Darviela Maravarona/Chatlogs

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Xenuria' shows us the light in her Chatlogs.


(9:06 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: HUZZAr ARE YOU THERE?
(9:06 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Yeah.
(9:06 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: i have found a way
(9:06 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: that you can repay me
(9:06 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: all of your deeds wil be forgiven if u go on cam and pose nude for me
(9:07 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: for a tiem that decide
(9:07 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: what say you?
(9:07 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Uhh, no. I only do that for Kitty, she wouldn't allow me to do it for you.
(9:07 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: not true
(9:07 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: you pose nud ealreayd in images
(9:08 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: only differenc is these ones move
(9:08 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: it's a smple ye sor no
(9:08 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Kitty would get mad.
(9:08 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: irelevent
(9:08 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: she dosen thav eto know
(9:08 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: yes or no?
(9:08 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: I couldn't lie to her, the guilt would eat me inside.
(9:08 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: ahahahhaaahah
(9:09 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: your not lieing unles she askes "kyle did you pose nud efo rarron"
(9:09 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: nothgin woudl maek her ask that
(9:09 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: she woudletn think of it
(9:09 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: therfore you dont need to lie
(9:09 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: besides you have alreayd leid to her when you claimed that i had said they got raped
(9:09 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: i even kept the image
(9:09 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: so what say you yes or no?
(9:10 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: you have my word it will be secret and never spoken of
(9:11 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Kitty would not approve.
(9:11 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: you haventr listen to me
(9:11 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: she woudl NEVER know unles you directly todlhe ror she asked
(9:11 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: wich she woudl nev rask
(9:12 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: and you have kept thigns from he rbefor you have even outright lied to her befor
(9:12 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: only difference is this is harmles and if you promise not to tell her then you are definatly inth eclear
(9:12 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: because she will beimpressed with your promis ekeeping
(9:13 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: Now i have not time to argue. This is your chance. all will be wiped clean
(9:13 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Kitty would not approve.
(9:14 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: So is that a no? Despite you not at fault if you promise secrescy in the name of my privacy?
(9:14 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: this shows me that you woudl chos not to on personal preferenc
(9:14 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: I don't keep anything away from Kitty.
(9:14 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: yes you do
(9:14 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: you kept the truth from her abou tme
(9:14 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: when yuo said that i said they got raped
(9:14 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: you kept the truth fromher for a logn time
(9:14 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: as a matetr of fact
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: i teold her nto you
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: so you were nevr goign to tell her
(9:15 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Tell her what.
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: So you Do keep thigns fromk her
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: dude
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: remeber
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: you ssaid to them
(9:15 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: What things.
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: that i said they got raped
(9:15 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Oh, they knew I said that the whole time.
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: don't play dumb i have an image proff
(9:15 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: They just hate you.
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: no
(9:15 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: kitty when she foudn out unblocked me
(9:16 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: and talk t me oevr phoen saygnt hat she had no clue
(9:16 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: so is kitty lieing?
(9:16 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: I told her the truth along time ago.
(9:16 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: Look ihave no tiem fro this bullshit sidesteeping
(9:16 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: the bottom lien is your argument is invalid and you have no point to your opinion that cna be justified
(9:17 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: Answer yes or no so i can blcok you and be doen with this
(9:17 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: im not askig for your blood
(9:17 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: nothgin tangible or phisicl
(9:17 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Kitty would not appove.
(9:17 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: answe Yes or no
(9:17 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Kitty would not appove.
(9:17 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: answer Yes or No
(9:18 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Kitty would not appove.
(9:18 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: reasoen si irelevent
(9:18 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: so thats a no?
(9:18 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Kitty would not appove.
(9:18 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: meannign you will NOt do it?
(9:18 PM) Bunny - Let a ki: Yes, because Kitty would not appove..
(9:18 PM) aaronkb@optonlin: ok then