Call of Duty: WWII: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{stub}} '''Call of Duty: WWII''', also known as '''"Another WWII Game But 10 Years Later So It's Okay I Guess"''' is Activision's latest attempt to satisfy the raging cesspool ...")
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== Campaign ==
== Campaign ==

Let's put it this way, the game isn't even out yet but we already know the story. You play as some American recruit who gets thrown on a landing craft that of course, takes you to none other than fucking Normandy Beach. Simply put you shoot some krauts, try not to step on a Bouncing Betty, follow your objectives, and eventually end up at some climactic battle where everybody fucking dies but you save the day and become an hero because that's just how shit works.
<s>Let's put it this way, the game isn't even out yet but we already know the story.</s> We basically called it. You play as some American recruit who gets thrown on a landing craft that of course, takes you to none other than fucking Normandy Beach. Simply put you shoot some krauts, try not to step on a Bouncing Betty, follow your objectives, and eventually end up at some climactic battle where everybody fucking dies but you save the day and become an hero because that's just how shit works.

== Multiplayer ==
== Multiplayer ==

Gee I don't know, how about play fucking [[Call of Duty: World at War|World at War]] again and see how much of difference there is?
<s>Gee I don't know, how about play fucking [[Call of Duty: World at War|World at War]] again and see how much of difference there is?</s> Oh actually, there a pretty big difference; CoD WWII makes World at War look like the fucking Citizen Kane of the series. For all of World at War's shit, it stayed relatively true to it's core material, gloss over hauling a seven foot long AT rifle around but it looked and if you were high, felt like World War II. CoD WWII throws all that shit right out the window in the name of apparently appeasing butthurt SJWs and feminists and basically slapping together weapons that function nothing like their actual counterparts. While the campaign is apparently sticking close to what World War II was, Sledgehammer said they're dumbing down the historical aesthetic to appeal to wider audience which goes right in line of previous CoDs and their weed filled, rainbow camouflage cesspools. This makes sense since CoD has long established itself in recent years as a martyr of bullshit so it's a little much expecting a franchise whose past two entries first took you to an candy colored wannabe cyberpunk shoot em' up and then to space immediately after that to do World War II justice. Leave it to dumbass CoD fans though to suddenly act like they give a shit about historical accuracy even though a large portion of them probably aren't even past 7th grade yet. Surely Activision believes them to be a bastion of fair criticism and will reward them with a supply drop or some shit as compensation for their troubles.
TL;DR- Sledgehammer made a tremendously shitty game.
Basically, WWII scraps literally everything that made CoD multiplayer what it was for the past decade. Instead of creating classes, you pick from a bunch of divisions with fixed "perks" and literally fuck all customization.

=== Weapons ===
=== Weapons ===
Being that this is World War II you can expect to see real weapons in this game unless liberal butthurt somehow overcame historical accuracy. Since the game isn't out yet, this what we can probably expect.
You've got real guns in the game this time, however none of them behave in the way you'd expect them to and it kind of kills the experience for people who enjoyed other World War II games before this sack of shit arrived. Oddly enough, they were all much better in the Beta so you can only imagine what kind of drugs they do at Sledgehammer to fuck that up.

===== Submachine Guns =====
===== Submachine Guns =====
Literally this was the fucking SMG war.
Literally this was the fucking SMG war.
*'''MP40:''' If it's anything like it's World at War version, the inclusion of other guns is pointless.
*'''M3 Grease Gun:''' Stamped out of sheetmetal and will probably fall apart. This gun is a slow piece of shit that takes too many shots to kill. Literally only use it if you absolutely must.
*'''Thompson:''' High rate of fire .45 SMG for people who have mobster fantasies.  
*'''PPSh-41:''' Fires about a fraction of the speed it should but is still one of the most solid guns in the game and rips people new assholes up close.
*'''M3 Grease Gun:''' Not much to say about it other than it only looks slightly more durable than the Sten. Slighty.
*'''Type 100:''' Japanese SMG that hardly kicks, but hardly punches either. You have to drain like half a mag into a guy only for him to turn around and blast you with a sniper rifle.
*'''Sten:''' Britbong SMG built out of steel pipes and too much gin. Looks like it will explode on a trigger pull.
*'''Waffe-28:''' Really called the MP-28, and it works nothing like it's overpowered as fuck version in Infinite Warfare. Basically functions like the PPSh should; ass clenchingly high rate of fire but the effective range of a cough.
*'''PPSh-41:''' A Russian SMG that shoots un-fuckingbelievably fast and can be equipped with a huge ass drum to shower targets in lulz.
*'''M1928:''' High rate of fire .45 SMG for people who have mobster fantasies. Basically performs a lot like the Waffe but little bit less autistic. Just use the PPSh instead.
*'''Type-100:''' Gook SMG that's probably going to be the most unused gun in the entire game.
*'''MP-40:''' Surprisingly not mindfuckingly overpowered. It's actually just really average in this game and the PPSh might serve better in some situations. So in other words, good fucking riddance.
*'''MAB-38:''' Italian. It's really going to suck isn't it?

===== Shotguns =====
===== Shotguns =====
Fucking gib them.
Fucking gib them.
*'''M1897 Trench Gun:''' Likely to be the only shotgun worth using in the whole game unless they add the same shit Battlefield 1 has along with it.
*'''Combat Shotgun:''' Basically the only usable shotgun in the whole game. Pull the trigger and whoever is in front of you dies. Simple.
*'''Double Barreled Shotgun:''' Literally shit tier.
*'''M30 Luftwaffe Drilling:''' Double barrel shotgun that more often than not, takes two shots to kill at point blank range. To compensate, has a party trick that basically allows you to single load sniper rounds into it. Pretty stupid.
*'''Automatic 5:''' Spam tastic semi auto shotgun. Probably fucking piss damage.
*'''Toggle Action:''' Originally completely useless, this fucking thing feels more like the Reaver or the post buff 205 Brecci now that Sledgehammer recognized how terrible it was, and of course made it too fucking powerful as a result.
*'''Model 1887:''' They have no reason to include this thing other than cool factor. Okay fine, whatever.
*'''Sawed-Off Shotgun:''' Basically pointless. Take the M30 and give it worse range and no rifle barrel ability. This gun sucks.
*'''Model 12:''' Another pump action. Who gives a shit.
*'''Ithaca 37:''' Also known as the '''Stakeout'''.

===== Self Loading Rifles =====
===== Rifles =====
Because bolt actions require too much fucking skill.
Depending on the map, a bolt action is actually more effective.
*'''M1 Garand:''' Ping. That is all.
*'''M1941:''' Basically what the FG-42 should have been. High rate of fire and fuckloads of jittery ass recoil. Most SMGs are more effective than this hunk of shit.
*'''Gewehr 43:''' German rifle that will undoubtedly be used by every single camping fuckface in the game.
*'''M1 Garand:''' PING! Long ass effective range and kills in two shots, now with the advantage of not having to empty the clip in order to reload like in Black Ops III and Infinite Warfare. Fuck this gun.
*'''SVT-40:''' See above by make it undoubtedly more Russian.
*'''STG-44''': The Kraut's death dealing assault rifle of choice. Basically works like the ACR but with less damage. Most noobs will frequent this gun because of how little skill it takes to use.
*'''M1 Carbine:''' Lightweight but does fuck all damage.
*'''M1A1 Carbine:''' This gun is massive piece of shit. Take away any advantage you had with the M1 Garand and you're left with a semi-auto that shoots fucking nerf darts at targets.
*'''PTRS-41:''' Monsterous seven foot long Russian anti-tank rifle which will undoubtedly be used as a Barrett .50 cal substitute.
*'''FG-42:''' It's like Sledgehammer just drew the weapon traits for these guns out of hat. Shoots slow as fuck but deals fairly high damage. Perfect for camping like a bitch.
*'''BAR:''' Once immensely overpowered, this gun is really only average now. Relatively low recoil with a high fire rate and high damage.  
*'''SVT-40:''' CTRL-C, CTRL-V of the M1 Garand but with two extra bullets. Okay fine. Why the hell not.

===== Bolt Action Rifles =====
===== Sniper Rifles =====
Quickscope like it's 1945.
Quickscope like it's 1945.
*'''Springfield:''' American bolt action rifle. Whoopdee fucking doo.
*'''Karabin:''' Basically a copy paste of the Drakon from Black Ops III. As you would expect, it's made of complete hax.
*'''Mosin-Nagant:''' Revered Russian rifle that nearly every gun enthusiast will cream themselves over it's inclusion.
*'''Lee-Enfield:''' Commonly used by low level sniper tryhards on their way to the Kar98k. Consistently kills in one shot from the torso up and has handling characteristics that make it more suited for run and gun action.  
*'''Kar98k:''' German bolt action rifle which is likely indistinguishable from the others.
*'''M1903:''' More damage than the Lee-Enfield; kills from the waist up but worse handling. Not like it matters since it's so easy to snipe in this game you can get away with anything really.
*'''Arisaka:''' Another gook gun that nobody is going to fucking use.
*'''Kar98k:''' Basically the Lee-Enfield but with faster ADS time and magazine loading. It's hard to go a round without some faggot just completely mopping up with this thing.
*'''SMLE:''' Britfag bolt action rifle. Jolly good.
*'''PTRD-41:''' See the PTRS but make it single loading and just as fucking ridiculous.

===== Machine Guns =====
===== Light Machine Guns =====
Gun down the masses.
Gun down the masses.
*'''Browning M1919:''' .30 caliber American machine gun. It's spam-tastic.
*'''Lewis:''' Why not the Browning? Literally only here because of Battlefield 1.
*'''MG42:''' German machine gun infamous for it's fucking ridiculous rate of fire. Set up a bipod and and watch the limbs go flying.
*'''MG15:''' Never will be as good or cool as the MG42. Has shit damage so you'll get outgunned by basically anything at close range.
*'''BAR:''' Slow ass rate of fire and a small clip but hits hard as fuck to compensate.
*'''Bren:''' Statistically, is basically just copy pasted over from the Gorgon. Shoots slow as fuck and deals a fuckton of damage but you'll just get outgunned by a sniper rifle anyways.
*'''Bren MK2:''' You can tell it's British by the way they mounted the fucking magazine.
*'''MG42:''' Shoots slower than it should but still runs out of ammo as soon as you pull the trigger. That being said, run extended mags and watch as you rack up multi-kills from across the map.
*'''FG-42:''' German battle rifle with a stupid high rate of fire but a need to constantly fucking reload due to the small ammo capacity.
*'''DP-28:''' Russian LMG with a spinning metal pancake on top.
*'''STG-44''': The Kraut's death dealing assault rifle of choice. Kicks a fuckton but drops faggots dead at considerable range.

===== Sidearms =====
===== Sidearms =====
Because your bolt action sucks ass up close.
Completely useless shit.
*'''M1911:''' If they didn't include this gun Americunts would probably riot.
*'''1911:''' If they didn't include this gun, Americunts would probably riot. More powerful than the Luger. That's literally all there is to it.
*'''Luger P08:''' Classy as fuck German pistol.
*'''P08:''' Classy as fuck German pistol that takes an entire mag to kill someone. Sidearms are basically useless in this game anyways so fuck it.
*'''Walther P38:''' Basically a less cool version of the Luger. Who gives a shit.
*'''Machine Pistol:''' The fully automatic M712 Mauser. Has basically no ammo and is pretty fucking useless without extended mags, like most guns in this game.
*'''Nambu:''' Looks like a shit tier Luger clone built by the gooks. Nobody will use it.
*'''Tokerev TT-33:''' Russian pistol that will undoubtedly be the best balanced of all the sidearms in the game.
*'''C96 Mauser''': Old ass German pistol. Because the the fuck not.
*'''S&W 27''': .357 Magnum revolver that kills in two shots at the expense of having wrist snapping recoil.

===== Launchers =====
===== Launchers =====
Allahu ackbar.
Now restricted to a basic training perk so every asshole doesn't use them.  
*'''Panzerschreck:''' Big ass German rocket launcher with a huge fucking shield that takes up your whole screen.
*'''Panzerschreck:''' Big ass German rocket launcher with a huge fucking shield that takes up your whole screen.
*'''M1 Bazooka:''' This thing practically speaks for itself. Blow shit up the old fashioned way.
*'''M1 Bazooka:''' This thing practically speaks for itself. Blow shit up the old fashioned way.
*'''Panzerfaust:''' Single shot disposable piece of shit rocket launcher. Who the fuck cares.

===== Other =====
===== Other Shit =====
*'''M2 Flamethrower:''' Perfect for roasting Japs and Krauts alike in their own bunkers.
*'''Flamethrower:''' Perfect for roasting fuckers running around with shotguns or SMGs. Watch as you get sniped as soon as you pull it out.
*'''US Shovel:''' Since CoD has basically abandoned having a knife a equipped at all times, you have the option of using a fucking shovel as a secondary. 90% of the time, there's some faggot running around the side of the map whacking people to death in one hit with this thing.

==Related Articles==
==Related Articles==
*''[[Call of Duty: World at War]]'' - The same game.
*''[[Call of Duty: World at War]]'' - The same game.
*''[[Battlefield 1942]]'' - The same game.
*''[[Battlefield|Battlefield 1942]]'' - The same game.
*''[[Medal of Honor]]'' - The same game.
*''[[Medal of Honor]]'' - The same game.
*''[[Company of Heroes]]'' - The same game.

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