KittenBellNSFW: Difference between revisions

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File:Doopie DoOver Answer 65709.png|From Doopie's own admission, one can safely assume she produces [[CP|Child Porn]] because it '''Turns Her [ On]'''
[[File:Doopie d pornographer 345.jpg|[|Doopie admits to being a pornographer by saying her art is done only to sexually arouse]]]
[[File:Doopie DoOver Answer 65709.png|From Doopie's own admission, one can safely assume she produces [[CP|Child Porn]] because it '''Turns Her [ On]''']]
[[File:Doopie Doover child porn patreon234.png|]]
[[File:Kittinbell ban cp.png|Damn those new rules [ Defining Child Porn] as bad drawings of children fucking or is this her quitting the child sex trade because Danger Dolan Stepped on her Toes?]]

File:Doopie Doover child porn patreon234.png|
[[File:Doopie d pornographer 345.jpg|[|Doopie admits to being a pornographer by saying her work is meant only to sexually arouse]]]

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'''KittenBell''' or '''KittenBellNSFW''' is the third identity [[Powerword|Danielle Anita Pitts or Danny]] has created on the [[internets]] following [[Chi-Chan24]], which came first, and was followed by [[Doopie DoOver]], which was second in what will most likely be a long list of mistakes that feel the need to share with the [[internets]] their fetishes like child porn, fecalphilia and being an all around degenerate piece of perverted shit bent on corrupting our youth.<br>
'''KittenBell''' or '''KittenBellNSFW''' is the third identity [[Powerword|Danielle Anita Pitts or Danny]] has created on the [[internets]] following [[Chi-Chan24]], which came first, and was followed by [[Doopie DoOver]], which was second in what will most likely be a long list of mistakes that feel the need to share with the [[internets]] their fetishes like child porn, coprophilia and being an all around degenerate piece of perverted shit bent on corrupting our youth.<br>

'''KittenBell''' is not meant to be an alias or a way for [[Doopie DoOver]] to hide her identity but meant more as a way to distinguish herself into two differant brands.  The Doopie DoOver name is her attempt to associate and brand herself as the [[Politically Correct|PC]], Parentally Correct, PG rated art that is expected from someone who claims to produce ''"Family Friendly Entertainment"'' for [[Super Planet Dolan]] while the '''KittenBell''' brand represents her all around [[Sick Fuck|Sick Fuckery]] like [[Child Porn]], [[Bestiality]], [[Furfag|Furries]], playing with [[shit]] or whatever sick shit [[You]] are more than willing to pay her for because [[You]] have a desperate need to [[Fap]] to an animated version of two [[Loli|14-year-old girls]] eating each out that also includes your [[Original Content|Original Creation]] of a [[fat]], balding, neck beard of an adult male because you're paying extra for her to include your [[Mary Sue]] character.<br>
'''KittenBell''' is not meant to be an alias or a way for [[Doopie DoOver]] to hide her identity but meant more as a way to distinguish herself into two differant brands.  The Doopie DoOver name is her attempt to associate and brand herself as the [[Politically Correct|PC]], Parentally Correct, PG rated art that is expected from someone who claims to produce ''"Family Friendly Entertainment"'' for [[Super Planet Dolan]] while the '''KittenBell''' brand represents her all around [[Sick Fuck|Sick Fuckery]] like [[Child Porn]], [[Bestiality]], [[Furfag|Furries]], playing with [[shit]] or whatever sick shit [[You]] are more than willing to pay her for because [[You]] have a desperate need to [[Fap]] to an animated version of two [[Loli|14-year-old girls]] eating each out that also includes your [[Original Content|Original Creation]] of a [[fat]], balding, neck beard of an adult male because you're paying extra for her to include your [[Mary Sue]] character.<br>
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Does she even try?  Is Doopie that untalented kid everyone knew in High School, with dreams of being a famous tattoo artist that all the celebrities would be seeking out for ink despite their only being able to draw the Harley Davidson logo, the Playboy Bunny and the ever popular [[Heavy metal]], Big titted  [[Nazi|Valkyrie]] holding a sword while riding a flaming dragon because she has been tracing these same exact 3 things since she was six?<br>
Does she even try?  Is Doopie that untalented kid everyone knew in High School, with dreams of being a famous tattoo artist that all the celebrities would be seeking out for ink despite their only being able to draw the Harley Davidson logo, the Playboy Bunny and the ever popular [[Heavy metal]], Big titted  [[Nazi|Valkyrie]] holding a sword while riding a flaming dragon because she has been tracing these same exact 3 things since she was six?<br>
== #IStandWithDoopie ==
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Image:Doopiedumdum111.png|[ archive]
File:DoopieDoover furry friend PB5656.png|PBandJammers.  Any questions?
File:Cwc likes CP 63124.png|Chris Chan supporting Child Porn producers [ Archive]
'''#IStandWithDoopie''' is another gay little [[twitter]] hashtag show of support started by Doopie's [[oldfag]] fanboys that want Doopie's pancake, saddlebagged ass [[anal|Dressing up their cock]]. <br>
This whole hashtag faggotry started because Doopie was crying on [[twitter|twatter]] about being '''SO DEPRESSED''' because someone [ called her out] on [[tumblr]] and accused her of being a [[pedophile]] for drawing [[CP]].  Like all [[pervert]]s to come before them and seeing a chance to play up to their [[White trash|Trsilor Park Princess]], they started their support meme with the goal of looking to convince Doopie that her [[pedophile|Pedophilic]] attraction to children and displaying her fantasies in drawings is a perfectly sane and legal sexual outlet.  Predictably, [[Chris Chan]] has admitted to his pedophilic desires and has signed on to support his [[Girlfriend]]/masturbation fodder as well.<br>
Some of Doopie's more boisterous  [[oldfag|pedophilic fans]], especially [[youtube|HellBent]], say that there is no law against producing animated [[child porn]] but they have never invested 30 seconds to do a simple google search and looked [ here], [ here] or [ here]
=== Jeremy Chinshue ===
{{frame|<gallery class="middle"; heights="430px" widths="230px">
Image:Doopieflamewar.png|[ Archive]
Jeremy Chinshue is one of [[Tranny|Doopie DoOver's]] trained [[geek|attack dogs]] that will jump at any chance to protect his Trailor Park Princess for the remote chance that he might impress his bottom of the barrel love interest enough that Doopie will let him dip his dick deep into her poop or, more likely, the other way around and earn himself a prostate massage from a good old fashioned [[Pegging]].
Best describe by most as an out and out [[cunt]], Doopie will most likely not even have the decency to spit in her hand and give Jeremy a reach around. <br>
The [[Irony]] of this situation is that Jeremy claims to work for [[Randy Robert Stair|Butch Hartman]] of Nickelodeon fame, creator of [[Randy Robert Stair|Danny Phantom]], as an artist for The Fairly Odd Parents.<br>
Knowing that both Nickelodeon and Butch Hartman belong to anti-cyberbullying groups that want to stop all forms of bullying, you can download the image above and troll his [[White Knight|White Knighting ass]] all you want because it is more than obvious that Jeremy only received a 200 on the language portion of his S.A.T.s and missed hypocrisy.
On the other hand, being a High School dropout, Doopie thinks the S.A.T.s involve putting your ass into a chair. <br>
=== Jess ===
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Image:Fatjess111.jpg|Hook up your shower massagers ladies.  This is him, the champion lover himself.
File:Tough Guy Jess 23123.png|Like most boys who grew up with overbearing, penis hating, lesbian mothers Jess is an internet tough [ guy]
File:Jessoo Fuck head 3434.png|For some reason he's only critical of these flaws when he's looking at random [ images]
I wanted to start this subarticle about Jess with some clever word play but I'll be damned if I can think of or find a word that accurately describes a man that believes themselves to be the champion of the quantum universe composing space/time and can, in good conscience: house, feed, clothe and all around support their [[Garbage Day|Trailor Park Princess]] love interest, and with the least bit of compunction, just lean back in their recliner to play '''Call of Duty''' every time Their Love Interest, Doopie,  brings home a strange man she met just randomly talking to online to [[fuck]] just for the right of getting to call said love interest, Doopie, his [[Fag|Girlfriend]] and the off chance of getting to [[masturbate|jerk it]] to this [[man|girlfriend only in name]], Doopie, while they are in the shower and forgot to close the bathroom door all the way.<br>
Well, that's everything you need to know about Jess.<br>
Have fun trolling.<br>
==== Jess' Dad Was a Turkey Baster ====
[[File:Doopie DoOver Turkeybaster5646.png|thumb|right|250px|[ Archive]]]
Looking to further her online mythology where Doopie is a [[Gay|Trailor Park Princess]] looking to make it in the art world as a performance artist specializing in [[nigger|decorating black pussies with her face]] when she gets arrested for [[pedophile|producing Child Porn]], she decided to talk about someone other then herself and felt the need to add some depth to the character of Jess she is trying to create and informed us that Jess didn't need a [[Parents|Daddy]] because he had [[lesbian|Two Mommies]] and a turkey baster.<br>
Growing up in a world where the [[penis]] is the enemy and his mommies were ever so disappointed that he wasn't born a girl, it is no wonder Jess is the saddest [[Cuckoldry|Cuck]] on all the [[internets]] that will feed, house and clothe a Florida Meth head and then willing choose to share Doopie with whatever diseased dick that she decides to bring home because his two lesbian moms felt the need to take their hate against men out on him, destroy any self worth that he might have had and this is why Jess happily accepts this arrangement and thinks that this is the best he can get.<br>
We've been wondering if Jess had to grow up like Dolarhyde in ''Red Dragon'' with one of his penis hating Mommies holding his [[penis|teeny, tiny pee-pee]] between a pair of scissors when he wet the bed or got caught discovering that it feels good when he touches himself down there?<br>
We just mught have a serial killer in the making and this may be why Doopie and Jess move literaly every year.<br>
=== Jaltoid ===
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Image:1pedojaltoid111.png|Jaltoid tries to defend doopies [[Child Porn]] forgetting he is from [ America]
Image:1jaltoid111.png|some of the most prolific serial killers were teams
Image:1doopieagecheck111.jpg|Doopie, Jaltoid and Hellbent believe that this scene equals legal in a [[CP]] comic.
[[File:1doopiesuglyfriend.jpg|thumb|right|250px|People are curious to know if the mask is because Emi's a Weeaboo or because she's ugly and wants to do us a favor.  [[You]], on the other hand would fuck her because you spent $30 on the roofie and put it in the wrong girl's drink]]
There used to be things you could just count on in [[America]].  For instance, if you were from [[Alabama]] you would sue a school system rather than hear your children were learning about evolution.  If you're from [[Susan J. Elliott|New York]] you're a rude piece of shit.  It used to be that if you were from [[Ohio]] that you'd rather punch a [[pedophile]] up their ass, rip out their colon and jump-rope with it rather than defend them.  How times have changed.<br>
Jaltoid, a [[psychology|gestalt account]] between two people [[Power Word|Power Words]] Dalton Joyce and Emi Kuc, are your average pedophilic, child molester type, [[NAMBLA]] members, sick fuck pedophile apologists that proudly call themselves Ohio residents that have yet to learn what they do to their kind in Ohio prisons.  We'll let it be a surprise for them since they're  on the way.
Here's a hint, [[Ohio]] prison correction officers won a law suit before the Supreme Court to be allowed to announce the crimes prisoners are convicted of, as they're brought in, because it is a matter of public record.<br>
Like all Hentai [[CP]] apologists Jaltoid makes the claim that it's the number that's important and not the look, in other words, you can draw someone going into a 1st grade classroom and rape what looks like a child but it will be all right if you said she was 18.<br>
Much like Doopie, Jaltoid is another dumb as a pile of bricks fuck or is so deep into their rationalizations allowing them, and other adults, to fuck children that they minimize ideas like the [[Miller Test]] that say that it doesn't matter how old someone may say the child or character in the image is but rather how old a reasonable person thinks they appear by saying, "'''That's only the rule in the U.S.'''"  forgetting that Doopie and the two of them are producing [[CP]] in the [[US]].<br>
Further, Jaltoid is trying to argue 16 as the age of consent in the State of Ohio.  The age of consent may be 16 but it is still Illegal under both Ohio's obsenity laws and [[Child Porn]] laws to view a 16 year old engaged in a sex act in any kind of pornographic media.  All the age of consent says is at what age you can have sex with a person and has nothing to do with visual representations of said act.
So in the state of Ohio you can [[Fuck]] a [[16 year old girl]], marry her, you can even video tape the wedding night for your own personal viewing later on but the minute someone other than you sees it, you're breaking the law.  In fact, it might just be better to skip video taping all together because the last thing you want is to get hit with a Posession of [[Child Porn]] charge when you're getting a divorce and the love of your life decides to rat out your video collection, crying how you made her do it against her will. <br>
Jaltoid is like so many perverts in this day and age that they are willing to grab at straws and believe half-assed bullshit arguments so long as they rationalize their desire to fuck kids and make them feel better about themselves.<br>
Ohio may not prosecute for creating non-realistic [[CP]] drawings but that doesn't give you a get out of jail free card when it comes to Federal Laws or even Ohio's obsenity laws, under which, most offenses against the current morality are prosecuted.<br>
If all Jaltoid says is true, that they aren't  breaking any laws and they can't be touched, then why did Doopie remove the comic she and Jaltoid  were doing that revolved around a 13 year old [[Dance In The Vampire Bund|Mina Tepes]] getting ass raped by a werewolf over and over and over from his Tumblr and Patreon when all this [[shit]] about Doopie being a [[pedophile]] Child Porn producer started popping up?<br>
==== Jaltoid: Always Check With Us First ====
{{frame|<gallery class="middle"; heights="430px" widths="230px">
File:12ja ltoidnews234.png|[ archive]
In an attempt to make themselves look [[Victim complex|look like they're the victims]] in what they are calling a ''"[[Conspiracy Theory]] designed to attack them and use their own words like their [[Twitter|Tweets]] and message board posts against them to make them look like [[gay|homophobes]], haters and racists,"'' Jaltoid said that the best thing anyone can do is to directly ask them about these matters if there is any question or doubt about [[lie|their integrity as fine and upstanding human beings and caring people made from a special blend of love, compassion and pony farts]].<br>
Almost noble if people didn't already [[Bullshit|see it for what it really is.]]  If Jaltoid would only remember back as far as a few months ago or maybe look back to April of 2017 he would remember that this is exactly what people tried to do when this whole Doopie event was starting to come to a head.  People wanted answers and went to the source asking Doopie if she did suck off [[Chris Chan]] for money?  If she was [[troll|trolling]] Chris by pretending to be his [[Girlfriend]] for patreon money and if she was later going to make a fool of [[Chris Chan]] by posting private emails on sites like [[Kiwi Farms]] when the trolling was over?  If she was either a male to female or female to male [[Tranny|Thai Lady/Boy]]?  Maybe you wanted to ask the hard hitting question and were curious if she was into the scene of shoving heavy, industrial rubber sheaths up her [[ass]] and inflating them with an air compressor or just wanted to know if it's good manners to give yourself an enema before anal sex?<br>
If Jaltoid would choose to remember back that far, or even as recent as last week when '''Doc Jingles''' led the mass marking charge on '''Doopie's''' pages  then he would be aware that when people ask Doopie these things that they weren't met with the kind responses from Doopie hoping to set the record straight that Jaltoid promises but rather Doopie's army of unwashed, virgin boys waiting to mass mark anyone asking a question that Doopie is uncomfortable with or just didn't like, along with any questionable posts in their history, until either they are made by [[Twitter]] to delete the offending post(s) or have the screen name asking the offending question banned entirely from the realms of twitter forever.<br>
Jaltoid does say, ''"We won't bite your heads off,"'' but nothing is said about your question having to meet certain requirements to be answered and if it doesn't, how they'll mobilize their private [[Army]] to have the offending twitter accounts banned.<br>
=== Doc Brown AKA Doc Jingles ===
{{frame|<gallery  class="middle"; heights="200px" widths="200px">
File:111 Doopie DoOver Fanboy 123.png|Doc Brown tells us all about his CosPlay Fantasies including Doopie that sickens, even, a Chris Chan Fanboy
{{Twitter|DocBrownAE|<b>Doc Jingles</b>}} is a 40 year old virginal, neck bearded, basement dwelling male that hides behind the excuse that he's [[Asexual]] and uninterested in sex rather than admit that his [[balls]] have never dropped and that he's a lost cause of a mama's boy that is [[fat|too fat to fuck]].  Like most bulbous, sexless, internet tough guys searching for a sexuality they have never had, know nothing about and hoping to maybe find it on the internet, Doc Jingles specializes in defending [[CP|Child Porn]] producing [[White trash|Trailor Park Princesses]] like Doopie DoOver online hoping for that once in a lifetime chance that one might become so impressed with his worthless words and valueless actions [[White Knight|White Knighting]] white trash pedophiles that they might answer back to one of his letters or want to be his friend making his failed hobby worth the time he has put into it.<br>
Like every [[Ebegging|Artist]] on the [[Internets]] '''Doc Jingles''' is adament about supporting and defending his rights for free speach and freedoms of expression but like every [[California|East Coast Liberal]] these rights only extend to him and his causes.  Should he come across anything that either offends him or he should disagree with, like the all [[American]] 🇺🇸 artist type, the good Doctor is quick to reach for the phone to call up the [[Internet Police]] and demand a [[Wambulance]] because his feelings have been hurt so bad that they're bleeding out onto the floor.<br>
'''Doc Jingles''' is another one of Doopie's self appointed Champions that tries to fight the fight that there is nothing wrong with child pornography, arguing that an adult can use painted, drawn, traced or computer rendered images of children in sexual acts for the purpose of sexual arrousal, [[masturbation]] purposes and not be a pedophile because it is not a real child they are being arroused by.<br>
Like every one of Doopie's defenders that ever  argued that it is perfectly fine for Doopie to produce sexually explicit art of [[Pokemon]]'s 11-year-old Misty because she was created some  20 years ago and, so now, should be well into her 30s, Doc Jingles argues the age up rationalization.  He has suggested that no matter how obviously you draw a girl underage, she's 18 bevause the artist has said she is.  He has even gone so far as proposing that a newly born baby girl can be raped with the Umbilical Cord still attached if the artist first explains that she is 18.<br>
'''Doc Jingles''' represents Doopie's tired and overplayed Machiavellian tactic of [[Victim complex|playing the victim]].  Rather then stand up for herself, Doopie would rather cry her big salty tears because, like always, there will be someone like '''Doc Jingles''' who will push the report button so that Doopie can say that she never did it.<br>
[[Ironic|Ironically]], despite all his pusillanimous posts trying to establish himself as a [[Internet Tough Guy|Bad ass]], Doopie's big, toughie of a  [[gay|bottom bitch]] Jess still has said nothing in reference to or against the attacks being made against Doopie.  Doc Jingles probably has some [[Chris Chan]] styled fantasy that if he keeps defending her, Doopie will see him as being more of a  man than Jess and dump her free room and board supplying [[cuckold]] [[Boyfriend]] for Doc Jingles no working, jobless, fat ass.<br>
=== Karasz ===
{{frame|<gallery class="middle"; heights="430px" widths="230px">
File:Karasz d-a logger56656.png|[ Archive]
File:Karasz tough guy5656.png|[ Archive]
'''[[A-Log|Karasz]]''' or {{twitter|e_karasz|Karasz}} is one of Doopie's [[A-Log]]ging style, angry fanboys that believes that if he throws enough baseless threats around and acts like an all around tough guy on [[twatter]] that people will become convinced that he's a man, a big '''STRONG''' man, intent on and fully capable of protecting his [[White trash|Trailor Trash Princess]] love interest.  Karasz believes that when people realize what a big strong man he is and how Doopie's enemies might have to face his baseless threats on twitter, they will be less likely to attack Doopie with their mean words.
=== {{Twitter|PBandJammers|PBandJammers}} ===

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[[File:Sailor Moon Character Sheet345.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Remember to add another pleat in her skirt when you trace her and you'll have your own OC]]
[[File:Sailor Moon Character Sheet345.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Remember to add another pleat in her skirt when you trace her and you'll have your own OC]]

[[File:Sailor Moon Character Sheet098.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Sailor Moon Character sheet for facial expressions]]
[[File:Sailor Moon Character Sheet098.png|thumb|right|250px|Sailor Moon Character sheet for facial expressions]]

[[File:Sailor Mercury Character Sheet543.jpg|thumb|right|250px|This might explain why so many of Doopie's characters look like Sailor Mercury]]
[[File:Sailor Mercury Character Sheet543.jpg|thumb|right|250px|This might explain why so many of Doopie's characters look like Sailor Mercury]]
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One of the possible reasons why so many [[Sick Fuck|people]] like [[Doopie DoOver]] produce and sell [[CP|child porn]] over the [[internets]] is that there is a make-believe idea, that comes with all criminal activity, that the [[internets]] is a "Free Zone" with no laws or prosecution and that they are "flying under the radar".  They like to argue that since their favored "art" style can only be found by using specific search words like, ''"Kids fucking, [[Children|10-year-old girl]] giving [[pervert|adult male]] a [[oral|blow job]] or [[Pedophile|I'm a sick mother fucker that wants to fuck a kid]], that only people who actively want to view their favored smut are looking at it.<br>
One of the possible reasons why so many [[Sick Fuck|people]] like [[Doopie DoOver]] produce and sell [[CP|child porn]] over the [[internets]] is that there is a make-believe idea, that comes with all criminal activity, that the [[internets]] is a "Free Zone" with no laws or prosecution and that they are "flying under the radar".  They like to argue that since their favored "art" style can only be found by using specific search words like, ''"Kids fucking, [[Children|10-year-old girl]] giving [[pervert|adult male]] a [[oral|blow job]] or [[Pedophile|I'm a sick mother fucker that wants to fuck a kid]], that only people who actively want to view their favored smut are looking at it.<br>

[ All this so called niching] does is create an enviroment where they can continually rationalize their behaviours through group think justifications that only serves to push these [[pervert]]s further into their contemptuous debauchery as they find themselves progressing into more licentious depictions of their favored media.
[ All this so called niching] does is create an environment where they can continually rationalize their behaviours through group think justifications that only serves to push these [[pervert]]s further into their contemptuous debauchery as they find themselves progressing into more licentious depictions of their favored media.

Although the [[Abnormal Psychology|Psychology]] of such sick fucks is usually complicated and buried in duality and contradiction as these pedos try to excuse their behaviour, when they get caught, by trying for the sympathy card by arguing that someone once touched them, emotionally damaged them and the reason they keep repeating this behaviour is because they don't know any better, while within their group, they'll argue that it's a natural  
Although the [[Abnormal Psychology|Psychology]] of such sick fucks is usually complicated and buried in duality and contradiction as these pedos try to excuse their behaviour, when they get caught, by trying for the sympathy card by arguing that someone once touched them, emotionally damaged them and the reason they keep repeating this behaviour is because they don't know any better, while within their group, they'll argue that it's a natural  
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* '''[[Pedophile|They Are Sexually Interested In Children]]''':  The [[FBI]] has a saying, ''"If you want to really know what someone's thinking about, you can look in two places - Their hard drive and their garbage."''  People study medicine because they're interested in it.  People photograph flowers because they're interested in them.  People create images of Children getting raped by adults or children fucking each other for the sole pleasure of an adult because this is what is on their mind, they are thinking about and actively fantasizing about.  They produce child porn because it is what interests them and they derive sexual gratification, ([[Orgasm|They bust a nut]]) from these pervy thoughts of their's.
* '''[[Pedophile|They Are Sexually Interested In Children]]''':  The [[FBI]] has a saying, ''"If you want to really know what someone's thinking about, you can look in two places - Their hard drive and their garbage."''  People study medicine because they're interested in it.  People photograph flowers because they're interested in them.  People create images of Children getting raped by adults or children fucking each other for the sole pleasure of an adult because this is what is on their mind, they are thinking about and actively fantasizing about.  They produce child porn because it is what interests them and they derive sexual gratification, ([[Orgasm|They bust a nut]]) from these pervy thoughts of their's.

* '''[[Autistic|They Struggle With Adult Intimacy]]''':  Usually being [[Basement-dweller|Basement-dwelling]], hairy palmed, sweaty [[virgin]] types that are incapable of talking to girls, [[Tyciol|Child molesters]] see children as being less agressive, hostile or threatening to their self esteem because they view children as less likely to reject their advances.  As compromise is a foreign concept to these people, many producers of child porn, animated and otherwise, fantasize about children because the sex is all about them.  As the child has no idea of sex, the artist gets to live their sick-fuck fantasy where they get to [[education|teach]] the child or the kid only does what the adult want because the kid is more like a pet and their  only goal is to please the grown up.
* '''[[Autistic|They Struggle With Adult Intimacy]]''':  Usually being [[Basement-dweller|Basement-dwelling]], hairy palmed, sweaty [[virgin]] types that are incapable of talking to girls, [[Tyciol|Child molesters]] see children as being less agressive, hostile or threatening to their self esteem because they view children as less likely to reject their advances.  As compromise is a foreign concept to these people, many producers of child porn, animated and otherwise, fantasize about children because the sex is all about them.  As the child has no idea of sex, the artist gets to live their sick-fuck fantasy where they get to [[education|teach]] the child or the kid only does what the adult wants because the kid is more like a pet and their  only goal is to please the grown up.

* '''[[Grooming]]''': Many [[CP|Child Pornography]] producers have the fantasy that if they inundate the [[internets]] with images of children [[fucking|having sex]] that they will create a world where children are more inclined and open to the sexual advances of adults.  Since a child's world consists mostly of cartoons, stuffed animals and video game characters - this is the reason why animated child porn producers focus so heavily on these subjects rather then animate sex acts including the children from live action shows such as '''Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn'''.  The fact that they don't have the talent to convince their readers that the slop they're trying to pass off as ''"Art"'' is characters from that same show or put in more creativity than a 5th grade class clown by coming up with a more original title than '''Nicky And Ricky Put Their Dickies In Dawn''' is why they stick to pre-rendered, animated characters where all they have to do is find the character sheets online and just trace the face and body position they want.  What they fail to see is, if they actually acomplish what they want and create this world, as children become more and more educated in sex all the perverts will be  doing is driving the age down of what they feel they can safely approach.
* '''[[Grooming]]''': Many [[CP|Child Pornography]] producers have the fantasy that if they inundate the [[internets]] with images of children [[fucking|having sex]] that they will create a world where children are more inclined and open to the sexual advances of adults.  Since a child's world consists mostly of cartoons, stuffed animals and video game characters - this is the reason why animated child porn producers focus so heavily on these subjects rather then animate sex acts including the children from live action shows such as '''Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn'''.  The fact that they don't have the talent to convince their readers that the slop they're trying to pass off as ''"Art"'' is characters from that same show or put in more creativity than a 5th grade class clown by coming up with a more original title than '''Nicky And Ricky Put Their Dickies In Dawn''' is why they stick to pre-rendered, animated characters where all they have to do is find the character sheets online and just trace the face and body position they want.  What they fail to see is, if they actually acomplish what they want and create this world, as children become more and more educated in sex all the perverts will be  doing is driving the age down of what they feel they can safely approach.
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* [[Super Planet Dolan]]
* [[Super Planet Dolan]]
* [[Whore]]
* [[Whore]]
* [[KaBlamBandicoot64]] article's creator lololol

== External Links ==
== External Links ==
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* {{tumblr|kittenbellnsfw|KittenBell Tumblr}}
* {{tumblr|kittenbellnsfw|KittenBell Tumblr}}

* [ KittenBell Patreon]
* {{patreon|KittenBell|KittenBell Patreon}}

=== Doopie DoOver External Links ===
=== Doopie DoOver External Links ===
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*{{Instagram|dani_willow|Her Instagram}}
*{{Instagram|dani_willow|Her Instagram}}
*{{snapchat|Dani_Willow|<s>Her Snapchat</s>}} Deleted because [[Chris Chan]] was using it for masturbation fodder
*{{snapchat|Dani_Willow|<s>Her Snapchat</s>}} Deleted because [[Chris Chan]] was using it for masturbation fodder

Anonymous user

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