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He is known for harassing people and banning them for no reason (usually having to do with that person not wanting to suck his [[cock]] dry or eat out his character's vagina). He attempts to incite pity at times where normal people would clearly see him as ass-backwards idiotic.  
He is known for harassing people and banning them for no reason (usually having to do with that person not wanting to suck his [[cock]] dry or eat out his character's vagina). He attempts to incite pity at times where normal people would clearly see him as ass-backwards idiotic.  

[[Image:Hislife.jpg|thumb|What he spends his time on.]]
Something to know about MochironMan is that he is constantly looking for [[dick]]. The whole reason he took over HotelFurry was to get laid. One would think that someone this fucking weird wouldn't be able to manage getting this chatroom well known, let alone get some, but believe it or not, there are people [[retarded|dumb]] enough out there to bow down and follow this guy's whim because he says so. But then again, dragons are [[Stephen Colbert|pretty damn scary.]]  Kyle considers him to be a [[troll]] and trolls for trolls sake alone, but he is known to be a disgrace troll for he brings nothing but shame to the true trolls all over the world.
Kyle is often seen in the chatroom seeking out innocent young [[gay]] boys to [[rape|be intimate and loving with.]] When these boys resist, his vaginal opening does not take it well. This usually results in him either pissing his pants and banning the person in question, or continuing to act the exact same way, because at that stage he will have convinced himself that they're just playing [[no|hard-to-fuck.]] More often than not, these people are harassed by his ever-present hardon. When not trying to get every other attractive boy to [[buttsex|bend over]], he's stomping around the chatroom, watching out for fresh [[cock|meat]]. He attempts to pass off the room as a gateway for communication between the [[furfags]] of DeviantArt, but in the end, it all comes down to a need for sex.  He's also whining, moaning and complaining about how much he hates his computer and he's always browsing NewEgg and making computer part lists so he can "build" a new one.  Computer parts are like puzzle pieces to him, he's to fucking dumb to know which piece goes into which without having to watch a [[YouTube]] tutorial.  Beware, Kyle means srs business if he uses multiple emoticons and icons.
What a catch.


Revision as of 01:07, 14 September 2011

Note: Hot stuff. Yes, that's his house in the background.

MochironMan (also known as Kyle) is synonymous with many things: a homosexual, transgender, furfag that has No Life, and many others. But the term most linked to him is douchebag. Like many deviantArtlets, Kyle has a habit of investing his time in peculiar things. For this man, it is computers and trying to rape other people with his female anthropomorphic characters. Some of his favorite art includes pictures of dripping vaginas and other bits of art that only he can get a hard on from.

MochironMan, as he calls himself on dA, is one of those tartlets who molests his way into peoples good graces, so it would only make sense that in his chatroom, if you wish to join, one of his rules is to add him to your deviantArt watch list and prepare to get fucked. And if you don't, BANHAMMER AHOY. His main reason for taking over furry chats was to get a butt buddy, and is notorious for making people he speaks to very uncomfortable. Part of this may lie in the fact that he very closely resembles a little girl with a tiny cock, and can be seen hunting for sex behind gas stations and craigslist when he's not online chatting up teh sexii boiz. He is much like Dragoneer in the sense that he has a huge ego, and is relentless in pursuing whatever piece of ass has caught his eye.

His is also like Zaush in the sense that he is a disgusting, creepy fuck of a man. He also labors under the delusion that he is a sexy Dragon Fuck.

He is known for harassing people and banning them for no reason (usually having to do with that person not wanting to suck his cock dry or eat out his character's vagina). He attempts to incite pity at times where normal people would clearly see him as ass-backwards idiotic.



Attempting to troll.

MochironMan is not only famous for being a rapist, but enjoys being such a huge hypocrite as well. Kyle can be found running his mouth about something or someone behind their back or discussing it with his cum guzzling derp whore, Ryu-chu and that they truly mean nothing to him. It's funny that in the screen cap (shown to the right of the screen) he talks about how an ex-friend of his complains that "90% of furfags are whores and looking for a cheap fuck", and yet he himself is found scourging the playgrounds for young tots to take home and force to play with his dragon pussy.

Kyle is also known for idling 95% of the time in his chat and complaining about how his mods sit and idle as well. Kyle believes in picking moderators that are good at their jobs and not close friends when everyone of them in his chat are his close friends and do nothing but sit and idle while Kyle goes off to play his video games or have a quick wank to some porn and then bitches and moans about no one doing work and talks shit about them behind their backs before forcing them down onto all fours to service his pussy or cock depending on his mood before forcing them to promote new users to the various furfag privclasses.


His Crafts


dA Life

Kyle in 30 years.

When I have spare time (which is a lot lol.)


—Kyle of his ass permanently planted in front of the computer

Kyle is a fucking DeviantArt ADDICT. He'd proud of this, as he spends his day in the following manner:

  • Sleep-10% (Doubled in Hibernation Season)
  • Eat-2%
  • Cock/Pussy Hunting-17%
  • Gaming-15%
  • Internet-56%

As you can see, his life is full of enriching experiences that will surely be a joy to look back on. Surely his grandchildren will gather at his feet to hear of the amazing tales of his teenager years and life thereafter, but only if he manages to find a steady fuckbuddy and manages to leave his computer long enough to go to an adoption agency. And that'd also be if his own children would want to leave their own kids alone with him.

See Also


MochironMan is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

MochironMan is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.