YouTube Street Team

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No one fucks around when The Mole is on watch.

The YouTube Street Team knows all. When you make a phone call, YouTube Street Team has a tracer on it. When you make a page on ED, YouTube Street Team knows about it by way of its high-tech tube-sensitators, and is thus prepared to immediately forward this information to Sgt. Smith of the police department. The YouTube Street Team has connections to the NSA. When you sleep, YouTube Street Team watches you and touches itself.

Beyond that, noone really knows what the YouTube Street Team is, other than that it was once controlled by dragon enthusiast and possible Jew Argent009, and that it is now under the leadership of Internet scammer and CP collector Damien Estreich.

The YouTube Street Team was heavily involved in the YouTube Civil War of 2006.

Recent projects

  • December 24th? - The ruining of Renetto - Argent009 and the rest of the street team masterminded the ruining of alleged YouTube pedophile Renetto. [1]

Why are they so awesome gay?

  • The word 'street' is in their name. Obviously they know how to handle themselves in The Hood
  • The word 'team' is in their name. With teamwork, you can do anything.
  • No sense of humor. Laughter is for the weak.
  • Murder people who are less awesome.

Current Street Team Members

Former Street Team Members

The "Untrollables"?

Once our Internet detectives began to catch on to the Youtube Street Team's identies they decided to cut off all ties with the group, creating a new group, the untrollables.

External Links

YouTube Street Team is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
YouTube Street Team
is part of a series on
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