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<center>[[Image: Me_by_hiryugouki-d2ztosj.png]]</center>


'''HiryuGouki''', [http://Hiryugouki.deviantart.com] a.k.a. [[Retard|Hiryu,]] is a fucking [[Weeaboo|weeaboo]] on [[DeviantArt|DeviantArt]] and [[Newgrounds|Newgrounds.]] He can't accept critiques and is easily butthurt by any kind of it, including the nicest of critique, which is [[Irony|ironic]] as his skill level is to par of a [[AIDS|ten year old.]] His women have thunder thighs and [[hott|their waists are so skinny it looks fucking unnatural.]] Apparently, his heads are [[Fat|fat]] and his necks are so [[Anorexic|thin]] it looks like [[Fail|they're going to fall right off of their heads.]] [[Shit|His eyelashes stick out the sides of his face.]] They call this shit [[Art|art?]] He cannot draw and as they can't accept that they cannot draw, they might as well [[An hero|become an hero.]]
'''HiryuGouki''', [http://Hiryugouki.deviantart.com] a.k.a. '''Kiwi-Punch''', '''Sin-Comixxx''', '''Tony-G-Steele''' and '''Theclassybutler''' is a fucking [[Weeaboo|weeaboo]] on [[DeviantArt|DeviantArt]] and [[Newgrounds|Newgrounds.]] He can't accept critiques and is easily butthurt by any kind of it, including the nicest of critique, which is [[Irony|ironic]] as his skill level is to par of a [[AIDS|ten year old.]] His women have thunder thighs and [[hott|their waists are so skinny it looks fucking unnatural.]] Apparently, his heads are [[Fat|fat]] and his necks are so [[Anorexic|thin]] it looks like [[Fail|they're going to fall right off of their heads.]] [[Shit|His eyelashes stick out the sides of his face.]] They call this shit [[Art|art?]] He cannot draw and as they can't accept that they cannot draw, they might as well [[An hero|become an hero.]]

He has a bad history of starting up random drama and [[Waaaambulance|baaaaaaaaaaaaawing]] about how mean 1111! people are to his work! Waaaaaa nobody likes my artwork i need help you [[Angry Homo Kid|GAIZ.]] Then when he gets the help, [[Lolwut|he doesn't listen to anyone,]] [[Bullshit|especially those who are not an elite artist like himself.]]
He has a bad history of starting up random drama and [[Waaaambulance|baaaaaaaaaaaaawing]] about how mean 1111! people are to his work! Waaaaaa nobody likes my artwork i need help you [[Angry Homo Kid|GAIZ.]] Then when he gets the help, [[Lolwut|he doesn't listen to anyone,]] [[Bullshit|especially those who are not an elite artist like himself.]]

When he is [[butthurt|butthurt]] enough, he goes to the forums [[Baww|whining]] about how people were onto him, [[lies|leaving out the truth.]] He doesn't state that [[Lol-cow|he was the one who started the shit.]] He wants people to leave him alone but he's a fucking [[Hypocrite|hypocrite.]] Dipshit, next time you want to be left alone, DON'T START BULLCRAP.
When he is [[butthurt|butthurt]] enough, he goes to the forums [[Baww|whining]] about how people were onto him, [[lies|leaving out the truth.]] He doesn't state that [[Lol-cow|he was the one who started the shit.]] He wants people to leave him alone but he's a fucking [[Hypocrite|hypocrite.]] Dipshit, next time you want to be left alone, DON'T START BULLCRAP.
=Anatomy, eh?=
[[File:Hiryugouki_zafina_of_eden_iv_2.jpg|thumb|left|One of HiryuGouki's unoriginal characters in a manga titled [[GRIDS|Calamity.]]]]
His gallery consists nothing but [[Fantasy|fantasy chicks]] with what is already mentioned above. They do not have proper anatomy at all. All of them are [[Lol|horribly]] drawn and horribly [[Fail|colored.]] But oh, don't comment about that, only give him [[Love|asspats.]] Whenever someone has the balls to say it [[Balls|straight up,]] he says such things such as: [[:File:YouareNOTanartist.jpg|"''You are NOT an artist.''"]] and [[:File:Sorryilearnbestmyway.png|"''Sorry, I'll only use references... I learn best MY way.''"]] The thing is, he does not study from real life or [[Camwhore|photo]] references as we all did in preschool and grade school, but rather he studies from [[Gay|faggy]] [[weeaboo|weeaboo]] [[animu|anime]] such as Tokyo Mew Mew and [[Bestiality|Inuyasha.]] This in turn causes him to draw anatomically squashed up anime chicks with no sense of rendering or foreshortening to them as common sense tells you that anime does not help you learn how to be a real artist. But whenever someone tells him this, [[Drama|he tells them off in typical HiryuGouki fashion!]] How eloquent.
If you comment about how [[Wrong|wrong they are,]] he will lash out at you or ignore you. [http://comments.deviantart.com/1/212571931/2053233115] [[Like|Lyk,]] [[Srsly|srsly.]] If you [[Moot|critique]] him at all [[Truth|you are wasting your time.]] He treats everyone like dirt once he's been [[Butthurt|butthurt.]] Perhaps it [[Common Sense|would not be such a bad idea to simply ignore him, instead of putting]][[Worth 1000| all of of the fucking energy into trying to help him.]] Do not talk to him or he will insult you and hurt your leet feelingz, lawl. He's an asshole that OBVIOUSLY shouldn't be trusted.
[[File:Lolfail10.jpg|thumb|right|Way to go Hiryu! Contradicting yourself, how do you sleep at night?]]
[[File:Supersachiko1.jpg|thumb|right|The sheer irony of this is either too sad or too funny to laugh at.]]
==What Does He Do When He Gets a Critique? Welllll....==
As butthurt and excessive [[BAWWW|bawwwwwwwing]] ain't enough, he also posts [[Bullshit|retaliating]] reviews on the [[Victim|original criticizer's]] artwork, if it's on Newgrounds. Shall we take a look through the gallery of such [[Lies|knightly]] acts by our hero? "This is shit", "Cute is all I got... too simple", and the classic "Go kill yourself!" are only three of many [[Abuse|abusive]] reviews that Hiryu enjoys leaving on [[Lolwut|poor,]] innocent people's artwork--simply because they OMG QUESTIONED HIS SEXTASTIC ART TALENT.
File: Abusivereview1.png|This classic example was featured in one of his threads.
File: Abusivereview2.png|Ironically, the bitch could draw much better portraits than Hiryu.
File: Abusivereview3.png|Why he bothered reviewing a [[Hentai|Hentai]] piece is beyond me.
File: Abusivereview4.png|Butthurt galore!
This is so lulzy that you can be at his page all day long and enjoy the
ride going on there. Free ORGIES FOR EVERYONE!~!!1
==Hiryu’s Gallery of Sexy Things==
Recently, after the incident on the Art Forums over at Newgrounds, Hiryu has sworn off posting art there [[bullshit|for a long, long time.]] Rather, he has taken to posting them on DeviantArt. [http://hiryugouki.deviantart.com/gallery/] Meanwhile, back on Newgrounds, his art is still up for some unknown reason—it makes [[zero|no]] [[fuck|fucking]] sense as there are [[massive damage|massively damaging]] reviews reputation-wise on there. It’s [[LOL|hilarious]] because he uses such tags in his drawings as [[sex|SEXY,]] [[animu|ANIME,]] [[baby|BABE,]] and especially [[Manga|MANGA]]—which is a fucking joke as his [[Shit|‘art’]] is far from the manga of [[Inuyasha|Inuyasha,]] Battlestar Galactica, and [[Death Note|Death Note.]]  Here are his [[Crap|works,]] at your viewing pleasure!
Image: Gabriella_ver_2_0_by_hiryugouki-d3ka1l9.png|Apparently her name is Gabriella. How fucking [[original|original,]] especially for a Battlestar Galactica rip-off.
Image: Hiryugouki_calypso-of-darkness.jpg|That [[Pussy|pussy]] is fucking disturbing.
Image: Hiryugouki_chibi-girl.png|It’s in incredibly poor taste to ask for high scores, Hiryu.
Image: Hiryugouki_declaration-of-war-flag.png|His claim to fame.
Image: Hiryugouki_gabriella.png|As one said it, “Nice spots.”
Image: Hiryugouki_happy-birthday-gf.png|Hiryu is not [[Gay|gay.]] Also, look at that perfectly-rendered arm!
Image: Hiryugouki_kirika-galaxy.png|Is that [[Cum|sperm?]] Perfect background too.
Image: Hiryugouki_ms-pacman.png|Namco would be ashamed.
Image: Hiryugouki_sexy-charlotte_1.png |Obviously a poor trace.
Image: Hiryugouki_the-siren_1.png|A bastardization of Ariel.
Image: Hiryugouki zafina-of-eden-iv.png|Mary-Sue.
Image:sexy_valentine_by_hiryugouki-d39dq94.png|Is that a google image background?
Image:Hiryusucks.jpg|LOL ART
Image:Hiryusuck2.jpg|LOL MSPAINT
Image:Hiryugouki_badass-design.png|No seriously, he called this [[Badass|'badass'.]]
Image:Hiryugouki_beautiful-day.png|What suitable climate allows pink grass to be grown?
Image:Hiryugouki_big-shadow-who-rules.jpg|The retard couldn't [[Failure|even be bothered to convert the .jpg into a .png.]]
Image:Hiryugouki_calamity-logo-2-0.png|my eyes r bleedin'.
Image: Hiryugouki_nekonome.png| He's also isn't above [[Loli|loli.]]
==How To Critique, MY WAY==
Once he was on Newgrounds, and wrote a [http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1249005/1 "How To Critique Guide"] after someone gave him a [[Lol|rather harsh critique]] on his drawings there. Yep, the comment was harsh, but grow a thicker skin, [[Jesus Christ]]. If you can't accept harsh critique, [[GTFO|get the fuck off]] the net. Nobody needs you on the net if you're going to bawwwww every time someone says they do not like your horribly-done shit. [[Truth|Not everyone is going to like your shit.]] If you're not liked, [[STFU]] and [[GTFO]]. Are people really that [[retarded]] as to not grasp the concept? Srsly. Of course, nobody agreed with him and one fellow NG user even went out to write a full-blown rant on the thread, forever humiliating Hiryu and wounding his ego to the point where Hiryu, for the [[Over 9000|9001st]] time, threw a temper tantrum and swore he would quit Newgrounds forever. Of course, [[Lolcow|he came back the next day.]] Too lazy to read the thread? Simply read on--problem solved!
[[File:Kumakun1.png|thumb|left|Kumakun tries to break it to Hiryu gently.]]
[[File:Lintire-pwns.png|thumb|left|Lintire's famous rant.]]
[[File:Tough-to-swallow.png|thumb|left|Hiryu's weak response.]]
[[File:Ms-jowers-would-be-ashamed.png|thumb|right|Kumakun's next post.]]
[[File:'m-quitting-newgrounds.png|thumb|right|I R QUITTING, BAWWWWWW.]]
[[File:See-ya-next-week.png|thumb|right|TurkeyOnAStick speaks [[truth|truth.]]]]
{{quote|Those kinds of things will make artists want more of your advice because they know that while it may be harsh in some respects, they also know you genuinely care about their development as artists. It makes them feel...comfortable if you will...|HiryuGouki, being a total fag as usual}}
{{quote|Listen up, you fucking weaboo:
Now, it's really bad that you attempt to pass off in the first place that you know how to critique better then anyone else here. It's rude, it's disrepectable, and it makes you a socially inept asshole if you can't even figure that. And that would be if you were actually good at reviewing - say, along the lines of the Review Crew or the like. They know their shit.
But you're not even that much - you're a fucking terrible reviewer, and shitty artist and an awful poster. Your few moments of acceptability that I'm seeing you pull from your arse don't make up for the bland crap that you spew out the entirety of the other time. That you've spent the better part of this page making excuses for your reviews makes it even worse.
Don't you tell me how to do what I do, because as far as I'm concerned, I already know how. You're the worst kind of hypocrite. If all people wanted was sugar and praise, they'd stick their artwork up on mummy's fridge.
Now go back to your hole and think about what you've done. I'm sick of you purifying the place.|Lintire, telling the perfect truth.}}

=Hiryu's Further Faggotry=
=Hiryu's Further Faggotry=
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As you might already know, Hiryu enjoys making [[Gay|gay]] journals that serve no sole purpose but to showcase his own stupidity and [[Fail|fail.]] [http://hiryugouki.newgrounds.com/news/] and [http://hiryugouki.deviantart.com/journal/] One such example of those is this jewel [http://hiryugouki.newgrounds.com/news/post/514242]: "''U wanna piece of me? Cause I'll give you more than you can chew. I'm Newgrounds to have fun, '''and there's nothing you can say, nothing you can do to get me off, for I am the [[Ego|Great HiryuGouki.]]''' I'm not gonna get offended anymore. If you wanna say something, fine. Go ahead. Be my guest. I don't give a flying fuck!''" But of course, the two replies that was left were less than [[Fail|stellar.]] 10JD: "JD10? are you fucking [[Dyslexia|dyslexic?"]] Martin: [[Lmao|"Lmao."]] They were met with [[Boring|generic]] 'comebacks'.
As you might already know, Hiryu enjoys making [[Gay|gay]] journals that serve no sole purpose but to showcase his own stupidity and [[Fail|fail.]] [http://hiryugouki.newgrounds.com/news/] and [http://hiryugouki.deviantart.com/journal/] One such example of those is this jewel [http://hiryugouki.newgrounds.com/news/post/514242]: "''U wanna piece of me? Cause I'll give you more than you can chew. I'm Newgrounds to have fun, '''and there's nothing you can say, nothing you can do to get me off, for I am the [[Ego|Great HiryuGouki.]]''' I'm not gonna get offended anymore. If you wanna say something, fine. Go ahead. Be my guest. I don't give a flying fuck!''" But of course, the two replies that was left were less than [[Fail|stellar.]] 10JD: "JD10? are you fucking [[Dyslexia|dyslexic?"]] Martin: [[Lmao|"Lmao."]] They were met with [[Boring|generic]] 'comebacks'.

[http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/File:Lame-journal-contest.png His most current DA journal as of June 5th, 2011] is composed of the weeaboo hosting a [[Auschwitz|contest.]] And yes, [[Sad|it's for real.]] Only two comments as of late have seemed to be left on the journal entry, and it also seems that [[lolwut|only one]] actually has entered something in the "contest". Why even one person would bother is [[WHAT|beyond me, and beyond others.]] Fucking faggot.
[[:File:Lame-journal-contest.png|His most current DA journal as of June 5th, 2011]] is composed of the weeaboo hosting a [[Auschwitz|contest.]] And yes, [[Sad|it's for real.]] Only two comments as of late have seemed to be left on the journal entry, and it also seems that [[lolwut|only one]] actually has entered something in the "contest". Why even one person would bother is [[WHAT|beyond me, and beyond others.]] Fucking faggot.

Then, in July a crybaby [[Schizophrenia|schizophrenic]] [[Bitch|chick]] made a whiny thread concerning [[Cancer|Roger Ebert.]] Hiryu decided he would [[Disease|further embarrass himself]] and posted two comments that don't make any [[Fuck|fucking sense whatsoever.]] [http://comments.deviantart.com/18/1617289/2083358047] Which is hilarious, for if the latter sentence was actually true, he would be a [[Irony|fucking fantastic artist.]]
Then, in July a crybaby [[Schizophrenia|schizophrenic]] [[Bitch|chick]] made a whiny thread concerning [[Cancer|Roger Ebert.]] Hiryu decided he would [[Disease|further embarrass himself]] and posted two comments that don't make any [[Fuck|fucking sense whatsoever.]] [http://comments.deviantart.com/18/1617289/2083358047] Which is hilarious, for if the latter sentence was actually true, he would be a [[Irony|fucking fantastic artist.]]
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[[File:10jd_the-sir-en.jpg|thumb|right|The "Sir"en by 10JD]]
[[File:10jd_the-sir-en.jpg|thumb|right|The "Sir"en by 10JD]]

Then, around the same time, a troll named 10JD decided it would be amusing to [[commission|commission]] Hiryu with drawings portraying his characters as [[shemale|shemales.]] People flocked to 10JD's page and many hailed him as an [[Hero|hero,]] however when Hiryu saw the drawings, he became extremely [[butthurt|butthurt]] and posted shit like how 10JD was simply jealous that 'Calypso had a bigger dick than he ever would'. Of course, 10JD simply retorted with the [[Epic|epic]] comeback: "So your not denying that shes a shemale?" Hiryu has not replied to that question as of late because [[Fail|he does not know how to.]]
Then, around the same time, a troll named 10JD decided it would be amusing to [[commission|commission]] Hiryu with drawings portraying his characters as [[shemale|shemales.]] People flocked to 10JD's page and many hailed him as a [[Hero|hero,]] however when Hiryu saw the drawings, he became extremely [[butthurt|butthurt]] and posted shit like how 10JD was simply jealous that 'Calypso had a bigger dick than he ever would'. Of course, 10JD simply retorted with the [[Epic|epic]] comeback: "So your not denying that shes a shemale?" Hiryu has not replied to that question as of late because [[Fail|he does not know how to.]]

Various artists have come forward asking the now famed troll to draw more pictures of Hiryu's anatomically-incorrect females, however as HIRYU WAS SUCH A [[Pussy|PUSSY]] THAT [[Bawww|HE REPORTED 10JD TO THE MODERATORS,]] 10JD cannot do so. How selfish of him! Of course, 10JD was not the only artist to make shemales of Hiryugouki's characters, but he was the only one not to have them removed from Newgrounds. Probably because 10JD [[Fellatio|blew]] the moderator in charge of submission deletion that day.
Various artists have come forward asking the now famed troll to draw more pictures of Hiryu's anatomically-incorrect females, however as HIRYU WAS SUCH A [[Pussy|PUSSY]] THAT [[Bawww|HE REPORTED 10JD TO THE MODERATORS,]] 10JD cannot do so. How selfish of him! Of course, 10JD was not the only artist to make shemales of Hiryugouki's characters, but he was the only one not to have them removed from Newgrounds. Probably because 10JD [[Fellatio|blew]] the moderator in charge of submission deletion that day.

==No, Insults do NOT Make a Critique!==
==No, Insults do NOT Make a Critique!==
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Oh, and he's [[buttsecks|dating]] a revoltingly ugly frog named Hillary McFarland.
Oh, and he's [[buttsecks|dating]] a revoltingly ugly frog named Hillary McFarland. '''Update as of Summer 2012:''' They have broken up.

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File: Stop-this-faggotry.png|This comment was promptly hidden the next day, but still caused mass lols.
File: Stop-this-faggotry.png|This comment was promptly hidden the next day, but still caused mass lols.
File:HiryuGouki_DA_troll.png|The trollin' begins.
File:HiryuGouki_DA_troll.png|The trollin' begins.
File:Hg avatar lulz.jpg|Try suing someone who [[An hero|doesn't exist]]. Lulz ensured.


It is obvious that he is still entirely [[butthurt]] by the criticism he has gotten from other deviants and NGers alike, and has not learned to take the heat. He pretends to allow to be critiqued now, but still replies to criticism with the same old series of sadfaces and attempts at getting pity. This is proof that, regardless of the fact that he is trying to prove to others that his art have grown and matured, he still does not listen to even the nicest of nice criticism.  Congratulations, Hiryu.  You win [[internets]].
==Years Later==
Over the years, Hiryugouki has changed his name [[Over 9000|Over 5 Times]] thinking everyone would forget about [[LOL|him]]. Let's start, shall we? First we have Kiwi-Punch then Sincomixxx which consisted of [[Shit|erotic art]] then that changed into Tony-G-Steele which is now TheClassyButler.
The [[Weeaboo|kid]] seems to not fucking get it. No matter how many times you change your name, you're still the HiryuGouki that we all loathe and hate. Now let's go through the usernames one by one.
The [[Faggot|great anime artist]] decided to rebrand himself since he pretty much tainted his name with so much asswiping and [[BAWWWWW|self public shaming]] that running around with that name on the internet became unsustainable. Did that help him at all? NO!

As Kiwi-Punch, he still retained his [[LOL|qualities]] as a [[Dumbass|great artist]]. His threads are even more [[Whine|funny]] than they were before.
Kiwi is convinced that lying to a girl will guarantee him [[Sex|a girlfriend]] which is utter bullshit.

==See Also==
==See Also==
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* [[Weaboo]]
* [[Weaboo]]

The pictures are linked to his page; so just use that instead.
==External Links==
* [http://hiryugouki.deviantart.com His old DevianTART Account]
* [http://theclassybutler.deviantart.com His new DevianTART Account]
* [http://dragonpunch.newgrounds.com/ His Newgrounds Account.] Note: Sometime around last Tuesday, he has successfully gotten his username changed.
Anonymous user

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