS, he knows more about the law than ANYONE! (See Exhibit A)
  • He has a BUSINESS now, so he can do this shit! (See Exhibit A and B)
A Quick search, for any copyrights that migtht be held by Spax's Business, turns up some shocking results.

Examining the first point: Spax fails to realize that he is NOT THE ONLY BASTARD ON THE PLANET who has a lawyer. People such as Jim81Jim, who also have lawyers, have also debunked most of Spax's stupid bullshit in the past. In fact, if his mother REALLY IS a lawyer, then she is a SHITTY one - Her house looks like shit meaning she doesn't make a lot of money, and her "legal advice" to Spax is bullshit.

On the second point: Spax does NOT have a legal business, as far as the United States of America Legal System is concerned. A Simple search, in the copyright offices, for Spax3 or "Mighty Noid Entertainment", SHOCKINGLY comes up with 0 results. Spax seems to believe that him getting together with some friends, calling themselves "Mighty Noid Entertainment" and making stupid online videos, is enough to Qualify you as a legit business, which is complete bullshit.

TL;DR - Spax is a jackass with no legal knowledge or copyrights whatsoever.

Also, like any good weeaboo, he wants to take down 4KIDS or something like that because they burn our houses, kick the dog, rape the wife, etc. Either way it seems [he’s copying the logo to sell on teeshirts, which is definitely against the law. WAIT HIS MOM IS A LAWYER. So it can't possibly be. Other people break the law, NOT SPAX3.

Oh, the Drama

Somebody call the waaaambulance!

This article, isn't all that Spax feels offended by. You see, once people cought on to the fact that most of his legal claims are bullshit, Youtube people started making parodies, commentaries and rants on Spax. It was very serious business, so Spax started pulling these videos down, by claiming them to be Copyright infringement. This was funny enough on its own, but Spax soon found out, that his friend Hikaritail was being e-bullied on Encyclopedia Dramatica, via a journal by an equally retarded Sonic fag called Zamiecat. Said journal contains many lulz from both sides, and can be seen here. Whenever he is confronted about any of the stupid shit he does, he simply responds "They were spreading DRAMA!", which apparently, is a legal enough reason to ban people from DeviantART and pull videos off Youtube.

On the morning of 8.08.08. when the sky was clear and the birds were singing, Spax's fanboys began mass hacking of all accounts that dared speak heresy against their almighty leader. Soon after, all victims were unaffected, laughed for a bit and went on with their lives.

YouTube Nobodies vs. Spax3

One of Spax's arch-nemesis' on Youtube. Srsly.

YouTube is rarely a place known for its ability to produce anything along the lines of a win and yet, every once in a while the users of YouTube get together and manage to create something which simply deserves some fucking attention. Since before last tuesday, Spax has been left alone and has been having the time of his life, making stuff that most people would debunk as TL;DR or TL;DW. However even though the majority of the internet had all but forgot about Spax there were a few holdovers who hadn't. These people, like all people on the internet, are assholes and being such they felt compelled to go and poke his fat ass from time to time to get a reaction. Spax never disappointed.

Since it is against his nature to allow anything which criticizes him to exist in any form whatsoever, Spax began to abuse the system of reporting on most content sites around the net to get any such videos removed through use of copyright claims, as mentioned earlier. While this was an annoyance to the people who created the videos, it slowly began to become a pattern of behavior on the part of Spax. A video would be produced and uploaded to a site, a week or so would go by, and then it would be pulled down as if by magic. As time went on however people began to start to get pissed off with the idea that Spax could snap his fingers and remove things, especially since he holds no true copyrights on any of his shit.

Let us go over some of the victims of these events. The people who tried to make a stand against Spax, but ultimately failed due to, either Spax simply silencing them, them becoming super best buddies with Spax, or their actions just being stupid.


I mean, I don't want to kill him, but I wouldn't mind if he killed himself!


—Spax3, Expressing his love for BigAl2K6

File:Fatass eats mushroom.jpg
OMG! BigAl is so badass, he can put FILTERS on his images! You best not fuck with him, boy!

On September 17, 2008, BigAl2k6 put down the cheeseburger and verbally owned Spax by making a 20 part rant, or some shit like that. Spax3 was less than pleased, and start claiming that BigAl was spreading Drama (see above), and Bigal had to remove the rant. It was inevitable since he was already under "too much pressure" by trolls and fanboys.

He then made some more videos about Spax, for a bit, but now they are bestest friends forever. I mean, why would people be negative towards each other over trivial little things like Death Threats?


As mentioned above, Youtube isn't the only grounds of Spax's Banhammer acts. There are many other locations where his wacky antics can be observed - such as DeviantART. Sometime, somewhere on DeviantART, RandomDCE made a text rant epically owning spax. Once Spax figured out that the rant wasn't talking about how Spax is a great guy and a sexy best, he got sad and decided the best solution is to delete it.

RandomDCE didn't wanna go down without a fight, but Spax got him BANNED AGAIN causing outrage from many fanboys.


Since you love being the center of attention so goddamn much, I’m writing a rant just for you. I dare you to "remove this rant, as a violation of copyright." Newsflash genius, it’s not a violation of copyright to say you’re a no talent hack, who is afraid to hear the truth from people. That’s right Spax, people make fun of you because that’s human nature…and you keep throwing yourself in the spotlight to warrant more humiliation.

Awwww, is someone making fun of you? WELCOME TO THE HUMAN RACE!!!!! In the past, people have made fun of me…..guess what I did Spax? I laughed because I thought it was funny. But you want to cover up other people’s opinions of you because you think you’re better than everyone else. Sure if you get troll comments like “ur gae lolz” fine, remove them. But when people tell you the truth or mock what you’re doing, you try to “sue” them. YamatoBushi slammed me in a rant on Youtube before you closed his account like the little bitch that you are. It was funny. We laughed about it and Ballpusha was created.

Also…what the fuck is up with this bullshit about you "running a company?" I’m sorry…I didn’t know shitty little fanbrat sites who try to review "the next gen games" turn a profit for that kind of thing. Youtube, Play and HMV are internet sites that make profit. So THAT’S a company. You live in your mom’s basement. Posting less than credible reviews, having no job or any form of talent does not equal Company.

I know why you claim to have a "Company", because you’re like so many other wannabes chasing after The Angry Video Game Nerd. He has ties to Screwattack and Not to mention his own website of Cinemassacre. Far be it for you to think of something different. You’re gonna copy him with your stupidly named "Spax’s Game Toon Zone." No one in their right mind thinks that’s a great title…’s a suggestion for a better name: "PLEASE MAKE FUN OF MY CRAPPY WEBSITE!!!"

Plus…why Cartoon Network and The Noid? You do not own either product so stop claiming you do. You honestly think it’s cool to have your reviews associated with "Cartoon Network?" A kids channel that used to be cool? Why not Adult Swim ASN or Jack Daniels ASN. Or why not "Spax’s Reviews!!" Why the hell does a video game review need a fancy title linked to a TV channel that has no connection to what you’re talking about? I’ll laugh if you review Dead Space. Just to see the Cartoon Network logo in the same video as Dead Space would be hilarious.

When you tell the Youtube community that you’re on Viacom's side, you might as well paint a target on your back. I honestly think you will do ANYTHING to keep people talking about you. But to be honest, we’re tired of you. You are a broken record that the DJ won’t stop playing. In closing Spax, you’re probably not even going to read this and send this rant down to removal hell, like so many others who just told you the truth.

Enjoy living in denial for the rest of your life.




On January 20, 2009, a disturbingly fat basement dweller by the name of Hellsing920 (who looks surprisingly like a Mexican version of BigAl2k6), decided to make an "epic" rant about our dear friend Spax, in which he decides the best tactic is to mindlessly repeat the same shit that everyone else has said.

The main entertainment value of Hellsing's videos, is to watch a disgustingly fat bastard, with a husky voice, bitch about Spax.

He11sing920 Dost Smiteth the Spack
Sonic Fanboys (AKA Spax again!)
E-Begging (AKA Spax Rant III)

Spax's reaction to these videos is actually very disturbing. It seems that Spax is under the impression that EVERYONE who doesn't like him, have banded together, and are conspiring against his allmighty leadership. Spax's ego simply knows no bounds.

Spax the detective.

This is very evident by later events. At some point, some faggots prank called Spax's mom, and so, Spax, being the rational person that he is, instantly knew that everyone who has ever said any naughty things about him, was behind it (including Hellsing). (See Image on the left.)

Hellsing's response.

Hellsing's response was less than happy (see image on the right).


The Criminal Mastermind, that has made Spax cry on so many occasions... Sad, isn't it?

Some Pokemon obsessed jackass who makes commentaries to make himself look badass. At one point, he made a commentary on one of Spax's videos, but when it was removed by Spax, Boomstick's revenge plan is to... make MOAR commentaries on Spax. BRILLIANT! However, all of those were soon removed as well, as Spax deemed them to be "Stalking" Spax. Ironic really, because Spax soon enough used Boomstick's private info to call his house and make an actual lawsuit threat. Oh, but Spax's mommy is a lawyer, so it's okay for him.

Boomstick, simply responded: "Bring it on." which totally caught Spax off guard. He was so sure that empty lawsuit threats were enough to make ANYONE do whatever he wanted. So, Boomstick continued uploading Spax commentaries, and soon enough, his account got suspended. Boomstick had made several backup accounts, but his old one returned to him, soon enough, and he has now retired from commentating on Spax.


First Encounter

Spax's rational response.

It was a delightfully sunny day, when faceless troll, NeoShadow, decided to stay in his house and see what was new on the tubes. It was then, when he stumbled upon Spax's new Game Review (it just happened to be that time of the year, for Spax). NeoShadow simply wrote up what he thought of the review, and played the waiting game. Spax responded Just as planned.

So, NeoShadow went a bit further with Spax, by making a video, BAAAWWWWWing about Spax's naughty actions. This lead to Spax tracking down NeoShadow on deviantART (totally not stalking, since Spax lives with a lawyer) and sending NeoShadow a message, about how NeoShadow betrayed him, etc.

The DeviantART Incident

Upon receiving Spax's message and realizing that he can't respond to it due to Spack blocking him in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY, NeoShadow's mind snapped and he flooded his DeviantART account with some shooped pics, etc.

Examples of images from NeoShadow's account

Never Forget

After this little episode, NeoShadow realizes the inevitable truth, that Spax shall make sure to erase all evidence of his account ever existing. So NeoShadow is faced with 2 choices - Let it happen and be Spax's bitch, OR let it happen, but only AFTER posting an epic Journal Entry making him Spax's bitch with an Hero DeviantART account.

On March 10th 2009, NeoShadow's DeviantART account was banned due to "harrasment" of the user Spax3...


Another Pokemon obsessed faggot, Nastypl0t is only known for the following Spax parodies, that have magicly survived while others have fallen. This might be because he is now super duper friends with Spax now.

CNASS Game Reviews: Sonic Collection
CNASS Game Reviews: Megaman 9
CNASS: Voice Actor Interview
CNASS Game Reviews: Megaman 1&2
Part of My Copyright

Jim81Jim / GamesGoodMeBad

MOAR INFO:Spax3/Spax3 Website: The Review
SUM MOAR INFO:Spax3/Spax3: The Series

Another faggot who jumped on the anti-spax bandwagon. How god damn original.