Godlike Productions: Difference between revisions

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{| class="boilerplate" id="pd" style="background-color:000000; border:2px solid #000000; margin:.1em auto .1em auto;"
| [[Image:Miltopia.png|100px]]
| style="padding:10px;" | <span style="color:blue; font-size:larger; font-weight:bold;">CONSPIRACY THEORIES ARE [[Forced Meme|FORCED MEMES]] IN REAL LIFE</span><br/>'''And they will be reported, discussed, and broadcast by the same mass media outlets over and over again until you believe them.'''
[[Image:GLPJews.jpg|thumb|Common Jewish tactics employed by GLP.]]
[[Image:Conspiracy Theory - 3.jpg|thumb|The [[NWO]] isn't coming, it's already here. The Mayans knew their shit.]]
[[Image:Chips.JPG|thumb|Reptilians are the ruling elite.]]
<center>The God of GLP, warning the public.</center>
Godlike Productions, the self-described hub for the [[Asspies|Lunatic Fringe]], is a forum for paranoid and [[Assburgers|mentally disturbed individuals]]. In reality, [[Facts|Godlike Productions is a government run site filled with disinformation and is used to track anyone who knows the]] [[lies|truth]], anyone posting this fact will be permabanned.
==See Also==
[[Image:Its a conspiracy.jpg|thumb|right]]
* [[2012]]
* [[Above Top Secret]]
* [[Alex Jones]]
* [[Elvis Presley]]
* [[FOIA]]
* [[Jews did WTC]]
* [[Reptoids]]
* [[Drug|Sniffing Model Airplane Glue]]
* [[Truthism.com]]
* [[Worldwide Masonic Conspiracy]]
* [[Xee-A Twelve]]
==External Links==
* [http://www.amkon.net/ Tell them you are from here]
* [http://www.abovetopsecret.com/ Get your daily load of bullshit here.]
* [http://www.coasttocoastam.com/ If that's not enough, it's popular on the radio too.]
* [http://jewswtc.ytmnd.com/ All the proof you will ever need.]
* [http://www.judenfrei.org/jews-did-911 It was a jew job.]
* [http://www.crystalinks.com/roswell.html Roswell info.]
* [http://vigilantcitizen.com/ Pop Music, Vaccines and buildings.]
[[Category:Drama-generating techniques]]

Revision as of 20:09, 20 February 2012

And they will be reported, discussed, and broadcast by the same mass media outlets over and over again until you believe them.
Common Jewish tactics employed by GLP.
The Worldwide Masonic Conspiracy isn't coming, it's already here. The Mayans knew their shit.
Reptilians are the ruling elite.

The God of GLP, warning the public.

Godlike Productions, the self-described hub for the Lunatic Fringe, is a forum for paranoid and mentally disturbed individuals. In reality, Godlike Productions is a government run site filled with disinformation and is used to track anyone who knows the truth, anyone posting this fact will be permabanned.

See Also

External Links

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