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[01:35:50] * tablecow has joined #arbchat
[01:35:51] <|> `info
[01:35:53] <|> owait
[01:35:55] <tablecow> sorry
[01:35:55] <Mu> bout time
[01:35:56] <|> theres no bot here
[01:36:00] <tablecow> i do not care
[01:36:02] <Meepsheep> hello tablecow
[01:36:04] <Meia> Meepsheep and Equivamp should hook up in fursuits
[01:36:05] <hipcrime> hi tablecow
[01:36:11] <|> ah fuck
[01:36:13] <Mu> Welcome to arbchats
[01:36:13] <Meia> hi tablecow
[01:36:15] <|> h64 owns this chan
[01:36:15] <tablecow> if you make the article it has no personal information
[01:36:17] <Equivamp> Meia: hawt
[01:36:36] <Meepsheep> tablecow, what is it you want us to remove/keep off?
[01:36:37] <|> why do you want to article down so bad anyway?
[01:36:53] * Meia is now known as Q
[01:37:27] <rst8> tablecow
[01:37:32] <rst8> send penis pics
[01:37:34] <rst8> to
[01:37:43] <tablecow> no
[01:37:46] <tablecow> i said no
[01:37:52] <rst8> look
[01:37:54] <tablecow> waste of your time
[01:37:54] <rst8> im trying to be nice
[01:37:58] <tablecow> to make article on me
[01:38:02] <tablecow> i do not have enemies
[01:38:02] <rst8> but without penis pics there is nothin i can do
[01:38:03] * Thayo has joined #arbchat
[01:38:03] <Zalgo> [Thayo] FUCK YOU
[01:38:10] <Meepsheep> tablecow, what about IHM?
[01:38:10] <tablecow> i am friends to everyone
[01:38:13] <rst8> i need penis pics
[01:38:14] <tablecow> she hates me
[01:38:17] <tablecow> i do not hate her
[01:38:18] <Meepsheep> isn't she your enemy?
[01:38:20] <tablecow> nope
[01:38:20] <Mu> Flash a Mcdonalds 
[01:38:20] <Thayo> IHM is my best friend
[01:38:24] <Thayo> you shut your mouth
[01:38:25] <tablecow> she is just a hater
[01:38:35] <rst8> tablecow:send penis pics to [email protected]
[01:38:39] <tablecow> no
[01:38:40] <tablecow> no
[01:38:40] <tablecow> no
[01:38:41] <tablecow> no
[01:38:43] <tablecow> no
[01:38:43] <rst8> do it
[01:38:45] <rst8> faggot
[01:38:48] <|> rst8: quit being a pedo
[01:38:52] <tablecow> you know you do not have anything on me
[01:38:53] <Thayo> okay
[01:38:54] <Meepsheep> tablecow, why do you want the taekesi article down?
[01:38:58] <Thayo> shut the fuck up
[01:39:01] <tablecow> taekesi is cool
[01:39:01] <Thayo> honestly
[01:39:06] <Thayo> if taekesi were here
[01:39:08] <Thayo> it would be even better
[01:39:11] <Meepsheep> yeah
[01:39:21] <tablecow> taekesi does not want to be hacked
[01:39:23] <Thayo> taking shit down that's done by someone else
[01:39:26] <|> we might even actually baleet the article then
[01:39:27] <Thayo> is cowardly
[01:39:30] <tablecow> i will probably be hacked
[01:39:32] <Meepsheep> but why would you do all this just because "taekesi is cool"
[01:39:34] <|> if he comes here
[01:39:42] <Q> what does taekesi being cool have anything to do with his article being up
[01:39:53] <tablecow> those are not his dox
[01:39:57] <Thayo> don't care
[01:40:01] <tablecow> meep i will explain on skype
[01:40:03] * Q is now known as Meia
[01:40:06] <tablecow> this chat scares me
[01:40:09] <|> if they're not his dox, then why do u want article down?
[01:40:09] <hipcrime> why?
[01:40:10] <Meepsheep> tablecow, please exlain here
[01:40:14] <Thayo> no
[01:40:15] <hipcrime> we are reasonable people
[01:40:16] <Meepsheep> *explain
[01:40:18] <Thayo> this is to be judged by everyone
[01:40:18] <Meepsheep> this chat is safe
[01:40:25] <Mu> Yes
[01:40:26] <hipcrime> and less cluttered
[01:40:32] <tablecow> ihm does not have my dox
[01:40:38] <Thayo> don't care
[01:40:38] <tablecow> she says she does but it is false
[01:40:44] <Thayo> this is about taekesi's article
[01:40:45] <Meepsheep> tablecow, she claims to have your facebook
[01:40:46] <Thayo> not you blogging about IHM
[01:40:49] <tablecow> no
[01:40:51] <tablecow> no
[01:40:53] <tablecow> no
[01:40:54] <tablecow> no
[01:40:55] <tablecow> no
[01:40:55] <tablecow> no
[01:40:56] <tablecow> no
[01:40:58] <tablecow> no
[01:40:59] <tablecow> noo
[01:40:59] <tablecow> no
[01:41:00] <tablecow> n
[01:41:00] <hipcrime> plz dont flood
[01:41:02] <Thayo> okay the article won't go down
[01:41:02] <rst8> hi guys
[01:41:06] <hipcrime> we are civilized in here
[01:41:08] <Thayo> thank you for your time
[01:41:09] <hipcrime> ok tablecow
[01:41:12] <tablecow> i am being civil
[01:41:16] <Meepsheep> tablecow, is this you?
[01:41:19] <hipcrime> plz dont flood then
[01:41:21] <tablecow> you guys want to make fun of my condition
[01:41:21] <Meia> i vote the article stays up
[01:41:27] <hipcrime> what condition?
[01:41:29] <tablecow> stop
[01:41:30] <tablecow> stop
[01:41:31] <tablecow> stop
[01:41:33] <tablecow> stop
[01:41:34] <hipcrime> oh god.
[01:41:34] <tablecow> stop
[01:41:35] <Thayo> stop spamming
[01:41:36] <tablecow> stp
[01:41:37] <rst8> stop flooding
[01:41:37] <tablecow> stop
[01:41:37] <Thayo> or the article stays
[01:41:39] <hipcrime> okay tablecow
[01:41:43] <Equivamp> stop
[01:41:47] <Meia> lmao
[01:41:49] <Meepsheep> is this you tablecow?
[01:41:50] <tablecow> i live in jacksonville florida
[01:41:53] <tablecow> stop
[01:41:58] <tablecow> i never said that was me
[01:42:02] <tablecow> ihm makes stuff up
[01:42:07] <Meepsheep> is it true you have a micropenis?
[01:42:13] <rst8> lol
[01:42:15] <Thayo> lol @ v mask picture
[01:42:19] <tablecow> stop
[01:42:24] <tablecow> this is not cool
[01:42:26] <rst8> stop what
[01:42:31] <rst8> youre the one that came here
[01:42:37] <tablecow> mking fun of medicine and me
[01:42:37] <hipcrime> we can work this out tablecow
[01:42:39] <Meepsheep> tablecow, I am just asking about the rumors
[01:42:52] <tablecow> medical contions and me
[01:43:01] <tablecow> i am not commenting on any of this
[01:43:02] <Meia> <--- who is this?
[01:43:05] <tablecow> i plead 5th
[01:43:08] <tablecow> noone
[01:43:09] <|> Joseph Defibaugh
[01:43:10] <|> Went to Fleming Island High
[01:43:10] <|> Lives in Jacksonville, Florida
[01:43:10] <|> In a relationship with Kimmy Frattini
[01:43:10] <tablecow> idk
[01:43:24] <Thayo>
[01:43:26] <rst8> seems to be him
[01:43:27] <Meia> is that his girlfriend??
[01:43:30] <tablecow> are you guys stalking
[01:43:33] <Meia> it is
[01:43:40] <rst8> oooh
[01:43:43] <Meepsheep> tablecow, I am only asking about what is rumored
[01:43:44] <Meepsheep> also
[01:43:44] <rst8> how did you get that
[01:43:49] <tablecow> no comment
[01:43:52] <hipcrime> thats a very accusatory tone tablecow
[01:44:00] <Equivamp> tablecow wanna yiff? Me, meepsheep, and Shika need more
[01:44:02] <Meepsheep> you have not detailed why you want the taekesi article down
[01:44:04] <tablecow> that is not me and i never seen person in my life
[01:44:09] <Meia> i can read into people with language and habits very well
[01:44:11] <Thayo> ok
[01:44:14] * sheep has joined #arbchat
[01:44:15] <Thayo> meepsheep pm me yr skype
[01:44:16] <tablecow> he is nice
[01:44:25] <tablecow> he does not deserve article
[01:44:32] <Thayo> don't care
[01:44:35] <hipcrime> so you propose deletion?
[01:44:36] <tablecow> he only messes with people who mess with him
[01:44:42] <hipcrime> on what grounds?
[01:44:43] <tablecow> i demand deletion
[01:44:46] <tablecow> of that and my quotes
[01:44:49] <hipcrime> on what grounds??
[01:44:52] <hipcrime> plz
[01:44:53] <Mu> lolno
[01:44:57] <rst8> why are you talking in the third person tablecow
[01:44:58] <tablecow> a request
[01:45:00] <hipcrime> let him explain plz Mu
[01:45:11] <tablecow> when do i talk in third person
[01:45:13] <|> he's not speaking third person you twat
[01:45:22] <rst8> twat is not a nice word
[01:45:23] <hipcrime> on what grounds? people will suspect a cover up if no reason is given
[01:45:25] <Thayo> can't delete what's not yours
[01:45:28] <Thayo> :-)
[01:45:29] <Meia> is tablecow's girlfriend 
[01:45:45] <Meia> she's cute
[01:45:54] <hipcrime> hacking now
[01:45:56] <Meepsheep> tablecow, is that your attractive girlfriend?
tablecow is [email protected] * Tablecow
tablecow on #arbchat 
tablecow using allah.irc BISMILLAH AR RAHMAN AR RAHIM
tablecow has been idle 1min 7secs, signed on Sat Aug 27 22:34:46
tablecow End of /WHOIS list.
[01:46:20] <tablecow> stop
[01:46:22] <hipcrime> O_O very hot indeed
[01:46:27] <Meia> thats a yes
[01:46:27] <tablecow> do not harass her
[01:46:42] <rst8> shes hot
[01:46:45] <hipcrime> you call us twats and demand we not harass her?
[01:46:49] <hipcrime> on what grounds?
[01:46:53] <Thayo> why she shouldn't matter tot you
[01:47:56] <Meia> she is very cute
[01:48:10] <hipcrime> very cute indeed
[01:49:13] <Meia> I'm going to message her i think
[01:49:29] <rst8> im going to fap to her pics
[01:49:47] <|> go away rst8
[01:49:50] <Meia> i have more class than that
[01:50:27] <|> .....................
[01:50:27] <|> ......OOOOOOOOO......
[01:50:27] <|> ....OO:::::::::OO....
[01:50:27] <|> ..OO:::::::::::::OO..
[01:50:27] <|> .O:::::::OOO:::::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O::::::O...O::::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O:::::O.....O:::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O:::::O.....O:::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O:::::O.....O:::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O:::::O.....O:::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O:::::O.....O:::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O:::::O.....O:::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O::::::O...O::::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> .O:::::::OOO:::::::O.
[01:50:27] <|> ..OO:::::::::::::OO..
[01:50:27] <|> ....OO:::::::::OO....
[01:50:27] <|> ......OOOOOOOOO......
[01:50:27] <|> .....................
[01:50:54] <hipcrime>
[01:51:17] <hipcrime> bradenton huh
[01:51:18] <Meia> tablecow: who is this ?
[01:51:20] <hipcrime> nice area
[01:51:28] <hipcrime> she wants to be a model
[01:51:39] <hipcrime>           My name is Kimmy Frattini and I live in Bradenton, Florida. I go to the Manatee School of the Arts and my dream is to work in the field of fashion and acting. 
[01:52:23] <hipcrime> and a band:
[01:52:33] <Meia> hipcrime kudos
[01:53:16] <hipcrime>
[01:53:30] <hipcrime> youre a lucky man tablecow
[01:54:10] <Meia> well if she wants to be a model
[01:54:15] <Meia> i actually could make that happen
[01:54:16] <hipcrime> and actress
[01:54:19] <hipcrime> rly?
[01:54:21] <Meia> i could make both happen
[01:54:22] <Meia> yea
[01:54:24] <hipcrime> porn?
[01:54:25] * rst8 has left #arbchat
[01:54:27] <Meia> no
[01:54:31] <hipcrime> nice
[01:54:40] <Meia> i am friends with the casting director of Hawaii 5-0
[01:54:44] <hipcrime> omg
[01:54:57] <hipcrime> i want to be famous. but enough about me. tablecow
[01:54:59] <hipcrime> hey
[01:55:04] <hipcrime> >:|
[01:55:15] * hipcrime ([email protected]) has left #arbchat
[01:55:15] <Thayo> this is p stupid

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