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{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Aion: The Tower of Eternity''}}
[[Image:LaniBlazier.jpg|thumb|150px|Eventually NCsoft will force [[whore|Lani Blazier]], the [[shit|producer]] of Aion to [[strip]] as a last desperate attempt to get more subs.]]
[[Image:LaniBlazier1.jpg|thumb|150px|Eventually NCsoft will force [[whore|Lani Blazier]], the [[shit|producer]] of Aion to [[strip]] as a last desperate attempt to get more subs.]]

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'''''Aion''''', also known as ''[[moonspeak|タワー オブ アイオン]]'', ''[[what|아이온: 영원의 탑]]'', ''Lineage II with Wings'', and ''[[azn|Land of the Chinese Gold Farmers]]'', is another [[shit|MMO]] made by [[Korea]]’s version of [[Blizzard]], NCsoft. If [[you]] really liked ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', or any other MMO for that matter, then you’re in luck. With ''Aion'', you won’t be leaving your basement anytime soon, as the developers have made a game that would have graphics that would be as [[blu-ray|realistic]] as a fucking movie, but have content as interesting as a [[Sonichu]] comic.<br/><br/>After ripping off the CryEngine used for ''[[Crysis]]'' graphics, the game developers decided gameplay didn't need to be unique or different from other games. People would only be allowed to complete content in their shiny new mmo and get much needed Internet fame if they had dedication. So, if you aren't willing to give up your life savings and several thousand hours in playtime, then you're out of luck. The plot and gameplay don’t really make any sense in the beginning either, and as [[you]] slowly wrap your head around how the game works, [[you]] soon realize that you will be sitting in your chair for a LONG time. The community is not much help either, as it 50% gold spammers, 25% [[13 year old boys]], and 25% [[Chris Hansen|pedos]].
'''''Aion''''', also known as ''[[moonspeak|タワー オブ アイオン]]'', ''[[what|아이온: 영원의 탑]]'', ''Lineage II with Wings'', and ''[[azn|Land of the Chinese Gold Farmers]]'', is another [[shit|MMO]] made by [[Korea]]’s version of [[Blizzard]], NCsoft. If [[you]] really liked ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', or any other MMO for that matter, then you’re in luck. With ''Aion'', you won’t be leaving your basement anytime soon, as the developers have made a game that would have graphics that would be as [[blu-ray|realistic]] as a fucking movie, but have content as interesting as a [[Sonichu]] comic.<br/><br/>After ripping off the CryEngine used for ''[[Crysis]]'' graphics, the game developers decided gameplay didn't need to be unique or different from other games. People would only be allowed to complete content in their shiny new mmo and get much needed Internet fame if they had dedication. So, if you aren't willing to give up your life savings and several thousand hours in playtime, then you're out of luck. The plot and gameplay don’t really make any sense in the beginning either, and as [[you]] slowly wrap your head around how the game works, [[you]] soon realize that you will be sitting in your chair for a LONG time. The community is not much help either, as it 50% gold spammers, 25% [[13 year old boys]], and 25% [[Chris Hansen|pedos]].
==The Gameplay==
==The Gameplay==
<!-- [[File:RNG.png|250px|center]] -->

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==Races & Classes==
==Races & Classes==
[[File:Aion_races.jpg|thumb|right|The good guys and the bad guys.]]
<!-- [[File:Aion_races.jpg|thumb|The good guys and the bad guys.]] -->
[[File:typicalass.jpg|thumb|right|Typical [[Scene|Asmondian]] Player]]
<!-- [[File:typicalass.jpg|thumb|Typical [[Scene|Asmondian]] Player]] -->
[[File:Prussianblue.jpg|thumb|right|100px|Typical [[White supremacist|Elyos]] Player]]
[[File:Prussianblue.jpg|thumb|Typical [[White supremacist|Elyos]] Player]]

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*'''[[Guido|Assassin]]''':<br/> A class that depends on stuns just like what a [[guido]] heavily depends on using [[%27Roids|roids]] to attract [[fags]] for a [[anal sex|good time]]. Assassins are only good for [[raping|rifting]], and [[Gangbang|DPSing]] the hell out everything and using stealth to surprise those [[fags|carebears]] PvEr's and making them [[butthurt]] and spam LFG [[BAWWW|that they can't level and attain epic PvE items]]. Assassins are also the [[ginger|red heads]] of the Rangers because of the fact that they will be <s>[[Over 9000|OP]] in the upcoming patch 1.9</s>, actually the Assassins are screwed in 1.9 because the [[guido|skilled players]] found out that the Assassins are a [[shit|pure skill class]] and they are nothing without their precious [[%27Roids|stuns]], feel free to reroll on a Sorc as it will become the [[Overrated|FOTM]] class.
*'''[[Guido|Assassin]]''':<br/> A class that depends on stuns just like what a [[guido]] heavily depends on using [[%27Roids|roids]] to attract [[fags]] for a [[anal sex|good time]]. Assassins are only good for [[raping|rifting]], and [[Gangbang|DPSing]] the hell out everything and using stealth to surprise those [[fags|carebears]] PvEr's and making them [[butthurt]] and spam LFG [[BAWWW|that they can't level and attain epic PvE items]]. Assassins are also the [[ginger|red heads]] of the Rangers because of the fact that they will be <s>[[Over 9000|OP]] in the upcoming patch 1.9</s>, actually the Assassins are screwed in 1.9 because the [[guido|skilled players]] found out that the Assassins are a [[shit|pure skill class]] and they are nothing without their precious [[%27Roids|stuns]], feel free to reroll on a Sorc as it will become the [[Overrated|FOTM]] class.

*'''[[aspergers syndrome|Gladiators]]''':<br/>A class somewhat comparable to an [[autism|autistic]] squirrel with two broken legs, a gladiator is like the [[fucktarded]] cousin of the [[rapist|assassin]] and the unwanted stepchild of the templar. If you want your playtime being defined by frustrating battles comparable to a [[pedo bear|small animal]] facing off against a F-22 fighter jet, then the gladiator might be for you. Everything kills them. Assassins? Yep. Templars? Yep. Ants? Yep.
*'''[[asperger's syndrome|Gladiators]]''':<br/>A class somewhat comparable to an [[autism|autistic]] squirrel with two broken legs, a gladiator is like the [[fucktarded]] cousin of the [[rapist|assassin]] and the unwanted stepchild of the templar. If you want your playtime being defined by frustrating battles comparable to a [[pedo bear|small animal]] facing off against a F-22 fighter jet, then the gladiator might be for you. Everything kills them. Assassins? Yep. Templars? Yep. Ants? Yep.

*'''[[douchebag|Rangers]]''':<br/>Nicknamed ragers because all they do is cause other people to [[rage]], rangers are the overpowered, broken character favored by the sweaty, pimple faced [[13 year old boy|teens]] and [[internet tough guys]] playing the game. They are the “[[jock]]” class and if you pick one, [[internet|everyone]] automatically equates you to being a monumental [[douchebag]]. But if you want to troll the fuck out of people and make life hard for everyone else, pick a ranger.
*'''[[douchebag|Rangers]]''':<br/>Nicknamed ragers because all they do is cause other people to [[rage]], rangers are the overpowered, broken character favored by the sweaty, pimple faced [[13 year old boy|teens]] and [[internet tough guys]] playing the game. They are the “[[jock]]” class and if you pick one, [[internet|everyone]] automatically equates you to being a monumental [[douchebag]]. But if you want to troll the fuck out of people and make life hard for everyone else, pick a ranger.
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==Great Trolls? Or Greatest Trolls?==
==Great Trolls? Or Greatest Trolls?==

[[File:Posted Image.jpg|center]]
<!-- [[File:Posted Image.jpg|center]] -->

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===Short Timeline of ''Aion''===
===Short Timeline of ''Aion''===
[[Image:Awesomereview.png|thumb|Typical [[fanboy|''Aion'' fanboy]] review]]
<!-- [[Image:Awesomereview.png|thumb|Typical [[fanboy|''Aion'' fanboy]] review]] -->
[[Image:Google_Aion.png|thumb|[[The Google|Google]] never lies]]
<!-- [[Image:Google_Aion.png|thumb|[[The Google|Google]] never lies]] -->
[[File:Eq2flames_meta_aion_truth.PNG|thumb|[[EQ2Flames]] user Meta explains to a fanboy.]]
<!-- [[File:Eq2flames_meta_aion_truth.PNG|thumb|[[EQ2Flames]] user Meta explains to a fanboy.]] -->
''Note'': Everything mentioned below is still [[drama]] on the forums. Even 11 months later, that's how [[butthurt]] these [[fanboy|Aion Fanboys]] are.
''Note'': Everything mentioned below is still [[drama]] on the forums. Even 11 months later, that's how [[butthurt]] these [[fanboy|Aion Fanboys]] are.

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*'''Server Transfers''': <br/>After two months, the game was losing players, as many of the players found that this was not the ultimate [[World of Warcraft|WoW]] killer they were looking for. Not only did about half their players simply stop playing in the first two months, but they REPORTED banning [[over 9000|over 100k more]]. Server numbers plummeted and [[pee|PVP]] dried up. But hey! Those pesky wait times are gone! NCsoft is quoted as announcing that Server Transfers will be available in November 2009. So they kept their word right? What do you fucking think? They're still not in the game yet after seven months, yet they announced that it will cost $25 [[jewgold|Jew dollars]] for a transfer, yet again showing that NCsoft is looking for more [[jewgold|profits]] before they dump this shit game like what happened to ''[[Tabula Rasa]]''.
*'''Server Transfers''': <br/>After two months, the game was losing players, as many of the players found that this was not the ultimate [[World of Warcraft|WoW]] killer they were looking for. Not only did about half their players simply stop playing in the first two months, but they REPORTED banning [[over 9000|over 100k more]]. Server numbers plummeted and [[pee|PVP]] dried up. But hey! Those pesky wait times are gone! NCsoft is quoted as announcing that Server Transfers will be available in November 2009. So they kept their word right? What do you fucking think? They're still not in the game yet after seven months, yet they announced that it will cost $25 [[jewgold|Jew dollars]] for a transfer, yet again showing that NCsoft is looking for more [[jewgold|profits]] before they dump this shit game like what happened to ''[[Tabula Rasa]]''.

*'''The Banning Continues''': <br/>After a while, their numbers fell even more, and NCsoft's hammer arm got tired, most likely because NCsoft [[masterbate|masturbated]] too much with that hand or perhaps they finally found out they couldn't make any more [[jewgold]] because the [[retard]]ed [[fanboy]]s got the picture and decided to finally quit, but that didn't stop them from fucking up anymore! So you own a fort with your Legion, and everyday out get your money. Do you take it out and get on with your life? Thats what I thought too! Thats until NCsoft sent everyone [[divide by zero|trillions of Kinah in the mail at random, and banned everyone who took it]]. The great insult wasn't that some bored [[redneck|neckbeared]] did it [[for the lulz]], but that they have a system in place that automatically bans you with no questions asked if you open a mail with too much money in it. Yes. [[troll|You can actually grief people by sending them a lot of money in Aion.]] I guess these [[jackass|Aion developers]] forgot to turn it off because the [[retard]]s actually found out there were doing it for [[jewgold|profits]].
*'''The Banning Continues''': <br/>After a while, their numbers fell even more, and NCsoft's hammer arm got tired, most likely because NCsoft [[masterbate|masturbated]] too much with that hand or perhaps they finally found out they couldn't make any more [[jewgold]] because the [[retard]]ed [[fanboy]]s got the picture and decided to finally quit, but that didn't stop them from fucking up anymore! So you own a fort with your Legion, and everyday out get your money. Do you take it out and get on with your life? Thats what I thought too! Thats until NCsoft sent everyone [[divide by zero|trillions of Kinah in the mail at random, and banned everyone who took it]]. The great insult wasn't that some bored [[redneck|neckbeared]] did it [[for the lulz]], but that they have a system in place that automatically bans you with no questions asked if you open a mail with too much money in it. Yes. [[troll|You can actually grief people by sending them a lot of money in Aion.]] I guess these [[jackass|Aion developers]] forgot to turn it off because the [[retard]]s actually found out they were doing it for [[jewgold|profits]].

*'''[[Shit Nobody Cares About|Fortress Timers]]''': <br/>[[Shit Nobody Cares About|In a minor hotfix, NCsoft randomly lowered the time you have to capture a fort from 2 hours to 30 minutes. This made taking a fort mathematically impossible on most servers. Also, it desynced the dredgion so the balaur can't take forts back because of this timer. They still haven't fixed this]].
*'''[[Shit Nobody Cares About|Fortress Timers]]''': <br/>[[Shit Nobody Cares About|In a minor hotfix, NCsoft randomly lowered the time you have to capture a fort from 2 hours to 30 minutes. This made taking a fort mathematically impossible on most servers. Also, it desynced the dredgion so the balaur can't take forts back because of this timer. They still haven't fixed this]].
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*'''[ Server Merges Announced]''':<br/> On May 18, 2010, server merges were announced because ''Aion'' is plummeting. [ Fanboys claim that HATERS GONNA HATE], even going as far as saying that if you don't like ''Aion'', you probably [[what|can't afford it]]. However, they're just in [[denial]] that ''Aion'' failed in the [[USA|west]]. Retards.
*'''[ Server Merges Announced]''':<br/> On May 18, 2010, server merges were announced because ''Aion'' is plummeting. [ Fanboys claim that HATERS GONNA HATE], even going as far as saying that if you don't like ''Aion'', you probably [[what|can't afford it]]. However, they're just in [[denial]] that ''Aion'' failed in the [[USA|west]]. Retards.

*'''Patch 1.9 Released!'''<br/> On June 2nd, NCsoft finally released Patch 1.9 in the west. The patch came four whole months after the korean patch, and created massive lulz within the community. When it released, the forums immediatly sprang to life wit complaints. [[fail|The fact that the patch was 4 months late, was enough to incite violence, but the patch lowered quest rewards, making the grind take longer.]] On the other hand, it made gold loot drop far more often in the few dungeons the game has, making you get all the loot from them and causing you to quit that much faster.
*'''Patch 1.9 Released!'''<br/> On June 2nd, NCsoft finally released Patch 1.9 in the west. The patch came four whole months after the korean patch, and created massive lulz within the community. When it released, the forums immediatly sprang to life with complaints. [[fail|The fact that the patch was 4 months late, was enough to incite violence, but the patch lowered quest rewards, making the grind take longer.]] On the other hand, it made gold loot drop far more often in the few dungeons the game has, making you get all the loot from them and causing you to quit that much faster.
**[ Here] is [ some] sample [ drama.]
**[ Here] is [ some] sample [ drama.]

*'''Server Merges!'''<br/> Server Merges are coming, and they plan to lower the game to having 5 NA servers, combining 3-4 servers into one server. Surely they can't fuck this up, they've had so many6 shitty MMOs fail in America so they should have tons of experience in this field.<br/>Edit: [ Sonova] Bitch. Spoke too soon. Proof positive that NCsoft are simply trolls doing their best to make Americas hate South Korea, meaning NCsoft is actually secretly ran by Kim Jong Il.
*'''Server Merges!'''<br/> Server Merges are coming, and they plan to lower the game to having 5 NA servers, combining 3-4 servers into one server. Surely they can't fuck this up, they've had so many shitty MMOs fail in America so they should have tons of experience in this field.<br/>Edit: [ Sonova] Bitch. Spoke too soon. Proof positive that NCsoft are simply trolls doing their best to make Americas hate South Korea, meaning NCsoft is actually secretly ran by Kim Jong Il.

==Tits or GTFO==
==Tits or GTFO==
[[File:NCsoft.png|thumb|right|[[No|Yes]], yes it is.]]
[[File:NCsoft.png|thumb|[[No|Yes]], yes it is.]]
''Aion'' is [[one]] of [[dungeons and dragons|two]] MMORPGs that feature Aurora Technology's Gender Identity System. With this system, [[Men|players]] who want to create a female character must pass a [[tits or GTFO|Webcam Test]]. Aurora Technology believes that restoring a player's real gender can [[bullshit|make female players feel respected]].<br/>It should be noted that lulz would likely ensue if an actual female were to fail said webcam test.
''Aion'' is [[one]] of [[dungeons and dragons|two]] MMORPGs that feature Aurora Technology's Gender Identity System. With this system, [[Men|players]] who want to create a female character must pass a [[tits or GTFO|Webcam Test]]. Aurora Technology believes that restoring a player's real gender can [[bullshit|make female players feel respected]].<br/>It should be noted that lulz would likely ensue if an actual female were to fail said webcam test.

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NCSoft, with its abundance of intellect, recently decided to block IP address ranges where a large percentage of users fell under the same IP. Considering that a substantial number of players were connecting via proxies due to NCSoft's server lag, this was an [[obvious]] mistake.
NCSoft, with its abundance of intellect, recently decided to block IP address ranges where a large percentage of users fell under the same IP. Considering that a substantial number of players were connecting via proxies due to NCSoft's server lag, this was an [[obvious]] mistake.
==Pool's Closed==
==Pool's Closed==
[[Image:aion-fail.jpg|frame|center|After 10 minutes of playtime, the server is going to boot you, and you're going to see this screen again.]]
[[Image:aion-fail.jpg|frame|center|After 10 minutes of playtime, the server is going to boot you, and you're going to see this screen again.]]
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No way I'm transferring now.  
No way I'm transferring now.  
File:AION new Logo 1024.jpg

==See Also==
==See Also==
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***''[[Final Fantasy XIV]]'', another overhyped, doomed-piece-of-shit
***''[[Final Fantasy XIV]]'', another overhyped, doomed-piece-of-shit
*''[[Rogue]]'', a superior RPG
*''[[World of Warcraft]]''
*''[[World of Warcraft]]''

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*[ Can you guess] [[STOFlames|what happened?]]
*[ Can you guess] [[STOFlames|what happened?]]

Anonymous user

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