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[[File:Withjewsyoulose.jpeg|thumb|Enough said.]]
[[image:religion of peace.jpg|thumb|Your life ends where muslim feelings begin.]]
[[image:religion of peace.jpg|thumb|Your life ends where muslim feelings begin.]]
'''''Innocence of Muslims''''' is a troll movie [[allegedly]] made by a [[Africa|Coptic Christian]] named [[Powerword|Nakoula Basseley Nakoula]] who [[sockpuppet|pretended]] to be a [[Jew]] named Sam Bacile, who created a [[shit|masterpiece]] that displays the life of [[Muhammad]]. This film quickly gained 5/5 for "Death to America"-bility [[Libya|throughout]] [[Yemen|numerous]] [[Egypt|countries]] in the [[Middle East]]. This culminated with attacks on different embassies, culminating with the death of Christorpher Stevens, the Ambassador to Libya, due to smoke inhalation.
'''''Innocence of Muslims''''' is a troll movie [[allegedly]] made by a [[Africa|Coptic Christian]] named [[Powerword|Nakoula Basseley Nakoula]] who [[sockpuppet|pretended]] to be a [[Jew]] named Sam Bacile, who created a [[shit|masterpiece]] that displays the life of [[Muhammad]]. This film quickly gained 5/5 for "Death to America"-bility [[Libya|throughout]] [[Yemen|numerous]] [[Egypt|countries]] in the [[Middle East]]. This culminated with attacks on different embassies, culminating with the death of Christorpher Stevens, the Ambassador to Libya, due to smoke inhalation.
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It's worth mentioning that the actual movie isn't out as of the time of this writing (EDiots are planning a full review of it when it does release).  
It's worth mentioning that the actual movie isn't out as of the time of this writing (EDiots are planning a full review of it when it does release).  

The trailer, which can be seen below, reveals how despite its alleged [ $5,000,000 price tag], can result in [[Adam Sandler|shitty cinema]], suggesting a good deal of embezzlement was afoot. The overwhelming majority of backgrounds were clearly made with cheap-as-fuck green screens; the artwork is just slightly above [[Chris-chan]] quality; one of Muhammad's [[Butt buddy|disciples]] is reported to have been played by a [[srsly|gay porn star]]; and a [[gay]] [[porn]] [ director directed the film]. The movie's [[Lies|completely undeserved publicity]] can also be attributed to pastor and professional Christian troll Terry Jones, the mastermind of [[Burn a Koran Day]].
The trailer, which can be seen below, reveals how despite its alleged [ $5,000,000 price tag], can result in [[Adam Sandler|shitty cinema]], suggesting a [ good deal of embezzlement] was afoot. The overwhelming majority of backgrounds were clearly made with cheap-as-fuck green screens; the artwork is just slightly above [[Chris-chan]] quality; one of Muhammad's [[Butt buddy|disciples]] is reported to have been played by a [[srsly|gay porn star]]; and a [[gay]] [[porn]] [ director directed the film]. The movie's [[Lies|completely undeserved publicity]] can also be attributed to pastor and professional Christian troll Terry Jones, the mastermind of [[Burn a Koran Day]].

Despite the shit-tier production look, the movies does deserve credit for delivering a semi-accurate account of Muhammad's life and times, by documenting the fact that Muhammad is [ historically recognized as a tyrant]. The piece has allusions with scenes based out of the oral tradition ([ Hadith]) and [[Islam|Qur'an]], like when in the scene when he is being [[Pussy-whipped|beaten by two of his wives]] because one of them got jealous, due to Muhammad [[Lol|fucking one of them and not the other]] is such. This semi-historical accuracy and allusion referencing is particularly insulting given on top of all this, the image of Muhammad is shown (which is a big no-no in [[Islam]]), to further add insult, Muhammad is portrayed as that dumb looking fuck.  
Despite the shit-tier production look, the movies does deserve credit for delivering a semi-accurate account of Muhammad's life and times, by documenting the fact that Muhammad is [ historically recognized as a tyrant]. The piece has allusions with scenes based out of the oral tradition ([ Hadith]) and [[Islam|Qur'an]], like when in the scene when he is being [[Pussy-whipped|beaten by two of his wives]] because one of them got jealous, due to Muhammad [[Lol|fucking one of them and not the other]] is such. This semi-historical accuracy and allusion referencing is particularly insulting given on top of all this, the image of Muhammad is shown (which is a big no-no in [[Islam]]), to further add insult, Muhammad is portrayed as that dumb looking fuck.  
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==Why it was [[Offended|offensive]] to Muslims==
==Why it was [[Offended|offensive]] to Muslims==
===Muhammad the Tyrant===
===Muhammad the Tyrant===
Typically when Muhammad defeated his enemies, he [[socialism|re-appropriated]] their wealth among his followers, [[Holocaust|committed mass executions of males]], and selling their women and children into slavery. Sometimes Muhammad would take a [ sexy woman from a defeated enemy] as his wife. There is [[controversy]] in the scholarly community for the reasoning behind Muhammad attacked [[Slut|Rayhana]]'s tribe was for political reasons or because Muhammad wanted to get his [[dick]] [[sex|wet]] from this [[allegedly|alleged]] [[sexy|beauty]].  
Typically when Muhammad defeated his enemies, he [[socialism|re-appropriated]] their wealth among his followers, [[Holocaust|committed mass executions of males]], and selling their women and children into slavery, despite the Qur'an has an anti-slavery message. Sometimes Muhammad would take a [ sexy woman from a defeated enemy] as his wife. There is [[controversy]] in the scholarly community for the reasoning behind Muhammad attacked [[Slut|Rayhana]]'s tribe was for political reasons or because Muhammad wanted to get his [[dick]] [[sex|wet]] from this [[allegedly|alleged]] [[sexy|beauty]].  

While Muhammad's major enemies were local [[Wiccans|pagan tribes]], the combat they engaged in was a mutual exchange of [[terrorism|raids on caravans]] that is typical of [[Sand nigger|Bedouin]] culture. Muhammad made enemy with the local Jews and eventually turned on the major clans, including his Jewish allies. It is important to know that despite the usage of the phrase [[Jew]], we are not taking about [[Israel|Israeli Jews]], but rather [[Double Nigger|Arabanized Jews]].
While Muhammad's major enemies were local [[Wiccans|pagan tribes]], the combat they engaged in was a mutual exchange of [[terrorism|raids on caravans]] that is typical of [[Sand nigger|Bedouin]] culture. Muhammad made enemy with the local Jews and eventually turned on the major clans, including his Jewish allies. It is important to know that despite the usage of the phrase [[Jew]], we are not taking about [[Israel|Israeli Jews]], but rather [[Double Nigger|Arabanized Jews]].
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== Mudslime Chimpouts So Far ==
== Mudslime Chimpouts So Far ==
=== Afghanistan ===
=== Afghanistan ===
Afghanistan's President, and [[W|Bush]]/[[Obama]]'s [[Sockpuppet|partner in regional peace]] [ Hamid Karzai] announced a nationwide YouTube block in Afghanistan because of the movie. In practice, meaning that he installed NetNanny on his own computer, thus effectively blocking every computer from being able to access YouTube in the country. Later the Taliban got jealous for being late for the party and attacked an Afgan military base. Proudly setting a new highscore of the whole chimopout of dead butthurt muslims at twenty, then they returned to [[Pakistan|whatever sandy cave they crawled from]].
Afghanistan's President, and [[W|Bush]]/[[Obama]]'s [[Sockpuppet|partner in regional peace]] [ Hamid Karzai] announced a nationwide YouTube block in Afghanistan because of the movie. In practice, meaning that he installed NetNanny on his own computer, thus effectively blocking every computer from being able to access YouTube in the country. Later the Taliban got jealous for being late for the party and attacked an Afgan military base. Proudly setting a new highscore of the whole chimpout of dead butthurt muslims at twenty, then they returned to [[Pakistan|whatever sandy cave they crawled from]].

On September 18th 2012, a huge stride was made towards [[Feminism|female participation in Afghan society]]. This change was so profound, that the explosive ripple from such an empowering and liberating event resulted in [ fourteen civilian casualities], including eight [[Whites|foreigners]]. Once again showing that [[Terrorists|Muslim extremists]] [[Lies|aren't against human rights and gender equality]], but are against [[Zionist|Western]] notions of [[Freedom|human rights]] and [[Feminism|gender equality]].
On September 18th 2012, a huge stride was made towards [[Feminism|female participation in Afghan society]]. This change was so profound, that the explosive ripple from such an empowering and liberating event resulted in [ fourteen civilian casualities], including eight [[Whites|foreigners]]. Once again showing that [[Terrorists|Muslim extremists]] [[Lies|aren't against human rights and gender equality]], but are against [[Zionist|Western]] notions of [[Freedom|human rights]] and [[Feminism|gender equality]].
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Unlike other countries in the [[Middle East]], [[Lesbian|Lebanon]] is rather industrialized and exposed to Western culture. [[Disregard that|Despite this]] development and acclimatization to Western society, this didn't stop [[butthurt|angry]] [[Muslims]] from having a [[chimpout]] in response to a 15 minute trailer to a poorly made movie. Despite [[Nigger manual|the usage of terms used to describe blacks and their behavior]], such as referring to [[butthurt|angry]] [[Muslims]] having a "[[chimpout]]" or referring to [[Arabs]] as "[[Sand Niggers]]," doesn't mean regular [[blacks]] are [[Arabs]]. This difference was demonstrated magnificently when the [[Lesbian|Lebanese]] [[Sand Niggers]] decided to burn down a local [[KFC]]. Such an act would be considered unfathomable if [[Sand Niggers]] were actual [[Niggers]], not simply [[assholes|individuals]] who [[Chimpout|behave similarly when presented with controversies]].
Unlike other countries in the [[Middle East]], [[Lesbian|Lebanon]] is rather industrialized and exposed to Western culture. [[Disregard that|Despite this]] development and acclimatization to Western society, this didn't stop [[butthurt|angry]] [[Muslims]] from having a [[chimpout]] in response to a 15 minute trailer to a poorly made movie. Despite [[Nigger manual|the usage of terms used to describe blacks and their behavior]], such as referring to [[butthurt|angry]] [[Muslims]] having a "[[chimpout]]" or referring to [[Arabs]] as "[[Sand Niggers]]," doesn't mean regular [[blacks]] are [[Arabs]]. This difference was demonstrated magnificently when the [[Lesbian|Lebanese]] [[Sand Niggers]] decided to burn down a local [[KFC]]. Such an act would be considered unfathomable if [[Sand Niggers]] were actual [[Niggers]], not simply [[assholes|individuals]] who [[Chimpout|behave similarly when presented with controversies]].

After a few days of protesting in [[Lesbian|Lebanon]], [[Lesbian|Lebanon]]'s equivalent of [[Osama Bin Laden]], [ Hassan Nasrallah], came out of hiding to rant about this film. Despite his argument that this film's creation shouldn't be blamed on [[Christians]], which was rather reasonable of a [[Terrorist]] leader, he then came out and blamed that the [[United States]] should be blamed for the creation of this film. Nasrallah goes further and argues that [ an international law] should exist to prevent hate speech against religion (specifically Islam), citing laws about [[Holocaust denial]] and [[antisemitism]] as a basis for his anti-free speech argument. Finally after being told for eight years that [[Sand Niggers|they]] hate our [[Freedom|freedoms]], the [[terrorists]] are actually coming after our [[Freedom|freedoms]] and [[Anti-lulz|our politicians couldn't care less]].
After a few days of protesting in [[Lesbian|Lebanon]], [[Lesbian|Lebanon]]'s equivalent of [[Osama Bin Laden]], [ Hassan Nasrallah], came out of hiding to rant about this film. Despite his argument that this film's creation shouldn't be blamed on [[Christians]], which was rather reasonable of a [[Terrorist]] leader, he then came out and claimed that the [[United States]] should be blamed for the creation of this film. Nasrallah goes further and argues that [ an international law] should exist to prevent hate speech against religion (specifically Islam), citing laws about [[Holocaust denial]] and [[antisemitism]] as a basis for his anti-free speech argument. Finally after being told for eight years that [[Sand Niggers|they]] hate our [[Freedom|freedoms]], the [[terrorists]] are actually coming after our [[Freedom|freedoms]] and [[Anti-lulz|our politicians couldn't care less]].

=== Libya ===
=== Libya ===
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[[image:BaneMuslim.jpg|thumb|right|When the land of American pigdogs who mock our holy prophet is ashes....]]
[[image:BaneMuslim.jpg|thumb|right|When the land of American pigdogs who mock our holy prophet is ashes....]]

Everything about this whole incident reeks of a conspiratorial heist of sorts in a classical [ Neuromancer] style: [ hiring a point man to produce a movie who just recently left federal prison for fraud], who [[Sockpuppet|pretended]] to be a [[Jew|Israeli]] named Sam Bacile and claimed the movie was funded from [[100]] [[Jews]]; [ the actors involved in the film were unawares of what was really happening]; as well as [ the film was claimed to be the reasoning behind the death of Ambassador Stevens] despite what appeared to be a coordinated attack that conveniently happened on the eleventh anniversary of [[9/11]]. It makes one wonder: was someone one behind this that isn't [[Powerword|Nakoula Basseley Nakoula]]? Very likely, but who?
Everything about this whole incident reeks of a conspiratorial heist of sorts in a classical [ Neuromancer] style: [ hiring a point man to produce a movie who just recently left federal prison for fraud], who [[Sockpuppet|pretended]] to be a [[Jew|Israeli]] named Sam Bacile and claimed the movie was funded from [[100]] [[Jews]]; [ the actors involved in the film were unawares of what was really happening]; as well as [ the film was claimed to be the reasoning behind the death of Ambassador Stevens] despite what appeared to be a coordinated attack that conveniently happened on the eleventh anniversary of [[9/11]]. It makes one wonder: was someone behind this that isn't [[Powerword|Nakoula Basseley Nakoula]]? Very likely, but who?

Blaming the [[Jews]] is almost too easy, especially given that [[Jews did WTC]] eleven years earlier in order to have the [[United States]] get [[war|involved]] in the [[Afghanistan|Middle]] [[Iraq|East]] in order to fulfill their [ Zionist master plan] that is slowly unfolding as we speak. Since the war drums are beating ever faster for intervention in [[Syria]] and [[war]] with [[Iran]], [[Troll|provoking a response]] from [[butthurt|angry]] [[Muslims]] who'd typically [[Terrorism|riot]] [[Muhammad Cartoons|every time something like this happens]] is important. An [[Butthurt|angry]] [[Middle East]] is easier to invade, after all, [ dehumanizing the enemy is important in any propaganda campaign before a war]. So after an [ illegal war] that deposed a somewhat popular dictator, and Earth's last true super-villian, [[Gaddafi|Qaddafi]], it never occurred that [[terrorists|loyalists]] to the former regime might still be active in [[Libya]] and want revenge, or [ possibly that al-Qaeda wanted him dead]. So on the eleventh anniversary of [[9/11]], a coordinated attack was launched during the chaos of the protests. However, there was something not right about the situation in Libya: [ first, the embassy used by the Americans was atypical of the normal fortress like nature of American embassies; second, Marines normally guard embassies. This was not the case in Libya, instead Libyan and State Department security officials were protecting him]; third, [ despite numerous security breaches in Libya, including an after attack on June 6th against the embassy by an improvised explosive device, no additional security was offered to the American Embassy]; fourth, a few days after the attack against the embassy, [ a CNN reporter was able to walk away from the embassy with a journal written by the ambassador], [[LOL|revealing that he was concerned about the security situation in Benghazi]].  
While numerous parties can be blamed for this as well as blaming massive incompetence, blaming the [[Jews]] is almost too easy. This is easy given that [[Jews did WTC]] eleven years earlier in order to have the [[United States]] get [[war|involved]] in the [[Afghanistan|Middle]] [[Iraq|East]] in order to fulfill their [ Zionist master plan] that is slowly unfolding as we speak. Since the war drums are beating ever faster for intervention in [[Syria]] and [[war]] with [[Iran]], [[Troll|provoking a response]] from [[butthurt|angry]] [[Muslims]] who'd typically [[Terrorism|riot]] [[Muhammad Cartoons|every time something like this happens]] is important. An [[Butthurt|angry]] [[Middle East]] is easier to invade, after all, [ dehumanizing the enemy is important in any propaganda campaign before a war]. So after an [ illegal war] that deposed a somewhat popular dictator, and [ Earth's last true super-villian], [[Gaddafi|Qaddafi]], it never occurred that [[terrorists|loyalists]] to the former regime might still be active in [[Libya]] and want revenge, or [ possibly that al-Qaeda wanted him dead].  
So on the eleventh anniversary of [[9/11]], a coordinated attack was launched during the chaos of the protests. However, there was something not right about the situation in Libya: [ first, the embassy used by the Americans was atypical of the normal fortress like nature of American embassies; second, Marines normally guard embassies. This was not the case in Libya, instead Libyan and State Department security officials were protecting him]; third, [ despite numerous security breaches in Libya, including an after attack on June 6th against the embassy by an improvised explosive device, no additional security was offered to the American Embassy]; fourth, a few days after the attack against the embassy, [ a CNN reporter was able to walk away from the embassy with a journal written by the ambassador], [[LOL|revealing that he was concerned about the security situation in Benghazi]].  

The pieces that fell into place fell too easily and conveniently to not be suspicious, after all, [[9/11|the last time a major terrorist attack happened to the United States]], the [[Patriot Act]] and the invasions of [[Afghanistan]] and [[Iraq]] was a response for a single terrorist attack. Perhaps this attack will be used as a justification for increasing the scale of the war on terror, and possibly be used to justify invading [[Syria|new]] [[Iran|countries]] and further strip away [[Freedom|constitutional rights]]. Only time will tell...
The pieces that fell into place fell too easily and conveniently to not be suspicious, after all, [[9/11|the last time a major terrorist attack happened to the United States]], the [[Patriot Act]] and the invasions of [[Afghanistan]] and [[Iraq]] was a response for a single terrorist attack. Perhaps this attack will be used as a justification for increasing the scale of the war on terror, and possibly be used to justify invading [[Syria|new]] [[Iran|countries]] and further strip away [[Freedom|constitutional rights]]. Only time will tell...

==Political ramifications==
==Political ramifications==
{{quote|...What [westerners] do hear however is the supposed [[Oxymoron|moderate Muslims]] demanding they give up the right to Have and Express their beliefs Freely. The moderates seem as intent as the radicals to [[Multiculturalism|impose]] their [ religious] laws on the world, they just use [[censorship|different methods]].|{{ytuser|BRIMAN711}}}}
{{quote|...What [westerners] do hear however is the supposed [[Oxymoron|moderate Muslims]] demanding they give up the right to Have and Express their beliefs Freely. The moderates seem as intent as the radicals to [[Multiculturalism|impose]] their [ religious] laws on the world, they just use [[censorship|different methods]].|{{yt|u|BRIMAN711}}}}

Regarding the political ramifications of the[[2012 Elections|American Presidential elections]], that can be read [ here]. However, there are many more political ramifications than this, mainly [[free speech]]. Calls from numerous individuals, ranging from [[OWS|peaceful]] [[Islam|Islamic]] [[Priest|clerics]] to [ the leaders of terrorist organizations] have been calling for [[LOL|international laws]] that would make it criminal to [[Troll|mock]] [[Islam]], much like how [[antisemitism]] and [[Holocaust denial]] are illegal in some places. Unlike other [[Google|internet entities]], [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] will never capitulate to censorship because we don't negotiate with [[terrorists]]. Which is why [[ED]] will smuggle the video into [[Islam|Islamic]] countries after [[Google]] finally takes it in the ass over the video because [ they don't actually care] about [[free speech]] as they have pretended to do [ recently].
Regarding the political ramifications of the[[2012 Elections|American Presidential elections]], that can be read [[2012_Elections#Mitt_Romney_still_doesn.27t_get_Foreign_Policy|here]]. However, there are many more political ramifications than this, mainly [[free speech]]. Calls from numerous individuals, ranging from [[OWS|peaceful]] [[Islam|Islamic]] [[Priest|clerics]] to [ the leaders of terrorist organizations] have been calling for [[LOL|international laws]] that would make it criminal to [[Troll|mock]] [[Islam]], much like how [[antisemitism]] and [[Holocaust denial]] are illegal in some places. Unlike other [[Google|internet entities]], [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] will never capitulate to censorship because we don't negotiate with [[terrorists]]. Which is why [[ED]] will smuggle the video into [[Islam|Islamic]] countries after [[Google]] finally takes it in the ass over the video because [ they don't actually care] about [[free speech]] as they have pretended to do [ recently].

==Some choice selections of [[OTI]] chimpouts.==
==Some choice selections of [[OTI]] chimpouts.==
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*[ “Innocence of Muslims” filmmaker was also a meth cook"]
*[ “Innocence of Muslims” filmmaker was also a meth cook"]

{{timeline|Featured article September 16 & 17, [[2012]]|[[Barrett Brown]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[Robbie Farah]]}}
{{timeline|Featured article September 16 & 17, [[2012]]|[[Barrett Brown]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[Robbie Farah]]}}
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