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{{Spoilers|Mighty Number Nine is a [[shit|Mighty Number two]]}}
This page proves ED staff and it's members are dwelling in the goddamn past
[[File:Beckisgonnabebig.jpg|250px|thumb|Yep, you and ''[[Duke Nukem Forever]]'' both. If robots could [[BAWWW|cry]], you'd be [[#Masterclass trailer|an anime fan on prom night]].]]
'''''Mighty No. 9''''' is a [[Mega Man]] ripoff made by the creator of Mega Man, [[bukkake|Keiji Inafune]], after [[Capcom]] kicked him out for dragging the Mega Man franchise through the mud.  It raised over $4,000,000, and after years of delays has finally been released for PCs and consoles.  Some fanboys were so [[orgasm|excited]] they donated ten fucking thousand dollars out of their child's college fund, which leads one to wonder why [[Manchild|manchildren]] are allowed to play with money. The $10,000 Kickstarter pledge reward gives Inafune the honor of eating dinner with these undoubtedly handsome and cultured gentlemen.
For all their trouble, the funders got in exchange a shitty [[ripoff]] that was temporarily taken over by a [[feminazi]] [[whore]] who only got a job there by fucking someone, and who quickly tried to change the main character into her own [[self-insert]], banned paying members from getting updates and told them to fuck themselves if they want their money back (they got it back anyway).
It was released in Japan and North America on June 21, 2016, (Europe and other Third World countries got three extra days to cancel their purchase), to a [[pathetic|glowing]] [http://www.metacritic.com/search/all/Mighty%20no.%209/results 50% - 60% score (depending on platform) on Metacritic] with "mediocre" and "lackluster" being the most common adjectives used to describe it.
By taking his idea to Kickstarter, Keiji ensured that he would not have to seek traditional investors that would make selfish demands such as a cut of the profits.  Instead, he took it to the Internet, where he could instead call the investors "[[retards|donators]]" and repay them with stickers, fanart, a super speshul forum, and assigning them with their very own ''numbers''. You read that right. The pledge reward is a glorified DMV ticket. Inafune is clearly attempting to ascend himself to the highest pantheon of all Jewdom.
===Your donation===
[[File:Might Number 2.jpg|right|325px|<!--She'd still be boring even if she had tits, but feminist think those are very bad! She certainly isn't a "Mega Woman" and not even Mega Man would do her. - I don't know what the fuck this retard is trying to say-->]]
* '''$5''' - Keiji and his girlfriend Dina will present you with your DMV ticket.
* '''$20''' - Dina will check your privilege.
* '''$40''' - A game manual so you may check your privilege without Dina's help.
* '''$120''' - A printed copy of Dina's DeviantArt page.
* '''$250''' - Personalized privilege check by Dina herself.
* '''$500''' - Help design a level map other than the kitchen.
* '''$10000''' - Keiji and Dina will laugh at your broke ass over dinner.
===''Stretch'' goals===
* '''$2,000,000''' - Dina will shove a Wiimote controller into Keiji's anus.
* '''$3,000,000''' - Dina will shove a Wii U controller into Keiji's anus.
* '''$4,000,000''' - Dina will shove a Wii U and 6 games into Keiji's anus, then tie one end of a mile long rope of anal beads to a telephone pole, insert the rest of the length into Keiji, and then make him squat inside a tire and roll down Mt. Fuji.
===Psst... it's a scam===
A list of all the shit they gypped backers out of. BET THE DOCUMENTARY IS STILL BEING MADE!
<center>'''A receipt for how much "BECKERS" got fucked.'''</center><br />
===Scam Round 2: Animated Series===
[[File:Mighty No 9 TAS.jpg|thumb|Notice the female robot. Aka the lead character.]]
[[File:Extragamergate.jpg|thumc|right|250px|More proof Dina sleeps around to get ahead.]]
Before anyone has actually seen the game, Inafune is already trying to milk the franchise for all the donations he can get. This time he is begging for money in order to create a television show. And much to the delight of everyone,<s> all episodes will be approved by resident radfem Dina.</s>LOL NOPE
<center>{{frame|<youtube>h-6u8_G_J7I</youtube><br />|border=#006eac|background=#003C5F|margin=auto}}
'''Inafune begging for money for his growing [https://www.facebook.com/dina.aboukaram crackwhore] addiction'''</center><br />
<br />
'''{{colortext|#996600|For only $100,000 you get someone's kid to do the [[All Your Base Are Belong To Us|English]] voice acting}}'''<br />
'''{{colortext|#996600|For only $200,000 you get to pay an intern to do Japanese voices}}'''
===Scam Round 3: Return of the Delay===
If you ever wanted clear-cut proof that Inafune is a hack, who has no idea on how to make video games, look no further than how many times the abortion of a game has been delayed. {{archive|e01jE|In January 2016}}, yet another delay was announced, the reason being that somehow the Unreal3 engine doesn't support match-making. You would think that such an important aspect of the game would be discovered mere weeks before launch, if they actually knew what they were doing.
Because they blame it on the engine they are using no longer being updated, somehow creating issues. Odd, when it didn't create matchmaking issues for games such as ''Battleborn'', ''Blade & Soul'', ''Borderlands'', ''Gears of War'', ''Injustice: Gods Among Us'', ''Mortal Kombat X'', ''XCOM 2'' and many many many more. But no, the engine must just suck dicks, only explanation.
They could, of course, release the game on Steam as an updated beta, and fix the netcode later. But why bother, when they can just choose not to release the game at all?
==The game==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| Beck
| [[File:Beck.png|100px]]
| Mega Man
| The main character of ''Mighty No. 9'' is Beck, a [[recolor]] of Mega Man. Keiji Inafune based the character of Beck on Mega Man, who was designed by Akira Kitamura. Keiji tries to excuse this [[Art theft|blatant theft]] by saying he is the [[lie|creator of Mega Man]], despite the character's design existing before he joined Capcom. His only true claim to fame in the series is creating the character of Zero, and fetching Kitamura's slippers.
The character was later changed by his girlfriend to herself as a tranny dressed as Mega Man.
| Gregory Graham
| [[File:mr_graham.png|100px]]
| Count Zap
| Totally not the villain of the game. Very original character, that is exactly like Count Zap from the Battle Network games. Except this one wears a dark blue jacket instead of an olive green one.
| Dr. Sanda
| [[File:Dr_sanda.png|100px]]
| Dr. Light/Dr. Cossack
| Morbidly obese ripoff of Dr. Cossack, served by an army of underage loli androids. They made him the creator of Call (totally not Roll) so that incest will be avoided.
| Call
| [[File:call.png|100px]]
| Roll
| Boring bitch, and ripoff of Roll. Supposedly the love interest of Beck, but she is also said to have no emotions. Expect to see many r34 libraries with this slut. All they did was to change two letters of the name.
| Will White
| [[File:Dr_white.png|100px]]
| Dr. Light
| The game's rip off of Dr. Light. They just got straight up lazy when ripping off the characters at this point. They didn't even bother to come up with original names, instead they just rhymed Light with White and called it a day.
| Ray-chel
| [[File:Raychel.png|100px]]
| Zero
| 2edgy4u genderswapped Zero, [[PMS|constantly angry and flustered]].
| Dr. Blackwell
| Dr. Wily
| Trinity
| Mother ELF/Sigma Virus
The game was built on the [[Unreal Tournament|Unreal Engine 3]], so everyone was expecting lots of cell shading, copious amounts of [[lens flare]], and it looking like a side scrolling ''[[Guilty Gear|Guilty Gear Xrd]]'' (as you'll soon read, they weren't far off base).<br /><br />
<center>'''Only available footage at the time.'''</center><br />
Beta testers reported that it was shit.
<center>'''The special Demo is out. It's still shit.'''</center><br />
====Masterclass trailer====
{{Spoiler|Make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night}}
The only trailer more disliked than the [[Fembusters]] one. The fire effects look like low-polygon version of pizza. The announcer is an annoying 90's guy. The gameplay looks straight from one of the early Xbox 360 games from Xbox Live Arcade, that was shit out by in three months by people who also had to take care of their regular jobs.
=====So bad it got mocked by [[Sonic]]'s official Twitter=====
{{embedded tweet|https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/735638491636195328}}
==Feminists take over==
{{frame|[[File:MN9 Dina Original Fanart.jpg|image|500px]]|border=#006eac|background=white|margin=auto}}
<center>'''Where it all began.'''</center><br />
[[File:MN9 Dina Plushed.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Dina's iPhone game, [http://www.behance.net/gallery/Plushed-%28for-iPhone%29/7939681 Plushed].]]
A massive shitstorm ensued after Keiji hired a loud-mouthed feminist [[Powerword|Dina Abou Karam]], who had been spamming the forums with gender equality fanart (that, unsurprisingly, [[Narcissism|looked exactly like her]]), to lead both the community development and character design for the game.  This did not sit well with the [[fedora|fedora army]] that populated the boards, and they expressed their dismay by smearing Cheetos and belligerent ranting across the tubes.
<center>'''[[Y HELO THAR]]'''</center>
<div style="background:#fff;border:.5em solid #006eac;border-radius:.9em;width:575px;margin:0 auto;min-height:300px;text-align:center;">
<gallery mode="slideshow" style="margin:0 auto;">
File:MN9 Dina Tweet 05.png
File:MN9 Dina Tweet 04.png
File:MN9 Dina Tweet 03.png
File:MN9 Dina Tweet 02.png
File:MN9 Dina Tweet 01.png
Dina and her team of white knights responded in the most professional way possible, by editing the hate and pretending it never happened.  Clearly the cis scum did not understand the importance of strong, sexy gynoids who don't need no man.
[[File:MN9 Dina2.png|thumb|left|200px|Seems like a good idea.]]
After Dina was hired as Comcept's community manager the ''Mighty No. 9'' forums went up in flames. What can only be described as a shit supercell of arguments from the MN9 forums to [[v/|/v/]] about Dina's feminist views affecting development, her immeasurable incompetence as a community manager and human being in general, and her admission to not having an inkling of interest in the Mega Man series factoring into her position. With her practically owning the forums, dissenters were silenced and threads were locked left and right for so much as suggesting Dina couldn't do her fucking job, which she couldn't. Dina just kept on demonstrating her stupidity, inability to relate to the community, and abuse of her position. The fan rage was so massive that a large amount of donations were refunded, estimated to be in the tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fans of the project were continuing to catch wind of the incident after the fact, and donations continue to be withdrawn as the hurricane of disappoint, butthurt and drama showed no signs of slowing down.
====Wait, how did she even get the fucking job?====
[[File:MN9 videoresponse pastebin.png|thumb|200px|{{pastebin|vL7RnXbe|Anonymous response}} to the video on the left, picking apart every segment.]]
Since Dina has no skills, doesn't play or care about Mega Man or, in fact, any video games at all, many have asked: "Why the fuck is that cunt even working there?". Well, the answer to that may (not) surprise you.
According to her own facebook posts, "The only reason [she] got the job is because her BR works on the project".
After everyone gave her shit about it she changed her story, saying that "BF" stood for "Best Friend". However, even though speculation as to who this person is has not reached an answer, everyone is sure that just like [[Anita]], [[Zoe Quinn]] and [[m00t's GamerGate Sellout|m00t's new girlfriend]], the only reason she got ahead in anything is by [[slut|sleeping with someone]].
===Getting involved in [[GamerGate]]===
[[File:Comcept-mighty-no-9-refund-lawyer-letter.jpg|thumb|right|Letter sent to Comcept's lawyer trying to figure out how to fuck over donors who wanted their money back.]]
About a month after [[GamerGate]] started, Dina came to the rescue of her friend [[Zoe Quinn]] and decided to ban anyone who mention GamerGate. This included people who had actually donated money to her shitty game, which is funny because '''access to the forum was one of the prizes from donating in the first place'''. When the patrons complained, she told them to fuck off and called them misogynist nerds, believing there is nothing they can do about it.
She thought that if she doesn't give them a refund, there is no way they can get their money back. What she didn't know was that, while KickStarter and [[Paypal]] would help her steal from people, actual banks would not. All people had to do to get their money back was simply cancel the charge on their credit card.
{{frame|{{Template:scrollpic|Gamergatecrap21.png|500|300|'''How to get your money back'''}}|border=#006eac|background=#003C5F|margin=auto}}
{{cg|Refund pl0x|gal3|center|<gallery widths="175" heights="125">
File:MN9 Comment 18.jpg|We were promised professionals with decades of experience under their back, Ms. Dina admitted to not being a Mega Man player.
File:MN9 Comment 20.png|I think everyone is tired of social justice people forcing their ideology into every sphere of our lives.
File:Mn9 heavy01 long post 1.jpg|Becker Heavy01 shreds Dina's bullshit apart with a text canyon.
File:Mn9 heavy01 long post 2.png|Dina responds with her uncontrollable instinct to fuck things up worse than they already are.
</gallery>|<gallery widths="175" heights="125">
File:MN9 Comment 22.jpg|Another one bites the dust.
File:MN9 Comment 23.jpg|And another one gone.
File:MN9 Banned Memoriam.png|And another one gone.
File:MN9 Banned Email.png|Another one bites the dust.
File:MN9 Dina Forum Comment.jpg|Hai guise, Dina here.
File:MN9 Comment 21.png|Remember, if you can't come up with any valid defenses, just spout misogyny. That's always valid!
File:MN9 Comment 19.png|The ideas and concepts for the game that were listed while the Kickstarter ran was what I paid for, not for these new ideas.
File:MN9 Comment 01.png|This really is pathetic, hiring somebody like her just because her BF works there.
File:MN9 Comment 02.png|People are trying to hold the game hostage by asking for refunds.
File:MN9 Comment 03.png|Who the fuck is Dina, this is not the crap I sign up for complete waste of $156
File:MN9 Comment 04.png|I don't want any Anita Sarkeesian feminism all up in my Mega Man reboot.
File:MN9 Comment 05.png|I'd rather have backer money spent on someone who clearly knows what they're doing instead of some ridiculous SJW with no experience.
File:MN9 Comment 06.png|So the lady who spent an afternoon taking personal potshots at me in the Kickstarter comments now works for Comcept.
File:MN9 Comment 07.png|May I please have a refund?
File:MN9 Comment 08.png|Feminist propaganda and political agendas have no place in a sci-fi action platforming game.
File:MN9 Comment 09.png|She unlocked it, and deleted any incriminating Tweets.  Truly dishonest.
File:MN9 Comment 10.png|Dina hasn't even played a Mega Man game.  She hid that now.  How dishonest.
File:MN9 Comment 11.png|Oh, and could I have a refund please?
File:MN9 Comment 12.png|Damage control has begun.
File:MN9 Comment 13.png|The fanart is horrible why would you hire her?
File:MN9 Comment 14.png|This is the sort of introduction I would expect of a 12 year old to make on the Gaia Online forums.
File:MN9 Comment 15.png|Is Dina an anti-capitalist / communist?  Oh my god.
File:MN9 Comment 16.png|I honestly can't understand why an SJW was let on to the team.
File:MN9 Comment 17.png|Dina is known, and generally disliked for her incredibly biased views towards social justice in favor of women and transgendered LGBT community members.
===lol she got fired===
Long after it was already too late, Dina announced that she was quitting. Throughout the day she spammed her twitter with frantic accusations and [[Dubious Disclaimer|dubious denials]], claiming she quit (she was probably made to resign), blaming GamerGate, denying they had anything to do with it, telling them not to buy the game (she's still costing ''Mighty No. 9'' money even after they booted her), trying to minimize the damage they did by taking their money back and [[batshit|making insane claims to have laid a trap for them somewhere on twitter.]]
Her forced act of arrogance and superiority was quickly called out for its apparent fakeness, visible through the cracks caused to it by the bizarre frenzy with which she was putting it on, as well as the fact that, no matter how she tries to play it off, she still got shitcanned.
[[File:Dina is canned.png|center]]
Dina later went on to announce she's quitting the industry. The official reasons for her resigning/ragequitting/getting fired are unclear, but the reasons for her having ZERO business being a community manager in the first place are well detailed in [http://techraptor.net/content/takeaway-mighty-no-9s-former-community-manager this excellent article by TechRaptor], which explains how a community manager is supposed to ensure healthy relations between the fans and developers rather than create ''hostility'' between them, which is exactly what Dina did.
{{Morphquote|mq|background-color:white;{{roundy|.9em}}background-color:white;border:.5em solid #006eac;height:30em;margin:0 auto;|font-weight:bold;
|3. When my dad is away, i like to sleep in his place, next to my mom. it makes me feel like a child again, safe if you may. :XD:
|Dina Abou Karam, {{wayback|http://petitemistress.deviantart.com/|20070223214844|title=Age 19}}
|<span style{{=}}"font-size:75%;">I support Mighty No. 9 wholeheartedly, but I cannot agree with bringing in a SJW to the team. If she has any influence on the projects quality, I will be demanding a refund, regardless of whether or not it is possible to receive one.<br /><br />Dina is known, and generally disliked for her incredibly biased views towards social justice in favor of women and transgendered LGBT community members, often times criticizing anything that does not fit in to this category. I want her fired. I really do, but I understand if that is too much. I do not, however, think it too much to ask she not have any impact on the game's development and design choices.</span>|[http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/18655948 Eric Bickerdyke]
|Personally, I'm now very glad that I had all my spare money locked in other investments, when the Kickstarter was running. Meh, I have always loved Mega Man, ever since I was little.... :/ I guess it is a dream never to come true that games like Mega Man, and as good as Mega Man, will come back, anytime soon. :/ I kind of knew this project had to be too good to be true.... {{=}}_{{=}}|[http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt247243.html Beauty_pact]
|<span style{{=}}"font-size:66%;">Honestly, this is an absolute train wreck for this game. Mega Man is on the level of a freaking cult for many people, it's their history, their heritage, and their childhood. it's honestly sickening to me that something like this has happened, and even more so that drastic action hasn't been taken by the heads of this company to at least try to rectify the problem before it gets any worse. It's perfectly fine for her to have her own opinions and views, yet when it gets in the way of her job, which is to create a game and a successor to Mega Man, so that she can push her own ideological agenda, that's when it crosses all kinds of lines. Even one person with this agenda can completely ruin a game such as this, and i personally have lost almost all faith in this game's development for this very reason.</span>|[http://angryjoeshow.com/ajsa/topic/10718-fans-questioning-future-of-mighty-no-9/ ProfessorOaked]
==The big day==
{{quote|[[False|It's better than nothing.]]|Keiji Inafune}}
As expected, it sucked. People correctly pointed out that the graphics were PS2-era, the controls were clunky and the game could be completed in [http://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=14197 3-5 hours], so it was [[No|completely worth the $4 million on Kickstarter]]. Despite having graphics that were out of date ten years ago, the frame rate still suffers on all platforms. Yes, you can expect 10 fps in a game that looks like it came out of a toaster. The load times are abysmal going up to almost a minute. And you can shoot in one direction, whereas enemies can shoot in any direction they please. 
Insanely, the developers believed this was going to be a big hit with its own cartoon series and a sequel, despite the fact that the amount of times it has been pushed back has almost become a meme, and that they managed to alienate the most hardcore Mega Man fan. Even the largely corrupt game review websites couldn't say this was a good game, most giving it a 5/10, 3 points for being like an anime fan on prom night, and the other 2 for the two pizzas they got bribed by.<br />
<center>[[File:MN9 Reviews.jpg|500px]]</center><br />
And this game is somehow more expensive than the ''Mega Man Legacy Collection''.
===So in summary===
<center>[[File:Sonic Twitter Dunking On MN9.jpg|600px]]</center>
==Inafune lying about DLC==
On a Twitch livestream, Inafune said the now infamous words "It's Better Than Nothing". But not before lying right out of his rice-infested teeth.
{{quote|The reality is they put everything into making this game.. They didn’t try to microtransaction it out, they didn’t try to DLC it out for extra money. They put it all in.|http://archive.is/nTBFE|Inafune}}<br />
<center>[[File:Mighty No 9 DLC.jpg|600px]]<br />
<big>{{archive|nJnQC|Then what the fuck is this?}}</big></center><br />
Yes, Inafune the conman actually lied straight into your face, like it was no big deal.
{{cg|''Mighty No. 9'' Gallery|gal1|center|<gallery perrow="5">
File:MN9 Screenshot 01.jpg|How the game should have looked like.
File:MN9 Dina Chardesign.jpg|Non-cis character design. Also note ''[[Lie|completely original]]'' design.
File:MN9 Geargirl 01.jpg|Totally [http://neweraoutlaw.deviantart.com/art/Heeeere-s-Geargirl-34929281 not stolen].
File:MN9 No21.png|Well that didn't take long.
File:MN9 Call 01.png
File:MN9 Call 02.jpg
File:Mighty No9 Call.jpg
File:MIGHTY DINA 9.png
File:MIGHTY DINA 10.png
File:MIGHTY DINA 11.png
File:MIGHTY DINA 13.png
File:MIGHTY DINA 14.png
File:MIGHTY DINA 16.png
File:MIGHTY DINA 17.png
File:MIGHTY DINA 18.png
File:MN9 Le Dina Face.png
File:MN9 Norman Reedus.jpg
File:Mega Man Sees Mighty No 9.gif
File:Mighty Number 9 screw u.jpg
|border=#006eac}}<br /><br />
{{cg|Dina Karam Gallery|gal2|center|<gallery perrow="5">
File:MN9 Dina.jpg
File:MN9 Dina Hipster.jpg
File:Dina Abou Karam - New Hair Again.jpg ‎
File:MN9 Dina Plugged.png|LALALA I CAN'T HEAR U!
File:MN9 Dina Art.png
File:Dina Abou Karam - Lost In Translation.jpg
File:Dina Abou Karam - Miss Alice.jpg
File:Dina Abou Karam - Queen Alice Takes The Throne.jpg
File:Dina Abou Karam - Raine.jpg
File:Dina Abou Karam - Self Portrait.jpg|Self portrait. Couldn't even draw herself pretty.
File:Dina Abou Karam - State Of Utter Depression.jpg
File:Dina Abou Karam - State Of Utter Depression 2.jpg|SO SAD :( :(
File:Dina Abou Karam - DeviantArt Journal 1.jpg
File:Dina Abou Karam - DeviantArt Journal 2.jpg
File:MN9 Dina Equality.jpg|Dina supports [[Equality]].
==See also==
*[[Dear Cis People]]
*[[Mega Man]]
*[[Social Justice]]
*[[Video Games]]
*''[[Yooka-Laylee]]'' - 2017's ''Mighty No. 9''.
== External links ==
* [http://www.mightyno9.com/ Official Page]
* {{kickstarter|mightyno9/mighty-no-9|Official Kickstarter}}
* {{twitter|MightyNo9|Official Twitter}}
* {{fb|officialmightyno9|Official Facebook}}
* {{tumblr|mightyno9|Official Tumblr}}
* [http://www.giantbomb.com/mighty-no-9/3030-43790/forums/mighty-no-9-backer-community-in-unrest-1463741/ shitstorm begins]
=== Dina links ===
* {{fb|dina.aboukaram|Mighty Number Facebook}}
* <s>{{ljuser|communistmonkey|Mighty Number LJ}}</s> PURGED
* {{twitter|PetiteMistress|Mighty Number Twitter}}
* {{tumblr|nochoco|Mighty Number Tumblr}}
* {{gplus|106889454934091007875|Mighty Number Google+}}
* {{dauser|petitemistress|Mighty Number DeviantArt}}
* {{fb|riman.kammourieh|Mighty Number Mom}}
* {{fbid|110044725701788|Mighty Number Mom's Slimming Clinic}}
* {{blog|notyourfatherspin-up|Mighty Number Blog 1}}
* {{blog|kyotonogakusei|Mighty Number Blog 2}}
* {{blog|rabubeasan|Mighty Number Blog 3}}
* {{blog|thecommunistmunkee|Mighty Number Blog 4}}
* {{livestream|petitemistress|Mighty Number Livestream}}
* '''[http://www.behance.net/dina_ak Mighty Number Bēhance]'''
* {{skype|dina.aboukaram}}
* {{skype|petitemistress}}
* {{wayback|http://communistmunkee.com/|20110207150726|title=Mighty Number Personal Website}}
* Yahoo Messenger: lucky_petite_mistress
{{Social Justice}}
{{Timeline|Featured article June 25 & 26, [[2016]]|[[Greville Janner]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[United Kingdom]]}}
{{Timeline|Featured article October 12 & 13, [[2014]]|[[8chan]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[Moviebob]]}}
{{Timeline|Featured article December 20 & 21, [[2013]]|[[Angry Joe]]|[[{{PAGENAME}}]]|[[MrRepzion]]}}
{{corner|bl|[[File:Mighty number 9 dina durr.png|150px|durr...]]}}

Revision as of 00:16, 12 August 2018

This page proves ED staff and it's members are dwelling in the goddamn past
